• 14 hours ago
From sweet to savage. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for those moments when sweet Bernadette ain’t so sweet.


00:00Where are you going?
00:01To the toilet!
00:02Is that okay with you?
00:04Welcome to Ms. Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for those moments when sweet
00:10Bernadette ain't so sweet.
00:12You suck.
00:14So hot.
00:17Number 20.
00:18Fruit at McDonald's.
00:19In this season 10 episode, Bernadette is pregnant and working overtime at the office.
00:24Amy, trying to be a good friend, brings her dinner.
00:27Now, while McDonald's might not be the healthiest choice, sometimes those yummy French fries just
00:32hit the spot.
00:33At least that's what Bernadette thinks, until Amy admits she got her a Happy Meal,
00:38with apple slices instead of fries.
00:40I mean, the first thought when you see me isn't,
00:43that's a scientist, it's, I wonder if her mommy knows where she is.
00:49I am really regretting that I got you a Happy Meal.
00:51The Happy Meal for an adult is weird enough, but when it comes to those apple slices,
00:56Bernie is having none of it.
00:57Her reaction sends a scared Amy apologetically right back to McDonald's to correct her mistake.
01:03Actually, I got you apple slices because you're pregnant.
01:08Apple slices?
01:10What kind of lunatic goes to McDonald's and gets fruit?
01:13I'll be right back.
01:15Number 19.
01:16Tattles to Howard's mom.
01:17When Howard gets the opportunity to go into space, Bernadette is, shall we say,
01:22less than thrilled with that possibility.
01:24Normally, we would expect her savagery to come out in the form of a big, fat no,
01:29telling Howard he can't do it.
01:31Hey, we're a team.
01:33So what do you think?
01:36And while she does tell him no, Howard is so determined to be an astronaut that he,
01:41for once, doesn't take no for an answer.
01:43So she goes to the only other person who can control Howard more than she can,
01:47his mother, as she is telling her boyfriend that she won't bug him about it anymore.
01:52She is also going behind his back and telling Mrs. Wolowitz what her son is up to.
01:57Over my dead body, my son goes into outer space.
02:07Number 18.
02:08Nice try, Howard.
02:09Everyone knows that the guys love Comic-Con.
02:12But as they get older and their lives change, going to the event each year gets harder.
02:17Like in Season 10, when Raj tries to make it on his own without his father's money,
02:22can't afford it.
02:22But when Howard pokes fun at the situation, Raj points out that he just had a newborn,
02:28and the odds Bernadette lets him go to Comic-Con aren't good.
02:31Go ahead, make jokes.
02:32I don't know why you think you're going to Comic-Con.
02:34You just had a baby.
02:37So you think Bernadette's just going to let you jet down to San Diego for five days and
02:40leave her alone?
02:41So Howard heads home to butter up his wife, but Bernie immediately sees right through
02:46his sweet affections and calls him out, knowing something is up.
02:50Nice try, Howard.
02:52You want something stupid, or you did something stupid?
02:56No, I just walked in here, saw how beautiful you are, and had to tell you.
03:01Oh dear God, you're cheating on me with Raj.
03:03Number 17.
03:04Savage from a distance
03:06Season 8 saw big changes for Penny, and we don't mean her new short haircut.
03:10The longtime waitress-slash-struggling actress made a major career change and got a job as
03:16a pharmaceutical sales rep at Bernadette's company.
03:18I don't know anything about pharmaceuticals.
03:21Oh, I understand.
03:22You want to do something you're already good at.
03:24I know.
03:25Why don't I get you a job at this sitting-around-all-day-wearing-yoga-pants factory?
03:29However, her initial interview for the job didn't go very well.
03:32But just when it looked like all was lost, Bernadette's savagery saved the day.
03:37As Penny was leaving, she told the interviewer that she only came because she was scared
03:41of Bernie.
03:42It turns out, Penny and the interviewer had that in common.
03:46You're scared of Bernadette?
03:47Yeah, kinda.
03:48I thought it was just me!
03:50Even without being there, Bernadette's power of savage intimidation was able to influence
03:55the situation.
