• 2 days ago
00:00:00and pimples, but I still felt like that ugly duckling.
00:00:04Maybe that was why the whole occasion just seemed...
00:00:07...long to me.
00:00:20There he is.
00:00:22Mel's soon-to-be husband.
00:00:24Off flirting with one of the bridesmaids.
00:00:27And this wasn't the first time.
00:00:30It was the first time.
00:00:54I have to go.
00:00:56Why aren't you wearing your dress?
00:00:58Grant, he doesn't care about you. He just wants a trophy.
00:01:01What are you talking about?
00:01:05I'm sorry.
00:01:11You're actually leaving!
00:01:18You can't do this!
00:01:20Neither should you!
00:01:22Communicating, especially with Mel, had never been my forte.
00:01:28It's cold.
00:01:30Mel never got over that one.
00:01:36Five years had passed...
00:01:39...with no contact.
00:01:58So I became good at fixing other people's words.
00:02:12I'd landed my dream job at a local book publishing company.
00:02:16Oceanside Publishing.
00:02:18And it was Christmas time, which meant lots of happy family memories.
00:02:22Meanwhile, Mel seemed well-suited for her shiny, happy world.
00:02:26The fairytale never looked so good, am I right?
00:02:28I overheard Grant talking to Donatella.
00:02:31She's designing my entire wardrobe for a trip to the South of France.
00:02:34And we're going on Brangelina's yacht...
00:02:36...where they're throwing a private party for 200 of their closest friends.
00:02:45My parents had never been rich.
00:02:47They had to take out a second mortgage.
00:02:49And the recession hit them. Hard.
00:02:51The bank took the old home.
00:02:53And they moved into a townhouse.
00:02:55Where my mom had her very own daycare.
00:02:59Goose! Come on, you're a goose.
00:03:01I'm not a goose. I'm a girl.
00:03:03You're a goose.
00:03:07Hey, guys.
00:03:09You okay?
00:03:10Mm-hmm. I'm great.
00:03:14Come on.
00:03:21This is Gus.
00:03:24This is Nicky.
00:03:40And Mel was living in a lavish McMansion with McDud.
00:03:53I love you.
00:04:23I love you.
00:04:43Mom would still drive by the old house...
00:04:45...hoping someday to buy it back from the bank.
00:04:54And so...
00:04:55...the news that somebody had finally bought the old house was...
00:04:58...well, not good.
00:05:03The truth is...
00:05:04...maybe the past five years hadn't been so great for any of us O'Briens.
00:05:12How's that editing coming?
00:05:15What's gross?
00:05:17I mean, I don't know.
00:05:19How's that editing coming?
00:05:22What's gross?
00:05:24Just schmaltzy, saccharine, sweet, stilted...
00:05:27Well, his last one was on the bestseller list for a month.
00:05:30I don't know who reads this stuff.
00:05:32Apparently plenty of people. Thus the word bestseller.
00:05:35Yeah, well, his last editor must have been really good.
00:05:38Hey, I have complete faith in you.
00:05:40My junior editor editing her first big-time novel.
00:05:43You know, real families aren't actually like this.
00:05:45Families may seem like they're perfect and everybody's happy on the outside, but...
00:05:50...everything's coming apart at the seams and then nobody ever talks to each other again.
00:05:55Not that I know anything about that.
00:05:57You know, you're far too young to be so cynical.
00:06:00If you don't believe in family, why did you volunteer to edit this project?
00:06:04I didn't volunteer to edit this project. You assigned it to me.
00:06:09Anyway, I just came to say goodbye and go home.
00:06:13I will. I will, I promise. I'm just so done. I have a little bit more work to do.
00:06:18Hey, you know, my wife's cooking dinner for me and the kids. Why don't you join us?
00:06:21I'm not really a big family dinner person.
00:06:24Did he write that?
00:06:26Did I say that out loud?
00:06:38Hi, Wendy.
00:06:39It's beautiful outside. Why don't you come play with us?
00:06:42Well, Gus has been asking for you, haven't you, buddy?
00:06:44Yeah, well, I'm not going to get too attached to Gus since he's not going to be around anyway.
00:06:48Oh, sorry, sweetie. I didn't think some of the kids would be allergic to him.
00:06:52I know, honey. You don't really think, do you?
00:06:54Once upon a time, you thought I was spontaneous and fun. You remember? Fun?
00:06:58That's not fair.
00:07:00I get that you miss Kate and Mel, but I've been right here all this time. You don't even see me anymore.
00:07:10We've got two beautiful daughters, and there's not one picture of them here.
00:07:15It's all just your daycare kids.
00:07:22Oh, sorry.
00:07:23It's our clock.
00:07:25Would you look at this? Somebody's hungry.
00:07:28I've had this dog for all of five hours. I've seen more affection from him than I have from you in five years.
00:07:34Well, then why don't you two lovebirds just go get your own place, then?
00:07:39Maybe we will, then.
00:08:20Can't outrun your problems, Katie-cat.
00:08:22My only problem is my dad's touch, he says.
00:08:24Who's your friend?
00:08:26Gus. He presents a bit of a problem.
00:08:28Run faster.
00:08:29Speed's not the issue. Your mom is. We're separating.
00:08:33He said you kicked him out because of a puppy?
00:08:35Of course I didn't kick him out because of a puppy. What, do you think I have no heart?
00:08:38Then what happened?
00:08:40Maybe it was time. We were happily married for 22 years.
00:08:44You've been married for 27.
00:08:48His statement, not mine.
00:08:50I just, I don't understand. You're just gonna throw it all away?
00:08:53He's in denial.
00:08:54About what?
00:08:55Well, in his little world, there's nothing to be upset about.
00:08:58It's perfectly fine that his two daughters aren't talking, and that we've lost our home.
00:09:02I'm in denial? She's got ten new kids, and I'm the one in denial?
00:09:07She didn't even want to have Thanksgiving this year.
00:09:09What was the point? Mel won't come in case you're there.
00:09:12Well, you won't come in case Mel's there.
00:09:14I can't believe Mom didn't cook. Mom loves to cook.
00:09:17It's like that with everything.
00:09:19She'd rather be driving by the old house or watching someone else's kids than be with me.
00:09:25They sold the old house.
