Shortland Street 8028 14th October 2024

  • 2 days ago
00:00Previously on Shortland Street.
00:02They found a mass in my breast.
00:05It's extracting the tissue now.
00:06They're straight to the lab.
00:08It's malignant.
00:09I've got breast cancer.
00:11No, Louisa's dead.
00:12It was an accident.
00:13You were selfish and stupid and now look what's happened.
00:17Cassie, I understand the custody of your son depends on you keeping Squeaky clean.
00:21I haven't done anything wrong so I don't need to be worried.
00:24There is however the question of keeping information from the police.
00:27How exactly did Louisa Gunnell die?
00:31If you're lying to me the courts are going to take your baby away from you.
00:38I'm not lying.
00:39And hand him over to our foster family.
00:41You can't take Knox from me, I won't let you.
00:43What's going on?
00:44He's questioning me again.
00:46I've found witnesses have a better recall a few days after a traumatic event.
00:50Where's Nick?
00:51Asleep, I didn't want to wake her.
00:53Would you mind taking Knox up to bed please?
00:56You see I wonder what your superiors would think about you questioning a minor without a guardian present.
01:02Cassie invited me in, Nicole's upstairs.
01:04Nicole's asleep and you do not have the right.
01:07Actually while I have you here, Louisa Gunnell.
01:10Sorry, have I not made myself clear?
01:12I'm asking you to leave.
01:14Cassie was very forthcoming.
01:16Is there a reason you don't want to speak to me Mav?
01:18Yeah, how about we've given you our statements and you turning up to badger a teenager uninvited is wildly inappropriate.
01:25You've given me your story and I'm not sure I like it.
01:28It's not a story, it's the facts.
01:31A woman is dead, someone needs to be held to account.
01:34Maybe it's Louisa, maybe it's someone else.
01:38I'll be in touch.
01:54I don't know if I'm welcome or not.
01:57I don't even know if I'm still your girlfriend or not.
01:59I'm having family time with Selena.
02:02Like that is it?
02:04Yeah, it is.
02:05You said I didn't have to prove myself but it feels like that's just what you want.
02:10Dr. Phil, let's hit it.
02:12No, I'll leave you guys to your family time.
02:14I don't want to talk to this Nana all night.
02:16No, Billy doesn't want me here.
02:17Not now.
02:18Whatever problems you guys are going through, they're nothing.
02:21They're something.
02:23And I've got breast cancer.
02:29Oh, there goes that doctor voice.
02:31You were about to tell me that people beat this thing every day.
02:33They do.
02:34Not that I'm young and strong.
02:35Yes, you are.
02:36Yeah, but it's still so shit.
02:40Just get hammered with me, okay? One last blowout.
03:05Cassie is crying and she won't tell me what's going on.
03:12Detective Tevuki made a house call.
03:15I came home to find him interrogating her.
03:18Why didn't she wake me up?
03:20I don't know.
03:21What did she tell him?
03:22Well, the truth.
03:23It's not like there's anything new to report.
03:26You know, I don't get it.
03:27Nick, Louisa kidnapped you.
03:29Yeah, she threatened you.
03:30It was self-defense.
03:31So what else are they digging for?
03:33I guess they're just trying to be sure.
03:34Sure of what?
03:37But they have those already.
03:38So there's nothing to worry about.
03:41She's really upset.
03:42Nick, she still is.
03:45Well, I'll talk to her in the morning.
03:47We will talk to her in the morning?
03:50What do you want?
03:51I just can't escape the feeling that something terrible is going to happen.
03:55It's this cop and his intimidation tactics.
03:59It's sick.
04:02Poor Cassie.
04:05Poor Cassie.
04:15Well, you had more to drink than me.
04:17How are you moving so fast?
04:18Don't have much choice.
04:20Thanks for last night.
04:21I guess Selena really needed a blowout.
04:23That I was happy to help with.
04:25Well, you probably could have used some one-on-one time too, huh?
04:29Your sister's health comes first.
04:31Still, it's all this stuff with Harvard.
04:33It's a lot.
04:34You want to run a mile yet?
04:36I'm still here, aren't I?
04:37I don't want you getting in the middle of everything.
04:39Drew's your mate.
04:40Oh, so it's Harvard.
04:41Oh, so it's Harvard.
04:42I know.
04:43But cancer, so who cares?
04:46Oh, um, would you?
04:51This is your list for today.
04:53This morning.
04:54When are you supposed to take a break?
04:56I'm not complaining.
