• 11 hours ago
Love at Midnight Full Movie
#Finbixmovie #filmengsub #drama #movieengsub #reedshort #film #FinbixmovieCHANNEL #chinesedrama #Kdrama #dramaengsub #englishsubstitle #chinesedramaengsub #moviehot #romance #movieengsub #reedshortfulleps
00:00:00Sign it.
00:00:04Finn Myers, if I had known that this is how it would end,
00:00:08I wish we'd never met. I'd never fallen in love with you, and never
00:00:12pressured you into marrying me. I've been trapped in this marriage for two years, and I'm tired
00:00:16of waiting in vain. It's time to call it quits.
00:00:20If there's anything I can do, you can call me, you can text me. That won't ever be necessary.
00:00:24Just one thing my grandpa cannot know yet.
00:00:28You and your lovely assistant can be out in public. How many times have I told you there's
00:00:32nothing going on between me and your sister? Step-sister. And I don't need any more
00:00:36explanations. The moment that I signed that piece of paper, I was done with you and Mia.
00:00:44I'm sorry. Finn isn't available right now. It's one in the morning.
00:00:48Where is he? We're in Vegas. He didn't tell you?
00:00:52Sorry, sis. Gotta go. I'll let him know you called. Bye.
00:00:58Hit me.
00:01:02Hello, gorgeous.
00:01:06You here all alone? Maybe I can buy you a drink.
00:01:10Stay away from me.
00:01:14Come on, baby. Let's have some fun, huh?
00:01:18You bitch.
00:01:28I know you. You okay?
00:01:32You're Finn's friend. I jerked you. You all are.
00:01:36Stella, it's me. It's Derek. I'll call Finn to come pick you up.
00:01:40No. Do not call that jerk.
00:01:44You crying? You okay?
00:01:48I'm not crying. I dumped him.
00:01:52I dumped him.
00:01:56Well, look, maybe we should just call it a night.
00:02:00Looks like we've both had enough to drink here.
00:02:04You okay?
00:02:08You are a very good-looking man.
00:02:12And I have a divorced woman now.
00:02:16I have no rules. Come on.
00:02:20I know a place with the best champagne. My treat.
00:02:24My treat.
00:02:28Stella, I don't think that's a fantastic idea.
00:02:32All right, look, I think maybe we should just get you home.
00:02:36No, I do not want to go home. I just want to drink.
00:02:40And celebrate the first day of my divorce.
00:02:44Do you know who I am?
00:02:48You're my honeybee.
00:02:52What did you just call me?
00:02:56My honeybee.
00:03:00I want you to say my name.
00:03:04Derek. I want to hear you say it.
00:03:08I want to hear you say it.
00:03:42Oh, God. What have I done?
00:03:46Your grandpa called.
00:03:50He asked us to go home and have dinner with him.
00:03:54What for?
00:03:58He arranged some kind of party.
00:04:02Fine. Just don't forget what he said.
00:04:06Fine. Just don't forget what you promised me.
00:04:10Not one peep about us to grandpa.
00:04:22Derek. So glad you're able to make it back. It's been a long time.
00:04:26Yeah, it's been a long time, hasn't it?
00:04:30Watch your step.
00:04:46It's a real shame that Ami couldn't join us here tonight.
00:04:50You really should meet her. She's all grown up now.
00:04:54Quite a lovely young lady.
00:04:58Yeah, I'd love to meet her.
00:05:02Excuse me. I'm going to use the restroom.
00:05:18Can I have one?
00:05:22Can I have a new one?
00:05:26Yeah, sure.
00:05:30Can I have a light?
00:05:50I got a question for you.
00:05:54I'm here with Finn. I thought you two got divorced.
00:05:58It's none of your business.
00:06:02I thought we had fun the other night.
00:06:06I was thinking maybe we could do it again sometime.
00:06:10You know, you laid a hand on me first. You know that, right?
00:06:14You should have stopped me. None of this should have happened.
00:06:18Well, at least you're divorced, right?
00:06:26You need to set up Mia and Derek.
00:06:30What? Why?
00:06:34We're already connected to the Myers Corp. If Mia marries into the Hughes family, we'll be unstoppable in this city.
00:06:38Is everyone's marriage just business to you?
00:06:42When you set me up with Finn, were you even thinking about my happiness?
00:06:46Or do you only care about how much Myers will invest in us?
00:06:50I'm the CEO of the Ortiz Corporation.