00:09:28Do you know that that old house on the day of the wedding was the last place we were all together as a family?
00:09:44Come on, Ron, let's go. Dad's ceremony starts at three bells.
00:09:52Nice fauxhawk.
00:09:54You learn that in Urban Dictionary?
00:09:55Might have.
00:09:59You learn a lot in Urban Dictionaries these days.
00:10:09Your principal called again.
00:10:11Can't help it if I'm popular.
00:10:13You gotta go to school, right?
00:10:15Mom's having a hard enough time without you making it worse.
00:10:18It's not like I missed a test or anything.
00:10:20From what I understand, you couldn't do worse on these tests if you did miss them.
00:10:23What's going on? You're a smart guy.
00:10:25I don't want to mess up the curve for everyone else.
00:10:27Hey, I'm serious, Ry. You can't get a job without an education.
00:10:30I got a job.
00:10:31What if you decide to do something else?
00:10:39I miss your father, too.
00:10:43And I know it's only been a year since we lost him, but...
00:10:48I want you to know you can talk to me.
00:10:50About anything, all right?
00:10:52Where's the tie I put out for you?
00:10:55I'm guessing it's still on the bed.
00:10:58You need to wear it tight at the ceremony.
00:11:00We're going back to get it.
00:12:31Gearing up for the annual swim competition?
00:12:34Oh, I'm... I'm so sorry. I was...
00:12:38No, which of the...
00:12:39Breaking and entering.
00:12:40No, I knocked.
00:12:43I don't know. I was never great at charades.
00:12:44I was just... I didn't know anyone was here, but...
00:12:48Did he not call in the Marines?
00:12:50I'm going to go. I'm sorry.
00:12:52I'm leaving.
00:12:54Right now.
00:12:56I'm going to get off your property.
00:12:57It's all right.
00:13:18I wasn't taking sides.
00:13:19You crossed enemy lines.
00:13:20The house is your mother's side of the divide.
00:13:23Mom is not the enemy.
00:13:26She is mad at Melanie and me.
00:13:27She's mad at me too.
00:13:29Just because she blames us doesn't mean we're to blame.
00:13:32Dad, that makes no sense.
00:13:34Go talk to her.
00:13:38Mom, somebody's already moved in.
00:13:40Oh, I've seen that truck.
00:13:42Some old miserable woodworking guy, right?
00:13:46He's not that old.
00:13:47Or miserable.
00:13:51What happened to the clock?
00:13:53Honey, this is the first casualty of our separation.
00:13:57The dog chewed it.
00:13:59Now it's broken.
00:14:03It's not ruined.
00:14:04It's just, it's looking a little worse for wear.
00:14:08This is the first thing your father and I bought for the house.
00:14:13I think it's a sign.
00:14:15We're never getting the house back.
00:14:18Garbageman's coming in about an hour.
00:14:19Would you just stick it in the can?
00:14:25Are you sure?
00:14:49I'm sorry.
00:15:43Hey, check this out.
00:15:45People love to buy stuff like this.
00:15:46Can I put it in the case?
00:15:47That belongs to me.
00:15:50It's a medal of achievement.
00:15:52Achievement for what?
00:15:55For meritorious service in combat.
00:15:58Did my dad get one of these?
00:16:04Your dad...
00:16:07Your dad was a hero.
00:16:09And you didn't need a medal to prove it.
00:16:12I'm gonna put it back.
00:16:17I'm gonna put it back.
00:16:41Hi there.
00:16:50We don't have any swing sets.
00:16:51We do have a great jungle gym, though.
00:16:53And a seesaw.
00:16:54It's you.
00:16:57Well, you were trespassing.
00:16:58I know.
00:16:59I was.
00:17:00But, um...
00:17:01It's just that I grew up in that house.
00:17:04Well, it's a great house.
00:17:06Miss O'Brien, right?
00:17:08How do you know my name?
00:17:09There's still some old boxes up in the attic with your family's name on them.
00:17:13Christmas stuff, mostly.
00:17:15Well, thanks for not throwing them away.
00:17:18I'd never throw away family.
00:17:23Do you do clock repairs?
00:17:26Clocks are my specialty.
00:17:28Time is one of the few things in this world you can count on.
00:17:32Have you heard of the great Sandini?
00:17:34The magician?
00:17:36I just bought his tools of the trade, and, uh...
00:17:39Can you help me out?
00:17:43Can you help me out?
00:17:45You have to promise not to reveal the secret.
00:17:47I promise.
00:17:49It's called the contortionist hug.
00:17:52Here it is.
00:17:54You want to put your hands above your head.
00:17:57And now pivot around three times.
00:18:03Now touch your toes and twist onto one hand.
00:18:12Was it because I fell?
00:18:14Yeah, you fell for it, alright.
00:18:16Here, I'll get you out.
00:18:28How did you do that?
00:18:30One of the perks of being a book editor is you get to know a little about a lot of things.
00:18:36The clock.
00:18:43Land shark?
00:18:46Can you fix it?
00:18:47You could always pull its teeth.
00:18:48The clock, not the puppy.
00:18:50Yeah, I could have it to you by next week.
00:18:53You just need your name, and your number, right there.
00:19:00Thanks for your time, mister...
00:19:04No mister, just Mike.
00:19:06And any time is a good time, Miss O'Brien.
00:19:11Just Kate.
00:19:13Just Kate.
00:19:20Oh, just give it a good push.
00:19:23Just the handle.
00:19:24There you go.
00:19:31Somebody's got to help you with your game.
00:19:33I got game kit.
00:19:34Oh yeah?
00:19:36Yeah, I got fields of game.
00:19:41Mom, Dad loves you.
00:19:43He doesn't mean to do silly things.
00:19:45How about we have fun?
00:19:46It's part of his charm.
00:19:47That's why you married him.
00:19:48That's why you love him, right?
00:19:50Who's got a mustache?
00:19:51Oh my goodness, you guys are getting so old.
00:19:53Look at you.
00:19:54Excuse me.
00:19:56Chocolate mustache.
00:19:57Did you have chocolate?
00:19:59It's chocolate, right?
00:20:01Mom, don't come crying to me when you're bouncing off the walls later.
00:20:04I really, I don't think it's fair that you're taking out what's going on with Meemaw.
