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If only we could date TV characters. Welcome to MsMojo, and today, we’re looking at male TV love interests who’ve stolen the hearts of their fanbases.


00:00You know what's weird?
00:01This doesn't feel weird.
00:02I know.
00:04You're a really good kisser.
00:05Welcome to MsMojo, and today we're looking at male TV love interests who've stolen the
00:11hearts of their fanbases. We're sticking only to live-action shows, so animated characters
00:18aren't included.
00:19I was just wandering around everywhere, just looking for you.
00:25Number 20, Eric Foreman, That 70s Show.
00:29Not many love-at-first-sight moments begin with a character getting punched,
00:33but that's how Eric falls for Donna.
00:35What are you looking at, string bean?
00:41Wow, you're strong.
00:44Unlike his male friends, Eric is interested in one girl and one girl alone.
00:50Sure, he and Donna break up a few times, but he never stops caring for her.
00:54As the resident nice guy, Eric's failings come down due to immaturity, never maliciousness,
01:00and when he messes up, he goes out of his way to win Donna back.
01:04I can't believe you came here for me.
01:06Of course I did.
01:07Donna, I love you, and I have so much to say, but I just...
01:15He supports her ambitions and respects her as a confident, independent woman.
01:20When it comes to the boyfriend department, you can't go wrong with good old foreplay.
01:25What are you doing?
01:30Study break?
01:31Number 19, Niall's Crane, Frasier.
01:34From the moment he sees her, Niall's world revolves around Daphne.
01:39Calling him head over heels is an understatement.
01:42We'd say his heart and soul belong to her.
01:46Madly, because you held me tight and stole a kiss in the night.
01:55He might be unlucky in love.
01:57Niall's feelings for Daphne are as pure as it gets.
02:00He's willing to step back even if it means losing her.
02:03That's crazy.
02:04No, no, it's not crazy if you feel the same way I do.
02:08But I need you to tell me, and I can accept it if the answer is no.
02:12Niall sees the best in Daphne when she might not see it herself.
02:16It isn't just Daphne, either.
02:18His marriage to Maris didn't work out, but Niall's tried to keep it afloat.
02:22I reached the front gate, and I was just about to ring the doorbell to ask her to let me in
02:26when it suddenly dawned on me how many hours I have spent pleading with that woman through gates,
02:33through windows, through keyholes, and through transoms.
02:36He doesn't give up on his relationships without a fight.
02:39Word of advice, if you've got a Niall's crane in your life, don't ever let go.
02:43All right, let's go then.
02:48Fasten your seatbelt, Daphne.
02:50Fasten yours, Niall's.
02:52Number 18, Leonard Hofstadter, The Big Bang Theory.
02:55Leonard is not immune to love at first sight.
02:59Hit by a Cupid's arrow the second he lays eyes on his neighbour Penny,
03:03Leonard even predicts their future together.
03:05You're not done with her, are you?
03:06Our babies will be smart and beautiful.
03:10Leonard is a man who just wants to make his partner happy no matter what.
03:14If that includes getting his pants stolen by her angry ex-boyfriend, then so be it.
03:19I'm so sorry. I really thought if you guys went instead of me, he wouldn't be such an ass.
03:24No, that was a valid hypothesis.
03:26That was a valid hypo- what is happening to you?
03:29He does trip and stumble on occasion,
03:32but Leonard is usually the first to apologise and accept responsibility.
03:36Whether it's Star Trek conventions, impromptu prom nights, or busting a move during karaoke,
03:41there'd never be a dull moment with Leonard as your boyfriend.
03:45I was a little surprised when you decided to beatbox.
03:48Oh, that was really an asthma attack. I just sold it.
03:52Number 17, Patrick Brewer, Schitt's Creek.
03:56Some of the best relationships happen by accident.
03:59Patrick doesn't expect to fall in love when he meets David,
04:02but it turns out to be all he's ever wanted.
04:05And now, here he is, the love of my life, standing in front of me.
04:14And this just felt like the perfect place to ask you to marry me.
04:17In a series full of charming storylines, he and David embark on a romance that will melt your
04:22heart. He accepts David for all his flaws and imperfections, encouraging his partner to embrace
04:28their love as he does.