00:06:54So, if you don't want to get fired, you'll do as I say.
00:06:58Set up Mia and Derek and produce an heir.
00:07:02This is bullshit.
00:07:06I don't suggest you take that tone with me. If you still want to inherit the company.
00:07:10I'll deliver an heir.
00:07:14You can go now.
00:07:18Mr. Myers, don't you remember? We are no longer a married couple.
00:07:22I haven't asked the lawyer to file the divorce paper yet, okay?
00:07:26Just come home with me tonight and I'll cancel it.
00:07:30I know your grandpa needs an heir. You've been eavesdropping.
00:07:34That doesn't matter. The point is I can fulfill your grandpa's wish.
00:07:38The moment that you messed around with Mia, you have been dead to me.
00:07:42How many times do I have to tell you there is nothing between Mia and me? She is just my assistant.
00:07:46We were on a business trip. I was drunk and she was there to take care of me, okay? Nothing happened.
00:07:50You know, can you stop being so paranoid for once?
00:07:54I'm so tired of having to explain to you everything over and over and over again.
00:07:58Well, no problem. You won't have to do it again.
00:08:02Where are you going? It is none of your business. Oh, it's my business.
00:08:06Let go of me. Where are you going? Hey, let go of her, man.
00:08:10Derek, what are you doing here?
00:08:14Stay out of it. She said let go. So let go.
00:08:18Oh. That's why you signed those papers so fast.
00:08:22You've been with him, haven't you? You bitch.
00:08:26Watch your fucking mouth. How long have you been messing around behind my back?
00:08:30Let me just finish this.
00:08:34You handed me those divorce papers. I signed them as you wished.
00:08:38What the hell are you doing here? Stella, you've never talked to me like this before.
00:08:42All of a sudden, he shows up and you're divorcing me?
00:08:46Throughout our entire marriage, I made sure your mother was happy.
00:08:50I gave you all of my projects. And what have you done for me?
00:08:54How many times have you come home? I've come home plenty of times. There's reasons I've been...
00:08:58Enough. I don't need any more explanations. File the divorce papers.
00:09:02If you don't, I will.
00:09:06And what's going to happen to your company when the public finds out that our marriage ended because of him?
00:09:10It's going to blow up once everyone finds out about this skin.
00:09:14Yeah, however much the Ortiz stockpile is, Hughes is going to compensate.
00:09:24You can try all you want. Whatever happens to her stock, I'm going to make sure it happens to yours.
00:09:28Just a little worse. Derek, I'm your friend.
00:09:32You shouldn't have done this.
00:09:36You think you're going to get me twice?
00:09:40Come on, let's go. Let's get out of here.
00:09:56You don't have to.
00:10:00I want to.
00:10:04You know I shed this blood for you.
00:10:08You know that, right?
00:10:16Where are we?
00:10:20We're at my house.
00:10:24I don't understand.
00:10:28You need an heir to inherit your company.
00:10:36I know that it's always been a dream of yours to take over Ortiz Corp.
00:10:40And I know you sure as hell don't want your so-called sister taking it, do you?
00:10:44How do you know all this?
00:10:48Does it matter?
00:10:52Are you serious?
00:11:06I didn't mean to start a war.
00:11:30I made you breakfast. Hope you like waffles.
00:11:34After you finish that, I'll take you to work, okay?
00:11:38That's okay. Besides, people don't know that Finn and I are divorced yet.
00:11:42And if they saw my husband's friend driving me to work, that would be kind of weird.
00:11:46I mean, I think it's fine. Everyone already knows about it.
00:11:54What the fuck?
00:11:58What have you done?
00:12:02Your story is all over the news.
00:12:06Our stock price has dropped 20% since the market opened.
00:12:10Come home right now.
00:12:14What about our connection with the Myers Corp?
00:12:18Don't worry, Grandpa. I found someone else.
00:12:22I will restore our family's reputation, and I will fulfill your wish by producing an heir.
00:12:26Don't listen to her, Grandpa. Look at the photo.
00:12:30Look at the jerk she's found. That jerk can't even afford a hotel room.
00:12:34She's been fooling around with him, not only tanking our corporation's stock prices,
00:12:38but also ruining our family's reputation. Stop trying to be a hero, Stella.
00:12:42Do you really think you can restore our family's reputation? That's impossible.
00:12:46You have no room to talk.
00:12:50Anything that the Hughes family can help out with?
00:12:58Mr. Hughes?
