• vor 2 Monaten
Der Dokumentarfilm Diddy: The Making of a Bad Boy gibt Einblicke in Sean Combs' steilen Karriereweg und hat in besonderer Art und Weise die Anschuldigungen wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs und Vergewaltigung zum Thema. Alte Weggefährten, die den Rapper teilweise noch aus Kindertagen kennen, geben Einblicke in seine dunkle Seite und die verbrecherischen Machenschaften, die der Musiker über Jahrzehnte von der Öffentlichkeit verborgen halten konnte.


00:00Sean Combs is a monster.
00:04I want to speak about this now because I've witnessed everything.
00:08I think Sean Combs can get away with anything.
00:13I've known Sean since he was four years old.
00:17That's my little bro.
00:21He already knew what he wanted.
00:23I could be your manager, just give me a chance.
00:25I went to a lot of puffy parties.
00:27These were the parties that you needed exclusive access to get into.
00:33He thought that if people fear him, they respect him.
00:37Honestly, I didn't want to be around him unless there was cameras.
00:40Nobody's shooting me, nobody's shooting me, nobody's shooting me.
00:42When Puff was around, he was like, uh-oh, get it together or this could be over.
00:46You got me acting crazy in front of all these people.
00:48Something is not right with this.
00:55I've been with Sean for quite a while and I've captured a lot of moments.
01:00Anytime the studio or any room gets red, it's making love and sex.
01:05Some of the ones who went in the room, for sure they were underage.
01:08They said they could ship me off and sell me to anyone.
01:12How did this superstar music mogul become an alleged monster?
01:17And I can show you how we have fun and stay out of jail, too.
