• 14 hours ago
Really? You want to pawn that? Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most amazing and memorable items to have made it onto “Pawn Stars.”


00:00This is cool. The only hijacking never solved. This is one of the holy grails.
00:04Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most
00:09amazing and memorable items to have made it onto Pawn Stars.
00:12I have a very, very unique piece of Beatles memorabilia.
00:19Number 30. Dinosaur Eggs
00:21What do we have here?
00:22I've been told these are a couple dinosaur eggs.
00:24We're going back for this one. Like, way, way back.
00:28A woman named Rhonda comes into the shop wielding what looks like a big rock,
00:32but she claims that they're dinosaur eggs. And upon further inspection,
00:37yep, those are eggs alright.
00:38She asks for a staggering $20,000, prompting Corey to bring in an expert.
00:44A paleontologist comes a-calling and confirms that the eggs belong to a duck-billed dinosaur
00:50and are indeed about 80 million years old. It's certainly fascinating, but they're only
00:55worth about $600 owing to their prevalence on the international market.
01:00Rhonda ultimately walks away with a cool $500.
01:04I'm glad the dinosaur eggs checked out. They may not be from a T-Rex,
01:07but they'll still freak chum out when I tell them they're gonna hatch.
01:11Number 29. 1915 Panama Pacific Octagonal Coin
01:16A little birdie told me that you had an Octagon Pan Pacific $50 gold piece.
01:20I do. Would you like to see it?
01:22This one is a little bit different, as it's actually Rick going out to find some treasure.
01:26He attends a coin auction in Orlando on behalf of a dedicated customer,
01:31who is looking for a specific piece. Well, Rick finds it. It's a coin from the 1915
01:37Panama Pacific International Exposition that was held in San Francisco.
01:42The exposition served dual purposes, to honor the opening of the Panama Canal
01:47and celebrate the city's recovery from the massive 1906 earthquake.
01:52He finds a mint coin for $70,000 and one that was improperly cleaned for $48,000.
01:59He ultimately buys the good one for $67,500 and plans to sell it to his customer for the full
02:06$70,000. Not a bad day's work. You know this business. I'm not
02:11making a lot of money on this. And neither am I, so out of courtesy,
02:14I'll do $67,500.
02:17Number 28. Assigned Martin Luther King Speech
02:21You got some MLK stuff?
02:22Yeah, this is a speech against the Vietnam War that he signed.
02:27Autographs always make for a great collectible. Enter Stuart Lutz,
02:31who has a signed speech from Martin Luther King Jr. The speech, titled The Casualties
02:36of the War in Vietnam, was spoken in 1967 and has been transcribed for a book.
02:42Found right above the speech is King's signature, simply reading,
02:46Best Wishes, Martin Luther King Jr. The item's value is raised by numerous factors,
02:52including the authentic signature and the rarity of an anti-Vietnam speech,
02:57as King had been continuously advised against making one.
03:00Stuart asks $12,500 and, funnily enough, Rick's expert agrees,
03:07stating that it's easily worth $12,000.
03:10Stuart ultimately lets it go for $10,000, owing to his and Rick's friendship.
03:16We take that grant for it?
03:17I know you gotta make some money on it. You've been good to me in the past. You do 10?
03:22Number 27. The Wayne's World Car
03:25So this is it. This is the car.
03:27This is the Wayne's World Car.
03:29Vehicles bring good money. Movie merchandise brings good money. Combine the two and you
03:34have one of the best finds in Pawn Stars history.
03:38While still in Orlando, Rick checks out the car they used for Wayne's World,
03:42which had been obtained from a museum by the seller.
03:45The car includes the iconic paint and flame decals,
03:48and even the camera mounts used for filming the interior scenes.
03:52However, it doesn't run and needs a lot of work to look camera-ready.
03:57It's because of this that Rick buys the car for a mere $9,500.
04:01You know what we have to say about that?
04:03Right. Excellent.
04:06Number 26. An Ides of March coin
04:10Is Brutus on the other side?