00:20:09That is not what I'm doing, sweetie.
00:20:10We're all adults.
00:20:11We're all responsible for our own actions.
00:20:58Amanda, where have you been?
00:21:00I missed you.
00:21:01Oh, what is that hideous noise?
00:21:05We're, um, just doing some renovations.
00:21:09Oh, that is so stressful.
00:21:11All those workers in your house?
00:21:12But it's good for my plan.
00:21:14What plan?
00:21:15Girls' Spa Day.
00:21:16I'm buying.
00:21:17I owe you for the time I forgot my purse.
00:21:19Can you just hold on a second?
00:21:21I have another call.
00:21:30Grant and Melanie's residence.
00:21:32Uh, hi.
00:21:33Is Melanie there?
00:21:34She's not in.
00:21:35Do you know when she'll be back?
00:21:37She's out of town.
00:21:38On a trip.
00:21:40Around the world.
00:21:41On a big boat.
00:21:42The Titanic.
00:21:44Thank you for calling.
00:21:48You are a maze.
00:21:49I've never needed a massage more than right now.
00:21:52Should we meet at the club's spa at, like, noon?
00:22:06Are we on?
00:22:09I'll see you then.
00:22:10Ciao, ciao.
00:22:29My shoulders are killing me today.
00:22:32Can you focus right there, please?
00:22:39Heather, can we get started?
00:22:40I'm dying.
00:22:52Oh, that's nice.
00:22:56So tense today.
00:23:01Bad day.
00:23:04My sister called me today.
00:23:06I haven't heard from her in years.
00:23:08And I swear, all it takes is one phone call to just send me over the edge.
00:23:12Can you not go so deep?
00:23:14Ow, ow, ow!
00:23:17You're not Heather?
00:23:18Astute observation, Watson.
00:23:20Who's Watson?
00:23:22Never mind.
00:23:23What are you doing here?
00:23:24Well, you wouldn't talk to me on the phone.
00:23:26Yeah, and I don't want to talk to you in person.
00:23:28Look, this is not my idea of fun either.
00:23:30What do you want?
00:23:32I thought you should know that our parents are splitting up.
00:23:37Meet me outside in ten.
00:23:39We'll lose the toga.
00:24:06Dad's been living with me for a week.
00:24:11I just called Mom, and she seems fine.
00:24:16Why would she be fine?
00:24:17I'm sure you're just overreacting, as usual.
00:24:21Fact one, Mom drives by the old house, like, every day.
00:24:25Fact two, Mom doesn't cook anymore.
00:24:27She loved to cook. It made her happy.
00:24:30Fact three, Mom stopped being happy when you and I quit talking.
00:24:34Fact four, Mom and Dad are separating, so fact five, it's all our fault.
00:24:37Okay, what do you want from me?
00:24:38Maybe we can stop this.
00:24:41If we just...
00:24:43seem like we're getting along.
00:24:45For Mom and Dad's sake.
00:24:50There's something I want.
00:24:56I want an apology.
00:24:59I am not going to apologize for doing the right thing.
00:25:10Sister issues.
00:25:22It's beautiful. Did you make it?
00:25:25It's the kids.
00:25:26No, it's not. Mike's the one who likes to play with toys.
00:25:28We're just about ready with your clock. Waiting on a few parts.
00:25:31Actually, I came here for something else. I think I saw some marionettes.
00:25:35Dolls are his favorite.
00:25:37Would you shut up? We're not in high school. Well, you are, but we're not.
00:25:41And you're the ones playing with dolls.
00:25:44We have a few marionettes hanging over here.
00:25:52Oh, um, I'm looking for one with red hair.
00:25:57There is one redhead, but she's on hold for another customer.
00:25:59Do you think I could at least see her?
00:26:18She's perfect.
00:26:20Is there any way I could buy her from you?
00:26:23Oh, I'm sure Mike can figure out a way. Don't you have a train to catch?
00:26:26I think I'm cool. I think I'm cool.
00:26:28Who's he?
00:26:30He's my, uh, part owner, part son. Difficult to explain.
00:26:34So the guy this is on hold for is a pretty big customer.
00:26:37I'll match his offer.
00:26:39He does a lot of business with me.
00:26:41I'll double his offer.
00:26:43You think I can be bought?
00:26:45She knows you can be bought.
00:26:49Excuse me?
00:26:51Have lunch with me.
00:26:53But, like, a date?
00:26:54It's a midday.
00:26:56I'll take you to my favorite restaurant.
00:26:58Meet me here tomorrow at two.
00:27:00Uh, tomorrow? I work tomorrow.
00:27:02It's the weekend.
00:27:07Okay, fine.
00:27:09Um, bye.
00:27:11Aren't you forgetting someone?
00:27:20Janine. Her name was Janine.
00:27:24I'll see you tomorrow. Two o'clock.
00:27:28Nice play.
00:27:30Find something she wants and exploit it.
00:27:32Where's your pride?
00:27:34Pride's overrated, kid.
00:27:36You'll learn.
00:27:54Don't you have a housekeeper for that?
00:27:57What are you doing here?
00:28:00I have something for you.
00:28:02No, thanks.
00:28:06I just want ten minutes of your time.
00:28:08Open it.
00:28:23Open it.
00:28:36It's not really Janine.
00:28:39I never should have buried her.
00:28:46I never should have done a lot of things, actually.
00:28:49What, like walking out on my wedding day?
00:28:55You know, you've always done what felt right to you.
00:28:58For as long as I can remember, you've just been doing your own thing.
00:29:04And now you have this fabulous job.
00:29:08You're up for a promotion, I hear.
00:29:12Life just keeps getting better and better for you.
00:29:16Meanwhile, all I've ever cared about is how I look.
00:29:22I've been starving myself to fit into the perfect little black dress to attend the perfect function with the perfect people.
00:29:30And you end up on a magazine cover.
00:29:32I'm sorry. Am I supposed to feel bad for you?
00:29:36Is this a pity party in the backyard of Melanie's 5,000 square foot home?
00:29:40Because if it is, I think I have other plans.
00:29:56You were right about Grant.
00:29:58He left me six months ago.
00:30:01He never wanted to marry me.
00:30:03He was only doing it because his daddy wanted him to marry someone who would look good on his arm.
