• vor 18 Stunden
Alan Gunner Lindbloom wuchs Seite an Seite mit der Detroiter Mafia auf und landete 13 Jahre im Knast. Erst hinter Gittern entdeckte er sein Talent zum Schreiben. Du wirst nie erraten, was er heute erreicht hat.


00:00I'm inside of a garage, bleeding out. I see blood dumping out of my stomach, pouring out.
00:07I ran right out of my shoes, I don't even remember that.
00:09This is one of the worst ghettos in Detroit, or even the world.
00:12And all I could think about, man, I don't want my girl to get the phone call that my body was found dead, bleeding out in the hood.
00:19So I said, I'm going to live today.
00:30My name is Gunnar Allen Lindblom. At age 14, I was indoctrinated in the life of crime, organized crime, through my uncle and some members of my family.
00:45Nobody knew that. I didn't share with anyone, because I was told, never share anything outside of the family.
00:54Then we started selling drugs, and I got involved in my own drugs and bad habits and gambling.
00:59Eventually, I started doing armed robberies, I started doing bank robberies.
01:03At the very end, before I went to prison, I didn't care anymore, I wasn't getting signed off on, meaning I was a maverick.
01:09Nobody was giving me permission to do nothing, I was keeping all the money, so the family was like, you know what, we can't help you.
01:1617 capital charges, all of them carried life, and in the end, I couldn't beat any of them.
01:21So I took a plea agreement, and that put me away for 13 to 15 years.
01:27And so, at that point, the game was over.
01:35So I get to prison, it was horrible as everybody thinks. The worst part is the crazy people, you're in there with the worst of the worst.
01:41Level twos and fours, where I was my entire 13 year bit, was where you have all the murderers and the rapists and the gangs.
01:57The interesting part is, I knew I had this gift, I had these stories in my mind, I love reading, which is crazy.
02:04So I got to prison, I told myself, I'm not going to be another number, I'm going to walk out of here, I'm going to write these stories, I'm going to write these novels.
02:13There was a girl I went to school with, never knew her, but she said, I work for a publisher, I see that you're a writer, maybe I can help.
02:19She said, I was shocked when I read this book, could not believe how well it was written.
02:26She started writing me through letters, and we hadn't talked on a phone at all for a year.
02:31I mean, literally a thousand pages of letters we wrote.
02:34Als ich das Buch gelesen habe, konnte ich nicht glauben, wie gut es geschrieben wurde.
02:40Sie begann mir zu schreiben, und wir haben nicht einmal auf dem Telefon gesprochen.
02:45Wir haben fast 1.000 Bücher geschrieben.
02:48Aber plötzlich begann sie zu sagen, ich fühle mich hier mehr als Freunde.
02:57Wir nennen es die gepainte Linie. Wir können diese Linie nicht überschreiten.
03:00Ich habe noch sieben Jahre im Gefängnis.
03:03Aber sie hat es geschafft.
03:05Ich bin mit ihr verliebt.
03:07Eines Tages haben wir beschlossen, dass wir auf dem Telefon sprechen.
03:10Sie hat sechs Jahre für mich gewartet.
03:23Am Tag, an dem ich rauskam, war sie da für mich.
03:26Sie hatte für mich ein tolles Essen.
03:28Am nächsten Tag haben wir uns verheiratet.
03:30Wir sind in das Städtegebäude gegangen.
03:32Meine beiden Freunde waren die Zeugen.
03:34Das lustige war, dass der Pfarrer, der keine Pfote liest, und meine Frau
03:39ein wenig traurig waren.
03:41Ich und meine Jungs waren wie Ball.
03:51Und dann habe ich dieses Buch gelesen,
03:53um König zu werden.
03:54Und sofort, in 72 Stunden,
03:56hat es die Top 100 in der Welt geschlagen.
03:58Ich bin in der 28. Stunde.
04:01Und jeder sieht das gleiche.
04:03Warum ist das nicht ein Film?
