• 20 hours ago
They warmed our heats and ruined our makeup. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re looking at the most wholesome movie moments that will have you bawling with tears.


00:00I'm in love with you.
00:03I am so in love with you.
00:05Welcome to Ms. Mojo, and today we're looking at the most wholesome movie moments that will
00:10have you bawling with tears. Look out for spoilers.
00:14Elena? What's wrong, Mica?
00:18Nothing, Mama.
00:21Number 20. The Proposal. Crazy Rich Asians.
00:24Rachel! Stay there!
00:27I'm gonna go look for some extra blankets.
00:32Rachel spends most of the movie trying to prove her love for Nick,
00:35but thinking his family won't accept her, she decides to walk away.
00:39You will never be alone.
00:41Fortunately, Nick's mother comes to her senses and gives him her blessing.
00:44While airplane proposals are nothing new for rom-coms,
00:47this scene is adorably awkward. You might think their big moment is being interrupted,
00:53Okay, yep, right behind you.
00:54but the truth is that this is their big moment.
00:57Sorry, dude. Give me a second.
01:02When the sun hits the horizon, I get down on one knee.
01:07Our heroine realizes that she's right where she's supposed to be,
01:10because Nick belongs wherever Rachel is,
01:12and so it's Rachel's turn to feel like she's worth fighting for.
01:15It's a scene designed to get you teary-eyed,
01:18but since it's all happy tears, we're not complaining.
01:21Will you marry me?
01:25And make me the happiest man in this world?
01:28Yes, yes, yes, I will marry you!
01:36Number 19.
01:37Define dancing.
01:39WALL-E is about a lonely robot who just wants to be loved.
01:43After finding the object of his affection in Eve, he isn't willing to let her go.
01:48While drifting in space, he provides the seedling Eve needs to complete her mission.
01:53The latter's thank-you kiss kickstarts their romance.
01:56Viewers have seen WALL-E in his pitifully isolated life,
01:59so watching the protagonist experience a moment of happiness is incredibly rewarding.
02:17Bolstered by a beautiful melody, we feel the same sense of elation as WALL-E and Eve.
02:23Even if you've never felt it before, these two show us what it's like to fall in love.
02:27And what better place than among the stars?
02:45Number 18.
02:46Growing Old With You — The Wedding Singer
02:54Adam Sandler's comedies might be a touch too slapstick,
02:57but the heartwarming elements usually make up for this slight shortcoming.
03:00The Wedding Singer arguably contains his most swoon-worthy scene.
03:04Learning Julia is close by, Robbie has the entire plane crew — and Billy Idol — help
03:09make this an unforgettable moment.
03:17Oh my God!
03:19The Mile High guy is Glenn!
03:20They're on his plane!
03:22No way!
03:23Although she has much love to give, Julia never received love in return.
03:27Until now.
03:37Robbie's song eschews the usual declaration of love, focusing instead on how he plans
03:41to spend each day with her for the rest of their lives.
03:44It's a delightfully unconventional piece that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
03:55By the end, Julia's pretty much speechless.
03:57And honestly, we feel the same way.
04:06Number 17.
04:08MJ Chooses Peter — Spider-Man 2
04:10Carrying great responsibility requires great sacrifice,
04:14but heroes deserve happiness too.
04:16There are bigger things happening here than me and you.
04:19Although Mary Jane finds out he's Spider-Man, Peter keeps her at arm's length for her safety.
04:24However, the latter makes her own decision in the end.
04:27Running out on her wedding and at Peter's doorstep, MJ reminds him that she has a
04:31choice too — and she chooses him.
04:33I had to do what I had to do.
04:37Mary Jane.
04:38Peter, I can't survive without you.
04:44By this point in the series, we've seen Peter withstand one tragedy after another.
04:48But for once, things work out in our protagonist's favor.
04:51With MJ accepting him for who he is, the two sides of Peter's life become one.
04:56It's a wonderful reminder that, sometimes, it's the hero who needs saving.
05:00And MJ is the one to do it.
05:02Go get him, Tiger.
