• 7 hours ago
A Beautiful Lie Episode 19 English Subtitles Chinese Romance
00:00Translator's Note
00:06你占据我的视线 You occupy my sight
00:14点亮所有瞬间 Light up all the moments
00:22当感觉不停为你牵连 When I feel like I'm connected to you
00:30全世界都沦陷 The whole world comes to an end
00:37My love 只想留在你的身边 My love, I just want to stay by your side
00:45My love 只愿为你不顾一切 My love, I just want to do everything for you
00:53再一次 多几遍 至早永远 One more time, a few more times, sooner or later, forever
01:01你我是注定不是擦肩 You and I are destined not to be apart
01:16再一次 多几遍 至早永远 One more time, a few more times, sooner or later, forever
01:25你我是注定不是擦肩 You and I are destined not to be apart
01:36姐最后一题了啊 Sister, the last question.
01:37你更喜欢森林还是草原 Do you prefer forests or grasslands?
01:41森林 Forests
01:47你未来的老公宋命般的情人 Your future husband is a lucky man
01:51你们的缘分可能比预料之中开始得更早呢 Your fate may have started earlier than expected
01:55最初的旧熟最终的相爱 The first old acquaintance and the final love
01:59都是这些虚话 套在谁身上都合适 It's all nonsense. It suits everyone
02:03姐你要不再仔细想想看呢 Sister, why don't you think about it again?
02:06说不定你们已经遇到了只是你自己没有察觉而已 Maybe you've already met, but you haven't noticed it
02:09比如说啊 邢医生 For example, Dr. Xing
02:12邢医生 等着他救我早死了 Dr. Xing? I'll be dead waiting for him to save me
02:16那种生死一线的事在巴黎有一次就够了 That kind of life and death is enough in Paris
02:20我照你这么说 According to what you said
02:22我未来的老公还能是巴黎救我的神秘人啊 My future husband can be the mysterious man who saved me in Paris
02:26那听起来也挺浪漫的呀 That sounds pretty romantic
02:30浪漫在哪儿 Where is the romance?
02:31这个人长相 年龄我全都不知道 I don't know his appearance or age
02:34只有在梦里见过 I've only seen him in my dreams
02:36浪漫什么呀 What is romance?
02:37那你之后还梦到过他吗 Have you ever dreamed of him after that?
02:41梦到过 我在梦里就揪着他问 I've dreamed of him, and I asked him in my dream
02:45为什么当初要救我 不知道活着很累吗 Why did you save me? Don't you know it's tiring to live?
02:48行了 别看了 这就是骗你这种无知少女 哪有那么多浪漫故事啊 Okay, stop looking at it. It's just a lie to an ignorant girl like you. How can there be so many romantic stories?
03:08小飞 Xiaofei
03:10过来坐下 Come here and sit down
03:15我把衣服给你脱了 别动 I'll take off your clothes. Don't move
03:22过来 Come here
03:24别看 Don't look
03:31小飞 相信我 我们不会的 Xiaofei, trust me. We won't
03:38相信我 Trust me
03:40行之止 你到底怎么回事啊 喝多酒了还要来找我呢 Xing Zhizhi, what's the matter with you? How long have you been drinking?
03:49行之止 醒醒 Xing Zhizhi, wake up
03:51行之止 Xing Zhizhi
04:03心飞 你是害怕承诺会变质 害怕美好会失去 害怕渴望的得不到 因为坚信这世上没有什么是永恒不变的 所以才口是心飞的假装不需要
04:17面对行之止的许诺犹豫不决 心飞 别再做胆小鬼了
04:47你牵挂我心灵 想抱你 感受我心跳银河沾你频率 想沾你我的心 我确定
05:17喂 任总 我跟你汇报一件事 我要谈恋爱了 不不不 还没在一起呢 但是应该提前跟你说一声吧 哎呦 还能有谁啊 当然是行之止了 我明天跟他正式告白 我觉得在一起一定要有仪式感
05:44嗯 你做好公关预案吧 拜拜
05:49行之止 行之止 你醒醒 这又是谁啊 行之止
06:19哎 行之止啊 你去西城开会怎么没跟我说呀 小豆子天天跟我找你 你不是答应他要带他去游乐园玩吗 你什么时候回来啊 我去接你啊 怎么不说话 行之止
07:03哦 朋友啊
07:14哦 您是
07:23那你让他醒了给我回个电话 就说他家宝贝想他了
07:29好 我知道了
07:31哦 可以啊行之止啊
07:44行之止你快醒醒 你家宝贝找你了 行之止
07:53谁是你的宝贝啊 找你的祖宗去吧
07:55小贾 你乖乖的 我还带你去游乐园玩
09:03Come on.