04:29Boy, don't you know you can't escape me?
04:33Cause you know you'll always be my baby.
04:36With Patrick by his side, David can reach his full potential.
04:40The show matures under his influence as Patrick and David arguably become
04:45the A-couple of the series until its conclusion.
04:48Big-hearted and kind, Patrick brings perfect balance to the wackiness of Schitt's Creek.
04:59Better than all the rest.
05:02Number 16, Corey Matthews, Boy Meets World
05:05The only thing that ever made sense to me was you.
05:11And how I felt about you.
05:16That's all I've ever known.
05:21And that's enough.
05:22Corey represents growing up to many viewers in the 90s.
05:26One of the character's defining traits is his love for Topanga.
05:30Liking someone else could never, ever take away from loving you.
05:35And I don't have to be afraid of what I feel about anybody else because I know
05:39that it could never take away from loving you.
05:42And I always will.
05:44Enchanted by her at a young age, he wants nothing more than to spend his life with her.
05:49He doesn't always do right by Topanga, but this is part of becoming the best man he can be for her.
05:54As the audience surrogate, Corey teaches viewers to learn from their mistakes.
05:59And by the sequel series Girl Meets World,
06:01our young Corey has graduated from loving boyfriend to loving father and husband.
06:07I'm giving you a chance to start over.
06:08I wouldn't change one moment of anything we ever did.
06:13That's pretty good, huh?
06:15Yeah, that's real good.
06:17Number 15, Barry Allen, The Flash
06:20Who doesn't like watching the hero get the girl?
06:23Ever since childhood, Barry harbours a long-standing crush on Iris.
06:28Although it's a while before they get together, his feelings for Iris are entirely unselfish.
06:33He'll choose a life of suffering if it means his significant other is happy.
06:38And if I've seemed weird before, it's just that this year has gone by really fast,
06:45and I guess I didn't realise how far along in your relationship you guys were.
06:50In contrast with some other Arrowverse romances,
06:53Barry doesn't look past Iris, nor does he ever want to.
06:56He may have superpowers, but his true strength comes from feeling loved,
07:01and wanting to give love in return.
07:03Wherever you go, you'll always be Barry, and I'll always be Iris.
07:11And we always find each other.
07:13Barry's relatability is one of his best qualities.
07:16In addition to being the fastest man alive,
07:18Barry might qualify as the sweetest man in the Arrowverse.
07:22If we can stop evil time-travelling speedsters from destroying the planet,
07:26we can find a wedding venue.
07:28Barry, our wedding is in six weeks.
07:30It'll work out, okay? I would marry you anytime, anywhere.
07:35Number 14, Pacey Witter, Dawson's Creek
07:38Try as he might, we can't buy Dawson as the nice guy he thinks he is.
07:43On the contrary, designated bad boy Pacey is the more desirable partner.
07:49Let's not forget who started this, okay?
07:50Let's not forget who pushed me towards Joey Potter in the first place.
07:53It was you! Yes, it was you!
07:54Because you couldn't be bothered!
07:56Because I didn't want to get hurt again, Pacey!
07:57I still had feelings for her! I still loved her!
07:59Unlike Dawson, who spends a good amount of time emotionally manipulating Joey,
08:04Pacey genuinely cares about her.
08:06He's a bit rough around the edges, but Pacey has a pure heart underneath.
08:11Not mad that you called me, I just want to know why you called me.
08:15You were the first person that I thought of, Pacey.
08:17What does that mean, Jo?
08:19It means that...
08:23I guess it...
08:25It means that I can talk to you and that you're there for me.
08:28Where Dawson holds his relationships for granted,
08:30Pacey evolves because of his love for Joey.
08:33Willing to be the man Joey wants him to be,
08:36Pacey proves why you don't judge a book by its cover.
08:46Permission to come aboard?
08:52Permission granted.
08:53Number 13, Rory Williams, Doctor Who
08:56I'd forgotten how much I loved being her.
09:00Amy Pond in the TARDIS.
09:04With Rory Williams.
09:06Initially meek and nervous,
09:08Rory proves his love for Amy in more ways than one.
09:12Dying and resurrecting multiple times?
