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Accidental Surrogate For Alpha Full Ep HD
00:00:02Don't understand
00:00:04Mike and I have been trying for three years
00:00:07I'm really sorry Ella. You don't conceive in the next three days. It's very likely. You'll never have children
00:00:13Your ovulation window closes in two days
00:00:16So either you get a donor and get inseminated tomorrow or you go home and make crazy love with your fiance
00:00:38Dominic moon is the most powerful billionaire for the country. What is he doing at our facility clinic? Come on, Mike pick up
00:00:46What the hell you can't just walk in like
00:00:53Holy shit, is that Dominic moon? Okay, let go of you now
00:01:05You're shaking I've always been deathly afraid of werewolves, I'm fine. Thank you
00:01:15Thank God we'll never cross paths again
00:01:24Mike let's make a baby
00:01:31Mike what the fuck are you doing? You're sleeping with my best friend
00:01:42Fuck you crazy bitch
00:01:46I'm the crazy bitch. You're sleeping with my fiance. Not just sleeping with him. I'm having his baby
00:01:54Having his
00:01:59It's over
00:02:00But we were trying to start a family
00:02:03We just signed a lease on a house
00:02:06You actually thought that was a lease. You're so gullible. You think Mike wants a family with you?
00:02:12He doesn't love you
00:02:15Besides it's just a broke-ass babysitter. You can't afford to have a child. I'm broke because I've been paying for Mike's school
00:02:22Now that that's paid off
00:02:24He's done with you
00:02:27Tell her what you did because you didn't want her to have your baby
00:02:33I've been putting birth control in your vitamins
00:02:37How could you
00:02:39You know how much motherhood means to me
00:02:45How could you do this to me after everything I've done for you and all this time I thought there was something wrong with me
00:02:51You were poisoning me
00:03:00Those are my keys, where are you going? I'm taking your car. I expect you and all your things to be gone when I come home. I
00:03:12Changed my mind. I want a donor
00:03:18Alpha Dominic our latest polling numbers are slipping in the election
00:03:23But is this more confident with an alpha who has an heir and a first lady, you know, Lydia and I just got divorced
00:03:30She wasn't my Luna
00:03:32Only married her in the first place because rogue alpha's daughter was my fated mate and she went missing when we were kids
00:03:37How about pulling the trigger on the surrogate? So
00:03:40You can't do that
00:03:43We have to find the perfect Luna mother
00:03:47It's not like my pup can be carried by some human
00:03:50Are you sure you want to do this? It's over 50,000 dollars for insemination and nothing is guaranteed
00:03:56I'll go into more debt if I have to I want this baby and
00:04:00I want him to be 100% mine
00:04:06the city's most eligible
00:04:09non-committal bachelors and even a few billionaires
00:04:12Take your pick. I don't care just as long as he's smart handsome and human. So no werewolf donors
00:04:20All right, Ella before you go play. What's our number one rule?
00:04:25Stay away from werewolves
00:04:27Even if they look nice. Well, the werewolves eat me like they did to my parents not if you keep your distance
00:04:35Now give me the toy
00:04:48Can't believe you'll let it keep the whole thing if anyone sees it they'll know she's an awful wolf
00:05:00So no werewolf donors absolutely no werewolves
00:05:05All right, the insemination is done everything looks great hopefully when you come back in 10 days, you'll be a mommy
00:05:12It's all I ever wanted
00:05:19Hello, mr. Moon we have bad news your sample went missing
00:05:24What do you mean my sample went missing I'm sorry, mr. Moon, but find it yes sure. Mr. Moon we will try our best
00:05:39Hope you're in there baby from here on out. It's going to be just me and you
00:05:50It looks like you're having a baby oh my god, it's really happening
00:05:59So happy for you
00:06:04Oh, I'm so happy for you. Let's take a closer. Look
00:06:09It's weird. It's more developed than it should at this stage
00:06:17What what's wrong is the baby, okay
00:06:22Did they double label this by mistake
00:06:36Love exactly how scared are you of werewolves?
00:06:41Very why there's something you should know
00:06:46Mr. Moon you can't be in here
00:06:58Of course I can it's my pup and I can smell him
00:07:05How much do you want for the baby
00:07:08My baby is not for sale. Mr. Moon. This is a misunderstanding
00:07:12Ella's baby was supposed to be created from a sample of a different donor
00:07:15Then why is my name on that vial the sample could be mislabeled. We should test before jumping to conclusion
00:07:19I'll look into it with the lab
00:07:22Did you steal my sperm thought you could cash in
00:07:26You know the alpha wolf heir mother. It's taking care of the rest of her life. So
00:07:31What's that your plan? Ellie? My name is Ella
00:07:34I don't know. What's the matter with you?
00:07:37You should be ashamed of yourself
00:07:41I don't know what you're talking about
00:07:44What you're saying is nothing
00:07:46care for the rest of her life so was that your plan Ellie? My name is Ella
00:07:51Barton and I have no clue what you're talking about. My child is not an alpha
00:07:56wolf heir. Unlock the door. Miss Barton? Mr. Moon. I'll take whatever tests you
00:08:03need to prove that my baby isn't yours. Cora will be back with the blood work
00:08:08and we can handle this. Fine but if that is my child and you're a human carrying
00:08:17him then you're both dead. So for your safety I suggest that you stop acting
00:08:22like a human and start acting like the mother of an alpha wolf heir. I'm not
00:08:26going to act like a wolf because I'm a human and have manners unlike you.
00:08:33Why isn't that unfortunate for us? Mr. Moon I'm so sorry we've made a horrible
00:08:40mistake. The baby is his? Yes. The tests prove it.
00:08:52It's not ideal but I am gonna raise him to be a proper heir. Miss Barton will be
00:09:01in touch for arrangements on the child. Thank you. An arrangement? What do I do
00:09:08Cora? A werewolf cannot be the father of my baby. Dominic Moon is the most
00:09:17powerful alpha werewolf in the world. He'll stop at nothing to take my child.
00:09:21What the hell am I supposed to do Cora? It won't be that bad Elle. He's a
00:09:25billionaire and not a bad guy. If anyone asks you're a wolf. But I'm not. It's not
00:09:30safe. Go get some rest. I'll see you at your next checkup. But in the meantime be
00:09:38careful. Please.
00:09:50Hugo get everything you have on Ella Barton. I want everything that marks her
00:09:56as a human destroyed. And make sure she's followed and protected. Oh and if the
00:10:03press asks she's my Luna. I've always wanted a child and now that I'm pregnant
00:10:10the father is a werewolf?
00:10:16Miss is this your car? Is there a problem? Bet your ass there's a problem. You owe us
00:10:23some money. You know Michael Baxter? Is this about his car? Because I was just
00:10:29borrowing it. Shut up. Blake knows that. Shut up. Is this his car? Yes. Why? You and Mr.
00:10:36Baxter owe us $200,000 on a past-due loan. No the apartment lease had my
00:10:42signature. I don't know what you're talking about. I paid all his debts and
00:10:46have nothing to do with him. We don't care. We just want our fucking money
00:10:50bitch. I don't have $200,000. And you're just gonna have to find some other way
00:10:55to pay. Don't worry. We're more flexible and gentle with women.
00:11:01The baby. No please. Please. No please. I'm pregnant. Shut up you stupid bitch.
00:11:50I'm sorry you had to see that. I won't bite.
00:12:03You okay? Hey hey hey hey hey.
