• 4 hours ago
00:00You are stuck in your ways.
00:09If the system works, I'm happy to be stuck.
00:12I treat all my surf lifesavers the same.
00:15Oh yeah, sure.
00:16If we ignore all the times you've shown clear favouritism.
00:19He point blank refuses to let me drive the buggy, even though I have seen him let other
00:22lifesavers do it.
00:23But why doesn't he let you?
00:24The only difference that I can see is that they're all male and I'm not.
00:27You clearly have an issue with strong, independent women, but that's discrimination.
00:30I beg your pardon.
00:31And I am not going to be held back by your sexist, antiquated values.
00:35Look, you either respect me and you let me drive the buggy, or you take me off the roster
00:38for good.
00:39Look, I know Kyle's abusive, but I still can't get my head around how she can walk away from
00:43her son.
00:44Ky is as much a victim in all of this as Perry is.
00:46All I've heard from you is how hard it was for you to leave.
00:51I can promise you that it was much harder to stay.
00:55Perry, go to hell.
00:58Let me talk to him again, okay?
00:59Just don't go anywhere.
01:00I'll call you.
01:01All right.
01:02This is your mum we're talking about.
01:03It's a pretty big decision to push her away forever.
01:28Very good.
01:29All right, let's go again.
01:38Harper, thanks for agreeing to meet me.
01:40Yeah, of course.
01:41How can I help?
01:42I just want you to think about Perry, and I thought you'd be the best person to ask.
01:47I don't want to overstep, and he asked for space.
01:50Don't worry.
01:51I haven't told anyone that you reached out.
01:53Do you want to go for a walk?
02:03Perry learnt how to use a taiaha.
02:05Yeah, Tana taught it.
02:07All that time ago, when I promised Perry I'd go back to New Zealand.
02:12This is all I want to plan.
02:16A connection to who he is.
02:26Now you're walking away from me?
02:28You're not exactly making me feel very heard right now, John.
02:31Do you really think that I would hold you back on purpose?
02:34Well, all I can do is look at the facts.
02:36Which are?
02:37That all the other lifesavers, who are male, may I point out, are allowed to drive the buggy.
02:41That's because they're inducted to do so.
02:44Well, then why are they inducted and not me, boys?
02:47No, John.
02:48Women have historically been marginalised in the workforce due to systemic misogyny.
02:52When was the last time you checked your emails?
02:54Because if you go and check them, you might find several from the club regarding your induction.
02:59All you had to do was fill out the paperwork and bring it back to me.
03:03Why didn't you tell me that?
03:05I didn't think you were interested.
03:06No, you've been wanting to drive the buggy for months.
03:08But just not prepared to do anything about making it happen.
03:11I didn't know I had to, because you didn't tell me.
03:13Look, there's a lot going on in your life, and you asked me to come back on your patrols.
03:18Right, OK, so I was being sidelined because my life was getting in the way. That's right.
03:22No, no, no. I just didn't want you to feel like you had to take more on.
03:29But if you feel like you want to resign, then Soviet. I can't stop you.
03:34It must be difficult working with a dinosaur like me.
03:42I can't believe this. I'm so sorry.
03:45They have to be around here somewhere.
03:46We'll find them.
03:47Just be more careful. Those rings are really beautiful.
03:49What do you mean, were? They still are. OK, they're going to turn up.
03:52This is my fault. I should have noticed sooner.
03:54All right, all right. Let's not panic. OK? It's early days.
03:57When do you last remember seeing them on your hands?
04:00This morning.
04:01All right. So we clean up, they'll turn up. Yeah?
04:03I hope you're right.
04:04I promise you we're going to find them.
04:06What was the first thing you did when you got here this morning?
04:09I unpacked the new stock.
04:11Good. Let's start there.
04:13Yes, Dustin's right. We're going to find them.
04:17I'm going to get those out as well.
04:19All right.
04:22You've hardly said a word.
04:24I thought getting outside might lift your mood.
04:27There's just been a lot to think about.
04:29Yeah, look, I know things have been rough since your mum showed up.
04:32You mean since she came back from the dead?
04:34Yeah. So have you thought about whether you want to talk to her or not?
04:37You said there was no rush.
04:38Yeah, no, that's still true.
04:40But, you know, sooner or later you're going to have to make a decision.
04:42Look, I don't want to deal with it right now.
04:44So what's happening? You know, she's giving you space.
04:47Can you just drop it?
04:48I wish I could, but you need to work out what you want from it.
04:50Look, I just found out that I'm not going to prison.
04:53Things are finally starting to look good for me.
04:55I guess so.
04:56So why mess with that?
04:57For once, I have nothing to worry about.
05:05Where's Remy?
05:06He got called in for session work.
05:08You're not going to make me eat all these on my own, are you?
05:10Yeah, lucky for you I didn't do a break.
05:13Good timing, then.
05:16So, what's been happening?
05:18Oh, you know, same old, just business calls and...
05:21I'm going to kill you.
05:23Do you want some privacy?
05:25No, I might need a witness for whatever's about to happen.
05:27This isn't funny.