00:13:02Are you the someone Stellas was talking about?
00:13:06Yes, Mr. Ortiz. Me and Stella are together. I'm sorry that this is the way you had to find out.
00:13:10She just divorced Finn yesterday. She must have been cheating on Finn while they were still married.
00:13:14You're one to talk, Mia.
00:13:18Why don't I change all of your perspectives?
00:13:22Why don't we check it out?
00:13:26Grandpa, it's not like that.
00:13:30Finn was drunk. I was just trying to help him get home.
00:13:34Grandpa, you have to believe me. I was just trying to help him get home.
00:13:38What a shame. You should have been an actress.
00:13:42This? I'm sorry. Finn isn't available right now.
00:13:46It's one in the morning. Where is he?
00:13:50He didn't tell you?
00:13:54I'll let him know you called.
00:13:58That's not what it sounds like.
00:14:02Grandpa, she is setting me up. You have to believe me.
00:14:06I didn't do anything. I never touched him.
00:14:10Grandpa and I brought you in and gave you a home, and yet you lie.
00:14:14I never touched my brother-in-law. And yet you did.
00:14:18I think it's time that you call your driver.
00:14:22Or do you want him sent to your bed too?
00:14:26Mia, I don't want to hear another word.
00:14:30This family has already been through too much. You're no longer a child.
00:14:34Take responsibility for your actions.
00:14:38Grandpa, what are you talking about?
00:14:42Just leave. Now!
00:14:46Or I'll call security to have you taken out.
00:14:50Grandpa, I live here.
00:14:54Where am I supposed to go?
00:15:06Stella Ortiz.
00:15:10Wait. I'm coming for you.
00:15:22It's you again. Stella left me.
00:15:26Are you happy now? Get out. Get out. Leave.
00:15:38Stella, don't leave me.
00:15:42I'm here, Finn. I'll never leave you.
00:15:50I'm here.
00:15:58Stella Ortiz, I know that things are going fast between Stella and I, so let me provide an explanation.
00:16:02I've been in love with Stella for years now, but Finn and her were married,
00:16:06and when I found out they got divorced, well, I couldn't hold my feelings in any longer.
00:16:10Oh my God. He's so good at lying.
00:16:14Well, here we are.
00:16:18Finn doesn't love me. Mia just proved that, Grandpa. Derek and I are happy, and...
00:16:22And if Stella and I ever decided to have a baby,
00:16:26your company will have the support of both the Hughes and the Ortiz's.
00:16:34You're a very lucky man.
00:16:38Stella's a good girl.
00:16:42Where are you here?
00:16:46I thought I just did us a favor up there.
00:16:50Instead of thanking me, you're... you're questioning me.
00:16:54You know that the only reason my grandpa agreed to this is because you said the baby would have both the Hughes and Ortiz's full support.
00:16:58And I meant it.
00:17:02You know that the only reason my grandpa agreed to this is because you said the baby would have both the Hughes and Ortiz's full support.
00:17:06And I meant it.
00:17:10Let me help you, Stella.
00:17:18Are you out of your mind? What do you want from me?
00:17:22You. What do you think?
00:17:26That's not a part of the deal.
00:17:30You're just here to get me pregnant.
00:17:34Whatever you want.
00:17:40You don't feel the same
00:17:44Wondering when it changed
00:17:48Did you come to play
00:17:52My baby
00:17:56I'm running your race
00:18:00My heart's in its place
00:18:04Wondering if you'll stay
00:18:08I'm tired of figuring out
00:18:12Whether you're in or you're not
00:18:16I see it as a warning
00:18:20I feel it in the morning
00:18:24I've got those lingering doubts
00:18:28Showing me with and without
00:18:32I see it as a warning
00:18:36I see it as a warning
00:18:40I feel it as I'm falling
00:18:44Might I remind you, you are no longer a part of this family.
00:18:48Let alone the company. Get out, or I will call security.
00:18:52Relax. What's with the tone?
00:18:56My boyfriend and I are here. We have a business proposition.
00:19:00Your boyfriend.
00:19:08Yes, Ms. Ortiz?
00:19:12Put these two on the blacklist and call security.
00:19:16The QC project. I know you've been battling with Mountain Free Studios for a while now.
00:19:20I can give you that and a 1% profit concession for your company.
00:19:24Name your price.
00:19:28Yeah? Tell her what you want.
00:19:32You know what, sis?