04:14Back on March 15th, 44 BC, Roman statesman Julius Caesar was assassinated at the Theater of Pompeii.
04:22Everyone knows that story. What you may not know is that a special coin was struck to
04:26commemorate the occasion. Featuring two daggers and a bust of Brutus, it was made shortly after
04:32Caesar's death, and only 100 have survived to the modern day. Unsurprisingly, owner John
04:39asks $150,000 for the extremely rare collectible. An expert confirms that the coin is real,
04:46and values it between $125,000 and $150,000. Naturally, Rick isn't forking that over,
04:54and offers John $110,000. John ultimately walks and takes his amazing piece with him.
05:02It all boils down to this coin. This is Brutus
05:04celebrating the fact that he murdered Julius Caesar on the Ides of March.
05:08Number 25. Elephant dung
05:11How you doing?
05:11Oh, okay.
05:12What do you got here?
05:14I've got a phenomenal opportunity here.
05:16A lot of weird things walk through the door of the Gold and Silver Pawn Shop,
05:20including a can of elephant poop. It comes from the Washington Park Zoo,
05:25with the can proclaiming that it is, quote, nature's most potent fertilizer.
05:29We'll take their word for it. Owner West theorizes that it's simply a novelty item
05:34sold by the zoo. And yeah, that sounds more accurate. He's asking $10,000,
05:39but is willing to give it away for just $5. What a hustler. The old man says no way,
05:45but Chumlee is a sucker for novelty items, and gives West $20 for the can.
05:51Not bad for a heap of doo-doo.
05:53I know there's a sucker born every minute, but if this guy's trying to sell canned manure,
05:58he's barking up the wrong tree.
06:00Number 24. Duck Press
06:02Don't you hate having a 19th century duck press laying around collecting dust?
06:06That was the problem that Keith had. So he brought the item into the pawn shop,
06:10hoping to get a fair price.
06:12I decided to come down here to the pawn shop today to try to sell my 1800s duck press.
06:17I'd like to sell it today because it's sitting around the house collecting dust.
06:20What is a duck press, you may ask? Well, it's pretty much exactly what it sounds like.
06:24The press extracts the blood and bone marrow from a roasted carcass,
06:29which is then combined with butter and cognac to make a special sauce.
06:33This is considered a delicacy in France. The old man offers $1,500,
06:38but Keith declines, as he wanted closer to $3,000.
06:42It's a French delicacy. Gross.
06:46Number 3. Tonsillotome
06:49These are 1800 tonsillectomy tools, or what you call a tonsillotome.
06:54We are extremely lucky to have the health practices that we do today.
06:58Removing tonsils is no big deal now, but that wasn't the case in 1827,
07:02when the tonsillotome was invented. This barbaric device grabbed the tonsils,
07:07pierced them with forks to hold them in place, and then sheared them off with a blade.
07:12Yeah, the 19th century was fun. Disgusting or not,
07:15the tool is incredibly cool from a historic perspective. As the owner claims,
07:20medical collectors love these kinds of things. She lets them go for $800,
07:25which was only $300 off her original asking price.
07:29Pretty disgusting stuff. I'm a little horrified by these, but part of me just has to have them.
07:34There's actually people that pay good money for creepy stuff like this.
07:37Number 22. Blood transfusion kit
07:40These are the bottles that the blood was transferred through.
07:43The human blood?
07:44Human blood.
07:45The idea of blood transfusions began in the 17th century,
07:48with the first successful animal-to-human transfer occurring in June of 1667.
07:54A woman named Artie brings in an old transfusion kit that was produced by New York's C.M. Sorenson
07:59Company. She believes that it dates from the late 1800s, but Chumley isn't convinced,
08:05and places it in the mid-20th century owing to the modern type of metal.
08:09Either way, it's very interesting, and it allows us to see how an extremely complicated medical
08:14procedure was once practiced. Chum buys it for $125, despite knowing nothing about it or how
08:21much similar items are worth. Let's hope he made a good deal.