03:56I didn't even want to meet you, but I was too scared to say no to her.
04:02Me too!
04:03Number 16, Howard can't flirt
04:05Remember when Raj met Claire at the comic book store, flirted with her, and agreed to
04:10help her with her sci-fi script, even though he was going out with Emily at the time?
04:14Do you think I could pick your brain for my movie sometime?
04:17It's animated sci-fi for kids.
04:19Sure, I love animated movies.
04:21He does, and he has the Lilo and Stitch collector plates to prove it.
04:25Well, when Howard recounted the story to Bernadette, she didn't see anything wrong with it.
04:29After all, it was just a little bit of flirting, something everyone does.
04:33Upon hearing that, Howard started to ask if that meant it was okay for him to flirt.
04:37But before he could even get the question out, Bernadette shot it down.
04:41She shut the door on any flirting he ever planned to do or even think about doing.
04:46I'm sure it was harmless.
04:47People flirt.
04:48No big deal.
04:50So it's okay if I flirt?
04:51Not you, I own your ass.
04:52Number 15, Bernadette is nice to everyone
04:55Sometimes even Bernadette's outbursts come with a tinge of love and respect.
05:00After some he-said-she-said talk about Raj and his feelings for Bernadette,
05:04Howard ends up irrationally jealous.
05:06In response, Bernadette unleashes her fury on Raj.
05:09She wastes no time clarifying that her niceness has no romantic motivation,
05:14with little concern as to how this might damage Raj's self-esteem.
05:18You were always so nice to me.
05:19I thought maybe you liked me.
05:21I'm nice to everyone!
05:23Despite her anger, though, she can't help but deliver an honest response
05:27when the lovestruck fool asks about his chances with another woman.
05:31We love Bernadette's savagery,
05:32but what makes her character even more admirable is the honesty behind her insults.
05:38And in cases like this one, she can't really be that mean, even when she's trying to be.
05:42Do you think I have a short with Penny?
05:44Of course you do! You're a cutie pie! Any girl would be lucky to have you!
05:49Number 14. Smurfette
05:51It's Halloween, and Howard and Bernadette are dressed up as Smurfs.
05:54But even as a cute little blue humanoid creature,
05:57Bernadette still has her full adult human savagery.
06:00Howard is being pouty because his friends complain
06:03that he talks too much about his trip to space.
06:05Is someone a little blue?
06:08He's actually considering skipping out on their plans for the evening.
06:12Bernadette initially tries to be compassionate and make him feel better.
06:16But when that doesn't work, away goes the sweet voice and out comes the tough love,
06:20and the acknowledgement that she's blue all over.
06:23And we mean all over.
06:24Hey, I just spent the last three hours coloring myself blue.
06:28I'm gonna be washing paint out of my Smurf for a month!
06:31Number 13. Weird Guy Raj
06:33In this Season 11 episode, Raj starts seeing a woman who is very recently separated.
06:38He likes her, but the hopeless romantic in him can't help but feel pulled in two directions,
06:43especially after he meets the woman's ex-husband.
06:46It's gonna be okay.
06:48How is it gonna be okay? You're sleeping with my wife!
06:53I mean, besides that.
06:55Unsure of what to do, and being the fan of rom-coms that he is,
06:59he goes to Bernadette and poses the question,
07:01is he the good guy or the bad guy in this movie?
07:04Her response, in wonderful pull-no-punches Bernadette style,
07:08isn't one of the answers Raj had considered.
07:10Am I like the good guy in my movie or the bad guy in their movie?
07:13Pretty sure you're the weird friend in our movie.
07:16And yet somehow, he doesn't get the hint.
07:18I don't know how I feel about being the third wheel in a relationship.
07:21Says the guy in my bed with my wife.
07:24Number 12. Sheldon's Chores
07:26In this Season 11 episode, Sheldon gets angry when Howard and Amy start working together,
07:31thus giving Amy less time and energy to work with him.
07:34When he confides in Bernadette about how he's feeling,
07:37she tells him she knows something that would make Howard jealous.
