Blacklight (2022) is an action thriller directed and co-written by Mark Williams, featuring Liam Neeson in the lead role as Travis Block, a veteran FBI fixer. The film revolves around Block's involvement in a government conspiracy following the murder of political activist Sofia Flores. After her death, Block is tasked with finding an undercover agent, Dusty Crane, who has crucial information about the case. However, as the plot unfolds, Block discovers that his own agency is implicated in the cover-up.
The film explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the moral dilemmas faced by those working in the shadows of law enforcement. Block's journey becomes increasingly perilous as he uncovers a secret FBI program called Operation Unity, which has led to the deaths of innocent civilians. The narrative escalates as Block confronts his superior, FBI Director Gabriel Robinson, ultimately leading to a showdown that reveals the truth behind the conspiracy.
Despite its intriguing premise, Blacklight received mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike. It was noted for its familiar action-thriller tropes and predictable plotlines, with some reviews describing it as a generic entry in Neeson's filmography. The film had a budget of $43 million but grossed only $16 million at the box office, marking it as a commercial disappointment.
The film explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the moral dilemmas faced by those working in the shadows of law enforcement. Block's journey becomes increasingly perilous as he uncovers a secret FBI program called Operation Unity, which has led to the deaths of innocent civilians. The narrative escalates as Block confronts his superior, FBI Director Gabriel Robinson, ultimately leading to a showdown that reveals the truth behind the conspiracy.
Despite its intriguing premise, Blacklight received mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike. It was noted for its familiar action-thriller tropes and predictable plotlines, with some reviews describing it as a generic entry in Neeson's filmography. The film had a budget of $43 million but grossed only $16 million at the box office, marking it as a commercial disappointment.