• 2 hours ago
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 8 en Español Completo HD
00:00My wife, the famous, successful and respected businesswoman Aide Mosqueda,
00:07owner of Maxi-Click, is an infidel.
00:11And she's not happy with that.
00:13She brought her lover here to our home,
00:15making him go through the tutor of her older children.
00:21I'm sorry.
00:22I'm sorry.
00:23I'm sorry.
00:24I'm sorry.
00:25I'm sorry.
00:27I'm sorry.
00:29And of course, now I understand her hurry
00:31for me to leave her house and her life.
00:38Poor Paco.
00:39I'm infidel.
00:40We support you.
00:41And she doesn't love you?
00:43We do.
00:45And I forgot that I was going out with her.
00:49Shall we go?
00:52¿Nos vamos?
00:53Sí, sí.
00:55Princesa, voy en camino, eh.
00:57¿Cómo estás, muñeco?
00:59Soy el Calacas.
01:01Y solo hablo para decirte que le encargué a alguien que busque
01:05a tu hijo Emiliano de clínica en clínica.
01:08Y te aseguro que muy pronto van a dar con él.
01:11Mi hijo no tiene la culpa de nada.
01:13Pero tú sí.
01:14El que se le hace el Calacas la paga.
01:15Cóbramelas a mí.
01:17Con él no te metas.
01:18Es un niño.
01:19Yo te digo dónde estoy y nos vemos cara a cara.
01:24Me gustan los tamaños del muñeco.
01:27Ojalá pudiera verte, pero estoy entambado.
01:31No me atable para fregarte con el cuento de tu escuintle.
01:35Pero lo que no es un cuento es que en cuanto salga,
01:38me la vas a pagar.
01:40Y si no te encuentro, me voy a encontrar de tus hijos.
01:44Me vas a encontrar.
01:47Nunca antes me habían agarrado.
01:49Espero que esté en el bote.
01:51Yo chiflo y cualquiera de mis achichincles te hacen
01:55una visita.
02:02¿Me acompañas al hospital?
02:04Quiero ver a mi hijo.
02:06Sí, pero no sabía que tenías un hijo en el hospital.
02:09En el camino te cuento.
02:10Sí, ¿no ibas a ir con tu hija Lila?
02:12Sí, pero le mando un mensaje.
02:14Vamos, vente, vamos.
02:16¿Qué crees que me dolió más?
02:18¿Que invadieras mi privacidad así cañón?
02:22¿Que me acusaras de tener una enfermedad por andar de zorra?
02:25¿O el cachetadón que me metiste?
02:27Hija, por favor, entiéndeme.
02:30¿Tú sabes lo que se siente que alguien registre tu cuarto sin
02:32tu permiso?
02:33No tienes derecho a juzgar mi vida privada.
02:35Por eso es privada.
02:36Hay límites que ni una madre puede cruzar.
02:38Circe, no quiero que sigamos así.
02:41Mejor vamos a olvidarnos de esto, ¿sí?
02:44Yo nunca voy a olvidar lo que piensas de mí.
02:48Déjame sola.
03:07Ay, Dios mío, Dios mío.
03:10Ay, ¿qué hice?
03:12Ay, De me va a recortar todos mis gastos.
03:14Y eso es muy injusto, porque yo me sacrifiqué.
03:17Dejé pasar mis mejores años por ella.
03:19Escúchame bien, los mejores.
03:21Eso que ni qué.
03:22Y ya pasaron.
03:23Y encima he exhibido como un hombre al que le pusieron los
03:27Me esperé todo de ella, todo, Federica.
03:29Menos que me traicionara de esa forma.
03:31Ay, motopapi, pero eso no es ahorita.
03:34Viene de tiempo atrás.
03:35O sea, tiene que venir de tiempo atrás.
03:38No es ahorita, viene de tiempo atrás.
03:40O sea, tiene que ver con una relación que nunca fue,
03:42pero que tuvo dos consecuencias que marcaron la vida de mi
03:46¿De qué hablas, Federica?
03:47Tengo muchas cosas en la cabeza, estoy enojado,
03:49estoy agobiado.
03:50No me vengas con cosas así.
03:51Háblame claro, ¿qué pasa?
03:52Ay, es que te faltan, te faltan jugadores en la cancha,
03:56para que me entiendas.
03:57Suma dos más dos, cuatro.
04:00Ya, lo único que sé es que quiero desquitarme de la
04:02traidora de Idele, imbécil de Tino.
04:04Y ya.
04:06Verte, háblese una cosa, ya sé cómo lo voy a hacer.
04:15Te veo medio raro, ¿qué pasó?
04:16No, no, nada, broncas.
04:19No, no, no, a mí no me sacas la vuelta.
04:21Dime qué es lo que está pasando.
04:23Mira, te presento a Ulises.
04:26Ella es Berta, mi mamá.