05:28What did I do?
05:29Why didn't you stop me from confronting John?
05:31Why? What happened with John?
05:32Long story. To be fair, I tried.
05:34Well, you didn't try very hard, and now I've made a massive mistake.
05:38What am I looking at?
05:39I got emails from the club asking me to complete my induction for the buggy.
05:45I could have been driving it the whole time,
05:47and instead I threatened John with quitting.
05:50I'm such an idiot.
05:54This is why you say, no, you're not, Dana.
05:56No, Dana, I'm sorry. You're not an idiot.
05:58But neither is John.
05:59Why don't you just try talking to him again?
06:01Xander's right.
06:02Just sounds like a big misunderstanding.
06:11You want to go see a movie tonight?
06:14Yeah, maybe.
06:16Oh, or not. Do something else.
06:18Honestly, I'm just cool hanging here tonight.
06:31What's going on?
06:32Sorry to just turn up like this.
06:35So this is why you asked about Mum?
06:38You wanted to ambush me.
06:39I asked Harper to bring me here.
06:41He said he needed more time.
06:42Just hear her out, please.
07:02Look, I don't want to upset you more than I already have.
07:06Which is why I'm going back to New Zealand.
07:10Me being here is just making things hard for you.
07:12I don't want that.
07:14I wish things were different.
07:16But I understand.
07:18Which is why I wanted to...
07:21needed to say goodbye.
07:39I'm sorry.
07:45Be honest, mate.
07:47Is this what you really want?
07:59You have to understand, these past few weeks have been so hard for him.
08:03It's been hard for Perry for years.
08:08I failed him.
08:10To protect him.
08:11This is all new to him too.
08:13I'm sure if you give it time...
08:15No, thank you.
08:16For being kind to me.
08:32Would you want to have dinner with me tonight?
08:35Perry, of course.
08:37I'd love that.
08:52John, hi.
08:54Do you have a minute?
08:55Come to make your resignation official?
08:58I have the induction form.
09:00All filled out and signed and ready to go.
09:03Very good.
09:04When would you like to start?
09:05Ah, how about now?
09:08No kidding, obviously.
09:10I'll run you through the training first thing in the morning.
09:13Wait, I can't wait.
09:14I've got plans tonight.
09:16Do you want to maybe get dinner or drinks?
09:18Do you want to maybe get dinner or drinks?
09:44No, nothing.
09:45Are you sure you had them on when you got here?
09:46Yes, yes.
09:47I unpacked the stock and...
09:50And I washed up.
09:51They're down the drain.
09:52Okay, okay.
09:54I'll go get my tools.
09:57What's going on?
09:58Oh, don't ask, mate.
09:59Hey, Alf.
10:00How are you going?
10:01There's no need to worry about me.
10:07Hey, Doc.
10:08Hey, it's nice to see you.
10:10Yeah, look, um, since you're here,
10:12I want to apologise for the way Rue spoke to you.
10:15You heard about that?
10:16Yeah, I did.
10:17Look, an apology isn't necessary.
10:19Really, I get it.
10:20And I wish I could explain to Bosie.
10:22You don't have to explain anything.
10:24The point is, you're doing what you need to do
10:26to make sure it never happens again.
10:28I am.
10:29But Rue still isn't happy.
10:31Ah, don't worry about Rue.
10:33She's just a little bit overprotective, that's all.
10:36Well, you're lucky to have each other.
10:40No worries.
10:41Let me know when you're ready to order.
10:43This is nice.
10:44Yeah, it's a good idea.
10:46Thanks for inviting me.
10:51Why did you?
10:55Because I didn't want to say goodbye like that.
10:59And I never thanked you for coming to court.
11:01I'm sorry.
11:03You don't have to apologise to me for anything.
11:08But I'm glad I got to see the life you've built for yourself here.
11:13With some good people around you.
11:17I'm proud of you.
11:18I mean, I know you probably don't care what I think, but...
11:27Is it okay if I leave my contact details with you?
11:30In case you want to call or...
11:32What was that?
11:38I just want you to know that I've never stopped loving you.
11:42And I never will.
11:48I'm so sorry.
11:49I'm so sorry, that was too much.
11:50That was too much.
12:13It's actually really beautiful here.
12:19Sometimes I forget.
12:25You know, we've done so much for you since I arrived here.
12:31And I just want to thank you.
12:33You did all the hard work, not me.
12:38It's on me.
12:42I think I want to go with her.
12:59Can you believe Diana said those things about me?
13:02Boy, you can be a little bit old for a little girl.
13:05Yeah, but I'm not sexist. She should know better.
13:09This has really got to you, hasn't it, mate?
13:11Well, how would you feel if someone called you something you're not?
13:16Do we know how long Justin's going to be?
13:18I don't know. Why?
13:19Well, the dirty dishes are piling up.
13:21I'll make some room.
13:25That's great.
13:26I'll just get that there.
13:28Give me a call if you need a hand.
13:30Righto, will do.
13:33Evening, ladies.
13:34Oh, no, John.
13:36Did he just turn up to complain and then leave again?
