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Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 11 Capitulo 144 Completo HD
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 11 Capitulo 145 Completo HD
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 11 Capitulo 146 Completo HD
Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 11 Capitulo 144 Completo HD
00:00La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la...
00:04No puede ser!
00:06La señorita Lesea encamada con el joven hermoso!
00:09Ay, estaría viendo mal!
00:10No puede ser!
00:12¿Qué han hecho estos mellizos?
00:13Esa es del baile de los negritos.
00:16¿De los negritos?
00:17¿Y cómo se baila, verga?
00:23Ya, no te burles.
00:24Ay, ay, ay.
00:27Pero, ¿por qué te molesta?
00:28No me molesto.
00:29Solo no me gusta que te burles de algo que no conoces.
00:31Yo no voy a decir nada.
00:32No quiero que me diga chismoso.
00:34Mis labios están sellados.
00:35Ya, bueno, está bien.
00:36No digas nada, pero no sé.
00:38Deja que...
00:39Haznos señas.
00:40Dinos algo de alguna manera.
00:41¿Qué es eso?
00:43¡Oh, por Dios! ¡Se están cuchareando!
00:47Un momento.
00:49¿Ese es Jimmy González?
00:51¿Pero él debería estar estudiando en Guanajuato?
00:54Quieto, tranquilo, ya.
00:56Ay, ya, ya.
00:57Vamos, ahí vamos.
00:59¿Cuándo regresó Jimmy González?
01:00¿No estaba en un curso en México?
01:02No es que me importe, pero por saber.
01:04No, no terminó el curso.
01:05¿Pero por qué?
01:06¿Por qué perdió una oportunidad así?
01:08Es un estúpido, un idiota, mi amor.
01:11¿Sabes qué, papá?
01:12No quiero hablar de Jimmy González, ¿sí?
01:13Sí, sí, sí.
01:14Entiendo, hijita.
01:15Permiso, tengo cosas que hacer.
01:20¿Eso quiere decir
01:22que mi hijita y ese pelafustán terminaron?
01:26Ya no están, ya no están, ya no están.
01:29¿Por qué Salvador estaba en esta casa?
01:32Porque se quedó a cuidarme porque me pasé de trabajo.
01:37Yo sé muy bien lo que vi.
01:39Nada, nada, ya, no pienses mal.
01:41Él durmió en el piso porque yo estaba borracha.
01:43Eso no fue lo que yo vi.
01:45¿O sí?
01:55¿Cómo estás?
01:56Bueno, habrán desayunado, ¿no?
01:57Porque solo hay para comer esta bazocha intragable.
01:59Sí, está horrible.
02:01Ay, Juanacho, familia.
02:04No saben qué bien la pasamos en Chalhuaca, ¿sí?
02:07Por eso, les estoy contando para evitar problemas.
02:09Pero no vemos por qué, si nadie los vio.
02:11Pero de milagro.
02:12Tú sabes cómo corren los chismes en este barrio.
02:15No va a pasar nada, abuelito.
02:17Sí, puedo estar tranquila.
02:22¡Me voy a ir al infierno!
02:25¡Me voy a ir al infierno!
02:30Ahora sí se acabó todo, prima.
02:33Nunca más voy a pensar en Alicia.
02:36Tú misma la escuchaste.
02:37Cuando me dijo cómo me odiaba.
02:40Y ahora el mismo Claudio los vio en la cama.
02:46¿Cómo nos dejamos engañar por ese par?
02:49Somos unos idiotas.
02:52Ellos lo son.
02:53Nos perdieron y...
02:55y para siempre.
02:57Si quiere quedarse con ese bueno para nada,
03:00ahí a ella, pues.
03:01Y ahí a él.
03:08¿Puedes decirle a Joel que venga, por favor?
03:12¿Quieres que venga a consolarte?
03:15Quiero que se lleve a Gaspar.
03:17Soy tu esponjita.
03:20Muchas gracias, Gaspar.
03:21Pero ya me está doliendo el abdomen.
03:24Como en la vida, ¿no, papi?
03:26Justo cuando estabas bien con Alicia,
03:28te ganan la beca para irte a Guanajuato
03:30y todo se malogra.
03:33Es como que si el destino estuviera en contra del amor.
03:54Vaya, qué linda sorpresa.
03:58¿Cómo estás?
04:03Mi papá ha regresado de viaje
04:05y aún no se entera de que no tiene el restaurante.
04:09No va a pasar nada.
04:11Ya me gustaría tener tu optimismo.
04:15No va a pasar nada.
04:24¿Aluno González?