00:19:36When the maids threw my luggage out of the house
00:19:40I realized I left something behind. Something very important to me.
00:19:44What is it?
00:19:48That diamond necklace. You know the one I'm talking about, right?
00:19:52My mother left this behind for me.
00:19:56Our mother, sis. She's my mother too.
00:20:00She's made her decision.
00:20:04Why don't we give that project to someone who would actually do a good job with it?
00:20:08Wait. I will give you a position in the company that's worth more than the project.
00:20:16Nothing is worth more than that necklace.
00:20:24It's just a necklace. I'll get you a brand new one. Even better diamonds.
00:20:28I want that one.
00:20:32It's not going to happen.
00:20:36You want this project.
00:20:40I know you do. Just give her the necklace.
00:20:44Keep your project.
00:20:48And get the hell out of my office.
00:20:52Call security.
00:20:56Your company's stock prices are going to plummet. You'll be non-existent.
00:21:00Tread carefully, Stella Ortiz.
00:21:12Hey, I know you want that project.
00:21:16Hey, listen. I'll give you the project. I'll give you the house.
00:21:20I'll give you the car. I'll give you anything.
00:21:24You are so drunk, Ben.
00:21:28Stella. Stella. Stella.
00:21:40So tell me.
00:21:44When exactly did you two start getting together? Was it when we were married?
00:21:48It doesn't matter anymore.
00:21:52You were my husband.
00:22:04Why are you here?
00:22:08What? I can't pick up my girlfriend from work?
00:22:12I am not your girlfriend.
00:22:16What's between us is only in bed.
00:22:20And you don't need to pick me up from work.
00:22:24This being an exception.
00:22:32How do you not remember me at all?
00:22:44Ms. Ortiz. Ms. Ortiz.
00:22:48An insider claims that you cheated on Ben Myers and that's why he filed for divorce.
00:22:52What do you have to say to that?
00:22:56And how do you feel about being dumped after two years of marriage?
00:23:00Does that mean that all cooperation with the Myers company is cancelled?
00:23:04No comment. No comment.
00:23:12What the hell is going on?
00:23:16The news about you divorcing Mr. Myers is all over.
00:23:28Hey sis. Are you enjoying your gift?
00:23:32You did this.
00:23:36This isn't the end of it. Enjoy.
00:23:40Ms. Ortiz, because of the news several companies called this morning
00:23:44they said they wanted to cancel their contracts with us.
00:24:04Mr. White, no. My personal affairs will not affect our cooperation.
00:24:08Mr. White?
00:24:14I'm sorry Ms. Ortiz, but I can't continue our contract with you.
00:24:26Breaking news. Stella Ortiz, the CEO of Ortiz Company, has divorced Ben Myers.
00:24:30Ortiz's company stock price has plummeted since the market opened.
00:24:36Ms. Ortiz, the CNR project is about to reach its final stage.
00:24:40If the funding chain breaks now, the company will go bankrupt.
00:24:44Our only solution now is to acquire that project from Ben.
00:24:56Hey, I know you want that project. Stella, I'll give you the project.
00:25:00I'll give you the house. I'll give you the car.
00:25:04I'll give you anything.
00:25:08I'll give you anything.
00:25:30Where's Stella?
00:25:34She's in this room.
00:25:42Mr. Schmidt, the current financial difficulties within the company are only temporary.
00:25:52If you sign with us, we can turn losses into profits, okay?
00:25:58Listen, I've been friends with your grandfather for years.
00:26:02I know your abilities.
00:26:10I will sign this, on one condition.
00:26:18What are you doing?
00:26:22Do you still think you're the precious Ortiz family princess?
00:26:26Nobody wants to sign with you.
00:26:30What's going on here?
00:26:34You realize who you're talking to? That's my fucking girlfriend right there.
00:26:42Mr. Hughes, I didn't know she was your girlfriend since when.
00:26:46Are you questioning me?
00:26:50No, that's not what I meant. I just didn't know.
00:26:54I'm going to go ahead and cancel all cooperation with Schmidt Company.
00:26:58I don't want to find work in this city ever again.
00:27:02Mr. Hughes, please, please, please. You're making a mistake.
00:27:06I have a family to feed and my daughter, she's studying abroad. Please, you can't do this to me.
00:27:10You should have thought about that before putting your grimy hands on Ms. Ortiz.
00:27:14Now, get the fuck out of the office.
00:27:28You're right.
00:27:36I should have been the one you called today, Stella.