04:57It's better than being bumped off the list completely.
04:59You want me to talk to Drew?
05:00No way.
05:01I want to support you too.
05:02You can't support all of us.
05:04I know you're strong.
05:05You can take the hits, but let me know if you need anything.
05:08I know you're strong.
05:09You can take the hits, but let me know when it gets too much.
05:12You and I both know that I'm not blameless in this,
05:15so just let it go, would you?
05:20Okay, rule number one, no letting strangers into our house.
05:24But he's the detective.
05:26Never talk to the police without me or a lawyer.
05:29Have you got it?
05:33Hey, I thought we were going to talk to Casey together.
05:38We can keep chatting.
05:42I got it.
05:43Don't talk to the cops when I'm on my own.
05:45No, that's not quite correct.
05:47Then what?
05:48You need to understand your rights.
05:50You don't have to say anything without a lawyer or support.
05:54We're just going round and round in circles.
05:56I don't see what the problem is.
05:57You were upset, honey, and crying.
06:00Not because of the cop.
06:01Then what?
06:03Because he was talking about Louisa.
06:05I mean, just thinking about her freaks me out.
06:08That is exactly what we don't want.
06:10Like, where is she?
06:11What are they doing with her?
06:13What do you mean?
06:14Where's the body?
06:15When's the funeral?
06:16Okay, good questions.
06:18No, they're not good questions.
06:22Casey just needs to get back into the real world.
06:24You know?
06:26Folding nappies and making bottles.
06:32Let's get you ready for daycare, eh?
06:36You know, I was actually going to tell her not to worry about those kinds of things.
06:41But you just steamrolled right over me.
06:43I'm sorry.
06:44Why didn't you wait for me for the big talk?
06:46I just wanted to know what she told Detective Tavuki.
06:51I wanted her to know that she's supported.
06:54Because we're all implicated in a death?
06:57Okay, I think you're all set now, Tanya.
07:00You haven't had anything to eat today, have you?
07:03Top marks.
07:05Are you scared?
07:07Who's scared?
07:09Bowel cancer will do that to you.
07:11But it was caught early, so you're in the best possible position now.
07:17You've got a beautiful family.
07:19Can't let the team down.
07:21That's the spirit.
07:22You know, I'm doing it for them.
07:24Not just me.
07:27I'll be back soon.
07:35Doing okay, sis?
07:36Did you know that Cameron Jackson's break at the exact same time as Bryce?
07:39Yeah, well, you know why, right?
07:41Yeah, well, they're buggering up my scheduling.
07:43Now I'm left to cover.
07:45I don't need this today.
07:47I'm here now.
07:48Where do you want me?
07:49That's fine.
07:50It's handled.
07:51So, how is everything?
07:53You know?
07:54Cancer-wise, it's still there.
07:57Well, how about I come with you to your PET scan?
07:58Hell no.
07:59Because I'm your brother, or because you haven't booked it yet?
08:04I knew it.
08:05Well, I was about to, okay, but...
08:06No, I've got the text right here.
08:10You said you were making the appointment.
08:12I've been picking up this late all morning.
08:15Give me a break.
08:16You can make all the excuses you want, but it won't just go away if you ignore it, Linga.
08:20Hmm, something you and the bloody breast cancer have in common.
08:30Maeve, Risa should have been cleaned ages ago.
08:34Yeah, can you sort that, please?
08:35Um, and I need an equipment check down on all bedspaces.
08:39Oh, I should not have to hunt down a thermometer when I need one.
08:43Okay, cube three bloods, please, Mrs Harris.
08:46Cassie, I'm all yours.
08:48You were too busy for me.
08:50No, honey, never.
08:51What's up?
08:52Um, there are just things that I don't really know how to say about Risa.
08:56What, like bad memories?
08:59Yeah, okay.
09:00Well, they have a way of creeping up on you.
09:03Nick's not helping, getting you to talk and getting you to shut up.
09:07Who's that?
09:08Um, it's Griff.
09:10He says that Frankie wants a play date.
09:12Well, it's Griff who wants a play date.
09:14Have you told him about Louisa?
09:16Not yet.
09:17Well, you should, honey.
09:19I just want to be around someone who makes me feel normal.
09:21Is that okay?
09:22Yeah, yeah.
09:23Um, let me drive you, okay?
09:25I'll just find some cover.
09:27Uh, actually, I don't want to see Griff.
09:31Okay, honey, what is up?
09:33You're all over the place.
09:35It's not just bad memories, is it?