04:26¿Qué haces aquí?
04:29Buenos días, profesor.
04:30¿Qué? ¿Ya pasó un mes?
04:32Por lo que tengo entendido,
04:34¿usted podría prolongar sus estudios?
04:36¿O me equivoco?
04:38No, no ha pasado un mes.
04:40Y no se equivoca.
04:41Sí, sí, voy a prolongar mis estudios,
04:43pero pasaron unas cosas y tuve que volver.
04:46Eso quiere decir
04:48que usted abandonó la universidad
04:51autonómica de Guanajuato.
04:54Sí, profesor, ¿tuve qué?
04:56Es usted, alumno González, un sonso.
04:59Esa era la oportunidad de su vida.
05:03Ahora, ¿yo puedo saber
05:05por qué o qué lo llevó a tomar esa decisión errática?
05:10Asunto personal.
05:11Ay, ¿qué asunto personal? ¡Ni nada, González!
05:14El diplomado es un asunto personal.
05:17Esa oportunidad que usted desprecia
05:19y tira por la borda
05:20la quisieran tener muchos jóvenes.
05:22No, profesor, yo no la desprecio.
05:24Pero justamente por eso vine.
05:26Necesito saber por qué yo.
05:28¿Por qué me dieron esa beca justo a mí?
05:31A ver, González.
05:34Como le dije en su momento,
05:36usted se la ganó por su propio esfuerzo.
05:39Gonzalo Catelli, sí, yo sé que me esfuerzo.
05:41Pero los dos sabemos que yo no soy un alumno brillante.
05:44Así que necesito saber la verdad.
05:47Por favor, se lo suplico.
05:53Lo tengo que superar.
05:55Eso volvió del frente.
05:56Lo voy a ver todo el tiempo con esa...
06:01Ay, ay.
06:03Creí que te habías ido.
06:04Justo iba a pasarle una escudita al cuarto.
06:07Aunque, ay, me dolió en las muñecas.
06:10No, no te preocupes.
06:11Yo vine por una cosita y ya me voy.
06:14Yulia, espera.
06:17Ay, no.
06:18No me digas que seas así por el paliducho ese.
06:21Olvídate, ¿ah?
06:22Porque hombres hay más...
06:24Digo, quiero decir que hay más hombres buenos,
06:29nobles y trabajadores como...
06:32Como mi rey, como tu tío Pepito.
06:35Es que tienes que ser muy inteligente.
06:37Como mi rey, como tu tío Pepito.
06:39Es que tienes que visualizarlo,
06:41mirarlo completo, cerrar los ojitos
06:45y ver su carita, su cuerpo, todo.
06:49Ay, sí, mira.
06:50Cierra, cierra.
06:51Cerramos los ojitos y verlo así.
06:59Mira qué cosa bonita.
07:02Qué boca tan redondita.
07:04Me gusta esa barbita.
07:07Pepe no tiene barba.
07:09Ah, no, claro.
07:10Claro, no, no.
07:11Lo que pasa es que tú tienes que visualizar a un hombre
07:14que sea completamente diferente al que te rompió el corazón.
07:18Bueno, en tu caso, tú tendrías que visualizar
07:20a un hombre alto, bronceado, peludo.
07:25Ahorita no tengo ganas de visualizar a nadie.
07:28Ay, yo entiendo.
07:30Pero mira, aunque no lo creas,
07:32yo estoy segura que esto va a pasar
07:34y que tú de pronto vas a poder estar y ver.
07:38Mira, tienes que visualizar a un hombre con el que te guste,
07:42a un hombre maravilloso.
07:44Y cuando lo tengas clarito en la mente,
07:46vas a tener que decretar,
07:47este hombre es para mí y para más nadie.
08:10Mire, ve.
08:11Acá la única verdad, González,
08:14es que yo recibí personalmente esa invitación
08:19para darle a usted la buena noticia.
08:22Pero hay algo que no cuadra.
08:24¿Cómo supieron de mí?
08:25¿Cómo supo la Universidad Autonomática de Guanajuato
08:27de un alumno, Jaime González,
08:29que estudiaba Administración en el Perú?
08:31Porque hubo una convocatoria
08:33y nosotros dimos varios nombres.
08:35¿Y usted dio mi nombre?
08:37A ver, a ver, González.
08:39Déjese de preguntas y dígame.
08:42¿Ellos cumplieron o no cumplieron con lo prometido?
08:45Sí, cumplieron con todo, pero igual hay algo que no cuadra.
08:48Y lo que no cuadra
08:49es que usted haya tirado todo por la borda
08:52por problemitas personales.