09:03Come on.
09:33Wait for it.
09:42Wait for it.
09:59Are you happy?
10:00It's good to be young.
10:02You called me last night, didn't you?
10:04What's the matter?
10:05I can't call you when I'm free, can I?
10:07You don't need me anymore when you have a girlfriend, do you?
10:11Qin Fei answered your call last night, didn't he?
10:14What did you say to him?
10:17I didn't say anything.
10:19I just said,
10:20when you wake up, give me a call.
10:23Didn't you tell him you were my sister?
10:26Let me think.
10:29I don't remember what I said to him.
10:33You want to be jealous.
10:37What did you say to him?
10:38How did you tell him?
10:39Why are you in a hurry?
10:41He said it.
10:42He's just your friend.
10:43Then I'll have to test him on purpose.
10:45To tease him.
10:46I didn't tell him I was your sister on purpose.
10:48What's the matter?
10:49Are you angry?
10:50Or are you jealous?
10:52I didn't show you my face, did I?
10:54It looks like he cares about you.
10:56It's not just a friend.
10:58Shen Zhizu.
11:00You really hurt me, you know?
11:07Don't show your waist.
11:10This white one.
11:13A little plain.
11:14It doesn't suit your temperament.
11:16After all, you're going to find a boyfriend.
11:18Not a lecture.
11:20Let's see.
11:21I'm not going.
11:23What's the matter?
11:24Let him go to his ancestor.
11:25I'm not going anyway.
11:27What ancestor?
11:29Xing Zhizhi and Liu Yanze went out for a drink yesterday.
11:33After he was drunk, he came to me.
11:35I took care of him.
11:36I didn't think he couldn't answer the phone after he was drunk.
11:38I answered a woman's phone for him.
11:42Liu Yanze went out for a drink with Xing Zhizhi yesterday.
11:45Luo Xiaoxiao.
11:46I said there was a woman calling him.
11:49Okay, okay, okay.
11:50And then?
11:51There was a woman calling him.
11:52And then?
11:53That woman spoke in a strange way.
11:55Not only asked who I was.
11:56What else did she say?
11:57Baby, come back soon.
11:58Baby, I miss you so much.
12:00The most important thing is
12:01her phone number is called ancestor.
12:04No way.
12:05Why not?
12:06But I didn't think Xing Zhizhi would be this kind of person.
12:11The ancestor last night was my sister.
12:13My biological sister.
12:14Baby is my nephew.
12:15She was teasing you on purpose.
12:16Don't get me wrong.
12:17I said she wasn't this kind of person.
12:19Misunderstanding, right?
12:21It's not entirely a misunderstanding.
12:22I can only say that she does have a sister.
12:24And then the person who called her last night.
12:26Who is it?
12:27It's really not certain.
12:28The scumbag may point to Weima.
12:29How about I wear this?
12:35Isn't this the clothes you bought?
12:37Wait a minute.
12:40What are you doing?
12:42What are you doing?
12:43What are you doing?
12:44What are you doing?
12:45What are you doing?
12:46What are you doing?
12:51How about this one?
12:52I've only worn this one once this year.
12:53I'm wearing a little small.
12:54You must be just right.
12:59This one is good.
13:02What a pity.
13:03Someone just said he wouldn't go.
13:04Is it?
13:06Why should I not go?
13:07Even if there is this ancestor,
13:08I have to see what kind of person he is.
13:11Change your clothes.
13:13Not bad.
13:14Worthy of being the most expensive one.
13:43I'm sorry.