09:38Coming through.
09:39This is Jackie Stein.
09:41Serious head injury.
09:42GCS of 12.
09:43What happened?
09:44Roof tile came loose.
09:46Hit her in the head.
09:47Freak accident.
09:53You're with me and Risa.
09:54It's all right?
09:55Yeah, all right.
09:56Let's go.
09:57Let's go.
09:58He's out there trying to survive in the wild, and it's all my fault.
10:01He's a very intelligent bird.
10:03I'm sure he's found a nest to cover it somewhere, perhaps in a community forest.
10:07I bet a cat is eyeing him up for dinner.
10:10He will just flap his wings and head for the clouds.
10:12Why are you being so calm about this?
10:14Well, I'm deeply upset, but accidents do happen.
10:21A missing bird and a guilty-looking, ornithophobic pharmacist.
10:25I could write a murder mystery.
10:27The overheads on self-publishing are a scandal.
10:31All right.
10:32I was the one who left the cage door open and perhaps forced him out of his cage.
10:37I knew it.
10:38And I regretted it the second poor Madonna started blaming herself for the sky rat's abscontion.
10:43Why does Madonna think it's her fault?
10:45She thought she hadn't locked the cage door properly.
10:48And you didn't correct her.
10:50Look, I am glad that the demon fowl has gone.
10:52I can sleep now.
10:53Well, you're lying to your girlfriend.
10:54Look, I'm pretty sure any treatment of a phobia like this requires honesty.
10:58You're a doctor.
10:59And being honest with you, isn't that enough?
11:02I know you're worried, but Selina's a nurse.
11:04She's not about to sabotage herself.
11:06When we were kids, our Auntie Anna used to watch us.
11:09She was fun, man.
11:10She was just like us.
11:12Auntie Anna used to watch us.
11:13She was fun, man.
11:14She was just like Selina.
11:15Had this wicked sense of humour.
11:17Same laugh.
11:19She was 45 when she died of breast cancer.
11:22I'm so sorry.
11:23Nah, I was too young to really understand.
11:26And, man, Mum was a wreck.
11:28But the weirdest part was Selina.
11:31She loved Anna more than anyone.
11:33But she never cried.
11:35She cleaned the house.
11:37She cooked for the funeral.
11:38Made jokes.
11:39Just kept the party going.
11:42Yeah, but she's not a kid anymore.
11:45Maybe I should book the damn scan for her.
11:47Definitely don't do that.
11:49Well, then what?
11:50Trust her.
11:52I'd better get going.
11:55Marley's just hung up on me.
11:58Half a tear as this family shreds, and I'm the punching bag.
12:02No, I don't take it personally.
12:03It just sucks feeling like I'm the bad guy.
12:06I am free now.
12:07Can I go bunk?
12:08I can't.
12:09Selina needs all hands on deck.
12:12Tell her I dragged you into theatre.
12:13What, leave my sister in the lurch?
12:15Well, I'm your mate, and I'm kind of going through hell here.
12:18Is that why you're torturing Phil?
12:20Piling on her workload so you can take her along lunch?
12:25You hate feeling like the bad guy?
12:26Why don't you stop acting like one?
12:28Hey, come on.
12:29Yes, you are my mate.
12:30So if I want to say the truth to your face, I will.
12:38But did she die right in front of you?
12:40Was she on the way to surgery?
12:42What are you asking?
12:43I'm sorry about what happened to you.
12:45And to Nicole.
12:47But I can't discuss any medical cases with you.
12:50Hey, I'm sorry about this.
12:52No, it's okay.
12:53Maybe get some counselling for her.
12:57Honey, you know you can't talk about Louisa.
12:59Everyone's asking me questions.
13:01Why can't I ask my own?
13:02Cas, I think you should go home.
13:04I've got a job, and I'm doing it.
13:11I knew she was having a rough day, but this is out of control.
13:14What she saw was pretty traumatic.
13:17She can't shake it.
13:19Truth is, neither can I.
13:21What can I do?
13:23You could bring some kids over.
13:25Make us all laugh and smile.
13:27That is a lovely idea.
13:28Yeah, I think it would be really good for Billy to see Miles.
13:31But only if you're not too busy.
13:33You're busy.
13:34It's okay.
13:35Forget I said anything.
13:36It's hard to find time to breathe around here.
13:44Busy grieving for your missing bird, I see.
13:47What do you want me to do, Nas?
13:48Put up a life-size poster of Davey?
13:50Fifty dollar award for safe return?