00:30:09I've never had a job. I have no idea what I'm good at.
00:30:13And I don't even know where to begin to figure that out.
00:30:18I've been selling stuff just to pay the bills.
00:30:22Living room furniture went this week.
00:30:26Mel, I'm so sorry.
00:30:29Me, too.
00:30:38Do you want to hang out tomorrow?
00:30:42I can't.
00:30:48I mean, I get it. It's not like we're going to be best friends again.
00:30:51But I'm not going to.
00:30:54I mean, I get it. It's not like we're going to be best friends again.
00:30:57No, it's not like that. I just, I have somewhere I promised I'd be, so.
00:31:03But we'll figure this out together, okay?
00:31:23You look beautiful.
00:31:25May I accompany you to your sea princess?
00:31:28It's right this way.
00:32:08What? You did all this for me?
00:32:12Lunch is just about ready.
00:32:14It's a good thing that you're a punctual.
00:32:17You're cooking?
00:32:18I'm barbecuing, which is to say, I am man cooking.
00:32:24You realize not one of these is matching, right?
00:32:27Why should they?
00:32:29Most people like matching sets. You know, meat, organized packages.
00:32:33Well, where's the fun in that?
00:32:35I'm glad you're here.
00:32:37Do you eat meat?
00:32:39I'll eat anything.
00:32:41I like that.
00:32:44Looks delicious.
00:32:48Alright, let's dig in.
00:32:54So, Ryan is your part son?
00:32:58Yeah, his dad John and I went to school together.
00:33:02He was a few years ahead of me. He was the one that got me into woodworking.
00:33:06I just loved how you could look at a piece of wood and know exactly what it should be.
00:33:13We even planned to open a shop together, until all the turmoil in Iraq started.
00:33:18We wanted to do our part, so we joined the Marines.
00:33:21We spent a few years overseas.
00:33:24John was really missing Jill and Ryan.
00:33:28He, uh...
00:33:30He never made it back.
00:33:35I decided to move here and open up the shop in his honor.
00:33:40Ryan had a hard time adjusting.
00:33:43He was acting out, driving his mom nuts.
00:33:45So I thought I'd give him a job at the shop.
00:33:48See if I could help guide him in the right direction.
00:33:59Tell me about Janine.
00:34:01She was my sister's favorite doll. It meant a lot to her.
00:34:05What happened to her?
00:34:07I buried her.
00:34:09In the time capsule.
00:34:11I wonder if it's still there.
00:34:13Okay, you've lost me.
00:34:15We buried a time capsule in our... your yard.
00:34:21Is this before or after you broke in?
00:34:24When we were kids.
00:34:27Maybe if we found it, my parents would...
00:34:30Do you have a metal detector?
00:34:31Metal detector?
00:34:44I've got nothing.
00:34:46You sure it had metal in it?
00:34:50Okay, um...
00:34:52And you're sure you buried it out here?
00:34:54Somewhere out here.
00:34:56Okay, somewhere out here.
00:34:58Any chance you can narrow that down just a little bit?
00:35:01My dad told my sister and I each half the direction, so we'd need each other to find it.
00:35:18Well, so much for that.
00:35:22Hey, can't you just ask your sister for help?
00:35:24It's complicated.
00:35:27You have a big family?
00:35:29Yeah, really big.
00:35:31Are they coming here for Christmas?
00:35:36Are you going to see them?
00:35:38It's complicated.
00:35:42Well, this house is amazing at Christmas.
00:35:45Yeah. Come on.
00:35:50We always had a big Christmas tree here.
00:35:53My mom and Mel actually called it a Charlie Brown tree because my dad insisted on cutting it down himself.
00:35:57I love to go with him.
00:35:59Out in the woods, just us and a saw.
00:36:01We have a fire here and a homemade wreath.
00:36:04Pine garlands everywhere.
00:36:06The entire house smelled like a forest.
00:36:09Well, you've got to try my apple cider.
00:36:11Nobody sings anymore, but when we were growing up, we'd go caroling and just go house to house and hand out my mom's Christmas cookies.
00:36:16What was your favorite?
00:36:18Holy night.
00:36:21The stars are bright.
00:36:23And I'm holding you close.
00:36:25I love you.
00:36:27You're beautiful.
00:36:29You're a pretty girl.
00:36:31You're beautiful.
00:36:33You're beautiful.
00:36:35You're beautiful.
00:36:37I love you.
00:36:39I love you.
00:36:41I love you.
00:36:43I love you.
00:36:45I love you.
00:36:47It is the night of our dear Savior's birth Oh come on, keep going, please
00:37:02Fall on your knees Oh hear the angel voices
00:37:22All night, all night All night divine
00:37:52All night, all night All night, all night
00:38:22All night, all night All night, all night
00:38:52He's never asked me for anything before, so it's kind of a big deal.
00:38:58Can you help?
00:39:00I'm not the greatest dancer.
00:39:02You've got to be better than me.
00:39:10Hey Ryan, have you seen my medal?
00:39:12What medal?
00:39:14The one you found the other day.
00:39:16I put it back like you asked.
00:39:18I can't find it. Oh hey.
00:39:25Let's start with something a little more chill.
00:39:28Actually, do you have anything classical?
00:39:39Alright, well, let's get started before I completely lose my nerve.
00:39:45We're going to start with a very simple walk step.
00:39:48So, ready?
00:39:50Like this.
00:39:57Yeah, I'm not going to do that.
00:39:59No way.
00:40:01I'm kidding, you don't have to do that.
00:40:03It's actually really simple.
00:40:05Mike, do you want to start with you?
00:40:09Alright, just face me.
00:40:11Face you, okay.
00:40:13And put one hand there.
00:40:18And then this one up.
00:40:22And so you want to make a real simple box shape with your feet.
00:40:27So, step towards me with your right foot.
00:40:31When not yet.
00:40:35Okay, ready?
00:40:37One, two, three.
00:40:40One, two, three.
00:40:45And just relax.
00:40:47Okay, again.
00:40:49One, two, three.
00:40:50And spin.
00:40:52One, two, three.
00:40:56One, two, three.
00:40:58Hello? Hey.
00:41:00Still here.
00:41:02I'm the one going to the dance.
00:41:08Have you asked her yet?
00:41:10What's her name?