13:44I'm sorry.
14:13I'm sorry.
14:25The number you have dialed is temporarily unavailable.
14:43Hello, Coffee.
14:44What's up?
14:45Miss, Miss.
14:46Has my sister changed her clothes?
14:48I called her, but she didn't answer.
14:50Time is running out.
14:51Please help me urge her.
14:53Your sister changed her clothes and left a long time ago.
14:55You didn't receive it?
14:57I've been waiting in the underground garage.
14:59I didn't see her.
15:03Xiao Fei.
15:07No, no.
15:08Coffee has been waiting downstairs.
15:09I didn't receive it.
15:11Look for it again.
15:14Xiao Fei.
15:27Why don't you call your sister again?
15:29I called her, but she didn't answer.
15:31Don't worry, don't worry.
15:32Maybe it's a mistake.
15:33Let's look for it again.
15:41Let's go.
16:15My sister's glasses.
16:21Hello, Xiao Wei.
16:22Transfer all the records of your security department immediately.
16:25Underground garage.
16:26Hurry up.
16:34I was wrong.
16:36I was wrong.
16:37I was wrong.
16:40You are a fool.
16:41You are a waste.
16:43You can even recognize people.
16:44Why do those girls like you?
16:55What do you want to do?
16:56What do you want to do?
16:58Who are you?
16:59What do you want to do?
17:00What do I want to do?
17:02What do you want to do?
17:05I didn't catch you.
17:08But why are you wearing Xiaoxiao's red dress?
17:10Why did you lie to me?
17:12Xiaoxiao lent it to me.
17:14Do you have any misunderstanding?
17:21I seem to have recognized the wrong person.
17:25I seem to have recognized the wrong person.
17:26All the cases today are the real cases collected by our Hexi Hospital Rehabilitation Department in clinical medicine.
17:32Thank you for sharing with everyone.
17:44Thank you, Mr. Xing.
17:45Next is 30 minutes of Q&A time.
17:48Raise your hand if you have any questions.
17:52You won't call the police, right?
17:54I won't call the police.
17:55Calm down.
18:01You go.
18:04Because it's okay.
18:08What do you have in your hand?
18:11Cell phone.
18:12Didn't you tell me to leave?
18:16I'm a fool.
18:17Do you think you are a big fool?
18:19Do you believe women?
18:22Take out your cell phone.
18:23Take out your cell phone.
18:24Do you hear me?
18:29It seems that everyone's enthusiasm is very high.
18:31So let's listen to the first question.
18:34Hello, senior.
18:36Take out your cell phone.
18:39Cell phone.
18:40Take out your cell phone.
18:41Xing Zhizhi, help me.
18:44What's wrong?
18:45I didn't lie to you.
18:47You didn't lie to me, either.
18:48All of you lied to me.
18:49Xing Zhizhi, listen to me.
18:51I'm going to kill you.
18:52Don't come over.
18:53Don't come over.
18:54Don't mention that bodyguard to me.
18:55Get out of here.
19:00Xing Zhizhi.
19:02Captain Liu said that my sister was caught in the underground garage.
19:05But there is a blind man in the monitoring area.
19:06I don't know where he is now.
19:08I've already called the police.
19:09The police will be here soon.
19:15Xing, I...
19:17I've seen several videos of the entrance to the hotel.
19:20I didn't find Qin Fei's figure.
19:23I suspect he's probably still hiding in the hotel.
19:26Think about it.
19:28Did he give you any hints when he called you?
19:31And the ambient sound.
19:32The ambient sound is also very important.
19:34The ambient sound is very loud.
19:36Ambient sound?
19:37There is a miscellaneous warehouse in the hotel.
19:39It seems that the soundproofing equipment of the ventilation equipment was broken some time ago.
19:43If the ambient sound is very loud,
19:44it may be there.
19:47And there is some echo.
19:49The first floor.
19:50I'll kill you.
19:51I'm going to kill you.
19:53Even if you kill me,
19:54I won't let you go.
19:56Because of you,
19:57Xiaoxiao and I can't be together.
19:59You should go to hell with me for her.
20:05Don't come over.
