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00:20You know, Ollie, it's always nice to get out in the country and compute with nature.
00:25That's commune, not compute.
00:28But it certainly was a nice gesture for your cousins to invite us out for a visit.
00:34They even sent me a map to help us find their place.
00:37We should be near Big Hog Mountain now.
00:39It says to keep driving around the mountain, but to watch out for...
00:47... the waterfall.
00:48Now you tell me.
00:52Now pay attention to the directions.
00:54All right, Ollie. The map says to follow the road to the creek...
01:01... and to take the bridge, and what kind of directions are you giving me?
01:06Here, I'll find a way for us.
01:11The map says to follow the road to the end of the cliff.
01:21Well, Stanley, what is it?
01:24Maybe we should walk from here on.
01:26Maybe we should walk from here on.
01:31This looks like a warm, friendly little home.
01:34Right, Stanley. We'll ask for directions.
01:38Good day, my good men. Mr. Laurel and I would...
01:43What was that name again, stranger?
01:47Hear that, kinfolk?
01:49We heard, Grandpappy.
01:50Them's our sworn enemies.
01:52Yeah! The Laurels!
01:54Do your sworn duty, kinfolk.
01:59You and your warm, friendly home.
02:06Excuse me, sir. Could you direct us to the domicile of a Mr. Jeb Laurel?
02:12Laurel, eh? Ain't no Laurel dare set foot in my land in years.
02:17Sic'em, Laurel!
02:19Step up, boy!
02:26I'm beginning to figure this out, Stanley.
02:30There's something about the name Laurel that gets them.
02:34Run, Stanley!
02:38Come on! Let's run them Laurels off of our land!
02:42Maybe we'll be safe in this house.
02:46Hold up, boys! They's in Laurel territory!
02:50They've stopped, Ollie.
02:51Well, I'm taking no chances.
02:54This time, we won't even mention the name Laurel.
02:58Good day, sir. I'm Oliver Hardy, and...
03:02A Hardy, eh?
03:04You dare step onto my property?
03:08Oh! Oh! Oh!
03:21Must be an all-out Hardy offensive.
03:23Well, I is ready for it.
03:26Oh! Oh! Oh!
03:29Us Laurels will fight to the last Hardy,
03:32and I is getting the rest of us Laurels to do it.
03:36Come on! Get them Hardys!
03:39You and your country relatives!
03:42I'm sorry, Ollie!
03:44There they is! Blast them Laurels!
03:49Hey! How come we is both building the same strangers?
03:53Why, them two city fellers been putting us home!
03:56Then let's all get them!
03:59I didn't know you had cousins around here, too, Ollie!
04:03Oh, neither did I!
04:05At least I'll visit here,
04:07got the Laurels and the Hardys together on something,
04:10even if it is running us out of the hills!
04:15Get them city fellers!