00:27:40Why didn't you call me?
00:27:44This is my company. It has nothing to do with you.
00:27:48You didn't need to come here. I could have dealt with him myself.
00:27:52How? By spending a night with that fucking asshole?
00:28:00I can always find somebody else, okay?
00:28:04Why not let me do it? I want to invest in your company.
00:28:08You're going through so much right now and all I want to do is help.
00:28:12So just let me help you. Please.
00:28:16I don't want your help.
00:28:24Why don't you let me? Why do you keep pushing me away, Stella?
00:28:28Because I don't want you to look down on me.
00:28:32What are you talking about?
00:28:36I don't want you to look down on me. I cannot accept help because then everyone will think that I'm weak.
00:28:48Do you know how exhausted I am?
00:28:52I work 12 hours every single day just to keep this company afloat.
00:28:56And it's like no matter what I do, I can't make Grandpa happy.
00:29:00And if this scandal completely derails the company,
00:29:04I don't even know how I'm going to face Grandpa.
00:29:08You think I wanted to meet with that jerk?
00:29:12I have no one now. I am completely on my own.
00:29:22It's not true. You have me. You know that.
00:29:34No. Stop making this more than what it is.
00:29:38I want it to be more than it is.
00:29:42Please. Please.
00:29:46It's going to be okay.
00:29:54I promise.
00:30:06Everything's going to be okay.
00:30:16I promise.
00:30:46You can sit with me if you want.
00:30:58Did your daddy not teach you how to tie a tie or something?
00:31:02It's okay. Here.
00:31:06So you're going to make this one twice as long as this one.
00:31:14Under. Over.
00:31:18And then it goes through and through here.
00:31:22And then you pull this to tighten it around your neck.
00:31:26Thank you. You're welcome.
00:31:34You were the only one that ever cared to help me.
00:31:38It's okay that you don't remember, but I'll never forget you.
00:32:12Looks like someone had a fun night.
00:32:20I am Layla Johnson. I am Derek's fiancé.
00:32:28He must have forgot to tell you.
00:32:32We got in a little fight before he came to the States.
00:32:36We were supposed to be married and move here together, but we got caught up.
00:32:40So he ended up moving back by himself. So now it's your turn.
00:32:48I've met a lot of women like you, but none of them have made it this far.
00:32:52So good for you.
00:32:56I gotta go.
00:33:00What's the rush? Don't you want to wait for him to come back?
00:33:04It's kind of rude to leave before breakfast.
00:33:14What the hell are you doing here, Layla?
00:33:18I came here to see you. I'm happy to find this lovely lady in your bedroom.
00:33:22I'm leaving.
00:33:26Care to explain what she's doing here? Why don't you ask your fiancé about that?
00:33:30Hey, you're hurting her, Layla.
00:33:34Let her go and I'll explain everything later, alright?
00:33:50How is she? Is she awake yet?
00:33:54She's fine. She passed out from low blood pressure.
00:33:58However, I did review her medical files and it seems like she suffered from memory loss.
00:34:02Have you noticed it fluctuate recently?
00:34:06When did this happen?
00:34:10Stella has had it from a young age.
00:34:24Stella's in the hospital. They said that she has amnesia.
00:34:28Did you know about this?
00:34:32So that's why you don't remember me, huh?
00:34:44Where's Stella?
00:34:48Stella has amnesia. You knew about it. Why didn't you tell me?
00:34:52Look, I knew she was sick, but I didn't know about all of that.
00:34:56The patient is awake, but she's having a panic attack.
00:35:00She's having a panic attack.
00:35:12Stella, Stella, I'm here. I'm here.
00:35:16Stay with me. Stay with me. Just breathe. Deep breaths.
00:35:20Deep breaths. I'm right here.
00:35:24Stay with me. Breathe.
00:35:28What the hell was that?
00:35:32I don't know.
00:35:36Do you have Ms. Ortiz's past medical records?
00:35:58It seems like I made a wrong call.
00:36:02Stella doesn't have a congenital memory condition,
00:36:06although her brainwaves may suggest that.
00:36:10It's possible this is related to emotional imbalances in her life.
00:36:18Doctor, is there anything that we could do to help?
00:36:22For now, it's best to not upset her.
00:36:26She may need further examination.
00:36:30You're the doctor. I'm not hiding anything.
00:36:34I promise you, if I find out that you're lying, you're going to regret it.
00:36:46You all right?