08:24Yeah, I'm interested in buying the thing, but I'm not sure if it's worth much. I'm gonna go
08:28ahead and take a chance. Maybe I'll make the guys proud of me.
08:31Number 21. Order of the White Eagle Medallion
08:35I mean, this was a whole drawn-out process to do this. This was not something cheap to make.
08:40First instituted back in 1705, the Order of the White Eagle is the order of merit issued in Poland,
08:47awarded to citizens who have done a great service to the country and the world at large. It is one
08:52of the oldest distinctions that is still being awarded to this day, and one of the medallions
08:57found its way onto Pawn Stars. Owner K.J. claims that he got it at a garage sale for $0.75,
09:04so someone clearly didn't know how incredibly valuable their belonging was.
09:08Or they just didn't care. Well, K.J. does, and he sells it to Rick for $6,000. $5,999.25 profit?
09:18Now, that is not a bad day's work. Bought it for $0.75. I sold it for $6,000. I feel ecstatic.
09:25Number 20. Jimi Hendrix Guitar
09:28American-made Fender Stratocaster. This guitar was actually played by Jimi Hendrix.
09:33That's a big wow factor right there.
09:35The Pawn Stars love them some guitars, and in this episode, they hit upon a big one. A man
09:40came in claiming that he had Jimi Hendrix's 1963 Fender Stratocaster, a guitar that Hendrix played
09:46in the studio. If this was actually owned and played by the legend himself, this will be the
09:52coolest guitar ever to walk into my shop. They quickly discovered its legitimacy through the
09:57serial number, and the appraiser valued the guitar at a whopping $1 million. Now, that's
10:02one expensive guitar. Rick offered the owner $450,000 before working up to an offer of $600,000.
10:09Six? I can't do it, man.
10:12However, the owner wasn't willing to part with anything less than a cool mill,
10:16and Rick lost out on a piece of rock history.
10:19You want to come to a fair point in selling something of great value,
10:22don't be desperate about it. And that I am not.
10:25Number 19. 1715 Spanish Fleet Coin
10:29During the second season of Pawn Stars, a man walked into the shop with an old gold coin
10:33that had been inherited from his grandfather.
10:35Coins back then were weird. The size didn't have to be exactly correct,
10:39it just had to have the right amount of gold, the right weight, and the right purity.
10:43The coin was dated from 1715, and was just one small part of a large haul
10:48containing over 14 million pesos of silver and gold.
10:52In this corner, there's an L, that means Lima, Peru,
10:55Mint. Eight is the denomination, biggest gold coin the Spanish made.
11:00The ship was making its way from Havana to Spain when it was
11:03struck by a hurricane and sunk off the coast of Florida.
11:06I would put a price tag of $18,000 on it.
11:12The owner's particular gold coin was in exceptional condition,
11:16and he asked for $2,000. But the gold expert pegged it around $18,000.
11:21An agreement was quickly struck for a solid $11,000,
11:25which was $9,000 more than what the owner expected.
11:28Congratulations. Thank you very much.
11:30It's like finding treasure. Absolutely.
11:33Number 18, De Natura Fossilium.
11:35De Natura Fossilium is a scientific text on rocks and minerals,
11:39written by George Bower and also called Georges Agricola, which was published in 1546.
11:46It was the first sediment-based scientific text since Pliny the Elder published his natural
11:51history in AD 77.
11:53I don't know what the book is worth, but if it did belong to Isaac Newton,
11:56it should be worth thousands.
11:58It's certainly a special find by itself, but what made this particular copy even more special
12:03is that it was owned by none other than Sir Isaac Newton.
12:06What's the book about?
12:09It's about geology and mining that Newton was very much into.
12:14Doesn't look like it's in English.
12:16It's in Latin.
12:18A special book plate certified that it was indeed owned by Newton
12:22and stored in his personal library.
12:24This number here, J9-S7, is Newton's shelf number where he would have stored the book.