09:15Travelling across space and time to rescue his wife and child?
09:19Punching Hitler?
09:21Rory's done it all.
09:23Sit still.
09:24Shut up.
09:26Amy's infatuation with the Doctor dissipates once she sees Rory's
09:31unflinching loyalty and deep capacity for love.
09:34It doesn't matter which world they're on or what period in time they're trapped in,
09:38Amy knows Rory will always be there for her.
09:42After all, how does anyone compete against a man who guards his love interest
09:46for nearly 2,000 years?
09:48I waited.
09:502,000 years I waited for you.
09:52Not so shut up.
09:55And breathe.
09:57And breathe.
09:58Number 12, Nathan Scott, One Tree Hill
10:01It's hard to imagine Nathan as anything other than a jerk when the series begins.
10:06But as his relationship with Hayley grows, it's incredible to see how much he changes.
10:11You made it.
10:15The younger Scott sibling transforms into a caring,
10:19well-mannered person who prioritises his family before himself.
10:23Maybe he just needed the right person to bring it out of him,
10:26as Nathan genuinely cherishes being Hayley's other half.
10:29Even with several obstacles in their way,
10:32his main priority is to hold onto their relationship.
10:35I was hurt, Hayley, but I was still proud of you.
10:38Every day.
10:42Nathan is the kind of guy who shows that love doesn't wear you down,
10:45it only makes you stronger.
10:47If nothing else, it's hard to resist someone who doles out an
10:51absolutely swoon-worthy vow in your speech like he does.
10:56My love for you only grows.
10:58It's even stronger now.
11:01My love will never waver.
11:04In this I vow to you.
11:05Number 11, Jake Peralta, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
11:09This is where we came the night I won our bet and you fell in love with me.
11:14The night that you flirted with me for 20 seconds and I became obsessed with you forever.
11:17It might seem like Jake is always trying to rile Amy up.
11:20He ends up always trying to make her smile.
11:24Initially considering her arrival,
11:26Jake can't help but develop major feelings for his co-worker.
11:30The audience probably saw their will-they-won't-they match coming,
11:34but we still loved watching it happen.
11:36Things are so good right now.
11:37I don't want to screw that up by getting transferred or becoming your boss.
11:42Ames, I've always known you were going to be my boss.
11:45This is your dream from before we were dating.
11:47And yeah, things might change a little, but for the better, right?
11:50Through his relationship with Amy, we see Jake as the warm and affectionate man he really is.
11:55Jake's happy-go-lucky nature compliments his sensitivity.
11:59His unexpected gentleness is exactly what Amy needs.
12:02Having the personality of a grade-A class clown also helps,
12:07as Amy never has any shortage of laughter.
12:09She's a strong, independent woman and she don't need no man.
12:12That being said, I truly hope she says yes.
12:14But it's her decision, so just back off!
12:16Aw, that was perfect.
12:17Number 10, Mason Greyback, Wizards of Waverly Place.
12:21A purebred English werewolf with a heart of gold,
12:25Mason Greyback was Alex Russo's primary love interest from Season 3 onwards.
12:30And the moment I started, I couldn't stop.
12:33When I paint you, something just comes over me.
12:36As a couple, the unconventional duo got into their fair share of adventures,
12:40and while Mason's wolfish tendencies had a penchant for causing trouble,
12:44Alex continued to love and support him.
12:48It's a magic necklace.
12:49It only glows when you're in love with the person who put it on you.
12:52It doesn't seem like it would be hard.
12:54After all, werewolves are known for their intense loyalty and protective nature.
13:00Tack on an abundance of British charm,
13:02and you have one TV boyfriend we definitely wish was real.
13:07I think you dropped this.
13:08No, that's not mine.
13:09Yeah, I know.
13:10I needed an excuse to come and talk to you.
13:129. Caleb Rivers – Pretty Little Liars
13:19I can't imagine my life without Hannah.
13:25No, I want to.
13:26He may be a bad boy, but he's still a fantastic boyfriend.
13:32You must have me confused with somebody else.
13:35My name's Romeo.
13:36For seven seasons, Rosewood's resident rogue toyed with Hannah's heart
13:41while simultaneously helping her and the rest of the Liars deduce who the mysterious A was.