05:04Number 16.
05:05You Complete Me.
05:07Jerry Maguire.
05:11I'm looking for my wife.
05:12Easily among the most quotable movies, Jerry Maguire saves the best one for last.
05:17I'm not letting you get rid of me.
05:20How about that?
05:22After obsessing over his career, the titular character realizes his estranged wife Dorothy
05:27is far more important.
05:29Grand Dekker's character, Dorothy McGuire,
05:31is far more important.
05:33Grand declarations of love aren't his specialty.
05:35But for all the trips and stumbles he makes during his speech,
05:38you can tell he truly wants her to give him another chance.
05:41You complete me.
05:48How about just head—
05:49Shut up.
05:51Just shut up.
05:53You head me at hello.
05:55Dorothy's silence makes the scene, as the character's heart practically melts before
06:00Jerry's words.
06:01Of course, he'd won her over the second he arrived.
06:03It might be slightly over-sentimental, but it also manages to feel absolutely authentic.
06:09I love you.
06:10Number 15.
06:11Love in the Rain.
06:12Breakfast at Tiffany's.
06:14Hello, cat.
06:16We spend most of this rom-com amused by Holly Golightly's antics.
06:19However, this is how she hides her inherent fear of commitment.
06:22Despite Paul confessing his feelings, Holly can't overcome her issues.
06:26Releasing their pet cat in the pouring rain is an uncharacteristically cruel move.
06:31This ought to be the right kind of place for a tough guy like you.
06:34Garbage cans, rats galore.
06:38I said take off.
06:40Beat it.
06:41But just when it seems it's over, our protagonist comes to her senses.
06:45Where's the cat?
06:48I don't know.
06:50Romantic comedies always find ways to build up to that big kiss.
06:54Breakfast at Tiffany's gives us one of the best.
07:09Recovering the cat represents Holly's decision to give love a chance.
07:13After worrying about her future for so long, she finally stops being afraid.
07:18And Holly and Paul's kiss makes us weak in the knees.
07:20Number 14.
07:22Amanda Returns to Graham.
07:23The Holiday.
07:24Do you have a good holiday, miss?
07:34Maybe the best ever.
07:35Part of Amanda's story arc is that she can't cry.
07:38So you just know the film will circle back to this.
07:43Okay, moving on.
07:45She and Graham have a holiday romance, and everything about them fits perfectly.
07:49Everything except the fact that they live continents apart.
07:52After deciding she can't return his feelings, Amanda is on her way back to America.
07:57Leaving Graham in Europe.
07:58And cue the waterworks.
08:07Realizing her love for Graham has made her feel something for the first time in years,
08:11Amanda knows he's the one.
08:12Is it a bit cheesy?
08:18But do we care?
08:20Turn around.
08:23Turn around and go back, please.
08:24Amanda practically explodes with joy sprinting in the snow.
08:27Their reunion might be predictable, but the scene's execution deserves a chef's kiss.
08:40Number 13.
08:41Annie and Hallie Realize Their Sisters.
08:44The Parent Trap.
08:45Annie and Hallie look exactly the same.
08:47But it sure takes a while before they figure out why.
08:50But their true reunion is worth the wait.
08:52Forced together, the former rivals realize they have a lot in common.
08:56So much so that they begin to suspect they might even share parents.
08:59Want one?
09:01Oh, sure.
09:01I love Oreos.
09:03At home, I eat them with peanut butter.
09:07You do?
09:08That is so weird.
09:10So do I.
09:11You're kidding.
09:12It helps that they each have one half of a photo which, when put together,
09:15reveals that they are twins.
09:17Realizing their sisters puts their lives in perspective.
09:20Annie and Hallie always felt something was missing.
09:22Now they have all the answers right in front of them.
09:25And you and I are like, like sisters.
09:30Hallie, we're like twins.
09:33In pure Disney fashion, the accompanying soundtrack completes this moment.
09:37And you'll be smiling through tears before you know it.
09:39I just don't know what to say.
09:42What's that you're holding?