12:33The appraiser gave the book a rough value of $20,000,
12:36but the owner ended up letting it go for a measly $7,000
12:39in what may be one of the worst deals in Pawn Stars history.
12:43Number 17.
12:4517th Century Ship Bell.
12:47Rick is a sucker for shipwreck items, so when a woman brought in an antique ship bell
12:51belonging to the Dutch East India Company, he was in pawn shop heaven.
12:55This is my 1602 shipwreck Dutch East India Company bell.
13:00Despite Rick's enthusiasm, the old man had doubts regarding its validity,
13:04as he thought the bell was in too good shape.
13:06I don't think this thing was in salt water for any period of time to amount to anything.
13:11He believed that a genuine bell that had been in salt water for an extended period of time
13:16would be far more degraded.
13:17However, an expert stated that the ship likely crashed in shallow water
13:21and that the bell was never actually submerged.
13:2490% of all shipwrecks are in shallow water.
13:27In fact, most of them are sticking up.
13:28You know, they hit the reef and they pretty much stay there.
13:31The bell's genuine.
13:32He ended up valuing the antique bell at $15,000.
13:37Number 16.
13:381961 Les Paul SG guitar.
13:41Les Paul was a pioneer of the electric guitar,
13:44and his eponymous guitars are both wickedly popular and stylish.
13:48Les Paul's more or less a legend.
13:50Basically everything about a modern electric guitar was invented by him.
13:53Paul was married to Mary Ford,
13:55and the two had 16 top 10 hits as husband and wife musical duo Les Paul and Mary Ford.
14:01Ford's nephew brought in a custom 1961 Gibson SG,
14:05and because it had personal history with Paul and Ford,
14:07its value was significantly inflated.
14:10This is amazing. I can't even believe I'm holding this in my hands.
14:14The guitar expert, Jesse Amoroso, was blown away by the find
14:18and honored to hold a piece of musical history,
14:20eventually valuing the guitar at a whopping $150,000.
14:25I mean, I don't really have any doubts on this guitar.
14:28This is history, dude.
14:30It's easily a six-figure guitar.
14:31After some back and forth, the owner walked away with a check for $90,000.
14:3515. 1922 High Relief Peace Dollar
14:40High relief matte finish coin.
14:42Where did you get this?
14:44I won it at a poker game.
14:46You never know what you'll win in a poker game.
14:48A man came into the shop asking $20,000 for a fancy coin he had won in a poker game.
14:52A coin expert identified the coin as a legitimate 1922 High Relief Peace Dollar,
14:58which according to him is one of the rarest coins in American history.
15:02The 1922 High Relief Peace Dollar is one of the rarest coins in American history.
15:07He then valued the coin between $50,000 and $100,000,
15:11which if you're good at math, you'll realize is a little more than $20,000.
15:15The man eventually sold the peace dollar to Rick for $80,000,
15:18which is a little on the low side apparently.
15:21But hey, we wouldn't complain about earning $80,000.
15:24Meet me in the middle at 80 and you got a deal.
15:28It's a deal.
15:29All right, okay.
15:30Number 14, Gibson SJ-200 Master Museum Guitar.
15:34A man walked into the shop claiming to have the most beautiful acoustic guitar,
15:39and it certainly is beautiful.
15:41And this was actually the very first Master Museum.
15:44This is serial number one.
15:45Master Museum series is a collection of acoustic guitars, really high end, really ornate.
15:49The guitar is a custom Gibson SJ-200 built by a man named Ren Ferguson.
15:55This particular guitar is the very first Master Museum, serial number one.
16:00The owner was asking for a surprisingly low $50,000,
16:03and in came guitar expert Jesse Amoroso to take a look.
16:07Wow, sounds as good as it looks.
16:10This is as good as it gets.
16:11This is the Rolex presidential of Gibson guitars.
16:16He called the guitar the Rolex presidential of Gibson guitars
16:19and valued it between $50,000 and $60,000, owing to its historical importance.