04:28Mucho gusto, señor.
04:29El gusto es mío.
04:30Me voy a sentar ahí.
04:31Claro, claro.
04:33A ver, te cuento de ola.
04:35Un gañán le amenazó con hacerle algo malo a Emi.
04:39Ay, virgen santísima del socavón.
04:41¿Y es puro jarabe de pico o sí es peligroso?
04:44Más o menos.
04:46Ay, ¿no será que nada más te quieren espantar?
04:48Porque, la verdad, yo aquí no he visto nada raro, mijo.
04:52Como sea, yo creo que tenemos que avisarle a la policía.
04:55Sí, es lo mejor.
04:57¿Y ese niño es uno de mis nietos?
05:03Oye, pues déjame felicitarte.
05:06Eres un chavo bien educado.
05:08Ulises, ¿verdad?
05:10Ah, pues muy discreto, ¿no?
05:12Muy bien.
05:13Eso ya no se ve en los jóvenes de hoy, ¿eh?
05:15No, ya no.
05:16Es que así no se educó mi mamá.
05:18Ah, pues los educó muy bien.
05:20Ay, no como yo.
05:21Yo traté de educar a Tino.
05:22Y ve nomás cómo me salió.
05:24Está medio tarulfias.
05:27Voy a ver cómo está Emi.
05:32Bueno, ¿y qué?
05:35Pero, por favor, no me quite el puesto de asistente
05:38de stage manager.
05:39No he escuchado ese sabio himno que dice,
05:42otra oportunidad, otra oportunidad.
05:45Claranus, en el medio laboral,
05:47hay personas con capacidad de crecimiento y otras
05:50destinadas a quedarse con roles menores.
05:53Encalladas como barcos
05:56o como guardias de seguridad de conciertos.
06:00Te voy a regresar tu trabajo,
06:02pero no te quiero cerca de los artistas.
06:05Más bien, quiero que controles la multitud.
06:07O sea, ¿de esos guardias que ni siquiera interactúan
06:09con la producción?
06:10Tómalo o déjalo.
06:12Pues lo tomo.
06:13Pero antes de ir a pararme ahí como gendarme,
06:15deme unos minutos para checar a la bendy que me encargaron
06:18y regreso.
06:19No me tardo.
06:20A ver, no me estás entendiendo.
06:21Si tú dejas tu puesto,
06:22no es necesario que regreses.
06:27Ella no es el consultor porque la persona que me contrató
06:30prefirió que sea tutor de sus hijos.
06:33Ah, ya entendí.
06:36¿Pero qué es eso de ser tutor?
06:38¿Como ser niñero o así?
06:40La mamá de estos niños sabe que yo sé un montón de cosas
06:44que quiere que ellos aprendan.
06:46Son buena onda los chamacos, mi amor.
06:48De hecho, uno de ellos vino conmigo ahorita.
06:51Está aquí afuera, se llama Ulises.
06:53¿Y lo puedo conocer?
06:54¿Lo quieres conocer?
06:56Claro, mi amor.
06:57Voy por él.
06:58Oye, pa.
07:00¿Le puedes preguntar al doc si ya me puedo ir?
07:02Yo no quiero seguir aquí.
07:03Sí, mi amor.
07:04Yo le pregunto ahorita.
07:12¿Qué pasó, Ede?
07:13¿Todo bien?
07:14Perdón, necesito desahogarme.
07:17¿Qué es lo que pasa?
07:19No es fácil ser madre.
07:22Yo amo profundamente a mis hijos,
07:24pero a veces me siento rebasada,
07:27porque no sé si me paso de estricta
07:31o si no sé poner límites.
07:36¡Felicidades, Nenuca!
07:37Fuiste la más destacada en nuestro curso de inducción.
07:40Así que te esperamos para que te integres
07:42a trabajar con nosotros.
07:44Ay, muchísimas gracias, Igor, de verdad.
07:46Digo, Gori.
07:48Bueno, nos vemos pronto, entonces.
07:50Hasta luego.
07:51Por la sombrita.
07:55Guzmán, ¿me puedes decir
07:57por qué le estoy haciendo fiestecitas
07:58a la princesa de Azcapotzalco?
08:00Ey, tú cállate, yo me desé.
08:02No, dime.
08:03¿Por qué estás haciendo hasta lo imposible
08:05para meter esa perenganita a Maxi Click?
08:07Ya, ya.
08:08Te conocí a malos ratos,
08:09pero nunca a malos gustos, Guzmán.
08:11Igor, yo sé mover mis piezas
08:13y tengo muy claros mis planes para Luchito.
08:16Ey, ey, ey.
08:17Oye, ¿pero dijiste que hubo consecuencias
08:19con lo de Circe?
08:21Ni siquiera lo sé bien.
08:23Prejuzgué a mi hija, perdí el control.
08:27Corté un puente con ella que...