07:41Sheldon should do Howard's chores.
07:43Maybe you could do something he likes and make him jealous.
07:47Like what?
07:48You ever read Tom Sawyer?
07:51Chores, he likes chores.
07:52Well, she doesn't have to tell Sheldon twice before he happily gets to it,
07:56while she sits back and enjoys his handiwork.
07:59The even funnier part is that when Sheldon realizes he's been tricked,
08:03he loves doing the chores so much he just keeps going.
08:07Did you play on my well-established gullibility to clean your house?
08:11Sure did.
08:13Well, I would storm out of here,
08:15but I already have the gloves and the steel wool and I really do love cleaning an oven.
08:20Number 11. Smallpox
08:22Sometimes Bernadette's savagery isn't as obvious because she's so small and cute
08:26and has that sweet voice.
08:28But don't let her tiny frame fool you.
08:30When Leonard and Penny decide to try dating again, they want to do so on the down low.
08:35So they announce that things hadn't worked out, but they were still friends.
08:39Bernadette said that if she and Howie were to break up,
08:42she would not be so calm and mature about the situation.
08:45I don't know if I could be friends with Howie if we broke up.
08:48Why not?
08:49I'm a very vengeful person.
08:51But that statement wasn't as scary as her follow-up comment
08:55about the biological contaminants she can get her hands on.
08:58With access to weaponized smallpox.
09:01Number 10. Training Howard for a magic audition
09:04Bernadette makes fun of Howard's love of magic on multiple occasions throughout the series.
09:08How many times has he made fun of Howard for being an engineer, going to MIT, his magic?
09:14Sheldon doesn't make fun of his magic.
09:15Well he should, it's stupid.
09:19But in Season 12, when she sees a video of a young Howard practicing for his magic castle audition,
09:24she encourages him to try again.
09:27She even helps him practice for his audition.
09:29But when we say help, we mean she completely takes over.
09:32Culling from her years of childhood pageants, and becoming what we will call a pageant wife.
09:37I just wanted you to have your dream,
09:39and I wanted to control everything about how you looked and acted so that your victory was mine.
09:45Well, that's honest.
09:48Speaking of Howard's magic, there's also the time he puts on a magic show at a birthday party,
09:53and Bernadette's lack of patience with the kids is anything but subtle.
09:57Look, I googled it. It's a fake pigeon.
10:03That's it, no cake for you.
10:05Anyone else want to join the no cake club?
10:09Number nine, go get him.
10:11In this Season 7 episode, The Discovery Dissipation,
10:14Raj's apartment building is being fumigated,
10:17so he goes to stay with Howard and Bernadette for a week.
10:20Aw, Raj did the dishes.
10:22How do you know I didn't do them?
10:23Because once when all the knives are dirty, you cut a bagel with your keys.
10:27While there, he is a wonderful houseguest and attentive to both Howard and Bernadette's needs.
10:33The problem is that this makes the two of them realize how unattentive they've been to each other,
10:38and leads to an argument in which Howard points out
10:40that Raj left a note on his lunch that said,
10:43Go get him.
10:44I know what the problem is. It's him.
10:48Well, what did I do?
10:50You made us feel like we're not trying hard enough.
10:52Yeah, we were totally fine half-assing our marriage till you showed up.
10:55Rather than sympathize with her husband,
10:58Bernadette points out that he isn't a child and shouldn't need a note.
11:02She got him.
11:03Look, I don't do enough around here. Now I need to pack your lunch.
11:06And by the way, why do you need a note telling you to go get him?
11:08You're a grown man. You should know to go get him.
11:12Number 8. Make more money
11:14When it's time for Howard and Bernadette to go back to work after the birth of their second child,
11:18Howard decides that he isn't ready and wants to be a stay-at-home dad.
11:22Oh, so I have to abandon my children to be a stay-at-home dad?
11:24So I have to abandon my children and go back to work while you get to stay home and bond with dad?
11:29You just said you didn't want to.
11:32No, I don't want to have to. But if I want to, I should get to.
11:37However, when he brings this up with Bernadette,
11:39she too admits that she's having those same feelings about returning to the office.
