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মুর্শিদাবাদ নবাবদের নয় রাজা শশাঙ্কর অঞ্চল, ইচ্ছা করে ইতিহাস বিকৃত করা হয়েছে!: সুব্রত মৈত্র


00:00Murshid Abba, you are claiming to have sold the history of Bahadurampur and have written a letter to the Indian government.
00:10So, why this principle all of a sudden?
00:12I have written a letter, but have not received an answer.
00:15The reason is that wherever we go, we are told that we have come from the city of Nawab.
00:19I personally believe that we are not from the city of Nawab.
00:24We are not from the city of Nawab.
00:26A long time ago, around 625 or 620 BC, Karna Subarna was the ruler of Sashank.
00:37So, why are we not from the city of Sashank?
00:42Why are we not from the city of Nawab?
00:44History has been distorted.
00:47The Sultani era started from 1200 BC.
00:52After the Sultani era, the British came.
00:57After that, our country became independent.
01:00But 600-650 BC, we were under the rule of King Sashank.
01:07King Sashank was our capital and capital of Gaura.
01:12So, why are we not the people of King Sashank?
01:16This is my personal opinion.
01:19After the independence of our country,
01:22all the teachers and ministers under the rule of King Sashank,
01:26wanted to distort the history.
01:29So that the next day,
01:31the Sanatan Dharmis and the people of this country
01:35can distort the history.
01:37So that they don't get the truth of the history,
01:41they wanted to distort the history.
01:44This is the kind of history they wanted to create.
01:47I will not allow this to happen to the Indian government.
01:50You have mentioned this issue twice.
01:53What other historical events have led to this kind of change?
01:58After the independence of our country,
02:00the teachers and ministers of our country,
02:04became the teachers and ministers of our country.
02:07They were brought from abroad.
02:10They didn't know Hindi or Sanskrit.
02:13They didn't know the Bengali language.
02:16They didn't know the history of our country.
02:21They didn't know the soil of our country.
02:24They didn't know the wind.
02:26They didn't know the nature.
02:28They became the teachers and ministers of our country.
02:31They wanted to distort the history.
02:34They wanted to distort the history of our country.
02:38This is the kind of history they wanted to distort.
02:41This is the kind of history they wanted to distort.
02:44You have written a book,
02:46Discovering India.
02:48Are you going to write a book about Nehru?
02:53If you can give me a detailed history of Nehru's birth,
03:02I will be grateful to you.
03:04Whether he was a true Indian or not,