00:12:17Good morning. Would you like breakfast? Where am I? I brought you back to my
00:12:37place to keep you safe from your associates. Is that who you're running
00:12:42around with? Sloane Sharks? I've never seen them before in my life. So strangers
00:12:47are chasing you down for money. You know if I would have known that you were this
00:12:51hard up I'm surprised you didn't just take me up on my offer. Your offer to buy
00:12:55my child? That might have been a bit too aggressive. You are incredibly aggressive
00:13:02and rude. Take me home now. Look, you need to reach an agreement about my cub. It's
00:13:11not your cub. It's my baby. You know I didn't choose this either, okay? But we're
00:13:17here and you are carrying my pup. If you could at least let me keep you safe and
00:13:24protect you, I'd appreciate it. If you could at least let me keep you safe and
00:13:30protect you, I'd appreciate it. I need new clothes.
00:13:38There are fresh clothes in the closet there for you. You can meet me in the
00:13:41dining room when you're ready and I'll leave the breakfast for you and the pup.
00:13:47I'm sorry, baby.
00:13:55Eat this in your room to be safe. I didn't know what humans like.
00:14:01He's actually kind of caring.
00:14:22A vintage couture? He also has good taste. I guess a werewolf dad isn't that bad.
00:14:32Alpha, it won't look good if the mother of the heir is human. Hey, that's my heir,
00:14:41all right? And Ella is his mother which makes her one of us now and she will be
00:14:45treated as such. Do you understand? Yes, Alpha. Now, we've got to keep this thing
00:14:53a secret. I mean no one can find out that she's human and my cub will be born
00:14:57safely regardless of the election. But, Alpha, if your enemies find out they will
00:15:01be killed. Who's getting killed? No one. As long as you sign this contract and
00:15:11you pretend to be my Luna. What contract? What's a Luna? What are you talking about?
00:15:17Sir, maybe you should explain it to her. Inhuman. For your safety, you not only
00:15:26have to pretend to be a werewolf, you have to pretend to be my wife.
00:15:31Absolutely not. I don't do the werewolf thing. Oh, yeah? Well, I think it's a
00:15:35little bit late for that. You have one growing inside of you as we speak.
00:15:51After the birth of the heir, Miss Barton shall be paid a hundred thousand dollars
00:15:56After the birth of the heir, Miss Barton shall be paid a hundred thousand dollars
00:16:00for her services. So, I'm just some price sow to birth your offspring? No.
00:16:05Technically, you'd be my first lady, which you might actually enjoy. I'm running for what's
00:16:10known in our world as the Alpha King. I'm not having my child raised by wolves. Ella, listen.
00:16:20If they find out that you're human, then both you and our child are dead. So, for your safety,
00:16:24the only solution is that you stay with me. Okay, now do this for our child, please.
00:16:32And as for your fear of werewolves, well, we can work on that. I'm not afraid of you. Really?
00:16:39I was enjoying that. Oh, before I forget, this is for you.
00:16:45What's this?
00:17:03That is something that only I and the pup can hear. If you ring it, I'll be there.
00:17:07Only for emergencies.
00:17:14Told you I'd protect you, and I meant it.
00:17:18Thank you. So, why don't you take a look at that contract? In the meantime, Janice will help you
00:17:24get settled. And if you need anything, ask Hugo. He'll take care of it. I have to run to the office
00:17:28to get some work done. I never said I'd sign it. Yes, you will, sweetheart. Don't call me that.
00:17:35Don't call me that. Is he usually this infuriating?
00:17:47You're just a broke-ass babysitter. You can't afford to have a child.
00:17:54Whether or not I like it, he's your father.
00:17:56It doesn't matter what I want. I have to hide my identity and do what's best for you.
00:18:08Dom, wait!
00:18:16I'll sign your contract. I'll sign your contract.
00:18:21I'll sign your contract. I'll sign your contract.
00:18:25I knew you'd come around. Yeah, how did you know? I always get what I want.
00:18:29Not everything. I made some changes. You cover my medical bills. I don't want your money.
00:18:36And I'm not a prisoner in your home. I will be allowed to leave. With security.
00:18:40Fine. But after the election is over, we get a divorce and we split custody.
00:18:45You know what happens if you want to stay as my Luna?
00:18:49This is a pretend marriage. In public, I'll be your Luna and a wolf. But in private—
00:18:55No. The first rule of being a wolf is that the alpha makes the wolf.
00:19:07Yes, my alpha.
00:19:11Was that good enough? Perfect.
00:19:15We've got a deal.
00:19:31All right. Pleasure doing business with you.
00:19:37So I've already sent through things and they should be here shortly. But,
00:19:40Ella, it's very important that the staff believe that you and I are together
00:19:45and that you're my true Luna. Especially Janice.
00:19:48Who's Janice? Janice is my housekeeper.
00:19:53And she's particularly fond of my ex-wife.
00:19:56Janice! You're going to need to give me Werewolf 101.
00:20:00I could do that. Alpha.
00:20:03This is my new Luna. Please see to it that she gets settled.
00:20:07Of course, alpha.
00:20:20You're not very polished.
00:20:25What would you expect from a rebound?
00:20:29You're not very polished.
00:20:32What would you expect from a rebound?
00:20:34Excuse me?
00:20:35Nothing, my Luna.
00:20:38Where can I take my things?
00:20:41A Luna never carries her own things, especially not in your condition.
00:20:46Right. I knew that.
00:20:48I've never heard of the speech in subtle when she's moving in.
00:20:53Something isn't right.
00:20:55Hugo will brief you on the upcoming election and your tour dates for it.
00:20:58So Dom's running for, like, werewolf mayor?
00:21:01Lord Alpha is the highest position a werewolf can achieve.
00:21:06And before your meeting, we've prepared you a snack.
00:21:08Iron is so important for a future heir.
00:21:11Oh, I'm not very hungry.
00:21:13How selfish of you to put your needs first instead of the babies.
00:21:26I'm a vegetarian.
00:21:28What am I going to do now?
00:21:31Wow, that looks very muddy.
00:21:35I mean, yum.
00:21:38Please sit down.
00:21:42Actually, I've been suffering from morning sickness lately.
00:21:45Don't be so ungrateful.
00:21:47Do you know how many Lunas would kill to have the Alpha's heir?
00:21:53A true Luna must feed her baby raw meat.
00:21:57What are you hiding?
00:22:00Yes, that's enough.
00:22:02My Luna decides what she eats, not you.
00:22:04Yes, Alpha.
00:22:06Now, I have to run back to the office to get something.
00:22:09When I come back, I'm taking you to lunch.
00:22:12I still expect all this to be gone when I get back.
00:22:16Come on.
00:22:23Ella, I need to run up to my office to grab something, and then I'll be right back.
00:22:26Okay? Just stay right here.
00:22:27I am so glad that we got rid of our baby.
00:22:31Me too.
00:22:34Shit, Mike works for Dominic and knows I'm human.
00:22:37Uh, can I help you?
00:22:40Can I help you?
00:22:42No, I'm with Mr. Moon.
00:22:44I'm Ella Barton.
00:22:45I'm here to talk to you about Dominic.
00:22:46I'm sorry, I don't know who you are, but I'm here to talk to you about Dominic.
00:22:50I'm here to talk to you about Dominic.
00:22:52I'm here to talk to you about Dominic.
00:22:54I'm here to talk to you about Dominic.
00:22:56I'm Ella Barton.
00:22:58Do you have an appointment?
00:22:59Of course she doesn't have an appointment.
00:23:03It is so desperate of you to come to our work to see Mike.
00:23:08I'm not here to see Mike.
00:23:10I'm here to see Dominic Moon.
00:23:12Like you know Dominic Moon.