08:29¿Quién sabe si logra recuperarme?
08:32Pero siempre hay soluciones.
08:34¿Cuáles? Ya no sé ni cómo abordarla.
08:36Y tampoco se trata de imponerme.
08:39De verdad, ya no sé qué hacer.
08:43Mira, Uli y yo estamos aquí en el hospital.
08:45Vine a ver a Emiliano.
08:47Pero en un rato voy para la casa
08:48y podemos ver qué es lo que hacemos con Circe.
08:50¿Te parece?
08:51Ya sabemos que esto de ser papá y mamá
08:53no tiene nada de fácil.
08:55Pero tampoco es imposible.
09:00Hablar contigo me ayuda
09:03y tenerte en mi vida me hace bien.
09:05Ay, Dani.
09:06Necesitamos hablar.
09:08Para ti no tengo tiempo.
09:10La decisión de recortar tus beneficios
09:12ya está tomada.
09:13Y si crees que me vas a chantajear
09:15usando Scarlett,
09:16estás muy equivocado.
09:18Yo no pienso usar a mi hija
09:19para algo tan miserable.
09:22Por supuesto.
09:23¿Y qué pasa?
09:24¿Qué pasa?
09:25¿Qué pasa?
09:26¿Qué pasa?
09:27¿Qué pasa?
09:28¿Qué pasa?
09:29¿Qué pasa?
09:30¿Qué pasa?
09:31¿Qué pasa?
09:32¿Qué pasa?
09:33¿Qué pasa?
09:34¿Qué pasa?
09:35¿Qué pasa?
09:36No tengo nada de qué avergonzarme.
09:38Pero tú sí tenés mucha cola
09:39que te pisen.
09:40Yo solamente te pido
09:41que si no cambias los acuerdos
09:42de nuestro divorcio
09:43le voy a canalizar
09:44a todo el mundo
09:45que el ventadotino
09:46es tu amante.
09:49Si yo le aprieto
09:50fuerte la mano a mi papá,
09:51se le pasa todo mi dolor.
09:52¿Y yo?
09:53Como si nada.
09:54O sea que tu papá
09:55es como mágico.
09:56Algo así.
09:58Y si yo lo hago
09:59a mi amante,
10:00si me viene a apretar
10:01la mano,
10:02se le pasa todo mi dolor
10:03Something like that. And we share it between the two of us.
10:06How cool. I wish I could have a dad as cool as yours.
10:10Right? He's the best.
10:11Ulises, I know I'm not your dad, but...
10:15But whenever you want, I can lend it to you.
10:18Maybe one day I'll take your word for it.
10:20If you want to talk or some advice, here I am.
10:24It's not because I'm his mom, but you have someone you can trust
10:28and tell him everything you want, son.
10:30Yes, but today my new friend gave me the best advice in the world.
10:33I almost didn't even talk.
10:35But sometimes you learn more from situations than from words, son.
10:39Emiliano, you evolved very well.
10:44So I think we'll give you a raise tomorrow.
10:48Let's go!
10:52Thank you very much.
11:00I'm in a hole and I'm still digging.
11:07Wake up! Wake up, you bastard!
11:09Get up! Get up!
11:11What are you doing?
11:13Why do you smell me?
11:14You're not even a dog.
11:15What are you doing?
11:16Don't you smell like alcohol?
11:17You lied to me!
11:18You made me go back to hell
11:20I was thinking you were...
11:22Clara! Clara!
11:24Why did you hit Rudolf?
11:26No, it's a game.
11:29Why don't you go to your room and bring another doll to play with Rudolf?
11:35Hey, it was a joke.
11:37It doesn't make sense.
11:38Well, your joke cost me my job.
11:40How can you be so irresponsible, so rude?
11:43I'm here!
11:45That's cool!
11:46What is it?
11:47Your chaneque.
11:48What is a chaneque?
11:49It's really cool.
11:50Hey, Perinola.
11:51Can you bring a glass of water to Rudolf?
11:53It looks like his immaturity got stuck and he's drowning.
11:56Poor thing.
12:00Did you see all the mess Pipe made while you were sweeping the couch?
12:04I swear I was taking care of him.
12:05Oh, yeah!
12:06Now we have to clean all this while I try to process that I'm part of the unemployment statistics.
12:11I'm here! Here, Rudolf.
12:13Thank you, kid. Thank you.
12:16Hey, go pick up your crayons while I talk to Clarita, the crazy girl.
12:25I was going to know that you were so incompetent at work that you were fired.
12:29You're so inconsiderate.
12:30Can't you think?
12:32Can't you cooperate a little more?
12:34Don't you see everything we have on us?
12:37Is that why you want to kick me out of the house?
12:39Is that why you pressure me to cut my benefits?
12:41Oh, you're getting there.
12:42You want to make me desperate so I can leave you alone
12:44and you can go around dating that idiot.