13:52I'd look like an idiot.
13:54A tell-tale heart.
13:56Edgar Allan Poe's haunting tale of guilt and regret, what of it?
14:02Be honest with Madonna before this gets out of hand.
14:08Do you think he's wish?
14:09Excuse me?
14:10Polishing off a bottle of tequila on a school night,
14:12Phil staggered in at like 3am this morning,
14:13said you were going head-to-head with her and Billy.
14:15Come on, sweetheart.
14:16You work at the front desk, okay?
14:17You have no power.
14:18So stop trying to police our personal lives.
14:20Okay, I'm going to chalk that up to the hangover.
14:26Billy found some old photos of Junior.
14:29Can I see?
14:33Billy did a really good job raising him, you know.
14:35He was always so polite.
14:37Never got into any trouble.
14:38That's him.
14:39You must be missing him.
14:40He's probably missing you too.
14:43Are you kidding me?
14:44You're his mum.
14:45Give him a call.
14:46I'm a bit busy.
14:47What could be more important than your boy?
15:03It's Selena Toy here.
15:05I'm just ringing to book a PET scan.
15:10Yeah, I can hold.
15:12I don't want the kids going over there.
15:14Come on.
15:15Billy needs a break from the chaos
15:17and Cassie needs to spend some time with normal people
15:19before she completely loses it.
15:20Oh, right.
15:21That's us, is it?
15:22You know what it's like when Billy walks in a room.
15:24They light the place up.
15:25Molly loves spending time with Billy.
15:27I said no.
15:30The kids are stable at the moment, okay?
15:33And I don't want them asking any questions.
15:35What, like, why is mum not home again tonight?
15:38The night shift story's working very well.
15:40But now?
15:41Make up an excuse.
15:43You're busy.
15:44Our friends are hurting.
15:45Come on, I can be normal for a few hours, surely.
15:48Still no.
15:58Given up already?
15:59The opposite.
16:00That is every task on your to-do list, done.
16:03Consults, inpatient procedures, patient notes.
16:05Oh, damn, I'm fresh out of medals.
16:07I know you're loading me up with the grunt work
16:09and I'm going to do my penance.
16:11But I did notice that Tanya Sheffield,
16:13she's scheduled in for a bowel resection this afternoon.
16:16If you want, I can...
16:17Yeah, I'm doing that.
16:18I've read the case notes, so if you want,
16:20you could go do whatever you just told Harper you're too busy for.
16:23Are you deaf, Dr Grayson?
16:26You blew my life up,
16:27and now you are going to pay for what you did.
16:29So tell your boyfriend to stop moaning at me
16:31about the way I choose to utilise my surgeons
16:33and the department I run.
16:35This isn't penance.
16:36It's the new regime.
16:42Billy's not hungry?
16:43Nope, he's glued to his game.
16:45Oh, I'm really sorry I couldn't bring all the kids.
16:48That's OK.
16:49What's this?
16:50Oh, I just thought Billy could do with some company.
16:53Yeah, Marley has training, so...
16:55Well, another time.
16:57What is this about you hassling Emmett?
17:00I just wanted to know how Louisa really died.
17:03You know, there's such thing as patient confidentiality.
17:06I know.
17:07Well, clearly you don't know,
17:09which is embarrassing,
17:10because you live with two medical professionals.
17:13Yeah, Nick, I've already told her off.
17:16Well, why don't you text Griff? Meet up.
17:19Yeah, he said Frankie wants a play date.
17:21Oh, that sounds cute.
17:23Yeah, well, that's a good idea.
17:25Get you out of the loop you're in.
17:27Well, what are we going to talk about?
17:29Because he'll ask me,
17:30how have you been, Cassie?
17:31What's new, Cassie?
17:32And I'll have to tell him that Louisa died
17:34and left bloodstains everywhere.
17:36That is enough.
17:37Cassie, you'll get through this.
17:41I don't think so.
17:45Hello again.
17:46Cassie doesn't have anything else she wants to add to her statement.
17:49No problem.
17:51We just want to have a little chat to Nicole.
17:53Uh, okay.
17:54Or, um, the outside, so these guys can eat.
17:57Sorry, but we need you to come down to the station.
18:00Some new information has come to light.
18:02Need to go over your statement again.
18:03What new information?
18:04Hey, no, don't touch her.
18:05It's fine.
18:07We're doing this officially,
18:08just like you wanted.
18:09Sit tight.
18:11Yeah, well, we'll get you a lawyer.