00:23:15Mike is not taking you back, bitch.
00:23:17So you can take your crusty old uterus and move on.
00:23:21I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?
00:23:24I'm Ella Barton.
00:23:25I'm Mr. Moon.
00:23:27She doesn't know Mr. Moon.
00:23:29This woman is stalking me.
00:23:31Do you recognize the ring, Ella?
00:23:33It was yours.
00:23:35I'm sorry, miss.
00:23:36We don't have your name in our system.
00:23:38I'm afraid you'll have to leave.
00:23:40You heard her.
00:23:41Get the fuck out, you psycho.
00:23:44I'm not a psycho.
00:23:47You're just Mike's whore.
00:23:51Oh, I'm sorry.
00:23:54Did my diamond scratch you?
00:24:01Stop embarrassing yourself.
00:24:02I don't want you.
00:24:03I will never want you.
00:24:09Get your hands off of me.
00:24:11Get your hands off of me.
00:24:13Mr. Moon, there must be some mistake.
00:24:16This is my ex-fiancée.
00:24:17She's a little unhandy.
00:24:19Oh, really?
00:24:20She's stalking us, sir.
00:24:22And who the hell are you?
00:24:24I'm Caitlin Michael, sir.
00:24:25I work on the third floor.
00:24:27This woman is stalking us.
00:24:29And it seems like because she can't get Mike's attention,
00:24:32she's coming after you.
00:24:33Look at her.
00:24:34She's unstable.
00:24:36Don't call the mother of my child unstable.
00:24:40The mother of your child?
00:24:42What the fuck is going on?
00:24:46That's right, Mike.
00:24:48I don't need you anymore.
00:24:50I moved on and I'm pregnant.
00:24:54You're cheating on me with my boss?
00:24:57That's impossible.
00:24:59You can't be together.
00:25:00She's my Luna.
00:25:07She's my Luna.
00:25:10You're a wolf?
00:25:11I guess we both had secrets, Mike.
00:25:14Maybe that's why I couldn't get pregnant.
00:25:16Your nasty little human sperm were too weak.
00:25:20You told me you were a human.
00:25:21I lied.
00:25:23Mr. Baxter.
00:25:25Unless you'd like me to assist in breaking both your wrists,
00:25:27I suggest that you don't say anything.
00:25:30You're fired.
00:25:32No one touches my wife like that and gets away with it.
00:25:36I almost forgot.
00:25:37Security, please escort Mr. Baxter out to the police station.
00:25:41Police station?
00:25:42For drugging my Luna for years.
00:25:44By the way, have the loan sharks talked to you yet or...
00:25:52You said she paid off all your loans.
00:25:53What the hell is he talking about?
00:25:56I can explain, baby.
00:25:57You lied.
00:25:59You fucking loser.
00:26:01It's over.
00:26:03Yeah, it's over for you too, buddy.
00:26:05I can explain.
00:26:06Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:26:09How did you know that about the drugs?
00:26:13I guess I made it my job to know everything that there is about you.
00:26:18Shall we?
00:26:26Do you think he believed me?
00:26:31I don't see how you could be with a guy like that.
00:26:34Me either.
00:26:37Mike was fine with me being a nanny when we first met, but...
00:26:41As soon as I was almost done paying his loans, something shifted.
00:26:46He always treated me like I was less than him.
00:26:49Even though you paid for his school.
00:26:56Eventually, he would get a fancy job and I would just take care of the kids all day.
00:27:02I would do it because I loved it, not because I was making any money.
00:27:06Yeah, I mean taking care of the kids.
00:27:09That's the most important job out there.
00:27:11That's admirable.
00:27:20Now hold still.
00:27:23Almost done.
00:27:25I had no clue he could be this gentle.
00:27:29She'll be a good mother.
00:27:32So, uh, does anyone else know that you're not a wolf except for my family or anything?
00:27:53No, I was adopted.
00:27:55My biological parents died.
00:27:59This is the only thing I have left of them.
00:28:02You know, that's actually a really good omen.
00:28:05How'd your parents die?
00:28:06Do I tell him they were murdered by rogue wolves?
00:28:09Car accident.
00:28:12I'm sorry.
00:28:13That was, that was really rude of me to ask.
00:28:15You don't have to talk about that at all if you don't want to.
00:28:21Tell you what.
00:28:21Why don't we get you and the pup situated in your new home?
00:28:25Get you settled.
00:28:29After you.
00:28:31If any of my other servants give you shit, you come to me.
00:28:39Of course.
00:28:43Yes, Alpha?
00:28:44I think that Luna could use a nice hot ritual bath.
00:28:48Yes, sir.
00:28:53Dom, what's a ritual bath?
00:29:01So, I leave.
00:29:06I forget the salts.
00:29:08He'll be in in a minute.
00:29:18What does she mean, he'll be in?
00:29:33What are you doing in here?
00:29:35I'm about to take a bath.
00:29:37Yes, and well, it's supposed to be with me.
00:29:42It's custom that the Alpha and the Luna bathe together.
00:29:50You want me to get in there with you?
00:29:55Unfortunately, that that would be preferred.
00:29:58It's a daily ritual for every pregnant wolf.
00:30:02Don't pregnant wolves want privacy?
00:30:05Yes, but we've also got a mole in the house.
00:30:07And if they don't see a tub ring, then they'll suspect something.
00:30:12You know?
00:30:15Yes, but I won't look.
00:30:17There's bubbles.
00:30:19You're good.
00:30:20I promise.
00:30:21Okay, turn around.
00:30:39You're a salt Alpha.
00:30:47You know Jonas?
00:30:48Hey, Janice.
00:30:50I think my Luna and I would actually just prefer a little bit of privacy.
00:30:54If that's okay.
00:30:55Yes, sir.
00:30:56I'll be right by the door.
00:31:01Right by the door.
00:31:02That's a little creepy.
00:31:03I don't know.
00:31:04Does she think we're...
00:31:06Oh my god.
00:31:08Splash will make noises.
00:31:10Like those noises?
00:31:14Yeah, we have to sell it.
00:31:18I'll go first.
00:31:27Oh, come on.
00:31:29Oh, come on.
00:31:36Oh, you're going to make me walk.
00:31:37Let's go.
00:31:41Wait, wait, I think she's coming.
00:31:42She's coming.
00:31:44Oh, did she believe us?
00:31:46Oh, I hope so.
00:31:48Good job.
00:31:49That was...
00:31:55You didn't.
00:32:06You know what?
00:32:07You should put on some wolf scent.
00:32:09Because you're clean and you're human and they'll smell you.
00:32:13Oh, shit.
00:32:16Let me spray you.
00:32:25I'm so sorry.
00:32:27Oh my god.
00:32:30I'm sorry.
00:32:31You know what?
00:32:31I think that that is enough wolf ritual for one day.
00:32:38I'll see you tomorrow morning.
00:32:39Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:32:40Take this with you.
00:32:41It doesn't work on office, but it does work on the staff.
00:32:43So just make sure you're wearing it.
00:32:49What did I get myself into?
00:33:00Alpha Marcus.
00:33:01The rogue Alpha Lord keeps messaging us about his daughter.
00:33:04He'll support whichever candidate can help find her.
00:33:07The old man's insane.
00:33:08She disappeared over 20 years ago.
00:33:10That pup's dead by now.
00:33:12Anything else?
00:33:13We just got word that Alpha Dominic is expecting a pup.
00:33:16The constituents love a candidate with an heir.
00:33:19With Lydia?
00:33:21But they just divorced.
00:33:24With the new Luna.