00:41:14By any other name?
00:41:16Would smell as sweet.
00:41:17Somebody's been reading their Shakespeare.
00:41:21Well, Rose will love it if you bust out some moves.
00:41:25One, two, three, four.
00:41:27One, two, three, four.
00:41:29One, two, three, four.
00:41:32And it's not over.
00:41:35You totally remember it.
00:41:39Oh my.
00:41:41Hold on.
00:41:43Hold on.
00:41:45I still have your old guitar.
00:41:52You kept it?
00:41:54Yeah, you left it at my wedding.
00:42:18Sing. You sing.
00:43:03That was pretty good.
00:43:05Remembered it.
00:43:09Thank you for coming over.
00:43:11I needed this. Seriously.
00:43:13I'm here.
00:43:15If known, I'm always here.
00:43:20You know, I knew I was making a mistake.
00:43:22Every inch of me was saying not to marry Grant.
00:43:25But I just smiled through it like I always do.
00:43:31Well, that's what happens when you have a gazillion watt smile.
00:43:39If you could do anything, anything in the world, what would you do?
00:43:47Be a mom.
00:43:49Be a mom?
00:43:52I know that's a totally uncool thing to say.
00:43:55No, it's not. It's not at all.
00:43:58Just because I'm independent and obsessed with my career doesn't make it right.
00:44:03I'm probably going to end up alone with 13 cats.
00:44:06Baker's doesn't.
00:44:12What's that smile?
00:44:18Um, who is he?
00:44:20No one.
00:44:22Who is he?
00:44:24No one, honestly.
00:44:26You lie. I know when you're lying.
00:44:28I still know when you're lying.
00:44:37Interesting notes you sent out.
00:44:39The deadline's been pushed up. We need the book ready for publication ASAP.
00:44:43Pushed up to when?
00:44:45Just before Christmas.
00:44:46What? No, there's way too much work to do.
00:44:49You know, I was surprised to see that you recommended that the author pull The Brothers out of a novel about family.
00:44:54I thought you were just making them sisters.
00:44:56Well, it's the parents' story.
00:44:58The book's called My Family, My Friends.
00:45:00Yeah, but that's a working title.
00:45:02You know, some of the other editors have complained that you're highly opinionated.
00:45:06And I said I like highly opinionated.
00:45:08People have said that about me.
00:45:10But there's a difference between opinionated and biased.
00:45:14Are you taking me off the project, Harry?
00:45:17I have a few proposals that I can't put off, but I'll be back at the end of the day to hear your pitch for the release.
00:45:21And I suggest you adjust it appropriately.
00:45:24Is there any way I could give it to you in the morning? I'm not staying late.
00:45:29Are you feeling OK?
00:45:31Yeah, I'm feeling fine. I just have a prior engagement.
00:45:35A prior engagement with your computer?
00:45:37No, with a human being.
00:45:39Now I know you're not feeling OK.
00:45:41Very funny.
00:45:43Who is he?
00:45:45Nobody. He's no one. People do that.
00:45:48Yeah, normal people. But you?
00:45:50He must be some kind of prince.
00:45:52Well, he did call me his princess.
00:45:56He did what?
00:45:58Nothing. He did nothing. He's just a regular guy.
00:46:00You like him.
00:46:02I barely know him.
00:46:04Is there any way we can push this release to early January?
00:46:07Deadline's not changing. Good luck.
00:46:10With what? The date or the book?
00:46:28What do you think?
00:46:41I've never brought anybody here before.
00:47:03I used to come here as a kid when I wanted to be alone.
00:47:07No one could ever find me here.
00:47:09It's so peaceful.
00:47:12I come here to write.
00:47:14I wrote my first song here.
00:47:16I write all my songs here.
00:47:41Guys, this is my sister Melanie. Mel, this is Mike and Ryan.
00:48:03Are you single?
00:48:05Are you legal? Mel's here to help with Operation Home for Christmas.
00:48:08Um, English?
00:48:11I have a little plan.
00:48:13A little plan? The invasion of Normandy wasn't this detailed.
00:48:18Oh yeah, Kate is a bit of a control freak.
00:48:21The short version is this. Mom and Dad have not had a Christmas with us since we were in that house.
00:48:26So I figured if we could get them to show up there for Christmas with all of us there, just like we used to do, it might be enough to save their marriage and our family.
00:48:34Christmas dinner. Pepper roasted ham and mashed potatoes.
00:48:38Anyone else hungry?
00:48:40I would love it if you guys were there. It's the least that we could do.
00:48:44We'll see. They may just want to spend it as a family.
00:48:47Okay, first things first, the tree.
00:48:54So it'll be a Douglas fir, blue spruce, scotch pie.
00:48:59Scotch pie.
00:49:02I don't know, what's your favorite for a Christmas tree?
00:49:05I'm not sure. This will be the first real tree I've ever had.
00:49:09Even as a kid?
00:49:17You'll know the right one when you see it.
00:49:20My dad always said that the best trees were right in here.
00:49:25Which one looks good to you?
00:49:27You do.
00:49:30Okay, I meant what tree looks good to you.
00:49:36I like that one.
00:49:40Come on.
00:49:42Watch your step.
00:49:44Alright, what do we want?
00:49:46Right in front of the window.
00:49:48Be careful.
00:50:00Here's the last two O'Brien boxes from the attic. They're mad dusty.
00:50:06I made this for Andrew Hilton in the fifth grade. The love of my life.
00:50:11And it was all downhill from there.
00:50:14I can't believe all this stuff is still here.
00:50:17These are cool.
00:50:18Dad cut a slice out of every Christmas tree we ever had.
00:50:21Yeah, one for every year.
00:50:23That's so cool.
00:50:25I know, right?
00:50:28I'm so proud of you.
00:50:30I'm so proud of you.
00:50:31Dad cut a slice out of every Christmas tree we ever had.
00:50:33Yeah, one for every year.
00:50:35Until we stopped being together.
00:50:39How many years did you miss?
00:50:48This is the year we pretended we were twins.
00:50:53It's too bad they broke.
00:50:56Dad would be heartbroken if he saw this.
00:51:02Hey, what's the big news?
00:51:03I'm so excited. I'm going to Costa Rica for the holidays.
00:51:08What? No, you can't.
