• last year
In this episode of our #PunjabiVlog "Gal Baat", I have talked about "TIME".Jim Rohn once said "Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time."

This explains everything; make money, but don't forget your family, friends and yourself for minting money. You are not just a money minting machine, you are a human and love, joy & care is your fuel.

They say time is money, because time is the biggest investment to mend broken ties, retain your forgotten relationships, embrace lessons from life and build good morale to bring joy in life.

#TimeisMoney #PreciousTime #GoodTimes #PunjabiVlogger #PunjabiLanguage #SocialAwareness #PakistaniVlog #PakistaniVlogger #Punjabi