00:33:25No one has ever heard of her before.
00:33:32I guess it's time to pay the happy couple a visit.
00:33:37She seems nice.
00:33:38I don't trust her.
00:33:39Acting like she owns the place.
00:33:41Technically, she does.
00:33:42She's a rebound.
00:33:44Whatever she asks for, don't give her.
00:33:47Oh, my Luna.
00:33:49I didn't see you there.
00:33:50Cut the crap, Janice.
00:33:52What did you call me?
00:33:53I am not a rebound.
00:33:55I'm the lady of this house.
00:33:56Do you understand me?
00:33:57You are not a lady.
00:34:00You're just a knocked up whore.
00:34:06Did you see what you did to me?
00:34:08This trash is nothing like Luna and Lydia.
00:34:10Stop, Janice.
00:34:13I saw the crap that you pulled last night.
00:34:15If you and the staff do not start respecting my wife,
00:34:18then you're all going to be fired.
00:34:19Am I clear?
00:34:20Yes, Alton.
00:34:22You will also stay out of our quarters from now on.
00:34:24But, sir.
00:34:25This is not up for discussion.
00:34:26If you don't, you're fired.
00:34:34Of course.
00:34:39Uh, listen.
00:34:40About last night.
00:34:40I'm sorry if that was a little, um, intimate.
00:34:44It's fine.
00:34:46Well, the good news is we won't have to do that ever again
00:34:49because we don't have to worry about Janice.
00:34:58We have a problem.
00:34:59Alpha Marcus is at the gate.
00:35:00He's here to meet you and Luna.
00:35:02Oh, shit.
00:35:03What's wrong?
00:35:05Marcus isn't Alpha like me.
00:35:07Marcus isn't Alpha like me.
00:35:09Which means that he'll be able to smell that you're a human.
00:35:17What did you do that for?
00:35:18It's the quickest way that I can give you my smell.
00:35:25Wait, Tom.
00:35:28Alpha's have a very keen sense of smell and hearing.
00:35:31So be quiet.
00:35:35I'm sorry, Dom.
00:35:38Am I interrupting?
00:35:41Yes, you are, actually.
00:35:43Are you going to be rude, Dominic?
00:35:45Or are you going to introduce me to your new Luna?
00:35:51This is Ella.
00:35:52Ella, this is Alpha Marcus.
00:35:54Alpha Marcus.
00:35:56I have to admit.
00:35:57I was shocked you moved on so quickly after Lydia dumped you.
00:36:02But now I see why.
00:36:08I believe a congrats is in order.
00:36:21Nice to meet you, Luna Ella.
00:36:23What pack are you from?
00:36:28I'm from a rogue pack in the woods.
00:36:31I was adopted.
00:36:35So I'm assuming you'll be on the campaign trail.
00:36:38Well, you know, actually, Ella is in the middle of a very hard pregnancy.
00:36:41So she'll be at home resting for most of that.
00:36:44You got to protect your heir.
00:36:45Of course.
00:36:47It would be a shame if something happened to the pup.
00:36:52It would.
00:36:53Yes, it would.
00:36:55Perhaps this will help.
00:36:57An iron tincture made with oxblood.
00:37:01Peace offering.
00:37:02I made it especially for your Luna.
00:37:07Right this way.
00:37:07So is this safe for my elder to drink at all?
00:37:26I mean, she is pregnant.
00:37:28And so we have to be very careful.
00:37:30Dom, every Luna drinks this for her growing pup.
00:37:34She is a Luna, isn't she?
00:37:36Of course she is.
00:37:38To your health.
00:38:02If you'll excuse me, I think my morning sickness is kicking in.
00:38:06Thank you so much for the visit, Marcus.
00:38:13Marcus, thanks for stopping by.
00:38:15Good luck.
00:38:18People will vote for Alpha with a heir and a Luna.
00:38:22I will make sure you don't have either.
00:38:29Come in.
00:38:34You okay?
00:38:36I'm fine.
00:38:40I think it was just the blood.
00:38:44I can't believe you just did that.
00:38:49If I didn't, he would have figured out I was human.
00:38:51No, honestly, I'm just impressed that you downed it like that.
00:38:56Me too.
00:38:58It was really gross.
00:39:01Hold on.
00:39:02This has alcohol in it.
00:39:04You'll need to rinse.
00:39:22Why don't you have a seat?
00:39:33Let me just get that just in case.
00:39:38I'm fine.
00:39:39Let me.
00:40:02I can't.
00:40:22I'm so sorry.
00:40:24Just like Mike, he doesn't want me.
00:40:29How do I tell her that physically being with a werewolf will hurt a human?
00:40:54The future first Luna needs clothes that are as pretty as she is.
00:40:59Go get some.
00:41:17Purse fit for a first Luna.
00:41:20This is more than what I make in a year.
00:41:22Mr. Moon said whatever you'd like.
00:41:25A Luna accepts graciously.
00:41:30Well then, Hugo, I accept.
00:41:52I think this is the dress for the debate.
00:41:56It fits you perfectly and shows off your pup.
00:42:00Do you have that dress in that size or is it just being worn by that hippo?
00:42:05Mrs. Moon, allow me to introduce you to Mrs. Moon.
00:42:11Mrs. Moon, Mr. Dominic's ex-wife Lydia.
00:42:15So you're the bitch who's passing off their cub as Dom's.
00:42:20How nice to meet my replacement.
00:42:22Actually, I'm not your replacement and the baby is...
00:42:25A bastard.
00:42:26Well, it's either that or you were fucking my husband before we split
00:42:30and the ink is barely dry on the divorce.
00:42:32So cut the bullshit.
00:42:35I'm not lying.
00:42:37Do you smell something rotten, Hugo?
00:42:41Not at all.
00:42:47Can she tell I'm human?
00:42:49It's a shame that a dress like this would be worn by such trash.
00:42:54Get me the other one.
00:42:55Unfortunately, that is the only one we have, Mrs. Moon.
00:42:59The other Mrs. Moon had it first.
00:43:04So this imposter not only steals my life but also steals my dress?
00:43:08Get it off her.
00:43:09It's not your dress.
00:43:13You know, Dom and I ended on amicable terms.
00:43:16I don't think he'd like you treating me this way.
00:43:18That's funny.
00:43:20He never mentioned you.
00:43:21So he didn't tell you that we work together?
00:43:24You see, once you have a real Luna, you can pay for a whore
00:43:29but you can't let go of a real one.
00:43:32Watch your mouth.
00:43:33Apparently, you weren't watching yours when you were using it on my husband.
00:43:38Lydia, enough.
00:43:43You stopped being my Luna the minute you cheated on me with my best friend.
00:43:47Step away from my wife.
00:43:50Are you okay, honey?
00:43:52Kiss me so she kisses me.
00:43:58So you're just gonna flaunt this tramp in front of my face?
00:44:02Well, see, I moved on, Lydia.
00:44:03You definitely did.
00:44:04And you're still using my black card.
00:44:07Now, is your boyfriend broke or did he leave you as well?
00:44:11Hugo, please remove Lydia from all my accounts.
00:44:14But, Dominic...
00:44:14And give me your card.
00:44:20Come on.
00:44:32I got Dom so you can have this.
00:44:36If you can afford it.
00:44:38Of course I can.
00:44:47I'm sorry.
00:44:48It was declined.
00:44:50Let's do it again.
00:44:52It was declined again.
00:44:54Excuse me, miss.
00:44:56Could you have everything that Ella wanted
00:44:58charged in my account and then shipped over to the house?