11:43Howard argues that because Bernadette makes more money,
11:46that she should be the one to go back to work.
11:48Don't you think you should go back to work because you make more money?
11:52Don't you think you should make more money?
11:55It might seem like a solid argument on the surface,
11:58but Bernadette's counter-argument is savagely on point.
12:01I think it's pretty sexist of you to say a dad can't stay home with his children.
12:06You know what else is sexist? The phrase suck it. Yet here we are.
12:11Number 7. Who cooked?
12:13What time is it?
12:14Uh, it's almost six.
12:15Okay. Bernadette's gonna be home soon, we gotta divide and conquer.
12:19I'll make dinner, you watch the kids.
12:20Uh, kids are asleep.
12:21Great, then you make dinner.
12:23Howard Wolowitz has many talents. He can do card tricks, he writes catchy and romantic songs,
12:29and he can fit into pants that look like they'd be too tight on Jack Skellington.
12:34But one thing he can't do is cook. Or at least he doesn't.
12:37I needed some help, so he came by, played with the kids, read them some stories,
12:41put them down for their nap, and made dinner.
12:44What'd you do?
12:46Ate dinner.
12:47When Bernadette walks into the dining room and sees dinner on the table,
12:51it seems very reasonable for her first guess as to who cooked the meal to be Stuart,
12:56who's been staying with them.
12:57Stuart, you cooked?
12:59How did you know it wasn't me?
13:01There's only three people in this house and you'd still be my fifth guess.
13:06When Howard questions her instincts, her response, while not mathematically sound, is priceless.
13:12Number 6. Surrounded by idiots
13:15When Bernadette Rostenkowski first showed up on the show,
13:19she was a quiet, somewhat reserved girl that was nice to just about everyone.
13:23What the hell is wrong with you?
13:26You were always so nice to me, I thought maybe you liked me.
13:29I'm nice to everyone!
13:32As the seasons progressed and we got to know her better,
13:35we all watched as the tough, competitive, take-no-crap side of her character emerged.
13:40Bad news. I spoke to my supervisor about heading up your school.
13:45And she said she just can't lose me right now.
13:48Do you want me to call her? I could rip her a new one.
13:51No, no, no ripping.
13:53It's not to say that Bernadette wasn't nice anymore,
13:55it's just that she doesn't, as the saying goes,
13:58suffer fools gladly, a point she makes abundantly clear to Penny one day at work.
14:03Why don't you want to work with me?
14:04I know I can be tough, but that's just because I'm surrounded by useless idiots.
14:09Although she savagely uses the term idiots instead of fools.
14:14Number 5. Cinderella
14:15Disneyland is billed as the happiest place on Earth, and it is,
14:19as long as Bernadette gets to be Cinderella.
14:22We can't all be Cinderella.
14:27Then how do we decide?
14:28Well, it's simple. This was my idea. I'm driving. I'm Cinderella.
14:32When the girls decide to play hooky from work and go to Disneyland,
14:36Bernadette mentions the first thing she wants to do is get a princess makeover.
14:41Okay, so you pick your princess, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Cinderella.
14:44They give you hair, make up the works.
14:47I guess it would be fun to be Cinderella.
14:49The other girls are on board, but when it comes to deciding who will be which princess,
14:54Bernie makes it very clear that there will only be one Cinderella, and it will be her.
14:59Later, after the makeovers, Penny is still a little bitter, but Bernie sure isn't backing down.
15:04Every one of you has the capacity to be anything you want to be.
15:08Unless you want to be Cinderella.
15:11Come at me, see what happens.
15:16Number 4. Fake Laugh
15:18We'll admit that being huge fans of When Harry Met Sally,
15:21any reference to said film is going to get our attention.
15:24It definitely did in the Season 7 episode, The Hesitation Ramification,
15:29when Bernadette admits to sometimes fake laughing at people's jokes.
15:33Well, I'd be able to tell anyway.
15:36I don't think you would.
15:37Please, I've made plenty of girls laugh.
15:40Sometimes just by asking them out.
