• last year
Weed is a plant that appears in places where its presence is not welcome. It usually occurs in fields, gardens, or other areas where beneficial plants are cultivated. Weeds compete with crops for water, light, and nutrients, making them a threat to desired plants.

In a broader social context, “weeds” serve as a metaphor for groups and individuals who do not conform to widely accepted norms and patterns. These include refugees, artists, and socially excluded individuals—those who stand out from the mainstream for various reasons. Like weeds, they are often marginalized, and their presence may be undesirable to a society striving for homogenization.

However, within each of these “weeds” lies a unique beauty that deserves to exist and from which everyone can benefit. The mower, symbolizing social mechanisms, often ruthlessly eliminates these differences in the name of uniformity. But perhaps it is time to stop viewing diversity as a threat and start recognizing its value.