08:54No, no son problemitas personales.
08:55Era de suma importancia
08:56y tenía que ver con el amor de mi vida.
08:59Que de todos modos perdí.
09:01El amor no existe, González.
09:04Lo que usted tiene que hacer
09:06es ir a Guanajuato y recuperar esa beca.
09:09No, eso no va a funcionar, profesor.
09:11Ya llamé al director de la universidad
09:13y se negó rotundamente a mi reintegración.
09:16González, González, eso no se hace por teléfono.
09:18Eso se hace personalmente.
09:20Bueno, al margen de eso,
09:21lo que realmente me importa
09:22es llegar al fondo de este asunto.
09:24El único asunto que le debe importar a usted, González,
09:27es viajar a Guanajuato y recuperar ese cupo.
09:30Quiero hacerle una última pregunta, profesor,
09:32y, por favor, respóndeme con total honestidad.
09:37¿Diego Montalbán tuvo algo que ver con esa beca?
09:43Yo no lo conozco.
09:45No sé quién es ese señor.
09:52Bueno, profesor, acá hay algo raro.
09:54Y yo no voy a descansar hasta descubrir la verdad.
09:56No hay nada raro, González.
09:58Y deje de buscarle tres pies al gato,
10:01de usar su fracaso amoroso como justificación.
10:05Y admita que le quedó grande la beca.
10:08Esa es la única verdad.
10:12Muchas gracias, profesor.
10:14No esperaba menos de usted.
10:16Con permiso.
10:28¡Que viva la vida, amor!
10:30¡Huevitos revueltos!
10:31¡Huevitos revueltos!
10:34¡Eso, mi amor!
10:38¡Uno, dos!
10:39¡Solo! ¡Solo que venga!
10:42¡Estamos con filo!
10:48¡Bien, amor!
10:54¡Ay, mi amor!
10:55¡Cuidado que se te queme el huevo!
11:01¡Su salsita!
11:02¡Tri, tri, tri!
11:04Un poquito más.
11:05¡Ay! ¡Cuidado que luego se pone muy salado!
11:12¡Bien! ¡Amor!
11:17¡Ay, el amor!
11:18¡Ay, el amor!
11:38Es que contigo todo puede suceder
11:41Y me rodillo pa' que seas mi mujer
11:45Es que tú sabes que me haces feliz
11:48Que con solo verte muero por tenerte
11:52Somos uno para el otro
11:54Sé que estamos locos
11:56Pero igual lo damos todo
12:05¿Está bien? ¿Está bien?
12:07¿Está bien?
12:08Sí, es mi estilo.
12:10Tú sabes.
12:13Todo bien.
12:15Yo ya me voy al taller.
12:17Yo voy a hacer un poco de deporte y me junto con Arti después.
12:20¿El buen Arti?
12:24Chao, chao.
12:48¿Y estos qué son ya vuelta allá?
12:50¿Son amigos? ¿Geretes?
12:56Ay, Pibuicho, tú eres sabio, tía.
12:58¡Tú sí sabes, Pibuicho!
13:01Creo que el amor a ti me ha llegado a mí
13:06¡Ay, Pibuicho!
13:07¡Ay, Pibuicho!
13:08¡Ay, Pibuicho!
13:09¡Ay, Pibuicho!
13:10¡Ay, Pibuicho!
13:11¡Ay, Pibuicho!
13:12¡Ay, Pibuicho!
13:13¡Ay, Pibuicho!
13:14¡Ay, Pibuicho!
13:15Me ha llegado a mí
13:17Me cambió la vida al conocerte
13:22Y ya no quisiera vivir sin ti
13:24Amor, cuando estoy contigo, amor
13:27¿La señorita desea algo más?
13:29No, gracias, Claude.
13:32Claude, ¿hace mucho que trabajas aquí?
13:34Lo suficiente.
13:36¿Es cierto que Yuli, la ex de Chris, era la empleada?
13:40Yo soy muy golosito, cariñosito,
13:43pero no soy chismosito.
13:47Uy, se hace el modosito también.
13:56Chris, estaba buscando hielo para...
13:58Ah, acá hay hielo.
13:59No, no te preocupes, ya me llené.
14:01Ah, bueno.
14:06¡Oye, oye, oye!
14:07Hey, hey, hey.
14:08Write it down in your notebook.
14:09Write it down.
14:10Write it down.
14:11Discount for being late.
14:13Yes, yes, brother.
14:14I had to solve an issue.
14:15And did you solve it or not?
14:17No, but I'm on the right track.