09:44My locket.
09:45I got it when I was born.
09:47It has an H on it.
09:51I got mine when I was born too, except mine has an A on it.
09:55Number 12.
09:56Jamal and Latika reunite.
09:58Slumdog Millionaire.
10:08Jamal and Latika's childhoods were defined by struggle.
10:11They are destined to be together.
10:13But fate keeps them apart.
10:15It takes going on a million-dollar game show and winning,
10:18just so Jamal can talk to her again.
10:20I knew you'd be watching.
10:23I thought we'd meet again only in death.
10:26Fortunately for the protagonists, this finally brings them together again.
10:30Having once been separated at a train station,
10:32it's fitting that one is the setting of their reunion.
10:40Thanks to Danny Boyle's directorial brilliance,
10:42this scene hits all the right notes.
10:45With a beautiful melody ringing in our ears,
10:47we watch the pair find their way back to each other.
10:50They have a whole life to look forward to.
10:52But at this moment, time itself seems to stop.
11:04Number 11.
11:05Tony hugs Peter.
11:07Avengers Endgame.
11:08The final battle against Thanos ends in heartbreak for fans of Iron Man.
11:15I am Iron Man.
11:22But we do get one scene that fans will forever cherish.
11:26Tony and Peter's relationship begins in uncertain circumstances,
11:29but ultimately evolves into a father-son dynamic.
11:32After watching the latter die in his arms years ago,
11:35Tony can't believe his eyes when Peter returns.
11:38And I must have passed out because I woke up and you were gone.
11:41But Doctor Strange was there, right?
11:42He was like, it's been five years, come on, they need us.
11:44And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time.
11:47What are you doing?
11:52They're in the heat of battle,
11:53but Tony lets his protege know he loves him,
11:56perfectly contrasting with all the destruction around them.
11:58It reminds us of what Tony is fighting for.
12:01It's also a payoff to years worth of storytelling,
12:04as Peter receives the approval he's always wanted.
12:07Their reunion is painfully short-lived,
12:09but we'll always have this embrace to remember this duo by.
12:12Oh, this is nice.
12:14Number 10.
12:15Family Dance.
12:16Little Miss Sunshine.
12:17Olive Hoover!
12:20The Hoover family doesn't have the greatest time during their road trip,
12:23between their grandfather's death,
12:25financial issues,
12:26and deep-rooted personal problems.
12:28There's a lot to unpack.
12:32However, the finale creates that spark of unity they desperately need.
12:36Youngest child Olive's pageant performance creates anger and condemnation
12:39from the audience and officials,
12:41but the family ignores demands that she be stopped.
12:44Instead, they join her on stage.
12:46Hey, let go of my daughter!
13:00And just like that, all seems right in the world.
13:02They may spend most of their time arguing,
13:04but that doesn't mean they don't love each other.
13:07Although they still have many problems to face,
13:09this delightfully silly number solidifies the family's bond.
13:13After all, the family that dances together, stays together.
13:29Number 9.
13:30The Richest Man in Town,
13:32It's a Wonderful Life.
13:39Just about every scene in this holiday classic drips with heartfelt sentiment.
13:45Even if you're good at holding your emotions, you'll be tearing up at the end.
13:49When George Bailey feels unloved and at a loss,
13:52his guardian angel takes him on a journey of self-discovery.
13:55How am I doing, Joseph?
13:58George discovers he has everything he's always needed,
14:01and he has made a difference to so many.
14:04It wouldn't be a holiday movie without a grand finish,
14:06and George is in for a surprise.
14:08Surrounded by his loved ones, he appreciates the gift of life.
14:12We'd say it's hard to put into words, but George's brother has this covered.
14:16Here, Ernie, a toast.
14:18To my big brother George, the richest man in town.
14:23Because it isn't about wealth or riches,
14:26it's knowing you are where you belong, and are loved for being there.
14:30Look, Daddy, teacher says every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.
14:37That's right.
14:39That's right.
14:42Number 8.
14:43Rocky's Victory.
14:44Rocky 2.