00:36:50I could call the doctor for you if you need...
00:36:54I'm going to the hospital.
00:36:58You passed out.
00:37:02What are you doing here?
00:37:06What is that?
00:37:10The project you want.
00:37:14I'm not trading my mother's necklace for that.
00:37:18No strings attached. It's all yours.
00:37:22I just want to help.
00:37:26I don't want that handed to me
00:37:30just out of pity that I'm laying here.
00:37:38What do you want from me, huh?
00:37:42Nothing I've ever done has pleased you.
00:37:46Oh my god!
00:37:50This is the grand finale to my novel series.
00:37:54Where did you get this? It's not even out yet.
00:37:58I'm just glad it makes you happy.
00:38:02I don't need you to please me. Not anymore.
00:38:10Like you said,
00:38:14no strings attached.
00:38:18As you wish.
00:38:28Don't get this the wrong way, I just wanted him off my back.
00:38:32I don't mind
00:38:36being used by you.
00:38:40Take it.
00:38:44I'm your fiancé.
00:38:48Look, I'm going to explain everything to you later.
00:38:52I'm going to go right now. I've got to take this.
00:38:56But if you need anything at all, just let the doctor know.
00:39:00I'll be right back.
00:39:44Where have you been?
00:40:08Did you go to see Stella?
00:40:12Mind your own business. I'm your girlfriend.
00:40:16The only reason you're staying here is because it's out of pity.
00:40:20You have nowhere else to go. Whether or not you're my girlfriend,
00:40:24that's not for you to decide.
00:40:28Know your place. You know my place when we're in bed together.
00:40:32You should know better than to talk to me that way.
00:40:42My dear sister,
00:40:46it looks like you need taken care of.
00:41:12How did you know I was here?
00:41:16Why didn't you tell me you were sick? I was worried about you.
00:41:20No need. Just go.
00:41:24Come on, sis. I care about you. Before Grandpa kicked me out,
00:41:28we did everything together. I'm worried about your well-being.
00:41:32What the hell do you want from me?
00:41:36Do you remember why Grandfather adopted me?
00:41:40When your dad passed, your mother was devastated.
00:41:44Several times she tried jumping out of a building
00:41:48while she was pregnant with you.
00:41:52Grandfather stopped her each time, but he was worried about her.
00:41:56So he locked her up inside the house and he never let her leave.
00:42:00Grandpa, today's my birthday. I want to see Mom.
00:42:04Will you let Mom out?
00:42:08You should have been stoked that day.
00:42:12All of your loved ones surrounding you.
00:42:16What the hell are you trying to say?
00:42:20When you went looking for your mother on the balcony, she was already standing on the ledge.
00:42:24And then she jumped.
00:42:32Stella, Mom is going to find Daddy.
00:42:36It was your fault.
00:42:40You murdered her.
00:42:44You killed your own mother and you don't even remember it.
00:42:48If it weren't for you, she'd still be alive today.
00:42:52After that, you were in such a state of shock.
00:42:56When you woke up, you didn't remember a thing.
00:43:00That's when I came into the picture.
00:43:04I was worried you'd be traumatized.
00:43:08So he adopted me to accompany you.
00:43:12I saved you.
00:43:16Is it all coming back to you now?
00:43:20Just shut up. Make me.
00:43:24You killed your own mother. You don't deserve to live.
00:43:28In fact, why don't you go find her?
00:43:32No! My necklace!
00:43:36Hey, come on. Get over here.
00:43:52This is for my necklace.
00:43:56And this is for all the years you lived under my roof.
00:44:02Look at you.
00:44:06You could stand up for yourself, but turns out you're just
00:44:10a paper tiger.
00:44:14You and those designer clothes, you are no different than me.
00:44:18And we have all moved on from you.
00:44:22You can't say that to me. You never saw me as a sister.
00:44:26Never. This whole family is so messed up.
00:44:34Hey, Stella, wait.
00:44:38I found this for you.
00:44:46Of course.
00:44:50Why are you here?
00:44:54Shouldn't you be with your fiancé?
00:44:58Don't say that.
00:45:02I don't want to see you right now.
00:45:06Look me in the eye and tell me that you don't.
00:45:10Because I'll leave. I'll go right now.
00:45:14Admit it. You do have feelings for me.
00:45:18Leta, this is real.
00:45:28Is this real?
00:45:40Tell me that kiss wasn't real.
00:45:58You're shutting me down.