14:19Speak well.
14:21What are you talking about?
14:22What do you mean?
14:24I don't understand anything.
14:26I do.
14:27Let's see, what did he say?
14:28What did he want to say?
14:29He's summarizing an issue, but he has a suspicion and he solved it.
14:32Hey, why are you working?
14:34Hey, come here.
14:37Manito, what are you talking about?
14:40Diego Montalban has to do with the scholarship to Mexico.
14:43Do you remember that everything was very strange?
14:45That out of nowhere I won a scholarship without having applied?
14:48Well, I beat Cabos.
14:49And thanks to Gaspar's sponge, I came to that conclusion.
14:51Wow, what a stroke.
14:54What are you going to do with that discovery?
14:56I'm going to tell Alesia.
15:08Oh, girl.
15:09I'm living in paradise.
15:12A wonderful moment.
15:13My Adan de chocolate and I are one.
15:15Delivered to love and pleasure.
15:18Oh, Charo, please.
15:19Don't do it anymore.
15:21Don't do it anymore because I know you don't do the one that doesn't because yes.
15:25I know that it stings, girl.
15:27Oh, girl.
15:28We miss you so much.
15:29When are you coming?
15:31I don't know.
15:32I don't know.
15:33I don't know.
15:34I don't know.
15:35I don't know.
15:36When are you coming?
15:37We miss your chariton.
15:39Your panettone, girl.
15:42Wait, let's see.
15:44Wait, I just got a message from Richard.
15:46Send greetings to Grace, Nicolas, my nephews and nephews.
15:50No, forget it.
15:51I didn't say that.
15:53I'll write to you in a while.
15:58My holidays are over.
16:00I'm taking Richard Junior home in half an hour.
16:04Oh, my God.
16:05Oh, my God.
16:07I have to receive him.
16:08Oh, my God.
16:11Model call for campaign of...
16:16No, no, no.
16:17I'm not a model.
16:19It was an interesting experience, but it's not my vocation.
16:34Hello, Mommy.
16:36How are you?
16:40Good, good.
16:41I'm fine.
16:43Yes, sorry.
16:44I haven't had much time, son.
16:46I'm taking exams.
16:53He's fine.
16:56My voice?
16:57What's wrong?
16:59No, no, no.
17:01I'm fine.
17:02I'm fine, Mommy.
17:04I just got a patient.
17:07I have to take care of him.
17:08I'll call you later, okay?
17:09Bye, bye, Mommy.
17:10I love you.
17:34What do you mean, love?
17:35I thought we were going to have a little more time
17:36to enjoy our love nest.
17:39Richard surprised me with his message.
17:41Yes, my chocolate milkshake.
17:42I'm dying of shame too, but what can I do?
17:45I understand, love.
17:46I understand.
17:47You have to be with your son.
17:48Of course.
17:49I would never forgive myself if my divine creature
17:50comes home and Mommy is not there.
17:51You don't know how much I love you.
17:54That you are a wonderful mother.
17:56My multicolored flower.
17:58I love you, my ebony sculpture.
18:01I love you too, my rainbow of love.
18:09What is it?
18:11Your aunt has to go back home.
18:13Because her dad didn't cut her vacation.
18:15Oh, that's terrible.
18:16Did he throw her out?
18:17He left me in the air.
18:19Hug me.
18:21Hug me!
18:22Come here.
18:24Calm down.
18:25How am I going to cut her vacation?
18:28I don't know, aunt.
18:29Don't worry.
18:30I don't know either.
18:47Can we talk, please?
18:49What do you want?
18:50I have something very important to tell you.
18:54We already left everything?
18:57Can we go to the bench next door, please?
19:06My beautiful daughter.
19:08Today I pick you up from school.
19:12Wait for me wherever you are.
19:19What do you think if tonight
19:22I don't go out to taxi
19:24and you and I escape
19:27to live at last
19:29our night of peace.
19:42Oh, Pepe.
19:44How heavy.
19:47So good that I was sleeping.
19:57You're so naughty.
20:01It's a very good idea, my king.
20:10that you and I
20:13have a goal to achieve.
20:21You're right, my angel.
20:22You're right, my love, but
20:25I need an incentive.
20:33What better incentive
20:36than our future together.
20:43It's true.
20:45I see you at lunch.
20:49I love you.
20:53I love you too, my king.
20:59That's it.
21:00Oh, what a presentation.
21:09My daughter is the best.
21:11I told her I was going to invite her to eat a salchipapa.
21:13So I'll leave you on the hills and well,
21:15I'm going to pick her up from there.
