• 4 months ago
Pawning can be a dangerous game! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the times when customers of the World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop did not walk away happy.


00:00Right off the bat, I know that this is, unfortunately, a reproduction.
00:06Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the times
00:10when customers of the world-famous gold and silver pawn shop did not walk away happy.
00:16What you've seen and what you can prove is two different stories.
00:20Number 10. Atlanta Braves 1995 World Series Ring
00:24They're like the Buffalo Bills of the 90s, man. They just couldn't pull it off.
00:28When this customer brings in what looks like a Major League Baseball Championship ring,
00:32Corey is immediately interested. He's even more excited when he realizes that the ring
00:37might have belonged to team owner Ted Turner. Was Turner the staff member?
00:41He was the owner. Yeah, Ted Turner.
00:44He knows there will be a market for the item among collectors, if he can verify its authenticity.
00:49However, the customer gets annoyed when Corey suggests calling in a sports memorabilia expert.
00:54Unfortunately, this isn't even a staff ring.
00:59This is what they call a salesman sample. They're provided to the team beforehand so
01:02they can get a look at the ring, see if they like it, approve it, and they make it from there.
01:06He eventually agrees to let Jeremy examine the ring, but he's not happy with what he hears.
01:11The ring never actually belonged to Turner or anyone else in the organization,
01:15and it isn't nearly as valuable as the customer thought it was.
01:19He ultimately decides to leave without selling.
01:21They bring some bozo off the street. I don't know where he came from. All of a sudden,
01:25he comes through the door, and he's Mr. Expert on baseball. So,
01:29I don't know. I was really disappointed.
01:31Number 9. Pirate Ship Parade Float
01:34Plus, you had a boat. It is a boat.
01:37Does it float? No, it doesn't float.
01:39Trusting Chumlee to meet with a seller alone is always a risk. But this time,
01:44he actually follows Rick's instructions, and the seller is none too happy when he does.
01:50This street-legal pirate ship is the kind of oddball item that Chum gets excited for.
01:54After he and the seller take it for a joyride,
01:57Chum can't wait to add it to the shop's inventory.
02:00I'm on a boat! What's up, ladies?
02:04I feel like captain of a ship right now.
02:07But the price tag makes him pause. When he gets a text from Rick telling him
02:11unequivocally not to buy the ship, he's disappointed and apologizes.
02:16I'm sorry, man. I had a good time, though. It was fun.
02:18Well, I'm glad you had a good time, but I'm driving you all over this place.
02:21That doesn't stop the seller from getting rude.
02:24This time, Rick was the only one who got what he wanted.
02:27Well, that's bulls**t. Whatever.
02:31Oh, sorry, man.
02:32Number 8. Photo of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln
02:36I thought Abe only took photos by himself. What are you talking about?
02:39Oh, he's right about that.
02:41Even we can tell that the guy in that photo is not the 16th president of the United States.
02:46But this seller is convinced that he has a one-of-a-kind
02:48portrait of Lincoln and Mary Todd that's practically priceless.
02:52I feel it's one in a million, so I'm asking a million.
02:55When expert Maureen disagrees, he gets pretty nasty with her.
02:58We get that he's disappointed that the photo isn't valuable, but this is crossing a line.
03:03It's not a problem. It's your career. You have a right to discredit yourself.
03:07Did the fact that the expert was a woman have something to do with this behavior?
03:10It's a little weird that he was so rude to her but so polite to Rick and Chum,
03:14but we'll let you be the judge.
03:16Someone's making a mistake.
03:18So your opinion is it's not real?
03:20It's not.
03:20Number 7. Hudson Bay Gorget
03:23What the hell's a 4G?
03:26This kid needs to learn some respect for his elders.
03:29He comes in with a metal neckpiece that he believes dates back to the 18th century.
03:34Based on what his father paid for it, he's sure it's extremely valuable.
03:38Do you know what he paid for it?
03:39A second mortgage on his house.
03:41Unfortunately, Rick has to burst his bubble.
03:44The piece is actually from the 19th century,
03:47and Rick is only willing to pay a tiny fraction of what he's asking for it.
03:50I think it's worth a lot less.
03:52How much less?
03:54Like 99,000 less.
03:58I can tell you right now it's not 1700s.
04:00When the seller starts mouthing off, the old man steps in and puts him in his place.
04:04If you don't want people to think you're just some punk kid, don't act like one.
04:08All right, what the f*** are you talking about?
04:11Son, you're way out of line.
04:16Number 6. Roman Coin
04:18This coin is really interesting.
04:22Yeah, this is cool.
04:23Yes, I think I was actually Caesar in a different lifetime.
04:25We can understand why this customer would assume this coin is worth a lot of money.
04:29It's over 2,000 years old, and it's just cool.
04:32Coin collecting, aka numismatics, is a popular hobby,
04:37and Rick knows he can find a buyer if he can get it for the right price.
04:40It's a 2,000-year-old coin with Caesar's face on it, and I want it.
04:45The seller starts out extremely polite.
04:48When the expert confirms that it's a real coin from the Roman Empire bearing Caesar's portrait,
04:53you can see the excitement in his eyes.
04:55All right.
04:56However, because of its condition, the coin isn't worth as much as he'd thought,
05:00and he immediately gets snarky.
05:02That's not a legitimate offer.
05:03You're just using your position here, trying to buy something for below its market value.
05:08It's just bizarre when customers expect the staff
05:11to pay more for an item than the expert's appraisal.
05:14I guess we're not gonna make a deal, then.
05:16You're lost, my friend.
