• 4 hours ago
00:00Wow. You almost made me forget about work.
00:16Not that it's a competition, but I bet you my day's been worse.
00:21Problems upstairs? Problems with your sister.
00:24Oh. I know, I just, I casually asked her if she
00:27decided on a new counsellor yet. And?
00:29And in short, she told me to mind my own business.
00:32So that's a no. I've given her other options for counsellors,
00:36but she has not wanted to talk about it one bit.
00:38Well, I guess, you know, we can't really blame her for stalling.
00:41I mean, after Tim let her down, she's probably just finding it hard to trust people again.
00:46I hope you're right. I usually am.
00:48Right, you heading home? Good luck with Abby.
01:00What was that for?
01:03Because I don't know what I'd do without you.
01:07See ya.
01:12Alf, I have better things to do than to go through this. It is sorted.
01:16I'm with Alf. It is not sorted at all.
01:18Then we'll have to disagree.
01:20Rua, please tell me you're here to take over duties because I need to be somewhere else.
01:23Don't even think about it, Marma.
01:25What's going on?
01:26I offended John, so now he's refusing to work with me,
01:29even though I have apologised 16 million times.
01:32I'm not refusing to work with you now.
01:34You're authorised to drive the buggy. You no longer need supervision.
01:37Oh, pull the other one. You changed the roster to avoid her.
01:40Oh, John, did you?
01:42I have my reasons. Yeah, me.
01:44Grow up, Marma. Shake the girl's hand and fix it.
01:46There's nothing to fix.
01:50Sorry, that's my fault.
01:51Oh, it's all right. I'll fix it.
01:54How are you gonna do that?
01:56I don't know. I'll think of something.
02:06Hey. Good to see you got the journal out again.
02:11Just reading through it.
02:13Has it been helpful?
02:15It's garbage. Tim was so full of it.
02:18OK, I doubt that's entirely true.
02:20Really? This is an opportunity to grow.
02:24Isn't it? I have the power to change.
02:27Don't you? Take back control of your life.
02:28I don't see what's wrong with that.
02:31Are you joking?
02:33I have absolutely no control over what happens to me. Clearly.
02:36Yes, you do. Absolutely you do.
02:38He says to the person who literally just got dropped by their own counsellor for reasons.
02:42OK, why don't you put that down so we can talk this over?
02:45This is gonna be about me going back to counselling, right?
02:48You did agree to look through the options.
02:50Yeah, and now I've changed my mind.
02:53This is proof that it is all just talk.
02:56And it gets you nowhere.
03:05So glad this is back where it belongs.
03:08Yeah, me too.
03:10You're really into public affection since I heard it, aren't you?
03:13Hey, hey, I'm a fan.
03:16Just a tea, thanks, Mariner.
03:21Well, I know what's annoying me right now. What's your excuse?
03:24Hey, Alf. Hey.
03:26Sorry, Mrs Jones. Need to talk to Leah about something. I'll be one sec.
03:29Hey. Hi.
03:31Have you told Justin what happened with your rings yet?
03:34Uh, no, and I'm not going to.
03:37White lies are still wise, Leah.
03:39Are they, though? Yes. Yes, they are.
03:42And when you renewed your vows, you promised to be truthful to Justin.
03:45And I promised to hold you to that.
03:47And that's really lovely of you, but that was about big picture stuff, not about this.
03:51I think you should tell him. It's no big deal. Let it go.
03:57Looks like cash is out. Yeah.
04:00It's on the night shift, so we'll replace it ourselves.
04:05Can I get you anything?
04:07No, I'm good.
04:09You okay? Yeah.
04:12I'm glad we made a decision.
04:15I just hope it was the right one.
04:18It was.
04:21I'm sure of it.
04:24So, we're really gonna do this relationship thing, huh?
04:30I think we are.
04:32It's still kind of scary.
04:34But in a good way, right?
04:39In a really good way.
04:59Here you go. Thanks.
05:00And I've got you both set up on the balcony.
05:05And this dinner's your show, right?
05:07Well, I think because it's a surf club issue, the surf club should pay for it.
05:11Okay, great. I'll pop it on the account.
05:17What's going on over there?
05:18Uh, I don't know. Why?
05:21Uh, I may have put my foot in it with John earlier.
05:25Well, usually he's the one that suffers with foot and mouth disease, so it would've been a nice change for him.
05:29No, he and Dana are having issues. Like, I think I made things worse.
05:33Oh. Well, um...
05:36Ru just asked me to open a tab, so I'm sure he'll be in a much better mood soon.
05:41And so you've got no ulterior motive for taking me out to dinner?
05:45No, no, I just thought we could swap sea stories.
05:48I've got a few of those.
05:51Actually, with Irene away, it'd be nice to have some company.
05:54Oh, I'm so glad to hear you say that.
05:56Hey. Hi.
05:58You're as bad as your father.