20:06Don't come over.
20:08Calm down.
20:09If she lost her life,
20:10she might not be able to turn back.
20:12I can't go back.
20:26Don't be nervous.
20:28I know I'm the one you're looking for, right?
20:31I'm here.
20:32I'm here.
20:34Let her go.
20:36Let's find a place to talk.
20:37I don't want to talk to you.
20:38Look who's standing next to you.
20:40You chose her.
20:41She didn't choose me.
20:42You betrayed me.
20:44She's just my bodyguard.
20:45She's nothing.
20:47Look at her eyes.
20:49Full of love.
20:51Full of love.
20:52You misunderstood.
20:54You really misunderstood.
20:56If you don't like her,
20:57I'll let her go now, okay?
21:04Don't you understand?
21:14I didn't lie to you.
21:22I've shown my sincerity.
21:26What about you?
21:27Xiaoxiao, don't come over.
21:28Don't talk.
21:29Don't come over.
21:30Don't talk.
21:32Don't come over.
21:37You said that
21:38I betrayed you
21:40and held another woman in your arms.
21:43Let her go.
21:45I'll come to you.
21:47Can I still trust you?
21:49I never lied to you.
21:52Trust me.
22:08You're all liars.
22:31Don't come over.
22:56I'm late.
23:02I'm late.
23:15Xing Zhizhi.
23:21Xing Zhizhi.
23:31Xing Zhizhi.
23:42Doctor Xing will be fine.
23:43Don't worry too much.
23:45We've been in there for a long time.
23:46Why hasn't she come out yet?
24:01Xing Zhizhi.
24:04From CT,
24:06there is no big problem.
24:07No skull fracture.
24:09A mild concussion.
24:11She has woken up.
24:12She needs to stay in the hospital for observation.
24:13You go for the medical procedures.
24:15Thank you, doctor.
24:16Thank you, doctor.
24:18Go for the procedures.
24:21Go to the hospital.
24:22Thank you, doctor.
24:23Thank you, doctor.
24:25Go to the hospital.
24:27Thank you, doctor.
24:29Thank you, doctor.
24:30You've left so many big company cards in the venue.
24:32Good thing I helped you.
24:34Your paper is going to be published in the next year's medical forum
24:37on the selection of academic paper.
24:39This time, you are famous.
24:41I've already helped you with the hospital's hospitalization.
24:43The hospital's president heard that you went out to save people.
24:45Not only were you not angry, but he also praised you.
24:48Saying that the healer has compassion, that he is not afraid of danger.
24:50Sister, Dr. Xin needs to rest. We'll leave first.
24:52If there is anything, call us.
24:53I'm not done yet.
24:54Lao Xia, I...
24:56Lao Xia, listen to me.
24:57I'm not done yet, Xia.
25:11How are you?
25:13Hang in there, I'll save you.
25:16I'm not done yet, Xia.
25:19Hang in there, I'll save you.
25:27Are you stupid?
25:28Can't you see my sister is in a bad mood?
25:31Why is she in a bad mood?
25:32She's the only one who can take it.
25:35How do I know?
25:36I'm not sure if my sister can get her head back.
25:39Don't worry, I won't do that.
25:42Don't do that.
25:43You have a thick skin.
25:44Am I thick-skinned?
25:45Touch me again.
25:48Li Chengcheng.
25:51How is Xing Zhizhi?
25:52She's fine.
25:53She just has a little concussion.
25:55She's in the innermost room.
25:59Who is she?
26:00Xing Zhizhi's sister.
26:02Xing Zhizhi has a sister?
26:05But why did her sister come so soon?
26:06It's not such an important situation.
26:07Why didn't you tell me earlier?
26:09Didn't my sister get jealous for nothing?
26:14Qin Fei will see her sister later.
26:40What should I call you?
26:43Xing Zhizu.
26:46Hello, Ms. Zhizu.
26:47The doctor said
26:48Xing Zhizhi is just a minor injury.
26:49Don't worry too much.
26:52I have work to do.
26:53I'm leaving now.
27:10Take my car.
27:11I'll give you a ride.
27:17Ms. Luo.
