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Give these guys another chance! Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re looking at characters from Disney films that get a lot of negative attention for flawed reasons.


00:00Ben! Of course I'm Ben, the bio-electronic navigator.
00:04Oops. And you are?
00:06Welcome to Ms. Mojo, and today we're looking at characters from Disney films
00:10that get a lot of negative attention for flawed reasons.
00:13What am I going to do with him?
00:15He'd make a very handsome throw rug.
00:19Number 10. Merida, Brave
00:22This spirited redhead is a very odd target of hate.
00:25Merida is a young princess in medieval Scotland with a talent for archery
00:29and a strained relationship with her proper mother, Eleanor.
00:32I'm not doing any of this to hurt you.
00:34If you could just try to see what I do, I do out of love.
00:39But it's my life.
00:41When she finds out that she's to be betrothed against her will,
00:44she winds up in a witch's home with a spell to change her mother.
00:47Eleanor is changed, all right. She becomes a bear.
00:50It's not my fault. I didn't ask her to change you into a bear.
00:54I just wanted her to change you.
00:59Merida's crucial role in turning her mother into a bear didn't win her many fans.
01:03But what is a main character without flaws or mistakes?
01:06Not a good one, we say.
01:08Merida does succeed in changing her mother back.
01:10So all's well that ends well.
01:12Our fate lives within us.
01:17You only have to be brave enough to see it.
01:20Number 9. Donald Duck, Furious
01:24Does anybody understand what this duck is saying?
01:27One of Disney's most iconic characters is also one of its most hated ones.
01:31This anthropomorphic duck's mercurial disposition and fiery temper
01:35has caused a lot of problems for him.
01:37But it has also gotten him out of many situations.
01:40Donald Duck has appeared in more films than any other Disney character.
01:43Look at him, fellas. That's gonna be us out there someday.
01:47I just know it.
01:49I can't wait.
01:51Yeah, me too.
01:53Despite his iconic status, there are people who feel Donald is too annoying,
01:57too angry, and too much of a jerk to be likable.
02:00But we think he's a great foil to Mickey Mouse.
02:03He also pairs well in stories with Daisy Duck and his nephews, Q-E-Dooey and Louie.
02:17At the end of the day, he's a cartoon duck.
02:19It's his job to be funny.
02:23Let's start this thing over.
02:25Hi, everyone. I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs.
02:29Is it so wrong to love warm hugs?
02:31This effusive snowman, voiced by Josh Gad, gets hate often.
02:35Ironically, this sentient, soft-spoken snowman was written
02:38with much subtler character humor than the typical Disney sidekick.
02:42But Olaf's childlike naivete rubs some viewers the wrong way.
02:46His penchant for dispensing random trivia facts in Frozen 2
02:49didn't exactly win him any fans either.
03:03Still, Olaf is so benign, it's strange to feel anything close to hatred for his character.
03:08Also, we can't help but be charmed by his cute recap of the first Frozen in the sequel.
03:197. Lightning McQueen – Cars
03:25We admit it, this character getting hate is understandable.
03:28A talented race car, Lightning McQueen begins Cars as arrogant and selfish.
03:33He's definitely not a team player.
03:34In his desperation to win the Piston Cup, he winds up stranded in a desert town,
03:51forced to repave a road and learn some humility in the process.
03:55He definitely grows a lot throughout the film,
04:06but many still find his previous attitude too off-putting.
04:09Still, the character development is there,
04:11and we find it unfair that McQueen is judged for his actions in the beginning of the film,
04:15when the narrative clearly gives him a reality check.
04:256. The Gargoyles – The Hunchback of Notre Dame
04:31Fans have long sung the praises of this underrated Disney film,
04:34with its gorgeous score, animation and memorable villain.
04:37Hunchback gets high marks, but if there's one thing fans object to,
04:41it's typically the Gargoyles.
04:44If watching is all you're gonna do,
04:45then you're gonna watch your life go by without you.
04:48Yeah, you're human.
04:49With the flesh and the hair and the naval lint,
04:52we're just part of the architecture, right, Victor?
04:54Many feel that Quasimodo's light-hearted friends
04:56are woefully out of place in one of Disney's darkest films.
05:00Their comic antics tend to lead to tonal clashes.
05:03Maybe Frollo's wrong about the both of us.
05:05What did she say?
05:06Frollo's nose is long and he wears a truss.
05:09Ha! Told ya! Pay up!
05:11Oh, dirt chump.
05:12But let's not get carried away.
05:14This movie is still for kids, with a happy ending to boot.
05:17Disney toned down a lot of the dark elements in Victor Hugo's novel,
05:21ditching its tragic ending completely.
05:23The Gargoyles are fine as comic relief,
05:26and their song is fun, with tongue-in-cheek lyrics.
05:28You see that face?
05:31You don't forget it!
05:33Want something new?