12:47Don't be silly, please.
12:49I just don't understand.
12:50I don't understand how you could change me for someone like that.
12:53I know you left the neighborhood, but the neighborhood never left you, my queen.
12:57But with him?
12:58You know what? I've heard too many stupid things.
13:01Let me go!
13:02It seems like you don't understand that I'm giving you the opportunity to buy my silence.
13:05The first thing I want is to be the image of Maxi Glick,
13:08just like Lobroño proposed.
13:09And then...
13:12You're leaving right now.
13:13If you keep trying to get me out of here,
13:15you're going to regret it.
13:36Mom, is everything okay?
13:43Are you sure?
13:44Yes, I'm just tired.
13:48And Circe?
13:49She still doesn't want to leave her room?
13:54The wonderful producer quit because I made her a little joke.
13:58It's over.
13:59Lying makes me anxious.
14:01You can fool everyone, okay?
14:02I'm not a producer.
14:03I'm just a security guard.
14:05Well, I was, because I'm not anymore.
14:07And it's all your fault.
14:08Mine? Why?
14:09Oh, what do you mean why?
14:10Are you fighting?
14:14I was like this, like this,
14:15to become the stage manager's assistant.
14:17And now that opportunity doesn't exist
14:19because I had to take Pipe to my job.
14:21And then you pretended to be drunk
14:23and because of you I fractured a singer's nose.
14:26And everything.
14:27And how did you leave her?
14:28Like this?
14:29Like this?
14:30Like this?
14:31Rather like this.
14:32Get up.
14:33Now you're fighting.
14:35No, man.
14:36How do you think?
14:37No, no.
14:38How do you think?
14:39We would never fight.
14:42Hey, they should hire you as a security guard.
14:46Clara fractured her nose.
14:48I mean, so you feel what it's like to be successful, right?
14:51Oh, ridiculous little thing.
14:54Do you really think that I and all our ex-colleagues
14:57swallow the story that you are the child singer
14:59who is still successful?
15:02If only you believe it, look.
15:06In the era of streaming and social networks,
15:08you really thought I wasn't going to realize
15:10that you don't even reach 100 monthly listeners.
15:17Mom, I told you I don't want to see you today.
15:19For today you are very canceled.
15:22I'm Tino.
15:24Can we talk about the discussion you had with your mom?
15:29The things that happen between my mom and me
15:31are not a matter of a football player like you.
15:33I just wanted to help.
15:36But we can talk about what is in my field of self-taught.
15:40For example, your homework.
15:43I mean, what?
15:46Notice that in class I have to talk about irresponsible paternity.
15:50I mean, about men who didn't even find out they had children
15:53and they disappear.
15:54Just like that.
16:06Pretty girl, I have a surprise for you.
16:13Hey, pretty girl, I have to go.
16:15Why? Did you do it for the police?
16:17Oh, X, we didn't do anything.
16:19It's just that they are looking for me and I don't know if I want to go down.
16:21Let me go to the side and don't go down.
16:29Let me go!
16:31I didn't do anything!
16:35Let me go!
16:44Tino, in what language do I have to tell you that I don't want to see you?
16:48I'm not Tino, I'm your brother, babas.
17:06Don't even tell me anything.
17:07I did read your message that you had to go see Emiliano.
17:10And as always, I came last.
17:13Look, Lila.
17:16I know I've been bad to you more than I wanted.
17:20But you must understand that there are emergencies
17:22that have to be addressed immediately.
17:25But that doesn't mean that you are less valuable to me.
17:30I love you.
17:31It doesn't seem like it.
17:33Don't say that.
17:34All my children have a very important place here in my heart.
17:38All your children?
17:39Well, how many do you have?
17:41No, that's not what I mean.
17:43No, no.
17:44I mean that I promise you that I will try to balance my time, yes?
17:48And be together.
17:49Will you forgive me?
17:51Yes, dad.
17:53There's just one thing.
17:55I don't want to live in the Mosqueda mansion.
17:58I don't fit in here.
17:59It's always weird to get to a new place, but...
18:02Give it time, honey.
18:04Maybe one day you'll make friends with Circe, right?
18:07No, no, no.
18:08Not at all.
18:09She and her friends are hateful.
18:11I wanted to get together with them and they saw me ugly.
18:14I'm sure you didn't want to hear that Lorena has something called...
18:20An infection.
18:21No, I didn't understand what it was.
18:23But I wanted Circe to keep her medicines
18:26so that she wouldn't be caught in her house.
18:31What was that?
18:33I'm not going to tell you what happened in the fight with my mom.
18:36Didn't you say that there were no secrets between us?
18:38What, micro-lie?
18:40Self-analyze yourself, Ulises.
18:42When you were in the hospital,
18:44you told me there were things you didn't want to talk about.
18:47Well, so do I.
18:48Look, if you don't want to talk to me, then talk to Tino.