21:19What's wrong, brother?
21:20I don't know, compadre.
21:21It's just that I feel like I work and work and
21:23I don't get a reward.
21:26Juanita is very noble and loving, but
21:28but so far she hasn't given up.
21:31Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
21:33Are you telling me that you and Juanita are still
21:36naka la perinaka?
21:37But that can't be.
21:39I mean, it's not possible for you to think about
21:41projecting a future if you haven't had intimacy yet, compadre.
21:45What you say is true, compadre.
21:47What happens if at the time of the hour
21:49nothing happens?
21:52Are you insinuating that I can be a papelón?
21:54Never, compadre.
21:56I would never doubt your virility,
21:58your power,
22:00your impetus.
22:02You are a macho man, brother.
22:04You too, compadre.
22:05I know, I know.
22:06No, no, no.
22:07What I mean is, what happens if at the time of the hour
22:09in intimacy it turns out that they don't have chemistry?
22:11You think?
22:12I know cases.
22:15Today I'm talking to Juanita, compadre.
22:28Oh, Teresa.
22:29What are you doing here?
22:31What do you mean what am I doing here?
22:32I live here.
22:33Oh, yes.
22:34What happens is that last night I couldn't sleep.
22:36I died of a headache, but ...
22:38But what happened?
22:39Did you fight with Gaspar?
22:40That doesn't matter to you.
22:41Did you prepare lunch?
22:43It's just that they didn't leave me for the diary.
22:46But you could grab it from the warehouse.
22:49I couldn't think of it.
22:50Did you go to the warehouse?
22:52Not today.
22:53But why do you commit to doing something that you are not going to fulfill?
22:55Because this is the last straw.
22:56This is the end of times.
22:59My God, everything I have to do.
23:03Oh, who believed this?
23:07Sit down, please.
23:14Speak quickly, I have things to do.
23:15What do you have to do?
23:19Your dad got me the scholarship.
23:24I mean he fixed everything so I could go to Mexico.
23:28What are you talking about?
23:30Gaspar said something.
23:32And that gave me an idea.
23:34So I went to talk to Professor Locatelli.
23:39And he didn't confirm anything.
23:41But it was noticeable that he was hiding something.
23:44Your dad got me that scholarship so I could get away from you.
23:48I've heard enough, Jimmy.
23:52It makes perfect sense.
23:54Once I left, your dad hired Salvador.
23:57I had it planned, I'm sure.
23:58Jimmy, enough.
23:59What do you want with all this?
24:00We both fell into a trap, Alicia.
24:02Your dad achieved what he always wanted.
24:04To separate us.
24:05My dad has nothing to do with you and me not being together.
24:11You attacked a person twice.
24:14You behaved like a savage, unable to control his impulses.
24:18They posted a video that ended up sinking Francescas.
24:22And I really don't know why I'm talking to you.
24:26If I had stayed here,
24:29if I had been by your side,
24:32I wouldn't have been so insecure.
24:35He's going to be responsible for these acts.
24:38Are you with him?
24:41Tell me.
24:43You don't have the right to ask me that.
24:47You forgot about us so quickly.
24:49Leave me alone.
24:51Are you going to deny that you spent the night together?
24:54Claudio saw you.
24:59Without clothes.
25:03Is it true or not?
25:10It was forever.
25:14But the only one believing it was me.
25:19It was forever.
25:24The good thing about all this chaos
25:26is that Alicia finally finished with that defect.
25:32Hey, daughter, what are those manners?
25:34Did you have anything to do with Jimmy's scholarship?
25:36Where do you get that from?
25:38First, you lower my tone.
25:40And second, I can't stand you suggesting
25:42that I'm capable of those lows to control your life.
25:45Swear it to me.
25:47I swear it for whatever you want.
25:49Look, for my mother, if you want.
25:54Sorry, I had a bad day.
26:02I told you I was going to find out.
26:06Cover yourself, Diego.
26:09Jimmy won't accept losing Alicia so easily.
26:12The hungry man must be getting ideas in his head.
26:39Did you know that if you have Claro in your house
26:41and Claro on your cell phone, you are Fulcaro?
26:43Live Fulbeneficio without paying more and for the rest of your life.
26:47Become Fulcaro by calling 0800 00200 or in claro.pe
27:08I know it and it leaves a mark.
27:13It flies so high like comets.
27:16It turns on fire when it goes out.
27:21What can I do to catch it?
27:23I'm not the one who wants to conquer it.
27:34You are a liar and a plotter, Jimmy Gonzalez.
27:38It's here in the jungle,
27:40and no one knows who she is.