13:47Despite the endless waves of drama that Hannah inflicted on him,
13:50Caleb always stood by her side.
13:53Hell, he even took a bullet for her.
13:55Is there anything hotter than that?
13:56Caleb may not be as sweet or as funny as some of the other guys on this list,
14:00but that doesn't mean he has nothing to offer.
14:03In fact, many people would trade all the jokes in the world for a man as committed as him.
14:09Most of my life, I have felt alone, even when I was with people.
14:16That was until I met you.
14:178. Finn Hudson – Glee
14:21You're gonna get on that train, okay?
14:23And you're gonna go to New York, and you're gonna be a star.
14:28Without me.
14:29That's how much I love you.
14:30Played to perfection by the late Cory Monteith,
14:33Finn Hudson was as likable a character as you could find on a show
14:36that was absolutely filled with them.
14:39He underwent one of Glee's most dramatic character arcs,
14:42and in the process learned to be a better boyfriend and a better person.
14:46You're like a beacon of light, guiding me through the darkness.
14:51You're like this big gold star, and for some bizarre reason, you chose to let me love you.
14:57Early on, he shows his devotion to Quinn when he promises to stick with her
15:01regardless of whether or not her unborn child belongs to him,
15:05and cements his loyalty legacy when he protects Rachel from Brody in Season 4,
15:10despite the two being broken up.
15:13Stay away from my future wife!
15:15Oh, and he can sing, too. Nuff said.
15:197. Stefan Salvatore – The Vampire Diaries
15:23Damon might be some fan's favourite, but a good love interest he is not.
15:28In contrast to his brother's tendency to self-destruct,
15:32Stefan is far more in tune with his emotions.
15:35Stefan represents the battle between vampirism and humanity.
15:39You changed everything for me. You quite literally saved my life.
15:47I love you so much.
15:50Which is why I can't wait to find out what new life you've chosen for yourself.
15:55His relationships with Elena and Caroline portray his willingness to give love a chance.
16:00He struggles with his monstrous instincts, but his heart tends to triumph in the end.
16:06You're a control freak who's lost control.
16:08I feel the same way when I'm around you. That's what falling for somebody is.
16:14It's being vulnerable.
16:15Stefan becomes Caroline's emotional rock, remaining the one person she can turn to.
16:20Their chemistry blossoms into a love that's true in every sense of the word.
16:25Means I get to grow old with my best friend.
16:29It means I get to help my wife raise her two beautiful children,
16:33and their children after that.
16:37It means I get to fight to be the man that you deserve.
16:42Nick may be a boy trapped in a man's body,
16:45but that doesn't do a thing to diminish his boyfriend appeal.
16:48I just want to have a weird, wonderful life together.
16:52And I want to get married, and I want to take care of you.
16:56As Jess's boyfriend, Nick can, at times, be a little hard to pin down.
17:00He's clearly still trying to balance his partying lifestyle
17:03with the strains of being in a committed relationship.
17:06With that being said, Nick always ends up putting Jess first,
17:09caring for her when she's sick, making her laugh when she's upset,
17:13and serving as her trusted companion for all seven of the show's seasons.
17:18It just sucks, you know?
17:19Yeah. Life sucks.
17:22He may be a little rough around the edges, but he's all heart on the inside.
17:28This is the coin I had in my pocket the first night we kissed.
17:32And I always have it.
17:34Number five, Jim Halpert, The Office.
17:37I love it.
17:39I mean, you bought me a house.
17:41Oh my god.
17:42You bought me a house.
17:45Yeah, I did.
17:46For most guys, working five feet away from their girlfriend
17:50isn't an ideal scenario, but as he proved throughout his time on The Office,
17:55Big Tuna is not like the other nine-to-fivers.
17:58In fact, he's a boyfriend extraordinaire.
18:00For Jim, Pam isn't just his girlfriend, she's his everything.
18:05Not enough for me. You are everything.
18:09He needs her close by at all times in order to feel comfortable,
18:13not in a weird stalker kind of way,
18:15but in an I-sincerely-love-the-crap-outta-you kind of way.
