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00:00Unidentified flying objects are a phenomenon increasingly cited in recent decades, but
00:05what if there are actually far more UFOs than even the statistics say?
00:09For many, if UFOs really are indicative of advanced alien groups arriving on our planet,
00:15then there should surely be countless other examples that we don't notice, that we haven't
00:20seen, and that are hidden from view.
00:22This is Unveiled, and today we're taking a closer look at the stealth technology that
00:27aliens could be using.
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00:40Alien stealth devices are prime science fiction material, but really they're a possibility
00:45in the real world as well.
00:46There are a range of theoretical ways in which they could work, from bending light itself
00:51to the manipulation of quantum dimensions.
00:54Bending or cloaking an imagined ship might even be described as reasonably simple, in
01:00the grand scheme of the universe.
01:02And if advanced enough aliens ever did or have come to Earth, then it's a capability
01:07that we should probably expect them to have.
01:10For some, the likelihood that alien vessels are arriving under stealth is the primary
01:15reason for a seeming lack of evidence or contact with alien life so far.
01:20As such, humans have long sought to develop decent stealth technologies for ourselves,
01:25although chiefly as a tool for warfare between nations, rather than to rival any perceived
01:30ET threat.
01:32Funds and resources have been funnelled into research since at least the late 1950s, some
01:36of which has influenced the designs of the world's very best fighter jets and submarines.
01:42We are still a long way away from perfecting stealth tech, but we know enough to consider
01:47the ways in which it could work.
01:49The Invisibility Cloak is arguably the most famous piece of stealth tech in science and
01:53fantasy fiction.
01:54A piece of material that instantly enables anything it covers to become invisible to
01:59the watching world, it would be a dream bit of kit for regular international espionage.
02:04Were you to be an alien wanting to survey Earth without detection, then it'd also
02:08be a must-have.
02:09A successful cloaking device would make a spaceship invisible to some or all wavelengths
02:15of the electromagnetic spectrum.
02:17Specifically, covering over light, radio, or radar would turn a craft untraceable by
02:23Earth-based means.
02:25Perhaps the cloak would bend light around an object to obscure it entirely.
02:29Perhaps it would scramble light in some other way.
02:32So long as it can no longer be picked up by human senses or technology, then it will have
02:37done its job.
02:38And actually, invisibility cloaks aren't as far-fetched as they might seem.
02:43Modern science has found that it's completely possible to cloak something from one specific
02:48wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, which is the first and fundamental need.
02:52The issue, though, from our point of view, is that turning something dark across the
02:56entire spectrum of light is extremely difficult.
03:00Which means that, at present, even our best attempts at a true invisibility cloak can
03:05easily be foiled.
03:06It's a good bet that any hypothetical alien who's been here, though, will have also
03:11ironed out the kinks in this one, so that a, to them, simple cloak covers their vehicle
03:16as standard.
03:18Plasma shielding is a particular possible cloaking technique that could be crucial.
03:22Here on Earth, it's a cutting-edge concept that uses plasma to conceal an object.
03:27With plasma being a state of matter that's distinct from solid, liquid, or gas, it consists
03:32of highly charged particles that can interact with electromagnetic fields.
03:37Some researchers believe, though, that it could be more pointedly harnessed to absorb,
03:41deflect, or scatter electromagnetic radiation.
03:45In this way, an incoming vehicle would travel as though surrounded by a cloud or fog of
03:50plasma which continually prevents it from being seen.
03:54There are trials already underway to use plasma shielding around military aircraft, so if
03:59it can ever be made to work effectively and efficiently, we might again expect it to be
04:04commonly used around any UFO that really did come from another world.
04:09For some, however, there is a better way than comparatively basic cloaking.
04:14Quantum mechanics is a scientific field that we're only just beginning to get to grips
04:17with… and we're still a long way from being able to completely understand it.
04:22Nevertheless, from the little that we can comprehend, scientists have long proposed
04:26that it could provide the answer to so many of our practical, physical, and technological
04:32Quantum mechanics governs the behaviour of particles at the very smallest scales, at
04:37atomic and subatomic levels.
04:39In search of a way to hide, specifically, there are suggestions that we should be able
04:43to manipulate the quantum properties of particles in order to achieve any effect, including
04:50So-called quantum stealth could potentially work through the murky laws of quantum superposition.
04:55This is where an object, i.e. a particle, can exist in multiple states or places simultaneously.
05:02It's fundamental to how quantum computing works, with quantum bits, or qubits, capable
05:07of carrying potentially infinite amounts of information, thanks to the inherent nature
05:11of a qubit wherein it's never settled.
05:14More generally, though, quantum superposition is so exciting because it appears to destroy
05:20certainty within the physical world.
05:22Now, one thing is never just one thing, and it's thought that, should we ever be able
05:28to control superposition, then changing the physical properties of anything should be
05:34On the one hand, this could mean generating matter as if from nothing.
05:39On the other, it could mean turning a solid into liquid at will.
05:43Turning something that's dead into something that's alive.
05:46Turning water into wine.
05:48Or yes, turning something invisible.
05:50By tinkering with the quantum state of a spaceship, for instance, you could hide that ship from
05:55view or make it appear to be something else… in theory, at least.
05:59The other great puzzle of the quantum world is quantum entanglement, when two particles
06:04are unbreakably linked.
06:06Their bond means that the state of one particle is always mirrored in the state of the other,
06:11even over vast distances.
06:13If one entangled particle spins one way, the other spins the opposite, and that influence
06:18is shown instantly.
06:20Here, although it perhaps doesn't lend itself to invisibility directly, entanglement could
06:25be significant in scrambling communication ties.
06:28In theory, it allows anything that can control it to bypass the rules and limitations of
06:33light speed.
06:35Research suggests that there wouldn't be any physical traces of communication via entanglement,
06:41A quantum set-up would again be undetectable, and could be a cornerstone of advanced alien
06:46technology… a type four or above on the Kardashev Scale.
06:50Finally, though, and to boggle the mind just a little bit more, there's the concept of
06:56dimensional shifting.
06:57Now, we truly stretch the boundaries of our understanding of reality.
07:02But if extra dimensions do exist, then it's arguably the most likely way in which an intelligent
07:07group would evade us.
07:09We of course know that our universe has three spatial dimensions – length, width and height
07:14– plus one temporal dimension – time.
07:18Varying theories postulate, however, that there are many more than those four which
07:22we see and experience.
07:24If true, these extra dimensions could be thought of as parallel worlds, or, more clearly, as
07:30hidden realms.
07:32Master these and learn how to navigate them, and you're on easy street in terms of stealth
07:37An alien race with access to other dimensions would be able to simply exist in any realm
07:41that's beyond our human perception, where they'd be able to spy on us to their heart's
07:47Or to the content of whatever organ it is that pumps their alien blood.
07:51Here, we're no longer talking about just technology.
07:54Instead, we require multiple major paradigm shifts in how we see the physical world.
08:00For us, unlike with plasma cloaking or quantum manipulation, it's not as though we're
08:06even close to being on the cusp of developing the ability to dimensionally shift any time
08:11But for an ancient alien race – one that could be many billions of years older and
08:16more advanced than we are – the rules of the game really could be different enough
08:20for it to be possible.
08:22And if that's the case, then they could well be watching right now, at this very moment.
08:27Noticing even the headiest, most cutting-edge scientific investigations of today, and laughing.
08:34Because to them, in their cross-dimensional kingdoms, we're still so far behind.
08:40They've seen it all before, and a long time ago.
08:45What do you think?
08:46Is there anything we missed?
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