05:59Well, not quite. This time I was in on it, too.
06:03Yeah, well, it didn't work last time, and it's not working this time.
06:05Excuse me, but no-one's going anywhere, OK?
06:08In my new role, I need to ensure that surf club personnel are getting on and that everything runs smoothly.
06:13You know, I think I preferred it when you were on your cruise.
06:16So did I.
06:17Hey, listen, you guys, you have a good chat, OK? Catch up, enjoy your meal, and I'll check in later on.
06:26Is this the moment where you walk out?
06:30No, we're here anyway.
06:33There's a free meal in it.
06:45Dinner's ready.
06:52Thanks for cooking.
06:54I don't think eating up last night's takeaway counts as cooking, but I'll take it.
07:03Um, about before...
07:05I was thinking that I should call Eden and see if she wants to come over and watch a movie with us.
07:09We need to talk, Abby.
07:10Well, that's gonna make watching a movie pretty annoying.
07:17I understand you don't want to replace Tim.
07:20Finally, he listens.
07:23If you're not willing to continue counselling, what's your plan?
07:28That I have one.
07:29You can understand how that's kind of terrifying for me, right?
07:32Is it? Because I think I'm doing pretty well, actually.
07:37For the moment.
07:40Do I need to remind you what you have been through?
07:44The last thing anyone wants after all your hard work is for you to relapse.
07:50I won't.
07:52You say that.
07:53Yeah, how many times?
07:55I'm fine. Leave. I'll just drop it.
07:59Ooh, something smells good.
08:01Yeah, well, park your expectations. It's leftovers.
08:04I'm eating in my room.
08:09No luck.
08:13I could throw it at Eden for what she's done.
08:23Everything okay?
08:29This feels right.
08:45What you looking at?
08:47The ultrasound.
08:50I look at it all the time.
08:53Makes me happy.
08:56So, I should probably get going.
09:19Time leads me back to you.
09:25Don't know if I can live without you.
09:34Great chat.
09:36I said my meal was good.
09:37You said your meal was good, like, four hours ago.
09:40There's no need to get huffy.
09:41Well, there's no need to be this.
09:44I said I was sorry.
09:46I like working with you. I want to be friends.
09:49Well, I can't imagine why, seeing as you think so badly of me.
09:52You know that that is not true.
09:57You've been a really big part at making Summer Bay feel like home to me.
10:05You taught me life-saving.
10:07And, you know, I think all the time we spent together.
10:09And not just at work, you know, when you were sick.
10:12Well, I'm glad my near-death experience is a fond memory for me.
10:16You enjoyed my company, and you know it.
10:20Well, you have grown on me.
10:22Like a barnacle.
10:26I'm just bad at compliments. I'm at charades.
10:29And you did stick up for me when I was banned from teaching.
10:32Yes, I did.
10:37You're kind of like a father to me.
10:42And I've come to think of you as a daughter.
10:46Which is why it hurt so much when you thought badly of me.
10:50Yeah, but you've got to know that none of the silly little things I say
10:54affects how I feel deep down.
10:59But I promise that I will try to not just jump to conclusions.
11:06And I promise I will give you the benefit of the doubt.
11:17Oh, I bet Rue's going to be happy her plan worked.
11:22Let's order every dessert on the menu just to annoy her.
11:36Anyway, so John wasn't too thrilled with the ambush,
11:38but hopefully he and Dana will get talking again.
11:40Here we go. I'm sorry about the wait.
11:43Oh, no worries, Marilyn.
11:45Everything all right?
11:47Not really, no.
11:50Okay, so.
11:52When Leah and Justin renewed their vows, which was lovely,
11:56they asked me to promise that they would remain truthful to each other.
12:00They renewed their vows while I was away. What else did I miss?
12:03Don't ask.
12:04So now Leah's being slightly untruthful,
12:07and I'm just worried that that is going to snowball.
12:09What is she being untruthful about?
12:11Well, she lost her running ring, okay?
12:14And she thought that they'd gone down the sink.
12:16So Justin came in and he dismantled the sink and the whole kitchen huge mess.
12:21Then Leah found her rings somewhere else.
12:24But instead of telling Justin that she found them,
12:27she re-hid them so that he could find them and take all the glory.
12:31Sounds like small potatoes to me.
12:33Well, small potatoes become big potatoes, Mr Stewart.
12:36I don't really understand what you can do about all that.
12:39Well, I think that Leah needs to tell Justin the truth.
12:43Marilyn, you need to get a hobby.
12:45I just think you might be making this a bit bigger than it really is.
12:48Well, maybe so, but I made a promise to her.
12:52But they seem happy, you know, so maybe try not to worry about it.
13:00So now she won't see any other counsellors at all?
13:05She's lost faith in the process ever since Tim let her go.
13:09Then maybe it's time to tell her exactly why he did it.