00:46:22I'm sorry, Ms. Ortiz. I tried to stop her.
00:46:26I love you.
00:46:30You seem to keep forgetting that he's engaged to me.
00:46:34Then you should keep better tabs on your fiancé.
00:46:38He did kiss me first.
00:46:42That's because you seduced him.
00:46:46Is that all? I'm kind of busy here.
00:46:50He's not yours.
00:46:54No, dear. Are you done?
00:47:02Are you scared of the truth? He's going to get sick of you.
00:47:06And then he's going to come back right to me.
00:47:10Because you're his side-piece.
00:47:14Did you hear that?
00:47:18That's your fiancé.
00:47:22You can't talk to her yourself.
00:47:26Leila, who told you that you were still my fiancé?
00:47:30Derek, our parents...
00:47:38My lawyer will visit your company to file the paperwork.
00:47:42Derek, no. Please! Derek!
00:47:52Please, Ms. Ortiz.
00:47:56If my parents find out that Derek cancelled on us, they will kill me.
00:48:12That's all I can do for you.
00:48:16What am I supposed to do with $100?
00:48:20Don't spend it on damaged goods.
00:48:32Leila was the fiancé that my parents had chosen for me.
00:48:36The only reason I had agreed to it
00:48:40was because I had given up hope on a girl
00:48:44that I had fallen in love with while living at a hospital when I was a kid.
00:48:48You lived at a hospital when you were a kid?
00:48:58Why are you crying?
00:49:02I can't sleep. I want my mom.
00:49:06Where is your mom?
00:49:10I don't know.
00:49:14Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
00:49:18I'm gonna buy you a mockingbird.
00:49:22I don't like mockingbirds. Can I have an elephant?
00:49:30Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
00:49:34I'm gonna buy you an elephant.
00:49:38Thanks. No problem.
00:49:42Miss Stella, you still like elephants?
00:49:58You were the little boy in my heart.
00:50:02Why didn't you tell me earlier? I always thought it was Finn.
00:50:06When I came back to the States, you and Finn were already married.
00:50:10You know, there wasn't much I could do about it.
00:50:14When I found out you two divorced,
00:50:18I knew that I had already missed my first chance at you.
00:50:22I wasn't gonna let it happen again.
00:50:26You have no idea how much it hurt
00:50:30to see you two in public.
00:50:34All I wanted to do was tell you that I had been waiting for you all that time,
00:50:38but I, uh...
00:50:42I didn't want to inconvenience your life.
00:50:46You know, you seemed so happy without me.
00:50:54That's because I thought I found you.
00:51:02Let me show you something.
00:51:08Did it hurt?
00:51:12It doesn't hurt anymore.
00:51:24We've got work to do.
00:51:28Yeah, we do.
00:51:38Oh, Ms. Ortiz, Ms. Ortiz.
00:51:42What is your relationship with Mr. Myers now?
00:51:46Why did you suddenly divorce Mr. Myers?
00:51:50Is it true that your sister was a third wheel in the marriage?
00:51:54My marriage with Mr. Myers has ended.
00:51:58It has nothing to do with anyone. It just did not work out.
00:52:02Rumors say that the company's funding chain has been broken. Is it true?
00:52:06Ask me again in a few weeks.
00:52:10Ms. Ortiz, a couple more questions, please.
00:52:14Uh, Mr. Ortiz called this morning.
00:52:18He said that if there's no new funding,
00:52:22the project's losses will be too much for the company to bear.
00:52:26Aren't there any other projects open for public bidding?
00:52:30Wait a second. Isn't that new building downtown open?
00:52:34If we bid on that, financing shouldn't be a problem, right?
00:52:38But the whole company's salary has been delayed by three weeks already.
00:52:42And today I received a letter of resignation from the design department.
00:52:46The whole department?
00:52:50If we don't pay them as soon as possible,
00:52:54even if we don't pay them in full,
00:52:58even if we don't pay them as soon as possible,
00:53:02even if we win the bid for the project, we won't be able to manage it.
00:53:16Ms. Ortiz?
00:53:20This right here is Queen Elizabeth II's pendant.
00:53:24If I mortgage this and every other property under my name,
00:53:28it should be enough to pay off the salary.
00:53:32Are you sure? I mean, isn't that what your mother left you?
00:53:36And now it'll save Ortiz Corp.
00:53:54Take a picture, Seth, so it'll last longer.
00:53:58Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today's land auction.