14:45The Rocky series is the ultimate underdog story,
14:47and who doesn't love an underdog?
14:52While the first entry ends with a moral victory for the protagonist,
14:55he does one better in the sequel.
14:57Get him!
15:06Come on, come on.
15:08Refusing to break under Apollo Creed's vicious attacks,
15:11Rocky is in it to win.
15:13Fans have their hearts in their throats when both boxers go down.
15:17But when it's all said and done, our hero stands tall.
15:20The wild scenes make you feel like you're in the arena as well,
15:23as the roof blows off in celebration.
15:25And there it goes!
15:27Oh, my life!
15:29Oh, my life!
15:31That's the last second!
15:33Rocky Balboa has shocked the world!
15:36Although Rocky's hand is raised,
15:38it feels like everyone is a winner during this moment.
15:41To top it off,
15:42Rocky signs off with the words now immortalized in cinematic history.
15:50Number 7.
15:51Harry professes his love when Harry met Sally.
16:01Taking place across 12 years,
16:03this film's timeline traces Harry's character development.
16:06Having Sally in his life changes him from a perpetual cynic to a believer in true love.
16:11He finally lets his heart do the talking at a New Year's Eve party.
16:14I've been doing a lot of thinking, and the thing is, I love you.
16:19I love you.
16:21How do you expect me to respond to this?
16:24How about you love me too?
16:25Instead of big words or a drawn-out speech,
16:28it's how simple Harry keeps it that seals the deal.
16:31He doesn't love her just because of how she makes him feel,
16:33but because of who she is.
16:35Listing down everything that makes Sally Sally,
16:38Harry knows that he can't ever love anyone else.
16:41As far as hitting us in the feels goes,
16:43this scene's impact is of the highest order.
16:45I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out.
16:48I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich.
16:51I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose
16:53when you're looking at me like I'm nuts.
16:54I love that after I spend a day with you,
16:56I can still smell your perfume on my clothes,
16:58and I love that you are the last person I want to talk to
17:01before I go to sleep at night.
17:03Just like Sally,
17:04you'll be smiling and crying during their final embrace.
17:18What does this song mean?
17:20My whole life, I don't know what this song means.
17:26I said leave, Mr. Keating.
17:28Fired under false pretenses,
17:30English teacher John Keating is about to leave school for good.
17:33Standing on their desks,
17:34the boys he's inspired give him a send-off
17:36that lets him know he has made a difference in their lives.
17:39Captain, my captain.
17:40Sit down, Mr. Anderson.
17:45Do you hear me?
17:46Sit down.
17:48Sit down!
17:50The system might have won the battle,
17:52but Keating's boys hold on to the lessons he's taught them.
17:55Sit down, all of you.
17:57I want you seated.
17:59Sit down.
18:00Leave, Mr. Keating.
18:02Although it's not the traditional happy ending
18:04that many would have wanted,
18:06the scene is deeply impactful.
18:08Within the context of the film,
18:09the boys' defiance means the world.
18:11Keating gets to leave with his head held high,
18:14and we're all here for it.
18:16Thank you, boys.
18:25Number five.
18:26Hagrid returns to Hogwarts.
18:28Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
18:31Sorry I'm late.
18:39Every Harry Potter fan wants to go to Hogwarts,
18:41and this scene is a prime example of why.
18:43The uplifting music,
18:45spirit of camaraderie,
18:46and euphoria of Hermione's return can't be topped.
18:49Or so you think.
18:50But then Hagrid returns, and our hearts skip a beat.
18:53The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused.
18:57The momentous fan service at its best,
18:59as the characters say what we're all probably thinking.
19:02Thanks to Harry,
19:03everyone's favorite gentle half-giant gets the respect he deserves.
19:07If it hadn't been for you, Harry, and Ron, and Hermione, of course,
19:14I would, uh, I'd still be you nowhere.
19:18So I'd just like to say thanks.
19:21It's not just a victory lap.
19:23It's a celebration of their love and friendship.
19:25Fans are reminded of what Hogwarts is all about.