27:19You can go with Mr. Chen.
27:21My work is done.
27:25What do you mean?
27:34I'll wait for you in the car.
27:44Li Wei
27:45was the one who followed you
27:46when you were in Huhai.
27:48He sent you some messy stuff
27:49to your house.
27:50Including the camera this time.
27:52He did it, too.
27:53This man's spirit is abnormal
27:55and aggressive.
27:58what do you want to say?
28:03I promised you a commission
28:04because of him.
28:05Now he has been controlled by the police.
28:07You are safe.
28:11there's no need to continue
28:12the commission of personal guards.
28:14But we have a contract.
28:15If so,
28:16are you breaking the contract unilaterally?
28:18In this case, I can ask Lan Wei
28:19for compensation.
28:21You won't.
28:24Of course,
28:25I won't force you.
28:26If you need compensation,
28:30I'm the one who signed the contract.
28:32It won't affect Lan Wei.
28:35Of course,
28:37you can ask Mr. Chen
28:38to do the legal procedure.
28:40Five years, ten years, twenty years.
28:43It doesn't matter.
28:44I'll try my best to compensate you.
28:52You are willing to sign the contract
28:53to protect me for Li Wei.
28:56Now that the mission is over,
28:58you are willing to compensate me for twenty years
29:00just to avoid me.
29:01Okay, Yang Yanze.
29:03You are really good.
29:10You are my ex-girlfriend.
29:11I can always see that you are in danger.
29:12I don't care.
29:14I'm not that kind of person.
29:15You know that.
29:18I know.
29:20I know you.
29:23You know me, too.
29:26You know me, too.
29:28You know me, too.
29:31You know how to say
29:32what hurts me the most.
29:37Luo Xiaoxiao.
29:39We were very good at that time.
29:42But listen carefully.
29:43That was at that time.
29:45Is it interesting to hold on to the past?
29:47You always ask me
29:48whether I put it down.
29:49I'll tell you today.
29:52I put it down.
29:53I put it down.
29:57I really don't want to see you again.
30:00It's really tiring to take care of a star.
30:11You lied.
30:12I didn't.
30:19Someone will take care of you.
30:23Someone will take care of you.
30:53I'm sorry.
31:23I'm sorry.
31:24I'm sorry.
31:25I'm sorry.
31:26I'm sorry.
31:27I'm sorry.
31:28I'm sorry.
31:29I'm sorry.
31:30I'm sorry.
31:31I'm sorry.
31:32I'm sorry.
31:33I'm sorry.
31:34I'm sorry.
31:35I'm sorry.
31:36I'm sorry.
31:37I'm sorry.
31:38I'm sorry.
31:39I'm sorry.
31:40I'm sorry.
31:41I'm sorry.
31:42I'm sorry.
31:43I'm sorry.
31:44I'm sorry.
31:45I'm sorry.
31:46I'm sorry.
31:47I'm sorry.
31:48I'm sorry.
31:49I'm sorry.
31:50I'm sorry.
31:51I'm sorry.
31:52I'm sorry.
31:53I'm sorry.
31:54I'm sorry.
31:55I'm sorry.
31:56I'm sorry.
31:57I'm sorry.
31:58I'm sorry.
31:59I'm sorry.
32:00I'm sorry.
32:01I'm sorry.
32:02I'm sorry.
32:03I'm sorry.
32:04I'm sorry.
32:05I'm sorry.
32:06I'm sorry.
32:07I'm sorry.
32:08I'm sorry.
32:09I'm sorry.
32:10I'm sorry.
32:11I'm sorry.
32:12I'm sorry.
32:13I'm sorry.
32:14I'm sorry.
32:15I'm sorry.
32:16I'm sorry.
32:17I'm sorry.
32:18I'm sorry.
32:19I'm sorry.
32:20I'm sorry.
32:21I'm sorry.
32:22I'm sorry.
32:23I'm sorry.
32:24I'm sorry.
32:25I'm sorry.
32:26I'm sorry.
32:27I'm sorry.
32:28I'm sorry.
32:29I'm sorry.
32:30I'm sorry.