16:25I'm hesitant even to drop to $48,000.
16:28I really don't want to move for my price.
16:30The owner, who proudly stood firm in his valuation of $50,000,
16:34reluctantly let it go for $48,000.
16:37Number 13, The Book of Mormon.
16:40Here, a fellow walks into the shop with a piece of American history, The Book of Mormon.
16:45This is a version that was printed actually in 1842.
16:49This one wasn't printed in many copies, maybe 600 something copies.
16:52So I was going to ask something on the order of like $25,000 for it.
16:58The book was first published by a Joseph Smith in 1830,
17:01and Adam's fifth edition copy was printed in 1842.
17:05According to the customer, it was also the last edition published in Joseph Smith's lifetime,
17:10as he died in June of 1844.
17:12The Book of Mormon is not just a book of theology,
17:15it's really a book that talks about the American experience.
17:17This is the fifth edition,
17:19and this was the last one that was actually printed in Joseph Smith's lifetime.
17:22As Rick said, it's not just an important religious manuscript,
17:26but one of the most valuable pieces of American literature.
17:28The appraiser, Rebecca Romney of Bowman Rare Books,
17:32valued the book at $40,000,
17:34making it the most valuable book that had ever been appraised by Rebecca.
17:37I would appraise this book actually at about $40,000.
17:45Adam walked away with $24,000,
17:47only one grand less than what he was originally asking.
17:50You gave me an extra thousand last time,
17:52this time I'll give it to you, so we'll do it that way.
17:54It's a deal.
17:56When Rebecca said $40,000,
17:58I felt it was like, maybe like Joseph Smith when he found the plates, hallelujah.
18:04Number 12, 1932 Lincoln Convertible V12.
18:07I have a 1932 Lincoln Convertible V12.
18:11Yeah, the cast of Pawn Stars loves them some guitars,
18:14but they really love them some cars.
18:16A man known as Uncle Phil offered the men of the pawn shop a 1932 Lincoln Convertible V12,
18:22a fancy car that included the Lincoln L-head V12 engine.
18:26It's crazy that Lincoln made this badass ride at the height of the Great Depression.
18:30It could produce up to an impressive 150 horsepower,
18:33which for the era was quite impressive,
18:35and it competed with the Cadillac V12 in its day.
18:38And to think, this baby was manufactured during the Great Depression.
18:42It's a luxury car, which, according to Rick,
18:44can fetch up to $170,000, provided it's in mint condition.
18:49In perfect condition, this could sell as high as $170,000 at auction.
18:52However, the car had a few minor imperfections,
18:55so Rick managed to snag it for $95,000.
18:58We could do gold.
18:59Will you take 95?
19:01All right.
19:02Number 11, ancient coin.
19:04Anything from the ancient period is sure to fetch a pretty penny,
19:08even their pretty pennies.
19:10A woman walked in with an ancient coin,
19:12stating that she had picked it up at an estate sale without really knowing what it was.
19:16He was a king, and he conquered a bunch of land.
19:20The coin is a King of Pontus coin, bearing the image of Mithridates VI.
19:25Also known as Mithridates the Great for his military prowess,
19:28he served as king of Pontus and Armenia Minor from 120 to 63 BCE.
19:33He was descended on his mother's side from Greek kings, like Alexander,
19:38and on his father's side from Persian kings.
19:41The owner was asking $15,000 for the ancient coin,
19:44but the appraiser valued it as just $10,000.
19:47Rick offered the woman $5,500,
19:50but she rejected the offer and decided to shop around,
19:53promising to return if she failed to find a buyer.
19:57If I still have it in a month or two,
19:59would you still be willing to buy it at that time?
20:01Yeah, as long as the world hasn't come to an end or anything like that, yeah.
20:04Sounds good.
20:04Well, have a nice day.
20:06Number 10, Egyptian mummy mask.
20:08Egyptian mummies and mummy fashionings are renowned the world over,
20:12often posing as major museum pieces.
20:15But some make their way to pawn shops.
