• 2 days ago
छठ को लेकर रेलवे ने कमर कस ली है। वाराणसी रेलवे स्टेशन से रोजाना लगभग एक दर्जन स्पेशल ट्रेनें चलाई जा रही हैं। उत्तर रेलवे मुख्यालय, मंडल मुख्यालय व वाराणसी के सभी स्टेशनों पर क्विक रिस्पांस टीम बनाई गई हैं जो स्टेशन पर होने वाली सभी व्यवस्थाओं की देख-रेख करेंगी। भीड़ को देखते हुए तीन अतिरिक्त टिकट काउंटर खोले जाएंगे, इन सभी के लिए रेल प्रशासन पूरी तरह तैयार है। स्टाफ को निर्देश दिए गए हैं कि सीसीटीवी कैमरों से लगातार निगरानी बनाए रखें। रेलवे की तरफ से की गई व्यवस्थाओं से यात्री काफी खुश हैं। उनका कहना है कि साफ-सफाई और सुरक्षा पर काफी काम किया गया है।

#IndianRailways #Chhath #Chhath2024 #VaranasiRailwaiStation #Varanasi #IndianRailways #SpecialTrains #UP


00:00There is a lot of crowd at Chhatt and Deepavali
00:03We have deployed quick response teams at Uttar Railway, Mandal and Varanasi stations
00:11It is a round-the-clock manning
00:13If there is a failure of an escalator, lift, electricity or water, our team will attend it
00:21We take round-the-clock updates
00:24We have deployed 3 secure counters, 3 unsecure counters and 10 ATVMs at Varanasi stations
00:34We have ensured their round-the-clock manning
00:37As the rush increases, we will open 3 extra counters for which the rail administration is fully prepared
00:43RPF has been instructed to monitor the crowd with a camera
00:50We have ensured that there is no crowd and that the platform is not changed at the end of the day
00:55So that the passengers do not face any inconvenience
00:59There are 12-13 special trains that either originate from Varanasi or cross from here
01:10On 2nd and 3rd of this month, the rail administration is running trains from Varanasi to Lucknow and from Varanasi to Delhi
01:1804205, 0407 and 0409
01:23Apart from this, we had some special Vande Bharat trains
01:2602279 and 02251 which were scheduled to run till 6th and 8th November
01:33But now they have been extended to 20th and 30th November
01:37We have to go to Balya from here
01:40The arrangements seem to be fine
01:43I use Twitter
01:46I have seen that many trains are being run from the railway
01:49Which you see on the weekends
01:53I have seen many trains for Darbhanga and for Balya
01:57Many trains going towards Bihar are being run
02:01It's been 1.5 hours since I came here
02:04The security is very good
02:07There is less crowd
02:11Rest we will see
02:14The arrangements are very good
02:17The station director has increased the facilities
02:21The administration has also increased the facilities
02:23So that the passengers do not face any inconvenience
02:26CCTV cameras are also being used
02:29Special trains have also been run
02:33The 6th special train has been run for Bihar
02:38I have come to see the arrangements
02:41I have come to see the arrangements
02:44But for now, everything is going well
02:48This is a place called Marwadi
02:51It is 4 km from here
02:54I have come to see the arrangements
02:57I have not seen since the new platform has been built
03:01I have come to see the new platform
03:04I have come to see the new platform
03:07It is better than before