00:45:01Sorry, Mrs. Moon.
00:45:04I'm Miss Moon now.
00:45:17Marcus, I don't care that she's pregnant.
00:45:19That bitch needs to go.
00:45:21I'm getting him back.
00:45:26Thank you for protecting me like that.
00:45:31Of course.
00:45:33You're my Luna.
00:45:34It's my job to keep you and the pup safe.
00:45:38Including not being with you.
00:45:42I'm not really your Luna.
00:45:44I'm not really your Luna.
00:45:46Well, Luna or not, it's still my job to protect you.
00:45:50It's just a contract marriage, that's all.
00:45:55I respect that.
00:45:57But part of me wishes it were real.
00:46:05About the camera crew that's coming to interview you and Mrs. Moon...
00:46:08Can we wait to do that tomorrow?
00:46:10We're... we've got a very long day.
00:46:12It can't wait.
00:46:16They're here.
00:46:18They're spending the night because they want to do
00:46:19a day in the life of you and Mrs. Moon starting in the morning.
00:46:23You the hell sent them early?
00:46:24I did!
00:46:26Should I have Janice make up my old room?
00:46:32What is she doing here?
00:46:33I told you that Dom and I work together.
00:46:36I'm doing press for the election.
00:46:38Hope that's not a problem.
00:46:40Do you have to be in our house?
00:46:42Well, press is what a politician's life is all about.
00:46:47And people are curious about you and your marriage.
00:46:51You shouldn't be worried as long as you have nothing to hide.
00:46:56I can't fire her and make a scene.
00:46:59All right, Lydia, you can stay.
00:47:01But we'll be starting conversation about our relationship tomorrow.
00:47:06I would love to talk about our relationship.
00:47:10Our working relationship, which I'm deeply regretting.
00:47:20I hope you're enjoying my home.
00:47:23And I look forward to discovering more about you tomorrow.
00:47:27She's staying the night?
00:47:29What if she finds out?
00:47:31Look, we need to do this story for the campaign, but I'll get rid of her tomorrow.
00:47:36I promise you're safe.
00:47:41Well, have a good night then.
00:47:43Good night.
00:47:56Um, Dom, what are you doing?
00:48:09This is my room.
00:48:10Well, if they see you sleeping in separate rooms, they'll expect something is up.
00:48:15You and me sleeping in the same bed?
00:48:18Absolutely not.
00:48:19I won't try anything.
00:48:22I promise.
00:48:29Stay on your side of the bed.
00:48:31I will.
00:48:39I should just tell her the truth about why we can't be together.
00:48:45Maybe it would just make things too complicated.
00:48:57He's probably just pretending to hold me.
00:49:00He doesn't want to be with me.
00:49:26Hey, Ella.
00:49:38They're not watching.
00:49:39You don't have to pretend.
00:49:43What if I wasn't pretending?
00:49:47But the other day when we kissed, you just got up and left.
00:49:53I need to tell you the truth.
00:49:54I can't physically be with you.
00:49:57I get it. You don't have to repeat it.
00:49:58No, no, no.
00:50:00I mean, I can't physically be with you as in I'm a werewolf, and you're not, and that's okay.
00:50:08But I wouldn't want to do anything that hurts you or the baby.
00:50:13I can only be with another wolf.
00:50:18Look, I want to.
00:50:19I do.
00:50:20I just...
00:50:21I think it's really risky.
00:50:24So you do want to be with me?
00:50:31So you do want to be with me?
00:50:34Yes, I do.
00:50:36But I just think it's better if we don't even go there.
00:50:39You wanted to be with me, but you were just trying to protect me.
00:50:43But for me, I think it's better if we just keep things professionalized, as you said.
00:50:49Otherwise, it's just too messy.
00:50:52If that's what you want.
00:50:54It's not what I want.
00:50:58But it's what it has to be.
00:51:03I'm gonna go get ready.
00:51:07I'll see you downstairs.
00:51:14We can never be together.
00:51:16He can only really be with a wolf, like Lydia.
00:51:22God, I wish...
00:51:26I wish I could just be with her.
00:51:30Sir, they're ready for you.
00:51:33We'll be out in a minute.
00:51:35No, they just need you.
00:51:47Are they ready for me?
00:51:49Mr. Hugo said they don't need you for this part of the interview.
00:51:52I suggested we go take a walk and get some fresh air.
00:51:56It would be good for the pup.
00:52:05Beta Hugo said they'll text us when they need you.
00:52:18I got her out of the house, my Luna.
00:52:22What do I do now?
00:52:25Lydia! Where-
00:52:32Where's Hugo? Where's the film crew? Where's-
00:52:34I sent them home early.
00:52:37I need to apologize first.
00:52:39That's not why you're here.
00:52:41I'm here to apologize for what I did to you.
00:52:44I'm here to apologize for what I did to you.
00:52:46That's not why you're here.
00:52:48Come on, doll.
00:52:49Have one drink with me, starting fresh as collaborators.
00:52:54I know I was wrong.
00:52:56You know how jealous I can get.
00:52:59I'm texting Hugo.
00:53:02This will make him remember why we were together in the first place.
00:53:13One drink.
00:53:16And then you're leaving.
00:53:23Come on, baby.
00:53:25You know you miss me.
00:53:27You don't want me to leave.
00:53:28Lydia, my pregnant wife is upstairs.
00:53:30Oh, I sent her out.
00:53:33Why have a fake when you can have the real deal?
00:53:37You know, Marcus and I are over the moon.
00:53:40We're going to have a baby.
00:53:42We're going to have a baby.
00:53:43We're going to have a baby.
00:53:44We're going to have a baby.
00:53:45Marcus and I are over.
00:53:47I want you back.
00:53:52You're disgusting.
00:53:53I've moved on.
00:53:55Do the same.
00:54:01I don't feel very well.
00:54:08You'll feel better in a moment, baby.
00:54:15Beta, Hugo said they're ready for you.
00:54:29Get the hell away from my husband.
00:54:31Is he really your husband?
00:54:34I mean, he's passed out from what I just did to him.
00:54:37What the hell are you talking about?
00:54:39I'm pregnant with his pup.
00:54:40If you were together, Dom would have a mating mark.
00:54:43Dom would have a mating mark.
00:54:45And the only one on him is mine.
00:54:48So this little arrangement of yours is fake.
00:54:51Like you.
00:54:52You just fucked my husband and you're calling me a fake?
00:54:55She thinks Dom cheated on her.
00:54:57This is all working.
00:54:59Show me your mark.
00:55:04Then I'll look myself.
00:55:11There's no mark.
00:55:12So either you haven't fucked, or you're a human, or maybe both.
00:55:17Would a human do this?
00:55:23Dom and I are fated mates.
00:55:25We belong together.
00:55:27And no little slut is going to come between us.
00:55:30He still wants me.
00:55:31You're obviously just a replacement.
00:55:33A cheap replacement that he's not even attracted to.
00:55:37That's not true.
00:55:40Then why do I have his scratch marks all over my body?
00:55:46If you knew what was good for you and that little bastard inside you, you'd leave now.
00:55:53And if I don't?
00:55:55I'll tell the world your secret.
00:55:57For the babies and Dom's sake, no one can find out I'm human.
00:56:03No Luna without a mark would end Dom's career.
00:56:08Go now, before he wakes up.
00:56:11Save yourself the heartbreak of getting dumped.
00:56:30Marcus, that little bitch is a human.
00:56:35Mike cheated on me?
00:56:37Now Dom cheats on me?
00:56:40Maybe it wasn't real.
00:56:43I have to leave to keep you safe, baby.