13:13And undo all of her progress? No, thank you.
13:16There must be a way that we could frame it so she doesn't take it so badly.
13:20Well, if there is a way, I can't think of it.
13:22I just wish Eden had more sense.
13:26Listen, I know that this situation isn't ideal,
13:30but Abby is safe here with us and she's not showing any real sign of relapsing.
13:36So maybe if she says she's OK, we give her more credit and believe she's OK.
14:01Is that Abby's journal? Yeah, it is.
14:05You still think she's all right?
14:26Oh, chuck some flags up around here, eh?
14:29All right.
14:34So you happy now about driving the buggy?
14:37Yeah, I'm ecstatic. Thank you.
14:39Well, how about this?
14:41You put the flags up, you can have your break early, I'll take the buggy back.
14:44Oh, you're the best. Yep. Don't forget it.
14:49Hey, how do you feel about having a coffee with Summer Bay's number one lifesaver?
14:54I'd rather have one with my girlfriend.
14:56We did not just say that.
15:02Shut the front door.
15:06Look! Look! I'm looking!
15:09I don't believe it.
15:25Morning. I thought you'd be at work already.
15:28I told them I was coming in later. I wanted to talk to Abby first.
15:32Oh. Do you think she'll be open to that?
15:34I don't know. I've been thinking about her journal.
15:37She could have hidden that anywhere.
15:39I think maybe she wanted me to find it.
15:42What, like a cry for help or something?
15:45That's what I'm going to find out.
15:50Hey, Abby.
15:52You up?
15:54Can I come in?
15:59She's not in her room.
16:03What? When did she leave?
16:05I don't know. I didn't hear her this morning. Maybe last night?
16:07OK, let's not jump to conclusions.
16:10She's not picking up.
16:12OK, let me get dressed and we'll go and look for her.
16:18I'm going to get going. Thanks for breakfast.
16:20You going for a surf?
16:21Yep. Got to go get a leg wrap first.
16:22All right, wait. Now you're good to go.
16:25You're the perfect woman.
16:27Ah, well, almost.
16:30Well, you know what?
16:32I promised to hold you both accountable during your vows,
16:36so the dishonesty ends here.
16:40Mm-hmm. Let's go.
16:43You know how you found the rings the other day?
16:47I found them first and I just put them in a spot so you could find them,
16:51so then you'd look like a hero.
16:57Why would you do that?
16:59Because by the time I realised, it was too late and you'd gone to so much trouble
17:03and I just didn't want to take that away from you.
17:10Oh, come here.
17:14You are so good to me.
17:18That's so sweet.
17:20Honesty is the best policy.
17:24She's here. She's here.
17:26Looks like you were worried for nothing.
17:29Is there a hitman after me or something?
17:30We didn't know where you were.
17:32Marley had an early surf lesson, so I just got a ride with him.
17:35Thank you. I've got to go from here.
17:37Sure. OK. See you later.
17:43You need to stop disappearing like that, Abby.
17:45I have told you over and over again to stop worrying about me.
17:48That is not going to happen.
17:51Hey, how can I help you?
17:52I need a new leggy.
17:54Sure. We have a couple of slackers for you.
17:56I'm not going anywhere, Abby.
17:57Can you at least get out of my way?
17:59Sorry, I'll leave you guys.
18:00No, you're staying.
18:01I saw what you did to your journal.
18:03You went through the bin?
18:04You didn't exactly try to hide it.
18:06You are so much worse than Eden.
18:08Get off my back!
18:20Hey, mate.
18:21Just a flat white, thanks.
18:23Right up.
18:24So, Levi's little sisters have been intense.
18:27Why would you say that?
18:28Well, she tore her strips off Levi before storming off in a mood.
18:35Go. I've got things covered here.
18:48Abby, I'm sorry, okay?
18:50I overstepped with the journal.
18:51Can we just drop it, please?
18:53No, I can't.
18:56Okay, you know what?
18:57I had a counsellor who I trusted.
18:58Who you recommended.
18:59So, forgive me if I'm not jumping at a second chance.
19:01Look, I know that you trusted Tim and he let you down.
19:04But not every counsellor is like that.
19:06What I need is for you to trust me, okay?
19:09What's going on?
19:10Your boyfriend won't get off my case.
19:12That's what.
19:13Okay, I think he's just trying to look out for you.
19:15And that's not going to change.
19:18Let me be clear.
19:20One more word about Tim or my counselling or my recovery
19:23and I'm packing my bags and I'm leaving this town for good.
19:25Do you get it?
19:38I think that we should be able to talk to each other like we're more than strangers.
19:41I think that we could be friends.
19:43Are you kidding?
19:44The answer is no.
19:45We can't be friends.
19:46I know things are complicated between you two.
19:48She's just got a lot going on right now.
19:50Is she okay?
19:52Yeah, yeah.
19:53Maybe just give it some time.