• last year
Taken from Comedy Central’s Gone Native series, this animated short gives a humorous history lesson on Native peoples. | dG1fTWZ5cTY0bFVSdzA
00:00Six things you didn't learn about Native American people in high school.
00:04According to a recent study, 87% of US schools don't teach Native history after 1900.
00:09So let's catch you up. First off, Native people still exist.
00:12That's right! Instead of teaching you that Native people are still here, your school thought it was better to teach you cursive handwriting.
00:18Number two, there are over 500 different tribes and we all have our own cultures and customs.
00:23But instead of teaching you that, your school thought it was more important you learn Latin.
00:27A 2,700-year-old dead language!
00:31Three, we don't have magic powers, but I wish we did.
00:34Because I'd use them to make it so your school taught you that Native people can't talk to animals.
00:38Instead of whatever the presidential fitness test is.
00:42You heard what I said!
00:43Four, we all come in different skin tones, shapes, and sizes.
00:46Which you would know if your school didn't spend a bunch of time teaching you how many wives Henry VIII had.
00:51Oh my god, that's not even history from America!
00:54And your school taught you that, instead of anything about the people who were here first.
00:58Five, we don't all live on reservations. We're everywhere.
01:01Some of us might even be your next-door neighbors.
01:03And if you're wondering if we're quietly judging your school for not teaching you this,
01:07we for sure are because you should know this!
01:10Six, also, there are like 10 million Native people and no one can speak for all of us, including me.
01:15That means your dumb friend who got a DNA test that says he's 154th Cherokee can't speak for all of us either.
01:22This stuff might not sound as important as learning how to use a recorder to play Hot Cross Buns,
01:27but people need to learn this.
01:28Natives are still here and we're doing cool shit, like making this video!
01:33That's us!
01:34People ask Native folks weird questions all the time because they don't know any better.
01:38If schools aren't gonna teach you about us, we'd appreciate it if you at least told your friends about this.
01:42And make our lives a lot easier.
01:44Thanks, love you!
01:45Bonus number seven, did you know that former Price is Right host Bob Barker is Native?
01:50That's just a cool fact!
