• vor 12 Stunden
Die demokratische US-Präsidentschaftskandidatin Kamala Harris hat ihrem republikanischen Rivalen Donald Trump vorgeworfen, aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten zu sein. Der Rechtspopulist strebe nach "unkontrollierter Macht", sagte Harris in Reaktion auf ein Interview, das Trumps ehemaliger Stabschef John Kelly gegeben hatte.


00:00So yesterday we learned that Donald Trump's former chief of staff, John Kelly, a retired
00:11four-star general, confirmed that while Donald Trump was president, he said he wanted generals
00:18like Adolf Hitler had.
00:21Donald Trump said that because he does not want a military that is loyal to the United
00:27States Constitution, he wants a military that is loyal to him.
00:33Donald Trump is increasingly unhinged and unstable.
00:38And in a second term, people like John Kelly would not be there to be the guardrails against
00:45his propensities and his actions.
00:48We know what Donald Trump wants.
00:50He wants unchecked power.
00:53The question in 13 days will be, what do the American people want?