20:17How old is it?
20:18It is believed to be from 2nd century AD.
20:21This thing is almost 2,000 years old, and it's in amazing shape.
20:24A man brought in an authentic Egyptian cartonnage mummy mask,
20:28complete with the original coloring.
20:30It's a gorgeous piece of work dated from 2100 BCE,
20:34and the seller claimed that he would take between $30,000 and $70,000 for it.
20:38Here's the deceased writing on the back of a lion.
20:41That would only happen with a royal person.
20:45So is it real?
20:47From what I can see, this is real.
20:49An expert who looks like he came straight from Jumanji was invited to the shop
20:53and valued the piece at $20,000, greatly disappointing the owner.
20:58However, he got one over on Corey after some tense back and forth,
21:01securing his goal of $30,000.
21:04All right, you want $30,000 for it?
21:06I'll do $30,000 right now.
21:07Right now?
21:08Right now.
21:08It's ready?
21:12My man, you got a deal?
21:13All right, deal.
21:13Number nine, 16th century Spanish gold bar.
21:17The Pawn Stars see a lot of gold,
21:19like the time four one kilogram gold bars with a value of nearly $130,000
21:24were brought into the shop.
21:26But one of the most interesting pieces of gold that they've aired
21:29has to be a Spanish gold bar from the 1500s.
21:32The owner literally found the gold bar hiding away in an attic
21:35and discovered that it belonged to a 1554 shipwreck off the coast of Texas.
21:40The melted down value of the gold was $24,000,
21:43although the bar in its current historical state was valued at $50,000.
21:48Rick eventually handed over $35,000 for the bar,
21:51a comfortable spot between its meltdown and historical value.
21:55Number eight, 1961 Fender Stratocaster.
21:59You may not know the name Vic Flick, but the man has been around.
22:02Flick was a studio musician from the late 50s to the early 80s
22:05who played with the likes of Nancy Sinatra and Tom Jones.
22:09I've worked on records with Nancy Sinatra and Bertula Clark,
22:14Tom Jones, it's not unusual.
22:17All right, so were you like a studio musician?
22:20I was, I was, from 1958 till about 1983.
22:24Perhaps his main claim to fame is that he played the famous guitar riff
22:27on the original James Bond theme.
22:36So yeah, you know his work.
22:38In this episode, he was selling his 1961 Fender Stratocaster,
22:42which was valued at $70,000.
22:44According to the appraiser, that specific guitar can be heard
22:47on a lot of popular songs from the 60s and 70s,
22:50perhaps more than we even think.
22:52You've heard this guitar probably more times than you even realize
22:56you've heard this particular guitar.
22:57Probably true, yeah.
22:59So what do you think it's worth?
23:00Easily $60,000, $70,000.
23:03Vic was happy to walk away with $55,000,
23:05saying he and his wife would pop out for a beer or two to celebrate.
23:09I knew he'd probably go for $55,000, and I'm happy.
23:12Now I've got the money in my back pocket,
23:14I think the wife and I will just pop out for a beer or two
23:16and celebrate the occasion.
23:18Number seven, George Washington's suit.
23:21Drum roll.
23:26Whoa, so is this George Washington's suit?
23:29It is.
23:30Season 15 saw one of the greatest items in Pawn Stars history,
23:34a suit worn by none other than George Washington.
23:37The silk suit is from the mid-18th century and was originally pink in color
23:42before time did its thing and washed out all the dye.
23:44Back then it was pink, and you can still see some of the pink in this area.
23:49At the time, pink was a fashionable color that signified success and luxury.
23:53As you can imagine, a suit worn by George Washington will fetch a bit of money,
23:57and the seller was asking $3 million.
24:00So how much?
24:01Uh, I wouldn't sell for less than $3 million.
24:04That was, however, a little too much for Rick,
24:06who offered $2 million before bowing out.
24:08Maybe now the seller can sell or donate the suit to a museum,
24:11where it should have been all along.