00:56:55What did you do?
00:56:56Oh, I just gave you some assistance to see what you really wanted.
00:56:59Where is Ella?
00:57:01She saw us and left.
00:57:03Poor thing, she's in over her head.
00:57:06Get out.
00:57:07Get out now!
00:57:11God, go before I hurt you.
00:57:13We are through, we're done.
00:57:21Get rid of Lydia and find my wife and my pup, now!
00:57:24Sir, you've been searching for her all night.
00:57:27Martina's on it.
00:57:28It's not enough, Hugo.
00:57:30I need to find her.
00:57:31If you don't attend the rally, you'll be forfeiting the election.
00:57:35I don't care.
00:57:37Alpha, there is another problem.
00:57:42Oh my god.
00:57:44What is it?
00:57:45I don't know.
00:57:46I don't know what's going on.
00:57:47I don't know what's going on.
00:57:48I don't know what's going on.
00:57:49I don't know what's going on.
00:57:50I don't know what's going on.
00:57:51I don't know what's going on.
00:57:52I don't know what's going on.
00:57:54I don't know what's going on.
00:57:56Get this wiped off the internet right now.
00:58:01Pick up, pick up, pick up.
00:58:07It is for the best that I leave.
00:58:24Alpha, is it true that you're cheating with your ex-wife?
00:58:27Mr. Moon, can you comment on it?
00:58:31Are you nervous about losing the election?
00:58:33Projections show that Alpha Marcus is pulling ahead.
00:58:35Do you care to comment?
00:58:37Just one word.
00:58:44No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:58:46No, hey.
00:58:52You rang?
00:58:54Look, we have to get you to the hospital.
00:58:57If you take me to the hospital, they'll know I'm human.
00:59:01And your career will be over.
00:59:02I don't care.
00:59:03I care about you, and I care about our child.
00:59:06That's it.
00:59:07Come on.
00:59:09Come on.
00:59:24It was my job to protect you.
00:59:28Did I fail?
00:59:34What the fuck are you doing?
00:59:35You needed to be at that rally.
00:59:37Lydia, get up.
00:59:38You gave up your entire political career for some human slut?
00:59:42Shut up.
00:59:44You know nothing about her, Lydia.
00:59:45She must not be that special if you didn't fuck her like you fucked me.
00:59:49All right.
00:59:51I didn't touch you, and you know that.
00:59:54Look, I know you drugged me.
00:59:56So cut the shit.
00:59:58You know, I ran a toxicology report on those glasses.
01:00:02And after that stunt you pulled with the photo you took, I took it to the police.
01:00:05You would?
01:00:07God, how did I know that you'd come here to gloat?
01:00:09Besides, the police are already on their way to come arrest you.
01:00:12You choose some disgusting human over me?
01:00:15My wife is my true love, and she's my fated mate.
01:00:20Not you.
01:00:21Lydia Moon, you're under arrest for drugging and attempted sexual assault.
01:00:26Besides, Lydia, do you really think the public is going to believe
01:00:29a bitter ex and a criminal over a respected alpha?
01:00:33I know what she is.
01:00:34I know.
01:00:35And the doctors know it, too.
01:00:36Please be gentle with her.
01:00:38My ex-wife is a little mentally unstable.
01:00:41Mr. Moon, we have an update on your wife.
01:00:44It's quite strange.
01:00:46They must know that she's human.
01:00:48Quite strange.
01:00:50They must know that she's human.
01:00:52Uh, what is it?
01:00:54After the accident, she shouldn't have been fine.
01:00:56But her and the pup are doing great.
01:00:59Thank God.
01:00:59She is a strong Luna.
01:01:01Okay, uh, is that it?
01:01:03We have to run some blood work, but you can go ahead and see her now.
01:01:14What's wrong?
01:01:15Do they know about me?
01:01:16No, they think you're Luna.
01:01:18Thank God.
01:01:21But you know what?
01:01:21That doesn't matter.
01:01:22What matters is that you and the pup are safe.
01:01:25I am so sorry about Lydia.
01:01:27I could hear you talking in the hall.
01:01:29I'm sorry I left like that.
01:01:31I should have trusted you.
01:01:33Lydia threatened to tell everyone I was a human if I didn't leave.
01:01:36Well, look, you don't have to worry about her anymore.
01:01:38Any credibility that she had is shot after what she tried to pull at the election rally.
01:01:42Oh my God.
01:01:43The election rally.
01:01:44You just left?
01:01:45You needed me.
01:01:46You gave up all that for me?
01:01:48It's okay.
01:01:49Dom, you can't.
01:01:50You won't win the election.
01:01:50It's okay.
01:01:52That's not necessarily the case.
01:01:57That's not necessarily the case.
01:02:00Hugo, your polling numbers are through the roof.
01:02:04Lydia got out that you left to save your wife,
01:02:06and apparently the Pac-1's a compassionate king.
01:02:09Well, let's see if that's the case at the debate in the next few days.
01:02:12Did you have any luck running the serial plate on the car they held up?
01:02:15We're still working on it.
01:02:16I feel like Marcus was behind this.
01:02:22When we get home, there's something I need to ask you.
01:02:27But first, let's get you home and let's get you some rest.
01:02:34The alpha just got back to the house.
01:02:36Don't worry, I'll get you the proof you need.
01:02:40I need you to mark me.
01:02:43I don't think you fully understand what you're saying.
01:02:45If you mark me, no one will suspect that I'm human.
01:02:49It'll keep me and the baby safe.
01:02:52But the mating mark, it's sacred.
01:02:54And it goes far beyond anything like marriage.
01:02:58It basically means that you belong to me forever.
01:03:00It's the most serious commitment that an alpha and a luna can make.
01:03:04Does he not want that with me?
01:03:07Ella, Ella.
01:03:11I told myself the next time I did something like that,
01:03:14it would be with my lifetime partner.
01:03:19Which is you.
01:03:25I told myself the next time I did something like that,
01:03:28it would be with my lifetime partner.
01:03:33Which is you.
01:03:36Of course it's you.
01:03:39Even if we can't physically be together?
01:03:42I'll take whatever bit of you I can have.
01:03:50You know what?
01:03:52I want to start over.
01:03:54For real.
01:03:58I'm serious.
01:03:59Ella Barton.
01:04:02Will you be my luna?
01:04:07Will it hurt?
01:04:09A little.
01:04:12Are you sure?
01:04:16Pull in.
01:04:38Good morning, luna.
01:04:41How do you feel?
01:04:42Tired, but good.
01:04:48And how's my pup doing?
01:04:50Oh my god, did you just feel that?
01:04:53He kicked!
01:04:54Oh, that's definitely a boy.
01:04:56I know it.
01:05:07Alpha, I think I found something you will be very interested in.
01:05:34That dress looks perfect on you.
01:05:38And with my mark, you can safely go to the debate.
01:05:41The future King Alpha bought it for me.
01:05:45You ready to kick Marcus's ass in the debate in the election?
01:05:53Alpha Moon, what are your thoughts on the Pax role in leading society?
01:05:59I think we as a race hold great power.
01:06:01I know that our lunas and alphas are businessmen, lawyers, and leaders.
01:06:06And I think with great power comes a responsibility to all the other species.
01:06:10Like humans.
01:06:11I think it's our job to be gracious to humanity
01:06:14and recognize that we can, in fact, learn a lot from them.
01:06:21Alpha Marcus, you've been considered an anti-humanist with developments in science.
01:06:27What are your views on werewolves who mate with humans?
01:06:33I consider myself anti-humanist.