18:18He'll do anything for her and never fails to cheer her up when she's feeling down.
18:23He's thoughtful, caring, patient, and handsome.
18:26So, pretty much the total package.
18:29The boat was actually plan C, the church was plan B,
18:33and plan A was marrying her a long, long time ago.
18:39Pretty much the day I met her.
18:40Number four, Chan LeBing, Friends.
18:42While Monica and I were dancing to them, it was
18:45the first time I knew that you were the woman that I wanted to dance all my dances with.
18:53Chan Le and Monica's relationship is one of the best in TV history.
18:58But long before he was making her happy,
19:00he was doing it for a host of other women.
19:03Okay, it wasn't that many, but Chan Le was always a good boyfriend,
19:07whether it was with Kathy or everyone's favourite loudmouth, Janice.
19:11Wait, there's more.
19:12See, the contact paper is to go in your brand new drawer.
19:20He may not have been the sexiest boyfriend,
19:22but what he lacked in superficial qualities,
19:25he more than made up for with his compassion, sense of humour, and loyalty.
19:30So they can say that you're high maintenance, but it's okay because I like
19:37maintaining you.
19:38Chan Le always managed to go above and beyond for his lady friends,
19:42and this has, unsurprisingly, led to him being regarded as one of TV's best BFs.
19:49You make me happier than I ever thought I could be.
19:53Number three, Aidan Shaw, Sex and the City.
19:57I love you, Carrie.
20:00There's no one I could love more. I want to live my life with you.
20:04When it comes to Carrie Bradshaw's primary love interests,
20:07Aidan Shaw is Mr. Big's polar opposite in almost every conceivable way,
20:13which naturally makes him the ideal boyfriend.
20:16For the first time in my life, I was in a relationship where absolutely nothing was wrong.
20:22Aidan is considerate, emotional, and there for Carrie when she needs it most.
20:27He isn't likely to be out on the town every night of the week.
20:30Instead, he's the kind of guy who'd like nothing more than to cuddle up with you on the sofa
20:34with a good movie playing in the background.
20:37He's also good with his hands, which can be useful in all sorts of situations.
20:42Just saying.
20:43What the hell is wrong with you that you're not married?
20:46Number two, Ben Wyatt, Parks and Recreation.
20:49I am deeply, ridiculously in love with you.
20:54And above everything else, I just, I want to be with you forever.
20:58Parks and Rec featured not one, but two incredible boyfriends.
21:03And while Andy Dwyer's heart and charisma are tough to match,
21:07we think that Ben was the real hero on the show.
21:10I love you and I like you.
21:13I love you and I like you.
21:14He stood by Leslie through thick and thin and was man enough to put his own romantic plans aside
21:20so that she could pursue her political dreams.
21:23That's something very few real-life dudes would even consider.
21:27Of course, selflessness is far from Ben's only admirable trait.
21:31He's also funny, down-to-earth and always ready to mix things up in the bedroom.
21:36What's up?
21:38No, not sexy.
21:39Failed experiment, take it off.
21:40If only he was real.
21:43Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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21:58Number one, Marshall Erickson.
22:01How I Met Your Mother.
22:02Marshall Erickson is a god amongst men when it comes to pleasing his life partner, Lily.
22:08Night, night, Lily.
22:11It's time to go to bed, oh my silly little Lily, time to rest your little head.
22:16He's gotten into fights for her, cut off his hair for her, even served as a nude model for her.
22:22He puts his childhood dream of being an environmental lawyer
22:26on hold just so that he can support her in the way she deserves.
22:30But you want to be an environmental lawyer.
22:32Yeah, you know what, I also want to be a Harlem Globetrotter and get paid in candy.
22:35He even goes out of his way to mend Lily's relationship with her estranged,
22:40admittedly crappy father.
22:42In the words of Vanilla Thunder himself,
22:44I'm a good boyfriend in my sleep.
22:46I can rock a killer foot rub with one hand and
22:49brew a kick-ass pot of chamomile in the other that would make you weep.
22:54Which TV boyfriend makes you weak in the knees?
22:57Let us know in the comments.
22:59Would you like me to repeat the question?
23:01Do you agree with our picks?
23:03Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
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