24:13Since we're friends, I would, the best price,
24:16absolute best price would be $2.5 million.
24:21Okay, and you're firm with that?
24:25Absolutely firm with that.
24:27Absolutely firm with that.
24:29I mean...
24:33Okay, well I guess the suit's out then.
24:35Number 6.
24:36The O.J. Simpson Bronco
24:38It is the O.J. Bronco.
24:40Are you kidding me?
24:42I've never seen anything quite like this.
24:44The image of a white Ford Bronco became a piece of American history
24:47on the afternoon of June 17, 1994,
24:50when Simpson and Al Cowlings entered into a low-speed chase with the police
24:54after a warrant was issued for Simpson's arrest.
24:56Nearly 25 years later, that very same Bronco wound up on Pawn Stars.
25:01The seller, who was O.J.'s agent at the time,
25:04states that he had previously turned down an offer of $500,000
25:08and asked Rick for $1.3 million.
25:10How much you want for this?
25:13A million three.
25:18Yeah, think about it.
25:19It's a one-of-a-kind.
25:21However, Rick thought buying the Bronco was too much of a gamble.
25:25Telling the seller that he should take the SUV to an auction.
25:28I'm gonna pass on it.
25:32With something like this, it's so much of a gamble.
25:34Because there's nothing to compare it to its price.
25:39I'll never sell the Bronco for under a million dollars.
25:41I know it's worth that.
25:43And if it's not, it will be.
25:44Number 5.
25:45Harry Houdini's Straightjacket
25:47Houdini is perhaps the most famous illusionist and stunt performer in history.
25:51With his name being basically synonymous with magic,
25:54he was renowned in the early 20th century for his thrilling escape acts,
25:58which included freeing himself from a straitjacket.
26:01One of these straitjackets was brought into the shop by a man asking for a hefty $100,000.
26:06Steve Houdini was notorious for selling things
26:09that were supposed to belong to Houdini that didn't belong to Houdini.
26:13He claims that the jacket was given to him by his grandfather,
26:16who was a good friend of Houdini's brother, Theodore Hardeen.
26:19This caused some consternation with Rick,
26:22who claims that Theodore would often sell things supposedly,
26:25but not actually belonging to his brother.
26:28Swanfeld Tendon Awning Company.
26:30I thought for sure there was no way we could prove this was Houdini's,
26:33and now we have a positive clue.
26:35It proved to be the real deal and was valued at roughly $40,000,
26:39but the owner walked away after Rick offered $25,000.
26:42You know, I think I'll keep it.
26:45Always here, man.
26:47Thank you, guys.
26:48Forget the numbers.
26:49The most exciting thing is to actually have the expert come in
26:52and find an actual photograph of Harry Houdini wearing my jacket.
26:55Absolutely blew me away.
26:56Blew me away.
26:57Number four, D.B. Cooper Bill.
26:59D.B. Cooper is one of the most famous thieves of all time.
27:03He hijacked a Boeing 727 in 1971,
27:06extorting the modern equivalent of $1.2 million
27:09before parachuting out of the airplane.
27:12Cooper's fame comes from the fact that he's never been identified or captured,
27:16making this the only unsolved case of air piracy.
27:19You have a piece of a $20 bill.
27:21It is a piece of a $20 bill from the D.B. Cooper hijacking.
27:24However, various ransom bills have been found and collected,
27:27and a small piece of one eventually made its way onto Pawn Stars.
27:31The initials that are on this bill are actually the FBI agent
27:34who was cataloging all the pieces of the bills,
27:36and I've got a certificate of authenticity.
27:39The owner was looking to flip $20 into $2,000,
27:42but ended up getting $1,600 instead,
27:45less than what he wanted and far less than what Cooper
27:47potentially walked away with back in 1971.
27:503. JFK's Humidor
27:53I have John F. Kennedy's cigar box he used in the White House.
27:57JFK was a bit of a cigar aficionado, among other things,
28:01and Rick was lucky enough to come face to face with his personal cigar box.