18:51That's his job.
18:52Oh, no, don't even mention the drunk guy from the drummer and his hairy family.
18:56Let's see, Circe, they're not bad people.
18:58I know you're the chick with a chicken heart,
19:00but I'm the realistic chick,
19:02and I don't care that my mom brought you here.
19:05So I love you, but give me some space.
19:24Are you sure Lila understood?
19:27It was terrible to hear other people's conversations in secret,
19:30but at least it was useful to know that Circe is healthy.
19:34You can't imagine the weight you're taking from me.
19:37It's serious that Circe has left you thinking
19:39that she did have a sexually transmitted disease.
19:43Why do you think she behaves like that with me?
19:45Don't take it the wrong way,
19:47but you judged the idea.
19:49Yes, it was wrong.
19:50I don't know what happened to me.
19:52I think children should be listened to,
19:56Violence, aggressions,
19:58all they do is close the door on us.
20:02Yes, I know.
20:03I'd do anything to erase that moment.
20:06Now I just have to try to understand
20:08why she behaves like that with me.
20:10Find a way to get closer.
20:12I think she's trying to get your attention,
20:15and what you need is to give yourself time to be with her.
20:19Because if there's no problem, it's going to grow.
20:23Sometimes I feel like I can't take it anymore.
20:25I wonder if I should quit my job to be with them.
20:29No, what you need is to find a communication channel
20:35with each one of them.
20:37It's not easy, I know.
20:39Look at my colleague.
20:41Do you feel there's a distance between you two?
20:43No, there are kilometers.
20:45She feels second,
20:47because the attention her brother needs is always greater.
20:50And I understand her.
20:52But look, it hurts me to know that with all my love,
20:56I'm hurting her.
20:59And you're right.
21:00It's a shame that these kids don't have a manual
21:04to know what to do.
21:07But we just have to team up,
21:09get our act together...
21:11And a lot of patience.
21:13A lot.
21:14A lot.
21:15A lot.
21:17Come on, handsome, let's have a drink.
21:21I'm also in the mood, but I can't go tonight.
21:25I have to be watching my ex's lover.
21:27Tino's idiot.
21:29I mean, the father of the two kids.
21:31Yes, two.
21:33Did you apply?
21:34I don't know who he is, Dad.
21:36But you know what?
21:37I'm not going to let him take my place in this family.
21:40I'm going to show him what I'm capable of.
21:43I'm going to show him what I'm capable of.
21:45There's no way with you, right?
21:52Beloved Facom followers,
21:55I never imagined doing a live to tell you
21:58the worst news your humble servant has received here.
22:04Is it true that I can't be in peace for a second in my room?
22:10Because there is someone who is not in peace either
22:13and needs to talk to you.
22:16Well, tell that someone to come tomorrow.
22:19And that's it.
22:27When you were born,
22:30your mother asked herself something, Circe.
22:35How do you pretend to be a mother?
22:37Why doesn't my daughter make a spell on the bus?
22:41Who is going to explain to me what I should do
22:44and what I shouldn't do to raise them as good people?
22:48How many times am I going to make mistakes?
22:51And how many will I be able to do things right?
22:54Parents don't always have the right.
22:57But what we do have
22:59is the right to make mistakes
23:01and to apologize, Circe.
23:03Especially to those we love the most.
23:06And that's why I came, daughter.
23:09Just to ask you to forgive me.
23:21Are you really not going to judge me?
23:26I came to tell me what you want to tell me
23:29without getting angry or trusting you.
23:33I promise to respect your ideas
23:36and advise you as best I can.
24:04Friends, today is a very sad night.
24:07I hope it doesn't break your heart
24:09because a couple of heartbreaking roles are coming up...
24:13No, no, no. We don't want to cry.
24:15We want to dance.
24:17Do the little frog.
24:19That's it!
24:20The little frog!
24:22Little frog!
24:23Okay, okay, okay. It's okay.
24:25It's okay, dear fans.
24:27Do you want a little frog?
24:30Do you want a little frog?
24:32I'm going to sing the little frog, okay?
24:34But then I'm going to throw the popcorn
24:37that I want, and you hold on.
24:39Sing already, clown.
24:41The one from...
24:49How is that version?
24:50No, no, no.
24:51That's not the move.
24:52The good one.
24:53The one from here.
24:54That's like, like, like water frog.
24:56I want the little frog one.
24:58No, no, no.
24:59Little frog.
25:01The little frog.
25:07Oh, come here, little frog.
25:10Let's see how those artichokes
25:12that you like so much
25:14because they remind you of me are doing.
25:17Oh, it smells really good.
25:20The truth is, everything in this kitchen
25:23smells really good.
25:25Why don't we go to the dark
25:27and go to the little frog?
25:29Get out.
25:30Get out of here.
25:31Get out of here.
