ইন্টার্ণ চিকিৎসকদের জ্ঞান নিয়ে প্রশ্ন তুললেন তৃণমূল সাংসদ কল্যাণ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়।
00:00There is nothing to do with Amit. There is nothing to do with Karuri.
00:05CBI has done an investigation.
00:07CBI has done an investigation.
00:09It's been 18-19 days.
00:10It's been 60 days.
00:11One person has died.
00:12That's it.
00:14There is nothing more than that.
00:16Doctors, if they want to use someone as they wish,
00:20that can't be done.
00:22There is something called law.
00:24Emotion is not everything.
00:26Law will go according to it.
00:28They can't give any evidence.
00:30They can't give any evidence.
00:32But they are accepting it.
00:34They are praying to the mother.
00:36The doctors are good-willed.
00:38They have joined the work.
00:40They are good-willed.
00:42Serve the people.
00:44Serve the people of Bangla.
00:50In trade culture,
00:52I have seen all the letters they have written.
00:54The letters they have written in trade culture,
00:56they are completely vague.
00:58Who has given the trade culture?
01:02Who has given it?
01:04And how can the doctor's station be a local stand?
01:06Who has been treated?
01:08According to them,
01:10who has been ragged?
01:12They have complained to them.
01:14No one has done it.
01:16When did it happen?
01:18All these stories are making people delusional.
01:20The people who have come under CPM,
01:22the people who have come under CPM,
01:24the people who have come under CPM,
01:26all of them are finished.
01:28The doctors are good-willed.
01:30They are good-willed.
01:32They have come under CPM.
01:34All of them are finished.
01:36CPM has also sunk.
01:38They wanted to rise up.
01:40But CPM is finished.
01:42They are saying that there is a lot of interference in trade culture.
01:44There is no interference.
01:46There is a lot of interference.
01:48They want to prove the trade culture.
01:50There is no need for interference.
01:52They want to prove the trade culture.
01:54There is no need for interference.
01:56If I tell you that you are giving me
01:58information on trade,
02:00what will happen?
02:02The MLA of Chhattisgarh
02:04and the MLA of Meenakshar
02:06have been attacked.
02:08Who is responsible for it?
02:10I don't know.
02:12The people who have come under CPM
02:14have complained to the doctors.
02:16They will see.
02:18There is no use.
02:20Some people have complained
02:22that there is a lot of interference.
02:24There is a saying in Goda Bangla
02:26that if you don't know how to dance,
02:28you will get into trouble.
02:30God knows how to pass exams.
02:32He doesn't know how to perform surgery.
02:34That's why there is a lot of interference.
02:36Some people have complained
02:38that there is blood in the gloves.
02:40A doctor doesn't know
02:42which blood and which chemical.
02:44There is a question of knowledge.
02:46There is an intern
02:48who has to pass exams
02:50in Delhi.
02:52He has to pass the exams
02:54and then become an intern.
02:56I respect Mithun Chakraborty
02:58as an actor.
03:00I respect him a lot.
03:02But there is no value
03:04of political Mithun Chakraborty.
03:06He is a snake.
03:08Before every election,
03:10he gives a big dialogue
03:12and then goes home.
03:14Can anyone go home?
03:16He can't go home.
03:18Political Mithun Chakraborty
03:20is a snake.
03:22He is talking about 1968.
03:24In 1968,
03:26Siddhartha Shankar
03:28had given such medicines.
03:30Mithun Chakraborty had to flee
03:32from West Bengal.
ফের ভাইরাল তৃণমূল সাংসদ! মা কালীকে জড়িয়ে কান্নায় ভেঙে পড়লেন কল্যাণ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়!
Oneindia Bengali
‘টাকা কামানোর জন্য পাহাড় বেচলে হবে না’, দার্জিলিঙে গিয়ে বার্তা মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের
Oneindia Bengali
আরজি কর কাণ্ডের আবহেই শহরে ‘দেবী চৌধুরাণী’র আগমন! স্বাগত জানালেন অভিনেত্রী শ্রাবন্তী
Oneindia Bengali