32:31I'm sorry.
32:32I'm sorry.
32:33I'm sorry.
32:34I'm sorry.
32:35I'm sorry.
32:36I'm sorry.
32:37I'm sorry.
32:38I'm sorry.
32:39I'm sorry.
32:40I'm sorry.
32:41I'm sorry.
32:42I'm sorry.
32:43I'm sorry.
32:44I'm sorry.
32:45I'm sorry.
32:46I'm sorry.
32:47I'm sorry.
32:48I'm sorry.
32:49I'm sorry.
32:50I'm sorry.
32:51I'm sorry.
32:52I'm sorry.
32:53I'm sorry.
32:54I'm sorry.
32:55I'm sorry.
32:56I'm sorry.
32:57I'm sorry.
32:58I'm sorry.
32:59I'm sorry.
33:00I'm sorry.
33:01I'm sorry.
33:02I'm sorry.
33:03I'm sorry.
33:04I'm sorry.
33:05I'm sorry.
33:06I'm sorry.
33:07I'm sorry.
33:08I'm sorry.
33:09I'm sorry.
33:10I'm sorry.
33:11I'm sorry.
33:12I'm sorry.
33:13I'm sorry.
33:14I'm sorry.
33:15I'm sorry.
33:16I'm sorry.
33:17I'm sorry.
33:18I'm sorry.
33:22Change places.
33:23Ah Lian,
33:24Change places!
33:25Ah Lian!
33:26changing places!
33:27changing places!
33:28I'm sorry.
33:29I'm sorry.
33:30Give me your phone!
33:32Give me your phone.
33:33give me your phone.
33:34Hurry up
33:37too hasty
33:38No hurry
33:41Is the filming going well?
33:42When will you come?
33:43Do you have time tomorrow?
33:44I'm ready to leave the hospital.
33:45I'm going to leave the hospital.
33:47You're so clingy.
33:49Xin Fei, you like this style?
33:53Order it now.
33:55Buy me a square frame.
33:57Don't be so obvious, Xin Fei.
33:59I heard you were kidnapped by that pervert a few days ago.
34:01Or that little white face saved you.
34:03You two are together now.
34:05He's not Hao Jun.
34:07You don't look in the mirror.
34:09You don't know who looks like a little white face.
34:11Sister, I'm not provoking.
34:13We're shooting a love scene.
34:15Not to mention physical contact.
34:17We've been together for a few months.
34:23I mean, he's so clingy.
34:25Can he understand us?
34:27Besides, can he stand the gossips?
34:29I didn't want to refute you.
34:31It's not necessary to think about it.
34:33There are only eight words.
34:35Which eight words?
34:37I like it.
34:43I like it.
34:47Xin Zhi Zhi told you, right?
34:49She has to leave the hospital tomorrow.
34:51I can't stop her.
34:53But I have to go back to Huhai tonight.
34:55So I have to trouble you
34:57to pick her up from the hospital.
34:59Don't be nervous.
35:01She can run, jump, and write.
35:03But she's a little fragile
35:05in her heart.
35:07She needs company.
35:09She disappears as soon as she's sick.
35:13I thought
35:15you didn't want me to see her.
35:19After all, I hurt Xin Zhi Zhi.
35:21The first time you saw me,
35:23how did you feel?
35:25How did you like me?
35:31I didn't like you.
35:35I know
35:37Xin Zhi Zhi's temper.
35:39She didn't tell her family
35:41at all.
35:43There's only one reason.
35:45You haven't let it go.
35:49So I tried to test you.
35:51I just wanted to see
35:53if you were sincere to Xin Zhi Zhi.
35:55It's just right for my fragile
35:57love affair.
35:59But I have no
36:01hostility to you.
36:03I just want to know
36:05if you will back down if someone opposes.
36:09you left without saying anything
36:11at the hospital that day.
36:13I was quite disappointed.
36:15But I like
36:17your answer just now.
36:21I like it.
36:23It's none of your business.
36:27You will protect her
36:29in front of others.
36:31That's enough.
36:37Did I
36:39misunderstand you?
36:41You don't like Xin Zhi Zhi.
