• last year
Indie Web series Actors Anonymous Hotline Season 1 Episode 10: "Squeeze" stars Hillary Hawkins (former Host of Nick Jr. & Radio Disney), Kevin Banks & Olivia Hudson and revolves around hugs & love. For more on this series created by actress/screenwriter/producer Hillary Hawkins, please visit: https://www.hillaryhawkins.com/actorsanonymoushotline and subscribe to www.YouTube.com/@ActorsAnonymousHotline

Hillary got her start in the entertainment industry as a child actor on Nickelodeon and is now creating and producing shows of her own filled with comedy, joy & love!

This short & sweet episode's runtime is: 7 minutes. ( 8 minutes and 34 seconds with the credits.) Format is 1080 Pro Res.

Actors are based in CA, NJ & GA.
Subscribe to the channel and HAVE A SUNNY DAY!!

#Hugs #love #childfriendly #actors #fun #actorsanonymoushotline #AAH #webseries #short #TV #actors #smile #smiles #smiley #indie #independent #independentTV #KidsTV #ChildrensTelevision #writer #screenwriter #webshow #webseries #blackactors #AfricanAmericanActors #DiversityWriters #Diversity #Writers #Huggers


