• 2 hours ago


00:00I like this. Thank you so much for this recognition.
00:06If I flash you guys, that's okay because it's a room full of women, so it'll be fine.
00:11Well, Benny's there, so, oh my God.
00:16I'm really honored to be here today among so many amazing women.
00:20Carol, Amy, Bella, what a privilege it is to be standing here alongside you all this evening.
00:26I'm constantly in awe on each of you.
00:30Variety, thank you for this recognition. It truly means the world to me.
00:34And Benicio, it's hard to find the words to express my gratitude for you being here next to me tonight.
00:42So, all that I'm going to say is just thank you. Mil gracias.
00:47Nights like this, standing up in front of you all and being able to recognize the power of women is an honor that I do not take lightly.
00:55A woman brought each and every one of us here tonight into this world.
01:01And when we get opportunities like this where we can all come together and rally for each other, it's just, there's truly nothing like it.
01:10I am so proud to be a woman and to be able to witness what we have accomplished thus far, and I can't wait to see what's left to come.
01:19I have been fortunate enough to get to work alongside so many strong and extraordinary women, some of which are here tonight.
01:26So, thank you, Ali, Trussman, Ida Ziniti, Amy Cava, Vera Steinberg, Mara Rozak, Petra Flannery, Meredith O'Sullivan, Maddie, Kate Rosen, Elise, Perry, and Lisa Taubach.
01:40Thank you so much for being here tonight.
01:49Oh, and then, obviously, you always have to thank your mom, because God forbid she finds out that I didn't thank her.
01:55Thank your moms, everybody, getting up here.
01:58And last but not certainly least, to Kelly Sawyer, Patricoff, and Nora Weinstein, the co-founders of Baby to Baby.
02:06I am so grateful for all that you do, and I'm honored to get to be a vessel to help bring attention and awareness to the organization that you build together.
02:15You are truly a dynamic duo.
02:17Your impact on the lives of families who are struggling, and your dedication and tireless efforts to provide essential items for children living in poverty have helped so many families across the country.
02:29Your passion for giving back is truly inspiring, and what you have achieved in a relatively short period of time is astonishing.
02:37In the last 13 years, Baby to Baby has distributed over 450 million essential items, including formula and clothing to children in homeless shelters, domestic violence programs, foster care agencies, hospitals, and school districts in all 50 states.
03:01Earlier this year, Baby to Baby announced the expansion of their initiative to combat the maternal health crisis to 10 states.
03:08Working with the Department of Health and Human Services to deliver critical items to new mothers and their babies immediately after giving birth, Kelly and Nora's leadership and vision have transformed Baby to Baby into a beacon of hope.
03:23Through their collaborative efforts, these two women have shown that when people come together with a shared goal of helping others, anything is possible.
03:32Their compassion, generosity, and dedication to making a difference serve as a powerful reminder of the impact one can have when driven by a desire to be of service.
03:42So thank you, Kelly and Nora, for your unwavering commitment to creating a brighter future for families in need.
03:48Thank you, and good night. Thank you.