36:43You just don't know how to reject her.
36:47But she likes me
36:49more than I thought.
36:51I'm afraid I can't bear it.
36:53Don't think too much.
36:55As long as she likes you,
36:57you can bear it.
37:09Haven't you stayed enough?
37:11Who are you waiting for?
37:15He must have left, Young Master.
37:17I have to go back and hold a fan meeting.
37:257 p.m. tonight.
37:27See you at the music fountain.
37:29See you at the music fountain.
37:31See you at the music fountain.
37:33See you at the music fountain.
37:35See you at the music fountain.
37:37Don't worry about me.
37:39See you at the music fountain.
37:41That's great.
37:43Where are you going?
37:53How is it?
37:55Is it good?
37:59Eat more.
38:01It's a specialty here.
38:05Eat more.
38:11Xian Zhizhi.
38:13If I hadn't found out,
38:15would you have
38:17never told me the truth?
38:19What truth?
38:23Where are you going?
38:27I want to confess my love to you.
38:31I want to confess my love to you.
38:35Xian Zhizhi.
38:37Let's be together.
38:43Why are you still standing there?
38:45Come here.
38:51You didn't lie to me.
38:53It's really beautiful here.
38:55You have been struggling
38:57whether you are a member of the family.
39:01Let me tell you now.
39:03You are right.
39:05Xian Zhizhi.
39:07Let's be together.
39:11You told me a lot before.
39:13I thought about it for a long time.
39:15I figured it out.
39:17As long as this person is you,
39:19I won't be afraid of anything.
39:21No matter how many difficulties
39:23and problems I will face in the future,
39:25as long as I am with you,
39:27I want to face it bravely.
39:33This time,
39:35we can be together for a long time.
39:37No. No.
39:39Not maybe.
39:41It must be possible.
40:03You are the one
40:05You are the one
40:07You are the one
40:09You are the one
40:11You are the one
40:13You are the one
40:15You are the one
40:17You are the one
40:19You are the one
40:21You are the one
40:23You are the one
40:25You are the one
40:27You are the one
40:29You are the one
40:31You are the one
40:33You are the one
40:35You are the one
40:37You are the one
40:39You are the one
40:41You are the one
40:43You are the one
40:45You are the one
40:47You are the one
40:49You are the one
40:51You are the one
40:53You are the one
40:55You are the one
40:57You are the one
40:59You are the one
41:01You are the one
41:03You are the one
41:05You are the one
41:07You are the one
41:09You are the one
41:11You are the one
41:13You are the one
41:15You are the one
41:17You are the one
41:19You are the one
41:21You are the one
41:23You are the one
41:25You are the one
41:27You are the one
41:29You are the one
41:31You are the one
41:33You are the one
41:35You are the one
41:37You are the one
41:39You are the one
41:41You are the one
41:43You are the one
41:45You are the one
41:47You are the one
41:49You are the one
41:51You are the one
41:53You are the one
42:41Xiao Bai
42:43Get up
42:45I put the medicine in
42:47Get up and drink it
42:51Drink it
43:01Is it sweet?
43:13Let's go
43:15Xing Zhi Zhi
43:17I take it seriously
43:19What you said before
43:21I take it seriously
43:23I take it seriously
43:27Because I remember
43:53How in your eyes
43:55Can feel so blue
44:01The wind in the mountains
44:03Gently blows me
44:09Sometimes in the sky
44:11Sometimes in the river
44:13Sometimes in the end of time
44:15Sometimes in the end of time
44:19The light shines
44:25Into my dream
44:27My love
44:29Stay with me
44:31My love
44:33One more time
44:35One more second
44:37Stay in your eyes
44:41To the last day
44:43Of my life
44:45Stay with me
44:47One more
44:49Every moment
44:51To eternity
44:53Keep it for you
44:57Into my dream
44:59My love
45:01Stay with me
45:03My love
45:05One more time
45:07One more second
45:09Stay in your eyes
45:13To the last day
45:15Of my life
45:17Stay with me
45:19One more
45:23Every moment
45:25To eternity
45:27Keep it for you
45:33The beginning
45:43The end