00:51:10We leave at the end of the week. I already got our tickets.
00:51:14Who's we?
00:51:15Gus and I. It's going to be a big guys adventure tour.
00:51:18Gus is a dog.
00:51:21Look, he's good company.
00:51:23This is so good, Sam.
00:51:26Who are they? Who are these people?
00:51:28Baby Sam, Mama Wendy.
00:51:31I'm not your mama.
00:51:33Yes, you are. You're the best mama ever.
00:51:38I'm not so sure my daughters would agree with you.
00:51:46One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three.
00:51:50Turn, two, three. Good. One, two, three.
00:51:54She's always had two left feet.
00:51:56She looks good to me.
00:51:57She was too shy to take classes.
00:52:00I think it's cute.
00:52:02Here, let me show you.
00:52:05Just follow me.
00:52:07I'll follow you anywhere.
00:52:09Hold up, Ryan.
00:52:10Okay, and...
00:52:15And then you just want to put your own little style into it.
00:52:21Alright, it's time to step it up.
00:52:23Nal, you want to show them?
00:52:24Yeah. Okay, I'll lead.
00:52:25No, I'll lead.
00:52:30Ready? Yeah.
00:52:39Yeah! Woo-hoo-hoo!
00:52:41Got it?
00:52:42I think so.
00:52:48One, two, three.
00:53:00Merry Christmas, bud.
00:53:07Are you going to say it?
00:53:10You were right.
00:53:11This book is going to be a huge success.
00:53:13You're going to be known as the top editor for Family Stories.
00:53:17So you better get that figured out.
00:53:19I'm not going to carry you on the next one.
00:53:21Merry Christmas.
00:53:29Merry Christmas.
00:53:59Merry Christmas.
00:54:00Merry Christmas.
00:54:01Merry Christmas.
00:54:02Merry Christmas.
00:54:03Merry Christmas.
00:54:04Merry Christmas.
00:54:05Merry Christmas.
00:54:06Merry Christmas.
00:54:07Merry Christmas.
00:54:08Merry Christmas.
00:54:09Merry Christmas.
00:54:10Merry Christmas.
00:54:11Merry Christmas.
00:54:12Merry Christmas.
00:54:13Merry Christmas.
00:54:14Merry Christmas.
00:54:15Merry Christmas.
00:54:16Merry Christmas.
00:54:17Merry Christmas.
00:54:18Merry Christmas.
00:54:19Merry Christmas.
00:54:20Merry Christmas.
00:54:21Merry Christmas.
00:54:22Merry Christmas.
00:54:23Merry Christmas.
00:54:24Merry Christmas.
00:54:25Merry Christmas.
00:54:26Merry Christmas.
00:54:27Merry Christmas.
00:54:28Merry Christmas.
00:54:29Merry Christmas.
00:54:30Merry Christmas.
00:54:31Merry Christmas.
00:54:32Merry Christmas.
00:54:33Merry Christmas.
00:54:34Merry Christmas.
00:54:35Merry Christmas.
00:54:36Merry Christmas.
00:54:37Merry Christmas.
00:54:38Merry Christmas.
00:54:39Merry Christmas.
00:54:40Merry Christmas.
00:54:41Merry Christmas.
00:54:42Merry Christmas.
00:54:43Merry Christmas.
00:54:44Merry Christmas.
00:54:45Merry Christmas.
00:54:46Merry Christmas.
00:54:47Merry Christmas.
00:54:48Merry Christmas.
00:54:49Merry Christmas.
00:54:50Merry Christmas.
00:54:51Merry Christmas.
00:54:52Merry Christmas.
00:54:53Merry Christmas.
00:54:54Merry Christmas.
00:54:55Merry Christmas.
00:54:56Merry Christmas.
00:54:58Merry Christmas.
00:54:59Merry Christmas.
00:55:00Merry Christmas.
00:55:01Merry Christmas.
00:55:02Merry Christmas.
00:55:03Merry Christmas.
00:55:04Merry Christmas.
00:55:05Carrie, that's the end of our video.
00:55:06We spent like an hour going through all three books she recommended last night.
00:55:07What did you think?
00:55:08Did she fix the angels?
00:55:09It was Mel's idea.
00:55:16You can't have a real tree without a topper.
00:55:21I'll drop off Mel on the way to my shop.
00:55:30Thanks, Mike.
00:55:31Okay, then.
00:55:32Here's the plan.
00:55:33I'll be in charge of Dad.
00:55:34I gotta keep him from getting on that plane to Costa Rica.
00:55:35I mean, people go there and they don't want to come back.
00:55:38Mel, you take Mom.
00:55:41Where is your Christmas spirit?
00:55:53Thank you for everything.
00:55:54I'll see you tomorrow.
00:55:56All right, Ryan.
00:55:57You want to put that outside?
00:55:59Mom's here.
00:56:04See ya.
00:56:07Hi, honey.
00:56:10You look cute.
00:56:14Mom, gee.
00:56:17How'd the decorating go?
00:56:23It looks beautiful.
00:56:26I'll be, uh, one minute, all right?
00:56:31Go wait in the car.
00:56:32I'm just gonna say hi to Mike.
00:56:33You didn't have to get me anything.
00:56:34I wanted to.
00:56:35You mean a lot to me.
00:56:36I know.
00:56:37I know.
00:56:38I know.
00:56:39I know.
00:56:40I know.
00:56:41I know.
00:56:42I know.
00:56:43I know.
00:56:44I know.
00:56:45I know.
00:56:46I know.
00:56:47I know.
00:56:48I know.
00:56:49I know.
00:56:50I know.
00:56:51It's a lot to me.
00:56:57It's too slow.
00:57:01Are you sure about this?
00:57:02Of course I want to spend Christmas with him, but he wants to spend it with you.
00:57:06And given the circumstances...
00:57:07He shouldn't have a choice.
00:57:09We need to set rules.
00:57:11I know, but it's the holiday.
00:57:15You sure you're not going to spend the night alone?
00:57:18I'm going to be with some of the other wives who have also...
00:57:21And if you change your mind...
00:57:23I will call you.
00:57:27I was really worried about him.
00:57:29But he seems better since he's been spending time with you.
00:57:33I'm so grateful.
00:57:35I'm glad to hear that.