27:42She has me trapped,
27:43I can't avoid it.
27:46I can't avoid it.
27:48It's the most beautiful
27:51I've ever seen.
27:53She stopped thinking about you.
27:55And when I'm asleep,
27:57I dream about you again.
27:59You've got me trapped,
28:01I can't avoid it.
28:10Señorita Alicia, disculpe. Yo creí ver que...
28:12¿Y por eso fuiste a gritarle a los cuatro vientos?
28:14Yo me sentía muy mal. No estaba en mis cabales.
28:17Me arrestaron por un crimen que yo no cometí.
28:19¿Qué crimen?
28:20La casa quedó destrozada después de su fiestita.
28:22Y su padre y la señora Francesca me usaron como chivo expiatorio.
28:25Yo no sabía eso, Claudio.
28:27Bueno, ahora ya lo sabe.
28:28Ya, pero eso no te dio derecho a ir a gritar algo que no era verdad.
28:31¿Yo? Yo solamente dije que el joven Salvador había pernoctado aquí.
28:35¿Nada más?
28:36Nada más.
28:37Seguramente los González, como siempre, exageraron mis palabras.
28:41Bueno, ahora me voy a desatorar en el baño de visitas
28:44que sus amiguitos inconscientes atoraron.
28:46No eran mis amigos.
28:48Yo era feliz.
28:49Yo era la abeja maya revoloteando de flor en flor.
28:52Me trataron como un vulgar delincuente.
28:57Ya está.
28:59Ya está que me importa lo que Jimmy crea o deje de creer sobre mí.
29:03Pero de ella culpar a mi papá.
29:05Eso fue demasiado.
29:08Hola, mi amor.
29:10Se me quemó el arroz.
29:13Teresa vino y se molestó conmigo porque no había preparado el arroz.
29:35Se me quemó el arroz.
29:37Y se molestó conmigo porque no había preparado el almuerzo.
29:38Pero es que nadie me había dejado para el diario,
29:41y como también tenía que atender la bodega,
29:42se me hizo un mundo y me paralicé.
29:46No te preocupes.
29:47Pido un pedito a la brasa, ¿te parece?
29:51Ay, gracias, Pupito.
29:53Eres mi héroe.
29:59¿hay algo de lo que tenemos que hablar
30:02sobre lo que nos pasa como pareja?
30:06What is that?
30:08There's no lack of intimacy.
30:11You're going to keep doing that Pepito?
30:14Look, I understand you, but this is not the time.
30:16Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
30:18Can you tell me what you've done with the bills?
30:20Hello, no? What are you doing here?
30:22Did you fight with Gaspar again?
30:24No, we're better than ever.
30:25I came back for other reasons and I found the lady
30:28snoring in the armchair.
30:30Buying from the market without having cooked
30:32and without having opened the winery.
30:33I already told you that I felt bad.
30:35Oh, yes.
30:36Well, Richard was cut off from the holidays
30:39and he's bringing my child to live at any time.
30:42Well, well, I'm going to ask for a grilled chicken
30:44cut in many parts.
30:47Come with me to the winery.
30:49Come with me to the winery!
30:58Why are all these garbages?
31:00It seems that you do it on purpose to confuse.
31:02And why would I do it on purpose?
31:04I don't know, because in the midst of all the mess
31:05it's difficult to control.
31:07Oh, you're always thinking badly of me.
31:09You have a very bad will.
31:10Yes, right? Why would it be?
31:13You have opened late, right?
31:15Yes, we had a small mistake, but we are ready
31:18to serve with all the love of our customers.
31:20How nice. Give me a can of tuna, please.
31:22A can of tuna.
31:23A can of tuna.
31:24A can, okay, a can.
31:28There it is.
31:31There it is, there it is.
31:33Thank you, charge yourself.
31:34Bye, see you later.
31:35Wait, the can is back.
31:36I'll give it to her, I'll give it to her.
31:38Don't tell me it's back.
31:39It's been there forever.
31:41Yes, it's been there for a long time.
31:43Thank you, thank you.
31:44I'll be back soon.
31:47And what is this can for?
31:48Ah, that can.
31:50That can, that can is for donations.
31:53You're not going to give it to me?
31:54It's for poor children.
32:00To children.
32:05There it is, there it is.
32:08Very good.
32:33My little empty nest.
32:45How sad the house feels without you, my love.
32:53This is the moment where the sponge
32:58has no one to hug it.
33:02Thinking all the time about you,
33:06you taught me to love.
33:08Girl, you don't know the beautiful days
33:10I spent with my chocolate nougat.