13:40What's wrong?
13:42You found them?
13:44Justin's going to be so happy.
13:45We can't tell him.
13:47Why not? He's just been taking the kitchen apart to find them.
13:49That's exactly why he can't.
13:51No, he went to all of that trouble.
13:52He needs to be the one to find them.
13:54Why? I don't understand.
13:58Hey, baby.
14:00How's it going?
14:01Oh, I don't think they're in here, eh?
14:03Oh, it's okay.
14:05You've done your best and I love you.
14:07Oh, no, I haven't stopped looking.
14:09I really do appreciate all the effort that you're going to.
14:13All right, I'll just put this back together.
14:17Hang on a sec.
14:19What have we got here?
14:25Oh, they were right in front of me the whole time.
14:27You're my hero.
14:29But look at that.
14:30Oh, give me a kiss.
14:37Bree said it, it's a misunderstanding.
14:38Which I fixed.
14:39So, I don't really know why he's not over it.
14:41I am.
14:42Oh, you know what he's like.
14:43He'll be over it in the morning.
14:44Yeah, I hope so.
14:46Look, why don't you just focus on the positives?
14:48This time tomorrow, you'll be a certified buggy driver.
14:51I'm pretty excited about that.
14:54Are you sure you don't want to wait a bit longer?
14:59Oh, I was...
15:01I was just about to leave.
15:08I want to go with you.
15:11You do?
15:15If that's okay with you.
15:20Of course it is.
15:35Okay, let's get this baby started.
15:37Hang on, hang on, hang on.
15:39You haven't even checked your mirrors.
15:43Just because we're not on the road doesn't mean that there aren't rules.
15:47For instance, when we're on the beach,
15:49who has right of way?
15:50Us or pedestrians?
15:52The correct answer is pedestrians.
15:54And there are always a lot of people on the beach,
15:56so we've got to be prepared for anything.
15:59Got it. Okay, can we get started?
16:02I'm sorry, have you got somewhere else to be?
16:05Now, before we start the engine,
16:07if you put your foot on your brake,
16:09slowly, slowly, we may start the vehicle.
16:16Well done.
16:18Looks like she got what she wanted.
16:19She always does.
16:28Both hands on the wheel.
16:36Can we go any faster, please?
16:39Maybe I should come with you to the city,
16:40help you get your passport sorted.
16:41Ah, you don't have to do that.
16:44Yeah, but it's a big change for you.
16:47It's happening so fast.
16:49Are you sure you're okay with it?
16:50It's all good, I promise.
16:52I got this.
16:53So I'll just bye then.
17:11Yeah, you got me, you got me.
17:13Impressive, impressive.
17:14Word from the best.
17:21I'm sorry I'm not going to be around
17:22to watch you two become parents.
17:24We'll keep in touch.
17:27Thank you, bro.
17:28For everything.
17:31Hey, you ever need anything,
17:32you come find me, yeah?
17:36Okay, I'm ready.
17:46Hold on tight when you see the waters rise
17:53Stay close to me, stay strong
17:56Cause I need your faith to lean on
18:13If I ain't in a good vibe
18:21Not scared of going under
18:25So, did I pass?
18:26It's not a test, it's an induction.
18:28And you are now authorised to drive a buggy.
18:32Okay, well I still think we could celebrate
18:34that achievement, at least.
18:38John, come on, enough.
18:40How many times do I need to say sorry?
18:42Or would you prefer to just keep carrying on
18:44about something so small?
18:46Yeah, it may be small to you,
18:48but you've said a lot of hurtful things, Stan.
18:51And on top of that, you accuse me of discrimination.
18:53That's not me.
18:55No, I see that now.
18:56But you didn't before.
18:59I was impressed by you from the very start.
19:03The very fact that you volunteered
19:05on top of your nursing
19:06shows me just how capable you are.
19:08Yeah, I am.
19:10Can we not just hit the reset button?
19:12No, it's not that easy.
19:14I've thought the world of you.
19:16And to hear you think so lowly of me, you know.
19:21I don't know what to say.
19:23Maybe best we don't say anything.
19:25Just leave me be.
19:28See you.
19:36Left his basketball behind.
19:39He can always post it to him.
19:50Thanks to you,
19:52he's getting a second chance
19:54at the life he always deserved.
19:58I had nothing to do with his mum showing up in court.
20:00That's not what I'm talking about.
20:02It was you who showed him he could want more for himself.
20:06I know a part of you hoped this
20:08isn't the way it would go.
20:12Actually, I'm glad.
20:14I'm glad he's found his family.
20:17Since day one, you've always put him first.
20:27Do you have any idea how lucky this little guy is
20:30to have you as his dad?
20:57Stop, stop.
20:59I can't.
21:00I have to go home.
21:02He obviously cares about you.
21:04Yeah, as a friend.
21:05As the mother to his baby.
21:07Feelings can change, right?
21:08That's just it. I'm not sure they have.
21:10I really think you and I could work.
21:12Work as what?
21:13Do you want to be with me?
21:14Because if you're not sure,
21:16the answer is no.