00:57:38It doesn't always feel that way.
00:57:40Yeah, well, baby steps, right?
00:57:42Right. Baby steps.
00:57:45Merry Christmas.
00:57:47Merry Christmas. Thank you.
00:57:51Drive safe.
00:58:04Is everything alright?
00:58:06Yeah, it's fine.
00:58:09Alright, let's go.
00:58:15Hi, Katie-cat.
00:58:17Oh, sweetheart. I've got to catch a flight.
00:58:20Can't this wait until I get back?
00:58:24Your mom's there?
00:58:26How? Why?
00:58:40You forgot the what, when, and where.
00:58:42You forgot the what, when, and where.
00:58:44Get in.
00:58:48Here we go.
00:58:49Let's go.
00:59:13What are we doing here?
00:59:15I wanted to show you.
00:59:18It's the same decorations?
00:59:20That's weird.
00:59:21Where are you going?
00:59:22Honey, we don't know this guy.
00:59:24Come on.
00:59:35Welcome home.
00:59:52Merry Christmas, Eve.
01:00:07Come on.
01:00:09Let's just go.
01:00:15Those cookies taste so good.
01:00:17Just like yours.
01:00:18So is everyone ready?
01:00:22Here it goes.
01:00:28That's nice.
01:00:29That's really nice.
01:00:30Mike put all this together.
01:00:32It bothered me that you didn't have trees for those five years.
01:00:35I didn't think there should be a gap.
01:00:38Mike, this is really great.
01:00:40You know, honey, you ought to toss me out more often.
01:00:42I didn't throw you out. You left.
01:00:44Well, let's just go.
01:00:46I didn't throw you out. You left.
01:00:48Well, let's just say you weren't too upset to see me go.
01:00:50Yes, I was.
01:00:53Oh my gosh. Are you sure you still want to spend Christmas with us?
01:00:55I wouldn't miss it.
01:00:56But I do have to get going.
01:00:58Where are you going?
01:00:59My 15-year-old business partner has a date to the town dance.
01:01:04And I'm his ride.
01:01:05Do you need a date?
01:01:06I think Kate's free.
01:01:09I think Kate wants to spend some time with her family.
01:01:13Marry that man.
01:01:14He has a girlfriend.
01:01:17What do you mean?
01:01:18I saw him with Ryan's mom.
01:01:23She's just a friend.
01:01:28You know what? I can't do this anyway.
01:01:30I'm not a relationship person.
01:01:42You know, if you wanted to use the house, all you had to do was ask.
01:01:56You just had to get back at me, didn't you?
01:02:01I was trying to protect you.
01:02:03Oh, as if you care.
01:02:06I do care, actually.
01:02:09Maybe that's the problem with us.
01:02:11You know?
01:02:14You just care too much.
01:02:16I'm going.
01:02:22She was trying to do the right thing.
01:02:24Because she's your sister, sweetie. She loves you.
01:02:26Oh, and would you look who's talking.
01:02:29She learned this from you.
01:02:30I didn't do anything.
01:02:31This was not a good idea.
01:02:38I'm sorry.
01:02:46Katie Katz.
01:02:52I guess I missed my flight for nothing.
01:02:55I'm sorry, Dad.
01:03:05Merry Christmas morning.
01:03:06No, it's not Merry.
01:03:07It's true.
01:03:08I'm sorry about Mom.
01:03:11You know what I like about books?
01:03:13They make you feel something, but then I don't want to anymore.
01:03:16I just put them down.
01:03:17So that's what you're going to do, then?
01:03:18Just file Mike away?
01:03:19Well, I don't really think I have a choice.
01:03:22I thought you liked him, sweetheart.
01:03:24I did.
01:03:26I do.
01:03:28He doesn't feel the same way.
01:03:30It hurts.
01:03:32You know, you guys...
01:03:33No, no, no.
01:03:34Don't go blaming us.
01:03:36I know.
01:03:50Well, I guess we should at least clean up.
01:04:34What is it?
01:04:41Five foster families.
01:04:47He said he had a big family.
01:04:50That he'd never had a family Christmas.
01:04:52That explains his willingness to let us into his home.
01:04:55And why he was so excited.
01:04:59He kept saying how lucky I was to have you all.
01:05:02He must have hated the thought our family wouldn't be together.
01:05:07Maybe that's why he's so close to Ryan and his mom.
01:05:12Oh, yeah.
01:05:14We have to fix this.
01:05:20Please, don't.
01:05:30I saw Grant flirting with one of your bridesmaids at your wedding.
01:05:34And it killed me.
01:05:40But I was wrong to walk out on you the way I did.
01:05:52I'm so sorry.
01:05:58I should have said that to you a long time ago.
01:06:06It's all I ever wanted.
01:06:22Are you sure you don't want to spend Christmas with your mom?
01:06:44What are you doing with my medal?
01:06:46I was going to put it back.
01:06:48You were going to.
01:06:49You stole from me.
01:06:52Something meaningful, and you lied to me about it.
01:06:56I told Rose it was my dad's.
01:07:00I'm sorry.
01:07:14Wish me luck.
01:07:15Good luck.
01:07:16Good luck, sweetie.
01:07:18I wonder what she's going to say.
01:07:23Where are you going?
01:07:24I'm not missing this.
01:07:36Look, I know things can get confusing.
01:07:42But I'm not going to let you down.
01:07:47Especially without your dad here to help out.
01:07:51When I was in high school, I used to look at all the other kids with their families and...
01:07:56I would just pray that that could be me.
01:08:02You're not alone.
01:08:04You have a mother who loves you, and I'm here for you.
01:08:09And we're on your side.
01:08:14You don't need to worry about impressing Rose.
01:08:17I saw your moves on the dance floor. You were killing it.
01:08:20I had a good teacher.
01:08:22Yeah, I don't think we're going to see much of Kate anymore.
01:08:26Why not?
01:08:31I'm going to check that out.
01:08:33Saved by the noise.
01:08:43Can I come in?
01:08:46Insurance regulations prohibits visitors when we're not open.
01:08:52Then can you come out?
01:09:12I'm sorry.
01:09:14I panicked.
01:09:16I do that.
01:09:18It wasn't you.
01:09:20Actually, I don't know if it was you because I didn't give you a chance to explain.
