• 4 hours ago
ज्ञानवापी केस में हिंदू पक्ष को बड़ा झटका लगा है। वाराणसी के सिविल जज सीनियर डिवीजन के फास्ट ट्रैक कोर्ट ने ज्ञानवापी केस के मूल वाद में हिंदू पक्ष की याचिका को खारिज कर दिया है। 33 साल से लंबित मामले में कोर्ट ने एएसआई सर्वे की मांग खारिज कर दी है। हिंदू पक्ष का दावा है कि मस्जिद के मुख्य गुंबद के नीचे 100 फीट का शिवलिंग है।

#GyanvapiCase #Gyanvapi #GyanvapiMosque #FastTrackCourt #KashiVishwanath #Shivlinga #Varanasi #UttarPradesh


00:00We have rejected the application for an additional survey.
00:07Now, we will go to Mani Uchnayala on this request.
00:13We were asked to go to Mani Uchnayala for an additional survey.
00:21The survey was incomplete.
00:23The food was not surveyed.
00:26It was not done under the Central Dome.
00:29And it was not done in accordance with the order of 8-4-2021.
00:36Because the survey was done by the ASI team only.
00:42Whereas, in our order, which Mani Uchnayala has pushed,
00:47a team of 5 members had to be formed.
00:54And there was an expert from Central University.
00:59The ASI team had to do the survey report with him.
01:03But this district felt that everything was useless.
01:08I think that this district has contacted Mani Uchnayala.
01:15Mani Uchnayala had instructed them
01:19that the report of the ASI team has been submitted.
01:25If it is not in accordance with 8-4-2021,
01:29then we can request for an additional survey.
01:32They have disobeyed that order.
01:35We will immediately get the certificate and go.
01:39The Malini Court rejected the request for an additional survey.
01:44The request was that the area below the Central Dome,
01:49where the GPR system was not working,
01:52should be surveyed.
01:55But the court rejected that request.