33:14If it weren't because I have to be here
33:15with my divine creature,
33:17I would be happy to live with him.
33:21It's just that
33:22coexistence is so easy with him.
33:24We have such a good time.
33:26We are so in love that, look, I swear
33:28that if he shows up now and tells me to marry him,
33:30I accept in 3, 2, 1.
33:33How nice, Tere.
33:35How nice to see you so happy.
33:38Oh, girl, forgive me.
33:41I'm an insensitive.
33:43I'm rubbing my happiness on your face
33:45and you just lived a terrible love disappointment.
33:49I'm a selfish person.
33:51I'm a monster.
33:52No, no, no, no, Tere.
33:55I'm already going through Cristóbal.
33:59Girl, don't fool me.
34:03You know that I am the godmother of love
34:05and I know everything.
34:07This is going to take its time.
34:09But when you least expect it,
34:11there will be no scars anymore.
34:13And everything has happened.
34:28Come on.
34:58Let's go.
35:21Ready to start a new day.
35:23Fresh as a lettuce.
35:28There is no place.
35:30There is no place, sir.
35:32I don't tell my mother to sit on my side,
35:35but she answers me that I stop and learn.
35:37There is no place.
35:39There is no place, sir.
35:42My people take the route.
35:44That good route that I was waiting for.
35:47I was surprised by your email quoting me here, Professor.
35:50González, I was hard on you.
35:55I didn't mean to tell you that the scholarship was big for you.
35:59It's really not what I think.
36:02And what do you think?
36:04What I think is that you don't realize
36:06what is really important for your life.
36:09No, Professor, but for me love is the most important thing.
36:11It is the engine of life.
36:13Oh, González, I know that at your age love is everything.
36:17But it's not like that.
36:18Someday you will look back
36:22and you will realize that that sacrifice was not worth it.
36:27You will understand me at some point, González.
36:31And to tell me that, you have quoted me here?
36:34González, yes.
36:38If not, I was not going to be with a calm conscience and in peace.
36:43And it is already.
36:45Let's go.
36:50Thank you very much, Professor.
36:52Excuse me.
36:59I slept very badly, love.
37:02I miss you a lot.
37:04I miss your snoring.
37:05If I don't hear them, I can't sleep.
37:10Who told me snoring?
37:13How is Richard Joner?
37:15Ask him what movie he wants to see to take him to the movies.
37:21I love you, my sexy color.
37:24Bye, my love.
37:29Hey, hey.
37:31What was it?
37:32What was it, bro?
37:34Are you going to eat the phone?
37:35Don't be shy, man.
37:36Hey, get to work.
37:37Hey, hey.
37:41Hello, Maca.
37:42How are you?
37:43Fine, fine.
37:46My friend Marti has a problem with the car, I don't know.
37:48I told him to come here because it is the best workshop in Peru.
37:51Oh, oh, oh.
37:52That Maca with the cherry.
37:54Well, I'm going to bring the replacement.
37:55What replacement?
37:56You already know.
37:57Take care, Maca.
37:59Hey, hey, hey.
38:00Gaspar, don't be late.
38:03Yes, Gaspar.
38:06Oh, how good.
38:09You first.
38:10No, please.
38:11We're fine, right?
38:12Yes, why do you say that?
38:14Look, I don't know if it's true, my daughter.
38:21I feel that every time we see each other we are like stupid, like nervous.
38:34A little bit?
38:35A little bit, right?
38:37Yes, yes.
38:38And we weren't like that.
38:39Yes, we used to flirt, right?
38:42Now, I don't know, I'm confused.
38:45Yes, yes, yes, right?
38:48Yes, me too.
38:50Yes? But only what we feel.
38:52Ay, ay, ay.
38:54Yes, Juan.
38:56Before, we were clearer.
39:01Or, well, suddenly, clearer with what we felt.
39:04And now, no.
39:05But, me too, I feel the same.
39:07What do you feel?
39:08Yes, that I'm confused, right?
39:10And how do you think you wanted to...
39:13To focus.
39:15I can get confused and lose my mind.
39:18Dream that I'm happy, but when I wake up,
39:22I remember again.
39:25And I don't want to...
39:27Manu, Manu, Manu, Manu.
39:28I'll be right back, sorry.
39:29Give it to me.
39:30A little while.
39:31Come and tell me you're leaving again.
39:32Yes, Manu.
39:33I can't concentrate until I solve this matter.
39:34Come on, come on.
39:35Go, go, go.
39:36Take it.
39:44My friend.
39:45He told me about a drawing and painting workshop.