15:43Howard is sure she'd never faked it with him,
15:46certain he would have been able to tell the difference.
15:49It's at this point that Bernadette puts him in his place with her
15:52on-point ode to Meg Ryan in the diner scene in the aforementioned movie.
16:07We'll definitely have what she's having.
16:09I'll have what she's having.
16:11Number 3. Scavenger Hunt
16:13When Raj organizes a scavenger hunt for the gang,
16:15Leonard and Bernadette are a team while Howard gets paired up with Amy.
16:19Have you ever played a game with Bernadette?
16:21Have you ever gone into a steel cage with a wolverine?
16:26Faster, faster, faster.
16:27Do you not know that word? It means more fast.
16:31Amy assumes Howard would have preferred to have been on a team with his wife,
16:35but she's wrong.
16:36Howard loves Bernadette, but she's uber-competitive,
16:39a fact Leonard learns right away, and over and over again throughout the hunt.
16:44You're here first. This is because you made me slow down for that blind guy.
16:48Penny also gets a taste of Bernie's scavenger savagery at the end of the hunt when the latter
16:53shoves her friend out of the way looking for the victory coin.
16:57Stop her!
16:58Where the hell's the coin?
17:07Number 2. When the Airline Loses Howard's Mum
17:10We know Bernadette doesn't suffer fools gladly, so how do you think she'd react to an airline
17:15losing a suitcase that contains the ashes of Howard's dead mother?
17:19The only woman who ever loved me. The first one. First. I meant first.
17:23First. I just need some information. What's the flight number?
17:30I really did mean first.
17:31Just drop it.
17:33When Howard can't get any answers and is too distraught to do anything else about it,
17:38Bernie steps in and gets it done. It isn't the fault of the lady behind the customer
17:42service desk, but she's the one that gets the brunt of Bernadette's wrath.
17:47Excuse me.
17:52You better find my husband's mother,
17:54because one way or another we're walking out of this airport with a dead woman.
18:00A wrath so savage it guarantees they leave the airport with a dead woman.
18:05Bernie also savagely steps in while Sheldon and Leonard,
18:08arguing, is ruining a celebratory dinner for Howard's mother a couple of episodes later.
18:12We're eating the last food his mother ever made,
18:15and you were going to throw it at each other like children?
18:17Whatever it is you're fighting about, put it aside, go back in there,
18:21be a good friend to Howard and there's no desire for either of you.
18:24Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get
18:28notified about our latest videos. You have the option to be notified for occasional videos
18:33or all of them. If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.
18:40Number 1. Theoretical Burn
18:43In season 6's The Parking Spot Escalation, Howard and Sheldon are in a back-and-forth
18:48war over a parking spot at the university, and eventually their significant others are
18:52pulled into the action.
18:54Howard was so angry I had to mash up Benadryl in his ice cream to get him to fall asleep.
19:00Guess this is what we get for being with two testosterone-fueled alpha males.
19:05Amy and Bernadette are initially on the same side,
19:08complaining about the stupidity of the entire situation.
19:11However, the conversation soon turns nasty as the women get aggressive
19:15in defending their men to each other.
19:17Eventually, Bernadette delivers one of the great lines of the entire series.
19:21"'Gosh, Amy, I'm sensing a little hostility.
19:24Is it maybe because, like Sheldon's work, your sex life is also theoretical?"
19:35A burn so savage, it elicits an audible
19:37DAMN from Penny, and most likely from everyone watching at home as well.
19:42While Bernie seems pretty proud of that burn,
19:44she's less happy about another jab at Amy's sexuality she makes a couple of seasons later.
19:50"'And I think you don't like people expressing their
19:52sexuality because no one wants you to express yours.'"
19:57"'Oh, Amy, I'm so sorry, that was over the line.'"
20:00Which savage Bernadette moment had you cheering? Let us know in the comments.
20:04"'You know I rely on humor in times of stress.'"
20:07"'Let me know when you start because that wasn't funny.'"
20:09Do you agree with our picks? Check out this other recent clip
20:12from Ms. Mojo. And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