19:28There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid.
19:30It isn't just a school.
19:31It's a place to call home.
19:33Unless you're a party pooper like Malfoy, that is.
19:35Number four.
19:36Family Reunion.
19:38The Impossible.
19:39Focusing on the Bennet family's trials in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami,
19:44The Impossible is an absolute tearjerker.
19:54Separated during the destruction,
19:55the film depicts the family members' attempts to reunite.
19:58Every scene will tear you to pieces.
20:00However, the finale finally gives us a reason to smile.
20:03Against all odds, the family manages to find each other,
20:06culminating in an emotional rollercoaster for the ages.
20:19The massive loss of life can't be overstated or forgotten,
20:22but watching the Bennets' moment of familial bliss
20:25does remind us that happiness and hope aren't too far away.
20:29So make sure you have a box of tissues before watching this film.
20:42Actually, make that about five.
20:44Number three.
20:45Miguel sings to Coco.
20:51After his adventure with the Land of the Dead,
20:53Miguel desperately needs his great-grandmother to remember her father, Hector.
20:58Papa, he wanted you to have this.
21:04Mama, wait.
21:05Remember me.
21:10The latter's fate is tied to his daughter,
21:12as Hector will fade away unless Coco preserves his memory.
21:15Now knowing the importance of Remember Me, Miguel plays the song.
21:19Remember me, though I have to travel far.
21:26Remember me, each time you hear a sad guitar.
21:33His gamble pays off as the frail and elderly Coco stirs,
21:37harking back to the time she'd shared with her beloved father.
21:40Many decades since they'd last seen each other,
21:42Coco and Hector's love shines through with this ballad.
21:45That moment, etched in time, brings the family together across life and death.
21:50Tears are pretty much guaranteed when Pixar's involved.
21:53My papa used to sing me that song.
21:57He loved you, Mama Coco.
22:00Your papa loved you so much.
22:03This scene represents the best the studio has to offer in this area.
22:07Number two.
22:09The Lord of the Rings.
22:10The Return of the King.
22:12Now come the days of the king.
22:14The Return of the King's epic scale makes it hard not to get a catch in the throat watching
22:19Middle-earth in all its majestic glory.
22:21Still, a beautiful moment of peace is what takes the breath away.
22:35When Aragorn is crowned King of Gondor, you'd think his coronation would be all about him.
22:40However, he pays respects to the true heroes of Sauron's defeat.
22:43The last thing Frodo and his friends expected was a badge of honor, but with thousands in
22:47attendance, these young hobbits receive the ultimate mark of respect.
23:06It doubles as confirmation to fans that their hero's struggles are over.
23:10Frodo and his friends served as the audience surrogate, so watching their big moment appeals
23:15to the hero in all of us.
23:17Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
23:21about our latest videos.
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23:33Number one.
23:34Red Finds Andy.
23:35The Shawshank Redemption.
23:36Released from prison but missing his best friend,
23:39Red takes a leap of faith.
23:41Traveling across the border, he doesn't know what's in store.
23:44And with so many stop-start moments during the character's story,
23:47it's natural to assume that something might go wrong.
23:50One day, when I got a long white beard and two or three marbles rolling around upstairs,
23:54they let me out.
23:58Tell you where I'd go.
24:01To Ardenhill.
24:02But for once, things go just right.
24:05No last-minute twists and false promises.
24:07Just a wholesome embrace to close out the film.
24:10A heartwarming reunion and a Morgan Freeman voiceover.
24:13How do you expect us not to cry?
24:15I hope to see my friend and shake his hand.
24:20I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.
24:23But after witnessing Andy and Red's agonizing experiences in Shawshank State Penitentiary,
24:28at least we're crying for the right reasons this time.
24:36Can you think of other movie moments that stole your heart away?
24:49Let us know in the comments.
24:51I'm twined.
24:51There's two of me.
24:52I mean, two of us.
24:54This is like mind-boggling.
25:00Oh my god.
25:01Oh my god.
25:02Do you agree with our picks?
25:04Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
25:06And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