05:17Thanks for coming in.
05:18Thank you. Have a nice one.
05:19Number 5.
05:20Simi Mosley's Guitar
05:22Not just any guitar.
05:24This is Simi Mosley's personal blue gospel guitar prototype.
05:28This seller got this extremely cool guitar from the maker himself.
05:32Simi Mosley was a gospel singer who designed and built his own guitars in the 1950s,
05:37and went on to found the Mosrite Guitar Company with his brother.
05:40This prototype would be a unique piece for any collector or music lover.
05:45But $100,000 is a steep asking price, so of course Rick is going to consult an expert.
05:51You should know, since I've had this guitar since 1969 continuously
05:55and got it from the guy who made it, I am considered the industry expert on this guitar.
05:59When Jesse quotes a number that's only a quarter of what the seller's asking,
06:03unsurprisingly, he's not pleased.
06:05That's absolutely ridiculous because it's been appraised over the years.
06:09Back in the 90s, it was appraised at a minimum of $100,000, and that was in the 90s.
06:14The two get into an argument, and Jesse gets just as heated as the seller.
06:19We're not surprised that Rick wasn't able to make a deal on this one.
06:22I can't agree with your assessment.
06:25And that's, we're just at where we are.
06:28I mean, sorry about that.
06:30Number 4.
06:31Rotating Barrel Rifles
06:33You can see that the barrels rotate like that.
06:36So you can load two shots at once, bang, and then rotate it, take your second shot.
06:41Sellers with antiques are never happy when they find out their items aren't as old as they thought.
06:46This customer has a unique pair of rifles that he believes to be around 150 years old,
06:51and Rick thinks they might be even older.
06:53By 1870, the percussion cap was going the way of the dinosaur.
06:58I would assume they'd be like 1850, somewhere around there.
07:00Craig, the expert, comes in and recognizes the seller from a previous encounter.
07:05Once again, he has some bad news.
07:07The rifles are actually a mix of old and new parts,
07:10and were probably built less than a century ago.
07:13Guns like this have been around since the 1830s, but these are not those guns.
07:18The seller has some choice words for Craig when he hears the appraisal.
07:21So that would be your crybaby, whiny-ass opinion.
07:25We're pretty sure he's joking, but if we were Craig,
07:27we wouldn't want to cross this guy again.
07:30Number 3
07:311958 Glastron Seaflight
07:34Normally, I don't buy boats. They're money pits. But this thing is cool.
07:37Rick loves the vintage look of this 50-year-old boat,
07:40which was designed to look like a classic Chevy.
07:43But he's hesitant to make an offer, and for good reason.
07:47Boats are difficult to move out of inventory,
07:49and this one needs some work to get it looking ship-shape.
07:52It's like lipstick on a pig. I mean, we have a terrible paint job, okay?
07:57It doesn't have the original motor, okay?
07:59Ultimately, Rick decides not to even bother haggling with the seller over the price.
08:04He simply turns down the sale. The seller is visibly irritated.
08:08He mostly keeps his cool with Rick and Chum,
08:11but as soon as they walk away, he lets loose with his true feelings.
08:14He was basically insulting me with the paint thing, the petty stuff, you know?
08:19That's a good-looking boat.
08:20This guy does no s***.
08:24Number 2
08:25Porsche 911 Carrera Engine
08:27Looks like a bunch of junk in the trunk.
08:30This guy should have known better than to insult Danny Coker.
08:34The Count is a close friend of Rick and one of the shop's most trusted experts.
08:38This Porsche engine has been sitting outdoors for two years.
08:42Danny points out that there's no way to know what kind of internal damage it has
08:45without taking it apart.
08:46What's going on on the surface is going to be going on to an extent inside,
08:50and that's the unknown.
08:52This seller doesn't like what he has to say,
08:54and he accuses Danny of not being a good mechanic.
08:57If you bring a good mechanic, he will tell you what to do.
09:01He's incredibly rude right to Danny's face, but the Count keeps his cool.
09:05We're honestly surprised Rick didn't walk away right then and there.
09:09Danny's my man. I mean, this guy can fix anything.
09:12Absolutely. He did bring a good one.
09:13Not anything.
09:18Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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09:341. Fake Picot Statue
09:36This is a statue called Pegasus, and this is Perseus.
09:40When you've been in the business as long as Rick has, you learn a thing or two about art.
09:44Most importantly, you learn how to tell a reproduction from the real thing.
09:48This customer has a beautiful statue supposedly created by French sculptor Émile-Louis Picot.
09:54If it's real, it's worth a lot of money.
09:57If this is a genuine Picot, we're talking thousands of dollars.
10:00His sculptures are highly collectible, but in the art world, there's just millions of fakes.
10:05But that's a big if.
10:06When Rick notices that the piece has Made in America stamped on it,
10:09that's a sure sign that it's a copy.
10:11You see this?
10:13It says Made in USA below it.
10:14But the seller won't listen to reason.
10:17He gets so belligerent that security guard Antoine starts to step in.
10:21I don't care what you say.
10:23I don't care what you tell me, but I know you're full of s***.
10:26You know, it's alright Antoine. I got it. I got it.
10:30Let this be a lesson for everyone.
10:31Don't buy expensive art without getting an expert's opinion first.
10:35I'm glad he didn't want to buy.
10:37This is his loss, not mine.
10:40If you were Rick, which seller would you have thrown out of your shop?
10:43Let us know in the comments.
10:45I can't believe one of them guys offered me $1,000 for them 50 pieces of the Pez.
10:49That's an insult to the Pez community.