• last year
Okay...why is the theory theory-ing, though?!

@hichasestokes reacted to "Fan Mail" about a possible villain running the show behind-the-scenes of #OBX. Do you think it's possible?


00:00Next step is hold on. This is this is deep. Mr. Sun is a villain theory
00:07I'm blown away at this. Okay, he seems like he knew too much about what was going on with the Pogues
00:11I know he's a history teacher. So it makes sense that he might have the diary but giving it to the Pogues careful with that
00:19It just seems reckless and a diary as valuable as that is not something a teacher would give his students if Mr
00:26Sun is a villain. I will I
00:29Don't know what I'll do
00:30I think I might cry because
00:32it's such a great character and I personally thought he was just a sweet human being who was trying to help these kids find their
00:38way in life, but
00:39This changes everything. Wow. Well that just
00:44Threw me for a loop a little bit. Okay