01:06:36I believe that I can coexist with them, but can't trust them.
01:06:40Any dignified alpha wouldn't breed with one.
01:06:42That's a disgusting thing.
01:06:44Isn't that right, Alpha Moon?
01:06:45Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.
01:06:47Human got your tongue?
01:06:49Let me refresh your memory.
01:06:50If everyone would take a look at the monitor, you'll see this.
01:06:54Alpha Moon's Luna isn't a luna at all,
01:06:56but a paid human pregnant with a bastard half-brit.
01:07:00Their marriage is a business arrangement shown here in this contract.
01:07:03Who even knows if the child is his?
01:07:06He's right.
01:07:08She's a fake.
01:07:11She's a fake.
01:07:14If I'm a fake, then why do I have a mark?
01:07:18It's probably fake too.
01:07:20We should dispose of this human right now.
01:07:23I'm sorry, everyone.
01:07:24This is my ex-wife who's clearly unstable and also just escaped from jail.
01:07:28No, Marcus paid my bail.
01:07:29He's trying to deflect from the fact that his lunas are human.
01:07:33How about you step away from my wife?
01:07:37I'm in a room full of alphas.
01:07:38You won't win.
01:07:39I don't.
01:07:40Dom, it's fine.
01:07:44You don't have proof.
01:07:46Well, I don't.
01:07:48But he does.
01:07:51This human was engaged to Miss Barton.
01:07:55There's no way she's a wolf.
01:07:56Back the fuck off from my wife.
01:07:57What makes you think that kid isn't mine?
01:08:00This man not only cheated on his fiancée, but he falsified his business records,
01:08:04which makes him a disgruntled employee and a bitter ex.
01:08:08He's a liar.
01:08:09No, really.
01:08:11Then prove you're a luna.
01:08:12I don't have to prove anything to you.
01:08:14You owe it to them, don't you?
01:08:17You know, Marcus and I should have ran over you and your spawn with that car when we had the chance.
01:08:24You bitch.
01:08:26So it was you?
01:08:26You tried to kill my baby?
01:08:28What are you going to do about it, human?
01:08:48We do the lying humans.
01:08:49We tear them limb from limb.
01:08:51No, I'm sorry.
01:08:53Who's the bitch?
01:08:56Who's the bitch now?
01:08:57I should kill you right here in front of everyone.
01:09:00Please don't.
01:09:01I'm sorry.
01:09:03But I'd rather see you and Marcus rot in jail for attempted murder.
01:09:07Somebody get that man.
01:09:08I didn't mean it.
01:09:25Any questions?
01:09:27You were amazing up there.
01:09:30And remind me not to mess with you.
01:09:35I mean, how did that happen?
01:09:37I don't know.
01:09:38Maybe it was the baby's wolf side coming out?
01:09:41I don't know what got into me, but when Lydia went for the baby, something just kicked in.
01:09:46Thank God it did.
01:09:50Now, how are you feeling?
01:09:51Are you and the baby okay?
01:09:53Do you need Cora?
01:09:54No, I'm fine.
01:09:56Just a little tired.
01:09:58I'm just really happy that the two of you are safe.
01:10:03Do you think they'll find out?
01:10:07No one can argue with what you just did up there.
01:10:11No one's gonna suspect that you're not a true looter now.
01:10:13Trust me.
01:10:16So am I looking at the future King Alpha?
01:10:18Uh, I don't know.
01:10:20It depends on the election next week, I suppose.
01:10:23But I mean, Marcus is in prison.
01:10:25That's gotta count for at least something, I suppose.
01:10:50I think we figured out who leaked the contract to Marcus.
01:10:56Good work, Hugo.
01:10:59Janice, where are you?
01:11:02Where is everyone?
01:11:04I sent them home, Alpha.
01:11:07I don't want to subject them to working for this heinous bitch.
01:11:10Excuse me?
01:11:11I know what you are.
01:11:14Lydia was telling the truth.
01:11:18The way you attacked Luna Lydia?
01:11:21She was a real wolf, and you?
01:11:24You're just human trash.
01:11:26Okay, wash yourself.
01:11:27I'm going to the press.
01:11:28Dom, I can handle this.
01:11:31Lydia is a liar.
01:11:33Then what about this spray?
01:11:35No Luna would need wolf spray.
01:11:38What spray?
01:11:42I'm sick of your scheming and tricks, Janice.
01:11:46Get the hell out of my home.
01:11:47This is not your home!
01:11:49You're my bad bitch.
01:11:53I am your Luna.
01:11:55You will treat me with respect.
01:11:59And if you ever call me a human again...
01:12:04to anyone...
01:12:06I will tear your flesh off your bone with my teeth.
01:12:10Do you hear me?
01:12:13Yes, Sam.
01:12:15Yes, my Luna.
01:12:20Janice, you're fired.
01:12:24But I've been with you since you were a cop, and you're firing me?
01:12:27Oh, cut the shit.
01:12:29I know you're a mole, and I know you've been working with Marcus.
01:12:32You violated my trust.
01:12:34You abused my wife.
01:12:36And you helped Lydia spy on me that night.
01:12:38I don't know what you're talking about.
01:12:39Did you forget there are cameras all over the property?
01:12:44I saw you sneak into the trash.
01:12:45I saw you steal the contract.
01:12:48Janice, if you ever come near me, my wife, or my family ever again, I will destroy you.
01:12:55Am I clear?
01:13:01Get out of my house.
01:13:04I'm sorry.
01:13:07Hugo, listen.
01:13:08I need everyone back here right away.
01:13:09We have...
01:13:10Ella, you okay?
01:13:19Good morning.
01:13:21What happened?
01:13:23Is the baby...
01:13:23The baby's fine.
01:13:25I had Cora come, and she ran some blood work.
01:13:27And she says that the two of you were just so exhausted from the debate.
01:13:31And I also told her what happened.
01:13:33She said that it's custom sometimes for the mom to feed off the cub's power in their bloodstream.
01:13:38I knew it was our baby giving me strength.
01:13:41Also, Janice was arrested.
01:13:43I'm really sorry that I didn't catch on to that earlier.
01:13:47Lydia and Marcus were arrested for a vehicular homicide.
01:13:51And Janice was also caught assisting them.
01:13:54So I guess we're gonna be alone for a while.
01:13:57Anyway, rest up.
01:13:59And when you're feeling better, come on down.
01:14:00I got a surprise for you.
01:14:03Okay, take a right.
01:14:15Where are you taking me?
01:14:16You'll see.
01:14:33You did this all by yourself?
01:14:35Well, I had some help.
01:14:37But, uh, yeah.
01:14:39It's all for you and our kid.
01:14:42So you like it?
01:14:44I like it.
01:14:46I love it.
01:14:51That's weird.
01:14:54The fox.
01:14:56They look so familiar.
01:14:57You know, it's actually a pretty common gift for pups.
01:15:00You've probably just seen him around.
01:15:01For pups?
01:15:03You mean only werewolves carry them?
01:15:07Well, I'm gonna go.
01:15:08I'm gonna go.
01:15:09You go.
01:15:10I'm gonna go.
01:15:11I'm gonna go.
01:15:20Yeah. Why?
01:15:22Nothing, it's just...
01:15:24Now give me the toy.
01:15:29I had one growing up.
01:15:33I'm sure my parents just got it from some second-hand store.
01:15:37We didn't have a lot of money growing up, but kids can't go without toys, right?
01:15:42Oh, that reminds me, there's something else.
01:15:50Oh my gosh, this is so beautiful.
01:15:59What's wrong?