25:32You know that as long as you don't use a knife
25:34to get an osteotomy,
25:35there's no little frog.
25:37I don't understand
25:38why you didn't do it, Chano.
25:40She understands.
25:41I was afraid to stop feeling.
25:43Didn't I tell you a lot of times
25:45that you cleared up your doubts and fears
25:47with a doctor?
25:48You didn't do it because you're ignorant.
25:50Don't get upset.
25:51You too.
25:52Our ignorance can affect
25:54our kids a lot.
25:56We have to give them
25:57a good sexual education.
25:59I'm saying this for Checo.
26:01Enough, Lili, enough.
26:03Why the long face?
26:05Do you know anything about Checo?
26:07Come on, tell me.
26:09No, I mean...
26:11Hey, I'm listening.
26:13What are you talking about?
26:15Come on, tell me.
26:17Come on.
26:18How are you?
26:19Tell me if you've had sex.
26:22And if you have, did you take care of yourself?
26:24What do you think, Mom?
26:26I would never bring kids to the world
26:28by accident.
26:30And I don't want to frustrate my dreams
26:32like I frustrated yours when I was born.
26:39I know the circumstances
26:40in which I got pregnant
26:42are not an example to follow for anyone.
26:45But if I told you,
26:46it was because you and your brother
26:48needed to know their story.
26:50I preferred to be honest
26:51and tell them as it is.
26:53But knowing my truth
26:54doesn't give you the right
26:56to use it against me.
26:58And I ask you not to repeat this.
27:01I won't do it again.
27:03I don't want to sound mean,
27:07nothing was right, really.
27:09I know.
27:11And with all my heart,
27:12I hope the story of your first time
27:14is infinitely better than mine.
27:17The truth is that story
27:19still doesn't happen.
27:21I didn't want to take that step.
27:27I only have one question.
27:30Why did you make me think the opposite?
27:32What made you tell me
27:34that you had been with several boyfriends?
27:37It was because it hurt me
27:39to go into my room
27:41and see that you had registered
27:43up to the trash bin.
27:45And then you demanded that I say
27:47that I had had sex,
27:49almost with several,
27:51that I had a sexually transmitted disease.
27:54I mean, what?
27:56As if you didn't know me.
27:58Oh, my life.
28:00You instilled values in me.
28:02I know how, when, and with whom.
28:05What really hurts me
28:07is that you blamed me
28:09without me doing anything.
28:11I'm really sorry, my daughter.
28:13I know I'm not the best daughter.
28:18I'm not the worst either.
28:20That's what I think.
28:26Neither your father nor I regret
28:28having taken this path.
28:30That's right, Chato.
28:32No, no, no, stop.
28:34You're not lying for living together.
28:36Since I've been right,
28:38I've heard your complaints, your reproaches,
28:40that you could have done thousands of things.
28:42It's very clear to me that this affected your lives.
28:45No, don't say that, son.
28:47You see?
28:48When you lie, you want to get back on your feet.
28:50I know.
28:51But this time it's not like that, son.
28:53It's the truth.
28:54Let's see, if you could have chosen
28:56to entertain me or not entertain me,
28:58would you have betrayed the world, yes or no?
29:02Don't mess with me.
29:04Don't mess with me.
29:16What are you doing here?
29:18How dare you bring Pipo to a place like this?
29:20I know it was wrong,
29:22but I needed to prove something I suspected about you.
29:24I can't leave him alone.
29:25I know.
29:26You're here to make fun of my face,
29:28how pathetic I am.
29:29On the contrary.
29:30I just wanted to prove that we're on the same page.
29:32The two of us are a pair of losers.
29:36I feel bad.
29:39What's wrong, kid?
29:41It's burning.
29:43What? I was fine.
29:45Let me see.
29:46Oh, Perinola, do you have a fever?
30:03Sweet words that taste so good
30:07You put everything on it
30:11You arrive with flowers after ten
30:15I've been waiting for you since three
30:19Night after night it hurts me more
30:22I can't hide it anymore
30:26I make you reasons to love
30:30Now I know I have to run
30:34Say what you say
30:38You're already on top
30:42Do what you do
30:46Let all your tricks work
30:50There's nothing behind your pretty look
30:55So malicious
30:58Don't you think you're going to get me
31:03You won't see me again
31:07You won't see me again
31:31A huge distance.
31:34And I don't know if there's a bridge that can connect us.
31:39I think we can both put our part in my life.
31:44Sorry, but no.
31:47I didn't do anything to make you go far.
31:51So I think it's more your thing than mine.
31:55And not out of capriciousness.
31:57It's for us to understand each other.
32:00That's why I'm asking you to help me, daughter.
32:03Because I can't do it alone.
32:05Things are getting out of hand and I don't know where to start.
32:09Well, you don't know, I don't.
32:12And the truth is that hiring a full-time tutor
32:15I don't think it's going to help.