39:47Yeah, yeah.
39:48I think I'm going to need a lot to loosen my hand.
39:50Do it well.
39:51Yes, of course.
39:52Cool, cool, cool.
39:53It's missing, it's missing.
39:54It's missing, it's missing.
39:55What's up, Manu?
39:57Yes, answer.
39:58No, to you, but...
40:02Oh, look at me.
40:03Hello, Arti.
40:06Yes, I'm here, I'm here.
40:07Look, I'll come from the front and you'll see a green wall.
40:10There, to the right.
40:11See you there.
40:12Here I am, here.
40:17Arti is coming.
40:18Oh yeah?
40:20Arti is coming.
40:24And I didn't understand, cousin.
40:26She had been obsessed.
40:28She harassed me, she didn't leave me alone.
40:30The papers were changed.
40:33And you didn't tell me to stay at home.
40:35You were still going to stay if you had nowhere to go.
40:38You also promised me that you had learned from the lesson.
40:42And that you became another person.
40:44It's true.
40:46What's more, now I've realized and I'm sure that Pepito is the man of my life.
40:54And that's why you set up the trap for Xavi?
40:58To get revenge.
40:59Get revenge on what?
41:02From the trap that he and I set up for you at the Hotel Cielo.
41:06Oh, I don't remember.
41:10That's good.
41:13Oh, then Pepito will want to formalize it, right?
41:17That's what he said.
41:18Oh, how nice.
41:20Juana, finally.
41:23You will be able to accompany me in the kitchen.
41:26Someone who can help me is magnificent.
41:29What do you want from me?
41:30When you finish getting ready, you look for me.
41:34You look for me and we go to the market.
41:36You're thinking what little thing we want to cook.
41:38Oh, yes, yes.
41:45Cook? Market?
41:47Oh, Teresa and Olinda love me like their maid.
41:50Oh, no, no, no.
41:51Pepito has to be my place.
41:58My king.
42:01I have retrained and you are right.
42:09I will be yours this afternoon.
42:22Poor thing.
42:24With how tired he is, it won't cost me anything for him to fall asleep.
42:54Jimmy, what do you want? Come here.
42:55I have to see Alessia.
42:56I don't think it's a good idea for you to show up like this.
42:58But if I write to her, she won't want to see me.
43:00And that's why you want to invade her house?
43:02No, no, but this is important.
43:04Okay, come in.
43:05She's in her room, but I have nothing to do with this.
43:07No, don't worry.
43:08If I tell her anything, I'll go through the window.
43:09It won't be the first time.
43:16Dude, answer me, I'm driving.
43:19Of course.
43:20I'm from Tijuana.
43:21Let's see.
43:23My king.
43:24I have retrained about what you said yesterday and you are right.
43:28I will be yours this afternoon.
43:33Are you serious?
43:42What's your plan?
43:45I want Alessia to come down so she can listen to me.
43:47Okay, but hide where no one sees you.
43:50I thought the intercom...
43:54Who was it?
43:56Oh, Koki, don't play dumb.
43:57No, the intercom must not have been the ice cream cone.
44:01And what are you doing standing there?
44:03Making sure there are no flies.
44:05The bell is ringing and it's sounding weird.
44:07Do you want me to check it?
44:08If you're not too busy with your flies.
44:28How are you, Ale?
44:29I'm fine.
44:30Well, do we practice here or in your room?
44:33Better in my room, so no one bothers.
44:35And do you have something to do later?
44:38What do you think if we go to the movies?
44:40Yeah, well, yes.
44:41There's a movie that I'm dying to see.
44:43La Sustancia.
44:44I was just thinking about that movie.
44:47Yes, yes.
44:48They say it's good, but it's very good.
45:34It was so nice to remember that time when we didn't have any problems at all.
45:38My promotion also wanted to get together for the end of the year.
45:42Are you going to Rick Way with Cristobalito?
45:46No, daddy.
45:47Yuli and Susodicho are gone.
45:52What am I?
45:54Excuse me, Yuli.
45:56Don't worry, Mr. Gilberto.
45:58Pretending that that sleazy slug
46:01tries to help you refloat it
46:03speaks very badly of your health.
46:07What do you mean?
46:15Video? Have you sent me a video?
46:17No, no, wait, calm down, calm down.
46:19I'm going to see what it's about.
46:25Oh, I can't believe you did this!
46:28What did I do?
46:30What did I do?
46:31At least tell me what I did!
46:33Tell me what I did, dad!
46:34That commercial!
46:35That commercial!
46:37What did I do?