05:35That's you!
05:36For sure!
05:38Number five, Zazu, The Lion King.
05:40It can be hard to think of anything wrong with this iconic film.
05:44After all, it's considered one of Disney's best.
05:46But there are still some fans that really can't stand Zazu the hornbill.
05:50You'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning.
05:54Oh, now, little Zazu, you made me lose my lunch.
05:56Ha! You'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you.
05:59He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia.
06:01As the king's majordomo, Zazu is officious, pompous, and excitable.
06:06Think Polonius from Hamlet, but with feathers.
06:08So you have to do what I tell you.
06:10Not yet, I don't.
06:11And with an attitude like that,
06:13I'm afraid you're shaping up to be a pretty pathetic king.
06:16Zazu's attitude might be tough to swallow,
06:18especially for younger viewers.
06:20But as an adult?
06:21Yeah, being a civil servant responsible for the education of the young
06:24and frankly annoying heir to the throne is tough.
06:27Sorry we judged you, Zazu.
06:29Little Banana Beak is scared.
06:31It's Mr. Banana Beak to you, fuzzy.
06:34And right now, we are all in very real danger.
06:37Danger? Ha!
06:39Number 4.
06:40Ariel, the Little Mermaid.
06:41How this character is criticized more than King Triton is beyond us.
06:45I consider myself a reasonable merman.
06:49I set certain rules, and I expect those rules to be obeyed.
06:55This Little Mermaid has dealt with a lot of hate.
06:57Certainly, Ariel is rebellious and naive at the beginning of the story.
07:01She leaves her family and home and loses her voice all for a man.
07:05Except she doesn't.
07:06Ariel's famous solo about longing for a life on land
07:09is sung way before she even sees Prince Eric.
07:12Up where they stay all day in the sun,
07:16Wandering free, wish I could be part of that world.
07:23Even before that, she risks being shark meat for a fork
07:26and has a grotto full of land treasures.
07:28In the end, many of these critiques tend to reveal their own biases,
07:32since Ariel is not only independent and spunky,
07:35but also saves her prince twice.
07:37Let's lay off her, for real.
07:39Just you and me, and I could be part of your world.
07:47Number 3.
07:48Woody, Toy Story.
07:49It doesn't matter how much we're played with.
07:51What matters is that we're here for Andy when he needs us.
07:59That's what we're made for, right?
08:00Ironically, this character could have been much worse than what we got.
08:04During the development of Toy Story,
08:06one idea for Woody's character was to make him a mean-spirited autocrat,
08:10abusing the other toys until they rebelled against him.
08:13Thank you, thank you all, thank you.
08:15That wasn't flying, that was falling with style.
08:19But in the actual Toy Story,
08:21Woody is the caring, if complacent, leader of the toys.
08:24Sure, he's threatened by Buzz's arrival and jealous of his popularity,
08:28but one of Woody's best traits has always been his loyalty to his friends,
08:32particularly Andy.
08:33And he always manages to admit that he's wrong.
08:36Over in that house is a kid who thinks you are the greatest,
08:38and it's not because you're a Space Ranger, pal.
08:41It's because you're a toy.
08:43You are his toy.
08:44In the end, he and Buzz become great friends.
08:47Character development is always great to see.
08:50Number 2
08:51Abuela Alma Madrigal
08:54Disney's move away from outright villains could be called a double-edged sword.
08:58On the one hand, more nuanced storytelling is appreciated.
09:02On the other hand,
09:03layered characters like Abuela from Encanto can get unnecessary hate.
09:06Abuela is the matriarch of the Madrigals,
09:09obsessed with preserving the magic of her house after her husband's tragic death.
09:21Her story involves realizing her strict adherence to duty has made her family unhappy.
09:26It's resolved when she changes her ways and reconciles with her family.
09:41However, some fans seem to not come to terms with this,
09:44or maybe they think Abuela should have gotten more of a comeuppance.
09:47Either way, we're not here.
09:49Either way, we're not here for the hate.
09:57Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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10:13Number 1
10:14Snow White
10:15Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
10:20Ah, Snow White.
10:28Where to start?
10:29This character gets a lot of similar flack as her fellow princess Cinderella.
10:33People have objected to her as sickly sweet and passive,
10:37and as a damsel in distress.
10:39She always has to be saved by a man.
10:41The dwarfs and even the evil queen are more interesting than her.
10:50The problem with these arguments is that, at its core,
10:53Snow White's story is one of escaping abuse.
10:55Even though Snow White longs for her prince,
10:58her story isn't all that focused on romance.
11:00The prince functions as a reward for Snow White's suffering.
11:03Just let the girl have her prince.
11:12Which Disney character are you leaping to defend?
11:14Let us know in the comments down below.
11:16Daisy, are you kissing a commoner?
11:21C'est la vie!
11:23Do you agree with our picks?
11:24Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
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