18:12Just tell, um,
18:13tell Belia that I had to go on to work.
18:17Just stay here, babe.
18:19It'll be okay.
18:29You're home early.
18:31So are you.
18:32Um, I have something important to tell you.
18:35So do I.
18:38I know how sad you were when I lost Davy.
18:41So sad.
18:42It just tore my heart out.
18:45I could see that.
18:46I can't do this anymore, Madonna.
18:48What's wrong?
18:49I wanted some time to prepare my thoughts,
18:51but, um, let me start with Edgar Allan Poe.
18:56American writer back in the day.
18:58He wrote this short story about a crime committed by a madman.
19:01I'm not saying that I'm mad,
19:03but there are some psychological parallels.
19:05So the story is about guilt.
19:10Did you hear that noise?
19:11Are you acting it out?
19:14Well, is this part of the story?
19:18Yet the sound increased.
19:20What could I do?
19:22I admit the deed here, here.
19:25It is the beating of his hideous heart.
19:27Wow, it's certainly dramatic.
19:29It is a tale of woe, and I will tell it true,
19:31but, um, first I need some air.
19:35Oh, Thaddeus, wait!
19:43Look, all I'm asking is for you to just keep me in mind.
19:46Okay, thanks.
19:49You see that?
19:50Pet scan booked.
19:52See, I told you she'd come through.
19:54After I sent her a hundred photos of Junior.
19:57Just getting things done.
19:58And just telling my boss off
20:00after I specifically told you to leave it alone?
20:02Getting things done?
20:03Well, if you weren't gonna stand up for yourself.
20:05Drew's trying to punish me, and you know what? I can handle it.
20:07But you just riled him up even more.
20:09You know what? He's my mate. I'll talk to him again.
20:11Don't you dare.
20:12I don't like what he's doing to you.
20:13Do you know who I was just on the phone to?
20:15Brooke, it's in Cass, begging for a job.
20:17You can't leave.
20:18Yeah, well, everyone's making cuts,
20:20so the only option would be locuming it central,
20:22down to the bottom of the heap.
20:23That's a bad career move.
20:25You have to stay here, at Shortland Street.
20:27Don't tell me what to do.
20:30Sorry, just...
20:32look after Selena, ignore me.
20:34Um, I can handle myself.
20:37Oh! OK, let me try again.
20:39You have to swim to the middle of the lake and pull out the sword.
20:43Oh, it's too hard!
20:46I'll find an easier game for you.
20:53Hey, Maeve.
20:54What time is Mum coming back?
20:56Oh, honey, you're really late, after dinner.
21:05What does the lawyer say?
21:07Nick doesn't want me anywhere near the police station.
21:09I'll go down.
21:10No, no, you won't.
21:11You'll both stay here, and you'll put on a smile for Belly.
21:14I don't know if I can.
21:18Look, you must have some things to sort out for Knox, yeah?
21:20Washing, bottles.
21:22Yeah, well, you do that, and I'll take over here,
21:24and I'll keep Belly entertained.
21:26You need to get back to your kids.
21:28No, they're under control.
21:29Where's my chocolate?
21:31He knows you guys need me here.
21:36Well, hello, malignant tumour.
21:39How's it looking?
21:40Well, it's worse than I thought.
21:42How bad?
21:43Let's just say she needs to get her will sorted.
21:46She's too young.
21:47Babcock's forceps.
21:49On a serious note, everybody should get their will sorted.
21:52Dipping up those acids to the fan.
21:55What's Junior going to get?
21:56Maybe we should just focus on the op.
21:58Hey, I've got one for you.
22:00Why did the surgeon put jokes in his will?
22:03So he could leave everyone in stitches.
22:07I'll make you laugh, just you watch.
22:09Not today, Drew.
22:10I just want to do my job.
22:12Do you need suction?
22:13Not yet.
22:15We need to do our best for Tanya.
22:17She's a VIP in my box.
22:18I always do my best.
22:20And hey, it's just a little tumour humour.
22:22No need to be so precious.
22:24You're sick.
22:25Excuse me?
22:27She's a sick one.
22:28This poor young woman lying here.
22:31This is not my first dance with cancer
22:34and I am doing my best for her.
22:37You have no respect for her or her family.
22:40Mayo scissors.
22:45Calm down.
22:46You need to show some respect and apologise to the patient.
22:48What is wrong with you?
22:49Do it! Say sorry!
22:51Say sorry!
22:52Get out of my theatre!
23:27Free call or text 1737 anytime
23:31or visit