32:17It's like you want to tell us that when you're at home
32:20you don't want to take care of us.
32:23Don't think that, my love.
32:28Time's up, mother and daughter.
32:31Can you leave me alone?
32:55Rodolfo, Rodolfo, wake up.
32:57Pipe is coughing very badly.
32:59His fever has gone down, but he doesn't look bad.
33:01What do you have here, little one?
33:04No, I'm sick.
33:07Fura said he was allergic to something.
33:09Please tell me it wasn't peanuts.
33:11Tell me it wasn't nuts, pistachios, I don't know.
33:14I don't remember. Where's the list he gave us?
33:16I don't know. You had it. No, look for it.
33:18Let's look for it. Yes, yes.
33:20Do something.
33:25Where is it?
33:26Look, look, look.
33:27Where is it?
33:28Here it is, here it is, here it is, here it is.
33:30Please tell me it's not there.
33:33Oh, it can't be.
33:37Pipe is allergic to peanuts.
33:43Why didn't the new boss of my dad
33:45make him a consultant, but a tutor?
33:48Well, I don't know much about that lady.
33:50I barely saw her a few times.
33:52That's true.
33:53I think she's a very good agent.
33:56So why was my dad so sure about that job?
34:00And he didn't know that they would give him the editor's job later.
34:04It's something that will help me get the job I've been looking for so long.
34:09And when I have it, I'm going to ask for an advance.
34:12And since she's a mother,
34:14she'll understand the urgency we have with Emiliano's operation.
34:20Guess who's going to spend the night with you.
34:23Who, who?
34:26Oh, well, very good, because I take the opportunity to sleep.
34:29It's just that I fall asleep, son.
34:31Yes, mom, rest.
34:32Here's the jelly, right?
34:33It's a little cold, but hey.
34:38Do you want more, son?
34:43Hey, dad.
34:44Tell me.
34:45How did you do it to get your new job?
34:47Oh, my love, it's like a thousand and one nights.
34:49This is a very, very long story that one day I'm going to tell you.
34:53Because what do you think?
34:54It's time to sleep.
34:56Yes, my love.
34:57It's late.
34:58It has a temperature of 39.
35:00And he breathes like, like weird, right?
35:03Oh, Rudolf, I'm going to die if something happens to Pipe.
35:05You know what?
35:06Let me check the symptoms.
35:07Man, great idea, huh?
35:09Dr. Internet will surely cure us, Pipe.
35:11Oh, what else do you want me to do?
35:13I already called Mrs. Pura and she doesn't answer the phone.
35:15Oh, Rudolf, I think it was the peanuts.
35:18What if he dies?
35:19Shut up.
35:21Don't say that.
35:22Shut up.
35:29I'm happy to sleep in the bed I'm sleeping in.
35:32It's just that it's so padded.
35:34Oh, what's that?
35:36Well, and now what?
35:37What else do you want?
35:39It's just that I'm not happy in this house and I don't want to be here.
35:42And now?
35:44Because of my dad's priorities.
35:46It seems that now Mrs. Aide's children will be above me.
35:50Let's see, my love.
35:51Your dad adores you.
35:53And he would give his life for you, but now he has to work.
35:55And his job is to take care of Aide's children.
35:59And who takes care of me?
36:00And don't tell me it's you.
36:02Because that's not your responsibility.
36:04Look, let's go to the hospital because your dad is on his way back
36:07and Emi can't stay alone for a long time.
36:10Oh, how fun.
36:13A Sunday in the hospital.
36:15Oh, you're in a hurry.
36:17Come on, my girl. Let's go.
36:19How about we make a plan, the four of us?
36:22There's a play we could go see.
36:24Then we could eat in Coyoacán.
36:26Spend the afternoon there.
36:27What do you think?
36:28No, thank you.
36:29My social battery is exhausted.
36:31I do want to go, Mommy.
36:33But also Mommy and Daddy.
36:35Scarlett, I don't think your dad will go.
36:37And especially not when my mom finds out
36:39about what your daddy did the other way around.
36:41What do you mean, Circe?
36:43Check out Facundo's channel.
36:45The live he recorded yesterday.
36:47Plus, that dude knows how to be zero sublime.
36:49My wife, the famous...
36:52...successful and respected businesswoman
36:54Aide Mosqueda,
36:56owner of Maxi Kick,
36:58is an infidel.
37:00And she's not happy with that.
37:02She brought her lover into our home
37:04pretending to be a doctor for her older children.
37:07I can't believe it.
37:09What a fool.
37:11Why do you say that, Daddy?
37:15How's the troop?
37:18I just got out of the hospital.
37:22What's wrong?
37:24I'm so glad to see you!
37:25Hey, just to ask you,
37:27are you just a tutor
37:28or do you also work like my mom's lover?
37:37How old is the boy?
37:38He's 2019.