01:09:26It's true, I...
01:09:28I thought that if we used the house, we could help the family.
01:09:33But then when we started working and...
01:09:36dancing together...
01:09:38it just felt so good with you.
01:09:43Maybe too good.
01:09:50When Mel told me about Jill, I guess I just...
01:09:53I assumed the worst.
01:10:04Do you have feelings for Jill?
01:10:09I love Jill.
01:10:10I love Jill.
01:10:14I love Jill like a sister.
01:10:17She's family to me.
01:10:23That's good. That's good.
01:10:25Is it?
01:10:29Come spend Christmas with us.
01:10:32My entire family wants you there.
01:10:36Oh, so this is about making your family happy again.
01:10:38Oh, it's not all about them.
01:10:43I want you there.
01:10:45Your house is all set up and...
01:10:48the experience wouldn't be complete if there wasn't at least one family fight and we've already had that, so...
01:10:54you're safe.
01:11:04Drum roll, please.
01:11:16You just had to mess everything up for me again?
01:11:19I asked you to wait in the car.
01:11:21We were just trying to support you.
01:11:23I thought we could help you.
01:11:25You were great, honey.
01:11:27Ryan's grabbing his jacket.
01:11:29What say we get this whole motley crew together and go back to the old house for some celebration?
01:11:42And invite Jill, too.
01:11:46I want the whole family to be there.
01:11:48For the best Christmas yet.
01:11:53Hey, small steps. You were just little.
01:11:58There we go.
01:12:00Yeah, right there. Right there.
01:12:06Oh, no!
01:12:08Whoa, don't fall.
01:12:11Gus. Oh, Gus.
01:12:16Alright, let's do this.
01:12:32Now we both have one.
01:12:36Oh, the happy family.
01:12:38Greatest present then.
01:12:40Greatest present now.
01:12:42Oh, my gosh. Look at the glasses.
01:12:49It's for you.
01:12:51It's for me?
01:12:58Wow, it's beautiful.
01:13:06It's the clock.
01:13:10Did you do this?
01:13:14It's beautiful work.
01:13:16It's perfect.
01:13:25Don't you even think about it.
01:13:36I don't know how to...
01:13:38I don't know how to live without you.
01:13:41And I don't want to learn.
01:13:45I'm going to try to be more patient.
01:13:48I'll try to be more aware.
01:13:53Merry Christmas night, sweetheart.
01:13:56Merry Christmas night.
01:14:06What are you doing?
01:14:08It's for your dad.
01:14:10He deserved it.
01:14:11Is this John's?
01:14:13It should be.
01:14:17It makes me feel like he's right here with us.
01:14:28This tree is for family.
01:14:31Everyone we love is together at Christmas.
01:14:33Okay, everyone.
01:14:34Picture time.
01:14:35Yes, let's do it.
01:14:39Everyone in.
01:14:42Where's Gus?
01:14:43Ryan and Judy.
01:14:44Where's Gus?
01:14:45Gus, Gus.
01:14:51He's as big as you are.
01:14:54Everyone smile like you mean it.
01:15:03Merry Christmas.
01:15:33Merry Christmas.
01:16:03Merry Christmas.
01:16:34Merry Christmas.
01:16:35Merry Christmas.
01:16:36Merry Christmas.
01:16:37Merry Christmas.
01:16:38Merry Christmas.
01:16:39Merry Christmas.
01:16:40Merry Christmas.
01:16:41Merry Christmas.
01:16:42Merry Christmas.
01:16:43Merry Christmas.
01:16:44Merry Christmas.
01:16:45Merry Christmas.
01:16:46Merry Christmas.
01:16:47Merry Christmas.
01:16:48Merry Christmas.
01:16:49Merry Christmas.
01:16:50Merry Christmas.
01:16:51Merry Christmas.
01:16:52Merry Christmas.
01:16:53Merry Christmas.
01:16:54Merry Christmas.
01:16:55Merry Christmas.
01:16:56Merry Christmas.
01:16:57Merry Christmas.
01:16:58Merry Christmas.
01:16:59Merry Christmas.
01:17:00Merry Christmas.
01:17:01Merry Christmas.
01:17:02Right in front of me.
01:17:04Christmas is the greatest gift.
01:17:08To be with friends and family.
01:17:14I wanna be home for Christmas.
01:17:19Gotta be home for Christmas.
01:17:24There ain't no way I'll miss it.
01:17:29That's my girl.
01:17:30That's me.
01:17:33I wanna be home for Christmas.
01:17:38I gotta be home for Christmas.
01:17:43There's no better place.
01:17:45I wanna be home for Christmas.
01:17:50One more time.
01:17:52I wanna be home for Christmas.
01:17:54So there it is.
01:17:55We may think we're independent.
01:17:57That we don't need anyone.
01:17:58But what I'm realizing is we are who we are because of our families.
01:18:02And that connection is never lost.
01:18:06It's our responsibility to work at it.
01:18:09And to continue to expand and grow as a family.
01:18:12To include and accept others.
01:18:14Because family really should be friends.
01:18:17And friends should be family.
01:18:19And we all, each and everyone, want a place to go home for Christmas.
01:18:58One more time.
01:18:59One more time.
01:19:00One more time.
01:19:01One more time.
01:19:02One more time.
01:19:03One more time.
01:19:04One more time.
01:19:05One more time.
01:19:06One more time.
01:19:07One more time.
01:19:08One more time.
01:19:09One more time.
01:19:10One more time.
01:19:11One more time.
01:19:12One more time.
01:19:13One more time.
01:19:14One more time.
01:19:15One more time.
01:19:16One more time.
01:19:17One more time.
01:19:18One more time.
01:19:19One more time.
01:19:20One more time.
01:19:21One more time.
01:19:22One more time.
01:19:23One more time.
01:19:24One more time.
01:19:25One more time.
01:19:26One more time.
01:19:27One more time.
01:19:28One more time.
01:19:29One more time.
01:19:30One more time.
01:19:31One more time.
01:19:33I really don't feel good."
01:19:34One more time.
01:19:40dirks cast
01:19:42Watch me!
01:19:43Watch me!
01:19:44Watch me!
01:19:53Watch me!
01:20:27Don't know
01:21:27Don't know