01:16:01You see, that's the same as what you have, but it's for our baby.
01:16:06If they need me, I'll be there.
01:16:09I love it so much.
01:16:12We are both so lucky.
01:16:15I'll make sure he doesn't ring it all the time.
01:16:18I don't want you getting a headache.
01:16:24You said a he.
01:16:26Did Cora call you? Is it a boy?
01:16:30It's just a feeling.
01:16:37It's Cora.
01:16:39It must be about the blood work.
01:16:41Oh, you take it. I'll give you the space.
01:16:47I need you to come into the office.
01:16:57You scared me.
01:16:58Is everything normal with the blood work?
01:17:00Not exactly.
01:17:01You better sit down.
01:17:06What do you know about your biological parents?
01:17:08All I know is that they were killed by werewolves.
01:17:11Ella, they weren't killed by werewolves.
01:17:14They were werewolves.
01:17:17So that means...
01:17:19You turn at the debate because you're not human.
01:17:21You're true lunar royalty according to your blood work.
01:17:24And the baby?
01:17:26Is a pure alpha cub.
01:17:30Is it safe to be intimate at this point in the pregnancy?
01:17:36There's something I have to do.
01:17:38There's something I have to do.
01:17:41Wait, Ella!
01:17:42Sex can induce labor!
01:17:52Have you seen my husband?
01:17:54He left for an emergency meeting, my Luna.
01:17:56I need you to get him out of it now.
01:17:58I'm afraid it's important.
01:17:59He's with the alpha elders.
01:18:01Can you take me to the office?
01:18:03The driver stepped out, ma'am.
01:18:09Is everything alright with the baby?
01:18:14Everything's fine.
01:18:16Just a kick.
01:18:27He said...
01:18:29to ring it when I need him.
01:18:32The election rules don't disqualify Marcus from running.
01:18:35The election rules don't disqualify Marcus from running.
01:18:37He's in jail.
01:18:38He tried to murder my family.
01:18:40I think that should be enough.
01:18:41If we want a fair election tomorrow that won't be contested,
01:18:45you need to let him run.
01:18:50Let him run.
01:18:51Let him lose.
01:18:52I don't care, but keep him away from my family.
01:19:00Is everything okay, Alpha Dominic?
01:19:04I have to go.
01:19:10Where is she?
01:19:11She's in the bedroom, sir.
01:19:12I don't think she's feeling well.
01:19:19Are you okay?
01:19:20I'm sorry.
01:19:22I was a little naughty.
01:19:24But you said to ring it if I needed you.
01:19:28I need you.
01:19:29Is the baby okay?
01:19:30Just a few contractions.
01:19:33You know, that's for emergencies only.
01:19:36This is an emergency.
01:19:56You know we can't.
01:19:58There's something I have to tell you.
01:20:03I think my water just broke.
01:20:06Time to go.
01:20:11I got here as fast as I could.
01:20:12Wait here and I'll be out in a minute.
01:20:15Wait, Ella.
01:20:20I love you.
01:20:22I love you.
01:20:33Alpha, it's been hours.
01:20:35You have to attend the polls and vote.
01:20:37Hugo, I'm not going anywhere.
01:20:43Is everything okay?
01:20:44The pup is bigger than we thought.
01:20:46We'll have to do an emergency C-section.
01:20:48We'll get you when she wakes up.
01:20:50Okay, thank you.
01:20:56If Ella's in stable condition, I think you should leave.
01:20:59We have security.
01:21:00We have security.
01:21:01There's the rally.
01:21:02You can't miss another event.
01:21:03Marcus is-
01:21:05I'm not leaving.
01:21:07This could blow up the entire election.
01:21:09It's the reason you took a Luna in the first place.
01:21:11Hugo, I don't care about the election.
01:21:13All right?
01:21:14I care about my family.
01:21:16What about the pack, Alpha?
01:21:19They are my pack.
01:21:22I'm not leaving here until I know that my Luna is safe
01:21:25and I have my pup safely in my arms.
01:21:29Yes, Alpha.
01:21:37What is it?
01:21:39I'm not sure if you want to see this.
01:21:44Hey, Rogue Pack.
01:21:45According to inside sources, Alpha Moon's Luna is actually human.
01:21:50That means the heir might be human.
01:21:52Alpha Marcus might be in prison, but at least he didn't lie.
01:21:56They're circling the hospital.
01:21:57Marcus' team must have tipped them off that we were here.
01:21:59Where are they?
01:22:04Alpha Moon, is it true that you're abandoning the pack for a human?
01:22:07My Luna is in labor, which means that family comes before politics.
01:22:11So you're going to leave us high and dry before you even take the job?
01:22:14It's my understanding that there have been no results from the election as of yet.
01:22:18I have footage here from your housekeeper before she went to prison saying your wife is a fake.
01:22:21What's it like to be with a human?
01:22:23Is her vagina the same?
01:22:25Excuse me?
01:22:27I know your wife's mark is fake, but is her vagina fake too?
01:22:35Give me your phone now!
01:22:36Give me.
01:22:43Does anyone else want to question my wife's integrity?
01:22:47You go.
01:22:48Take their phones.
01:22:49Give me.
01:22:50Huh? You too.
01:22:54Smear Janice in the press.
01:22:55I want security on every corner of this hospital.
01:22:57No one gets in or out.
01:22:58Yes, Alpha.
01:23:02How long can we keep the secret that you're human, Ella?
01:23:06Eventually the world will know our pup isn't a true heir.
01:23:14He's beautiful.
01:23:16Yeah, he is.
01:23:19Does he look like a full pup?
01:23:21Not yet, but sometimes it takes a while.
01:23:24And he should be full-blooded wolf, unless...
01:23:27Unless what?
01:23:30Unless we are wrong and Dom isn't the father.
01:23:34What are you talking about?
01:23:37Neonatal paternity tests aren't always right.
01:23:46Of course he's my son.
01:23:48Look at that hair.
01:23:49That's werewolf hair. He's definitely half wolf.
01:23:52Hopefully more than half.
01:23:59Why aren't you at the rally?
01:24:01Did you honestly think that I would leave you?
01:24:05Do you care that he doesn't look like a full pup yet?
01:24:11He could be full human and I would love him just the same.
01:24:15Even if he wasn't yours?
01:24:22Dom, something's wrong.
01:24:24He should be a full pup.
01:24:26No, that's impossible.
01:24:28Yes, I'm an alpha wolf.
01:24:32That's what I was trying to tell you before.
01:24:34The blood work came back.
01:24:36My parents were rogue alphas who hid me with humans.
01:24:39Wait, so you're not human?
01:24:41No, we don't have to hide anymore.
01:24:43Wait, that would mean that you're the missing daughter of the rogue alpha lord.
01:24:49Ella, it's you.
01:24:51It's always been you.
01:24:53That means you were always supposed to be mine.
01:24:56I guess my birthmark makes sense now.
01:24:59A moon.
01:25:06So if that's the case, then he would be a full wolf.
01:25:09Yes, but Cora said most wolf pups growl by now.
01:25:12It doesn't matter.
01:25:14What I care about is the fact that all three of us are safe and we're together.
01:25:24The election results came in.
01:25:28You won.
01:25:30You're the alpha king elect.
01:25:32That's amazing!
01:25:34Issue a statement of my thanks.
01:25:36My family and I will join the rally as soon as we get settled.
01:25:53Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you.
01:25:59You're my fated mate.
01:26:01And you are my alpha king.
01:26:13Thank you guys. Thank you.
01:26:18He's a wolf.
01:26:21He's a wolf.