37:40I see. The black kids are dominating him.
37:42Is the little one allergic to something?
37:44To peanuts.
37:46That's all for now.
37:47Later I'll need more information.
37:55Your mom hired me as her tutor.
37:58I'm not her lover,
38:00her boyfriend,
38:01her friend.
38:02I'm her employee.
38:04Good morning, family!
38:07Rina, please take Scarlett and the twins.
38:09Yes, ma'am.
38:10I want to be with my dad.
38:12Honey, you'll be with your dad,
38:13but please go out for a moment.
38:15Can you help me with your sister?
38:16Let's go.
38:17I don't want to.
38:19Honey, what's going on?
38:23What's going on?
38:24What are you doing?
38:25If your mom tells you to go out,
38:27please go out.
38:28Go with your siblings.
38:29I'll go to the radio and play with you.
38:33That's it.
38:34Let's go, honey.
38:35How nice.
38:36Go with Rina.
38:37Come on.
38:41She listens to me.
38:43Is it because she doesn't want me out of my daughter's life
38:45that you force your lover on her?
38:47You're amazing, Facundo.
38:49Kids, please go out, okay?
38:52No, I think we're old enough
38:54to listen to your whining.
38:56Right, Uli?
38:57We're staying.
38:58What Circe said.
39:00Okay, stay.
39:01We have nothing to hide.
39:02And she talked about the tutor's remedy.
39:05That's enough.
39:06Tino is not the issue.
39:07I want you to explain to me
39:08why you recorded that video.
39:10Did you gain more followers
39:11by telling those lies or what?
39:13I'm not lying.
39:14Tell me what this guy is doing
39:16here in the house with my family.
39:17I don't have to give you explanations.
39:19You're not my husband anymore.
39:20And I don't want you in my house.
39:22Go away.
39:23Where am I going?
39:24This is my home.
39:25They are my children.
39:26You were never a father to them.
39:28And if you have nowhere to go,
39:29it's because you're useless.
39:31That's why I let you stay
39:32after the divorce,
39:33but it's over.
39:34Leave right now.
39:37Just one question.
39:38How much did this cost you?
39:40Because you bought it, didn't you?
39:42Logroño said well
39:43that you're not a woman enough
39:44to keep a man by your side.
39:45You're going to be alone for the rest of your life.
39:47No, Tino!
39:48No, Facundo!
39:49Did you see how he hit me?
39:51He's a savage!
39:53Shut up!
39:54Didn't you hear the lady of the house?
39:56Get out!
39:57Get out?
39:58No, you're not going to...
39:59No, Tino!
40:01No, no, no!
40:02Come on, Tino.
40:03Come on, Tino.
40:04Come on, Tino.
40:06Shut up!
40:07Enough, now!
40:08Did you see?
40:09Did you see how he hit me again?
40:12In fact, I'm going to record you
40:13so they can see what kind of monkey you are.
40:16No, Tino!
40:17No, Tino!
40:20My face!
40:21My cell phone!
40:22They're my work tools!
40:23Stop exaggerating, right?
40:24It doesn't turn on!
40:25It doesn't even turn on!
40:26Better worry about not being man enough
40:28for a woman like Aide.
40:31Facundo, no!
40:32Stop, please!
41:01In front of us,
41:02the software that controls
41:03the complex logistics of deliveries
41:05of Maxi Click.
41:08Without the chair, you can't?
41:09You can't?
41:11Tino, let me go!
41:12Don't hurt my daddy!
41:13Let him go!
41:14My life.
41:17I promise we're not going to fight anymore, okay?
41:19Don't act like a hero, okay?
41:20I came to turn the twins into models.
41:23And you're not going to come and educate my daughter either.
41:25You're not going to be the Cinderella
41:27who, from starvation,
41:28became the master and lord of this house.
41:33He put him in the house
41:34with everything and the bad luck of his family.
41:36He gives him money
41:37and he's taking you out of his life.
41:38I mean, the father of the two children.
41:41Yes, two.
41:43Now I understand everything, Aide.
41:46You finally found your eternal crush.
41:50I mean, if Facundo says that Tino is your crush...
41:53And if Tino is not a tutor
41:55because Circe and I investigated him.
41:57And overnight,
41:58you put Tino in the house
41:59and all his problems.
42:01Not only did you put him in the house,
42:02you also put him in the family matters.
42:05The twins are turning the squirrel.
42:08Tell him the truth.
42:09And they will know.
42:10They will know.
42:13Although I would have liked to have more time
42:15to win his affection
42:17and his trust.
42:18Win us?
42:19Like for what?
42:21Do you remember the anniversary of high school,
42:23the one I attended?
42:24There I met Tino again.
42:26And after seeing how loving
42:28and good a father he is,
42:30I decided to confess a secret to him
42:32that I have kept
42:33for almost 17 years.
42:37Tino is our father?
