• l’année dernière
"National Anthem" (2023) is a drama film directed by Luke Gilford, marking his feature-length debut. The film stars Charlie Plummer as Dylan, a 21-year-old construction worker in rural New Mexico who seeks belonging within a community of queer ranchers and rodeo performers. The screenplay was co-written by Gilford alongside David Largman Murray and Kevin Best, drawing inspiration from Gilford's monograph titled National Anthem: America's Queer Rodeo.
The story follows Dylan as he navigates the challenges of supporting his younger brother and alcoholic mother while trying to find his place in the world. As he immerses himself in the vibrant community of queer rodeo performers, Dylan grapples with themes of identity, acceptance, and the pursuit of the American dream.
Release and Reception
"National Anthem" premiered at the 2023 SXSW Festival on March 10, 2023, and later had its international premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 7, 2023. It was released by Variance Films on July 12, 2024. The film has received positive reviews for its direction, screenplay, and performances, particularly highlighting the work of Plummer and co-star Eve Lindley.
Critics have praised the film for its beautiful cinematography and its ability to challenge preconceived notions about identity and community. It has been described as both progressive and nostalgic, capturing the essence of life in rural America while addressing contemporary issues within the + community.
Charlie Plummer as Dylan
Eve Lindley as Sky
Mason Alexander Park as Carrie
Rene Rosado as Pepe
Robyn Lively as Fiona
Box Office
As of now, "National Anthem" has grossed approximately $268,183 at the box office.