28:06Included in the package was the humidor itself,
28:08as well as eight individually wrapped cigars.
28:11The box contains 11 hand-rolled cigars wrapped in clear plastic.
28:14What do we got there?
28:15Eight. There's a few missing.
28:19So someone smoked three of the cigars?
28:21Not me. That's how I got it.
28:22According to the official document written by JFK's secretary,
28:26the humidor was given to the president as a birthday present on May 29th, 1962,
28:31just 18 months before he was assassinated.
28:33This is one of those once-in-a-lifetime items.
28:36If I let this thing walk out the door, I'm never gonna see another one like it.
28:39The seller was asking for a relatively meager $95,000,
28:43but walked away with just $60,000.
28:46How much are you asking?
28:47Well, as you know, the other comparable one went for half a million bucks or so.
28:53I need some quick cash or else I would just put that in an auction
28:56and get $150,000, $200,000, whatever it's gonna go for.
29:00I'll give it to you for $95,000.
29:02We're not experts or anything,
29:03but that seems like a really small amount for such a personal piece of history.
29:07I took $60,000.
29:09It's fine because if I would have put it in an auction,
29:11I would have had to wait about six months.
29:13We need money now to get this new facility, so I'm good.
29:17Number two, The Beatles' original contract.
29:20I actually got one of the most important documents in rock and roll history.
29:23The contract between Brian Emstein, who was the manager,
29:26and The Beatles creating the partnership between the two of them.
29:29When it comes to the most important pieces of musical history,
29:32The Beatles' original contract is pretty freaking high on the list.
29:36The seller put it nicely when he called it the holy grail of rock and roll.
29:39The contract was between The Beatles and their manager Brian Epstein,
29:42and it stated that Epstein would receive 25% of all Beatles royalties.
29:46Brian Epstein was a genius.
29:48He basically transformed The Beatles from an unknown band playing small clubs
29:52into the biggest rock band ever.
29:54When he died, he couldn't be replaced,
29:56and it played a large role in The Beatles breaking up.
30:00Epstein served as a major influence on The Beatles' image and popularity,
30:03and was even referred to as the fifth Beatle
30:06before he died of an accidental sleeping pill overdose in 1967.
30:10Despite the seller asking for $1 million,
30:12it was professionally valued at $500,000.
30:15There's no question that this is genuine.
30:18I'd put the value of this piece right at around $500,000.
30:21Rick pounced and offered just $350,000, and the seller was forced to walk away.
30:26I would go $350,000.
30:28That's cash right now.
30:30If you don't take that, I would wait for another auction.
30:33Um, I'm gonna have to decline on the $350,000.
30:36Good luck with it.
30:37I appreciate it. Thanks very much.
30:39Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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30:55Number 1. 3000 Ounces of Silver
30:59It's not often that 3,000 ounces of silver comes through your door.
31:09But make hay while the sun shines, right?
31:11Jeff, the owner of the silver, wheeled 3,372 ounces of silver into the shop,
31:17causing the old man to practically leap from his desk so he could inspect the glorious find.
31:22I've never seen you get up from your desk that quick.
31:24I always get up, son.
31:26Not generally very quick.
31:26Move my hand.
31:27Included in the collection were bags of dimes and quarters,
31:30numerous silver bars, and a 75-pound brick of pure silver.
31:34After doing some headache-inducing math,
31:36Rick discovers that the pile was worth about $111,000, which Jeff was happy to accept.
31:43You got $46,000 for the coins, $33,390 for these bars right here,
31:4732.39 times 942 equals, so we got a total of $110,901.
31:57Turns out silver is a pretty good investment.
31:59Now, if only we had 3,000 ounces of silver laying around.
32:03I'm really glad my dad taught me to invest,
32:05because today I'm walking out with over $100,000.
32:09I'm going to take one of these, Rick.
32:11No, no, you're not.
32:13Can you think of any more amazing discoveries?
32:16Let us know in the comments.
32:18It's definitely interesting, I tell you that.
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