00:54:02We are offering prime downtown land measuring 100 acres.
00:54:06Now, the land is zoned for commercial and residential purposes.
00:54:10And we will begin the bidding at $1.5 billion.
00:54:14I will ask for bids now.
00:54:18Ms. Ortiz, thank you for $2 billion.
00:54:22Mr. Myers, thank you for $3 billion.
00:54:30Ms. Ortiz for $4 billion. Do I hear anyone else?
00:54:34Yes. And Mr. Myers for $5 billion.
00:54:42$10 billion.
00:54:46That's impossible. She doesn't have the money.
00:54:50Raise your paddle and take a seat.
00:54:54$10 billion going once.
00:54:58$10 billion going twice. $10 billion. Sold.
00:55:02Congratulations, Ms. Ortiz.
00:55:06Now, our next will be the paintings.
00:55:10Ms. Ortiz, right over here. Ms. Ortiz! Ms. Ortiz!
00:55:14Ortiz Corp. is very confident about this piece of land.
00:55:18We plan to develop a mall and upscale residence here.
00:55:26And we just got the final signature, which means that the property is officially ours.
00:56:00You know, if you wanted the land, you could have bid on it yourself.
00:56:04I trust your judgment.
00:56:08I also consider it an investment in our partnership.
00:56:12By the way, I expect every penny of those dividends.
00:56:16You can just get away with it now that you're my girlfriend.
00:56:28So I am your girlfriend now.
00:56:32Is that going to be a problem?
00:56:36How do you know that the land can be developed as planned?
00:56:40I have faith in you.
00:56:46Mr. Ortiz, I'm sorry. I tried to stop him.
00:56:50After all this time, I thought you were my friend.
00:56:54And then you go behind my back with my wife?
00:56:58And you. Was I not good enough for you?
00:57:02I gave you everything, and now you're with him.
00:57:06You know, Finn,
00:57:10I always wondered why you took late nights.
00:57:14You never helped me, and it's probably because you felt guilty all along
00:57:18that you never should have been my husband.
00:57:22How could you say that?
00:57:26That little boy from my ward
00:57:30wasn't me.
00:57:34You've been pretending to be me for so long that you're starting to believe your own lies, aren't you?
00:57:38Are you just not figuring that out?
00:57:46Do you know how hard that's been for me all this time?
00:57:50Stella, the love I had for you
00:57:54was real. It is real.
00:57:58I was happy when I found out you were jealous of me,
00:58:02and it's killed me that I couldn't tell you the truth about who I was.
00:58:10I was attracted to you from the day I met you.
00:58:14I was visiting Derek, my best friend at the time,
00:58:18and I was so jealous of him.
00:58:22I wish I had been the one that had gotten sick so I could have met you first.
00:58:26And then I found out that he was leaving the country, and I thought,
00:58:30hey, this is my shot.
00:58:34So I pretended to be Derek, and I wrote you letters,
00:58:38and then you asked me what his name was, and I gave you mine.
00:58:42And then you suddenly appeared outside my company building,
00:58:46and you were holding those letters.
00:58:50And I couldn't tell you that I wasn't that boy from the ward.
00:58:54So you were the one who wrote the letters?
00:58:58And then you asked me to marry you.
00:59:02Is that the truth?
00:59:06I guess that's what I've been avoiding all these years, the truth.
00:59:10I wanted to tell you so many times
00:59:14that my love for you is no less than his.
00:59:18I just keep asking myself why.
00:59:22Why couldn't I have met you first?
00:59:26I guess it's too late now.
00:59:32Miss Ortiz,
00:59:36the company is back on track.
00:59:40You don't need to be working these 12-hour days anymore.
00:59:44Also, Mr. Hughes has been calling for you all day.
00:59:48All right, let's go home.
00:59:52And you can take the day off tomorrow.
01:00:48I've been dreaming about this day ever since we met in that hospital
01:00:52when we were kids.
01:00:56I've spent the rest of my life with.
01:01:00Now, when you married Finn,
01:01:04it broke my heart.
01:01:08But I can't live in the past.
01:01:12But I can plan for the future.
01:01:16And I want to spend it with you, making up for lost time.
01:01:20Let me show you how much I love you, Stella.
01:01:32Will you marry me?
01:01:36Who proposes with a necklace?
01:01:40That's my mother's pendant.
01:01:44You bought it back?
01:01:52Is that a yes?
01:01:56Yes. Of course, yes.
