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新闻报报看 | 首相兼财长安华今天在国会下议院质询环节上反驳,在野党质疑征收股息税增加人民负担时说,如果一名个人股东拥有价值2百万令吉的股票,每年能赚到10万令吉股息,要每年缴交7、8百令吉的股息税,应该不至于会负担不起。(主播:庄文杰、林晓倩)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the R.E.D.I.N.E. website.
00:04Next year, 2025, may not be a peaceful year for some groups.
00:11Speaking of tax, it refers to the tax of the tax.
00:15The government announced that from next year's tax year,
00:17it will collect 2% of the tax money for individual shareholders who have earned more than 100,000 yuan in equity income.
00:23However, this matter was grabbed by the Pro-Beijing Party to unite the government to open a knife.
00:27The Pro-Beijing Party continues to increase taxes and increase the burden of the people.
00:31Prime Minister and Finance Minister An Hua explained in a Q&A session today.
00:36If an individual shareholder has a stock worth 2 million yuan,
00:40he should be able to get 100,000 yuan in equity every year.
00:44He emphasized that the group with this income should pay 700,000 to 800,000 yuan in equity tax every year.
00:50It shouldn't be too much, right?
00:52An Hua mentioned that compared to the 2% announced in the financial report,
00:56the original government-set equity tax is 5%, which is higher.
01:01But he said it was because he had doubts in the process of negotiating with all parties,
01:06and finally decided to only collect 2%.
01:08An Hua emphasized that equity tax is the equity income for individual shareholders after buying listed and non-listed stocks.
01:15Since they have the ability to buy stocks,
01:17the government has decided to collect a little tax from those who have the ability.
01:21But there are still some small and medium-sized enterprises asking the government to allow them to pay equity tax.
01:28Because they say they have a different system from listed companies.
01:32However, when An Hua responded to the members' inquiries,
01:35Zha Wawei, a member of the Brazilian National Assembly, also raised his voice for the people.
01:40He felt that the government was increasing the burden of the people by collecting 2% equity tax from the shareholders.
01:47But An Hua refuted that the members of the National Assembly should make better suggestions for equity tax,
01:54instead of stopping the government from collecting tax from the rich.
01:57He said that it is strange that someone is constantly maintaining the interests of the rich,
02:02because this is contrary to the principle of fair allocation of wealth that the government wants to implement.
02:07In addition, the RON95 targeted subsidy measures involving the rich are also involved in equity tax.
02:14It is expected that before May next year,
02:16the government is still struggling with how to define the so-called T15 group that can't get gas subsidies,
02:23and is even attacked by the opposition party.
02:25Now different ministers seem to have different definitions, and there is a contradiction.
02:30An Hua denied that there was a contradiction between the ministers today.
02:33Instead, he said that the Bureau of Statistics is reviewing the definition of T15,
02:38including considering raising the threshold for T15 family income.
02:42An Hua said that after listening to the advice of the Minister of Economy and the Deputy Minister of Finance,
02:46he thought that the Bureau of Statistics currently set the threshold for T15 family income at $13,000, which is really too low.
02:54The meaning is that the government believes that the monthly income of $13,000 is not yet T15,
02:59so they are considering raising the threshold to $15,000 to $20,000.
03:04But this is not the final decision, the government will continue to discuss.
03:12For more UN videos visit www.un.org
