• 15 hours ago
Billionaire's Bride (天涯海角小萌妻)
Because of a charity project, Su Yun Xiao unexpectedly reunited with his fiancée, Lu Yao Yao, who left without saying goodbye five years ago in Thailand.

#Drama #Film #Show #Anime #优酷电影 #天涯海角小萌妻 #剧情 #爱情
00:00:00《The First Snow》
00:00:23那一盏灯火是属于我 That light is for me
00:00:28一个人的街头一个人的街头 No one is on the street alone
00:00:32没人在一起呐喊一起跑 No one is shouting and running together
00:00:38那一种美好会属于我 That kind of beauty will belong to me
00:00:43两个人的爱会不会好 How will our love be
00:00:48好 保持这个动作 看镜头 Keep this pose. Look at the camera
00:00:51好 来 笑一个 Good. Come on. Smile
00:00:53好 非常美 Good. Very beautiful
00:00:56两个人再侧一点 两个人再侧一点 The two of you can move to the side a little more.
00:00:57对 好的 Good. Very good.
00:00:58新娘子好漂亮啊 The bride is so beautiful.
00:00:59新郎从后面抱住新娘 The groom is holding the bride from behind.
00:01:00对啊 对啊 That's right.
00:01:01对 两个人好融洽啊 That's right. The two of you are a good match.
00:01:02就这样 That's it.
00:01:03还是刚才那个动作 Keep that pose.
00:01:06好的 漂亮 Good. Very good.
00:01:08最后再来一张 笑容开心点 Smile more happily.
00:01:12好 Good.
00:01:13谢谢啊 Thank you.
00:01:14今天拍摄就到这儿 That's all for today.
00:01:15老师 可以给我看一下照片吗 Thank you, everyone. Can you show me the photos?
00:01:17好的 正好你选一张做产品 要偏不及调的 Okay. You can choose a photo to make a product. It has to be a good one.
00:01:20这张人太小了 This one is too small.
00:01:21这张更小 This one is even smaller.
00:01:23这个好看 这个好看 This one looks good. This one looks good.
00:01:24那就这张 那就这张 Then I'll take this one.
00:01:25我跟坐骑说一下 I'll tell the driver.
00:01:26行 辛苦了 Okay. Thank you.
00:01:48谢谢 Thank you.
00:01:49非常感谢 Thank you very much.
00:02:02我的毒蜜色 What's the color of my poison?
00:02:04毒蜜容易擦脏 The poison is easy to get dirty.
00:02:08忘性挺大的 You're quite bold.
00:02:15怎么是你啊 Why is it you?
00:02:18说吧 Tell me.
00:02:20这次又找这种笨蛋要了多少钱 How much money did you get from this idiot this time?
00:02:22这次啊 This time?
00:02:23看他的样子 Look at him.
00:02:26我猜五十万 I guess 500,000.
00:02:29不能再多了吧 Can't be more, right?
00:02:32你胡说八道什么呀 What nonsense are you talking about?
00:02:37你跟我来 Come with me.
00:02:39走啊 Let's go.
00:02:48好吃 Good.
00:03:03谢谢 Thank you.
00:03:04不客气 You're welcome.
00:03:13苏先生 Mr. Su,
00:03:14我不管你是出于什么目的来到这儿 I don't care what your purpose is for coming here,
00:03:16但我希望你不要打扰我的生活 but I hope you won't disturb my life.
00:03:23首先 First of all,
00:03:25陆小姐大可放心 Ms. Lu, don't worry.
00:03:27我来泰国是为了天使堂慈善计划 I came to Thailand for the Charity Project of the Angel Hall,
00:03:31并非是为了你 not for you.
00:03:33其次 Secondly,
00:03:36如果我没记错的话 if I remember correctly,
00:03:38刚才是你拉着我走掉的 you were the one who pulled me away.
00:03:41我那是为了跟你谈判 I did that to negotiate with you.
00:03:43你这么善变的一个人 You're such a fickle person.
00:03:45谁知道到时候会不会找我麻烦 Who knows if you'll cause me any trouble in the future?
00:03:50既然陆小姐都这么说了 Since Ms. Lu has said so,
00:03:53我要是不做点什么 if I don't do anything,
00:03:55岂不是令你太失望了 wouldn't that disappoint you?
00:04:02好烫 It's so hot.
00:04:06你倒是不客气 You're welcome.
00:04:07这是我的水 This is my water.
00:04:10柠檬水不要钱 咖啡才要钱 Lemon water doesn't cost money.
00:04:12咖啡才要钱 Coffee costs money.
00:04:13我才是真正的消费者好不好 I'm the real consumer, okay?
00:04:15再说了 喝柠檬水怎么了 Besides, what's wrong with drinking lemon water?
00:04:18这么多年 All these years,
00:04:20你耍赖和抢瓷夺礼的本领 your ability to play tricks and steal gifts
00:04:22真是一点都没退步 really hasn't gone down at all.
00:04:38你 You...
00:04:40你要干吗 What are you doing?
00:04:41你要带我去哪儿 Where are you taking me?
00:04:43少啰嗦 上车 Cut the crap. Get in the car.
00:04:45我不上 I'm not getting in.
00:04:46我告诉你啊 I'm telling you,
00:04:47我不是以前的陆遥遥了 I'm not the Lu Yaoyao I used to be.
00:04:48想欺负我 门都没有 You want to bully me? No way.
00:04:53是吗 Is that so?
00:04:54我倒是真想看看 I'd like to see
00:04:56这些年你进步了多少 how much you've improved over the years.
00:05:00撒吧 Go ahead.
00:05:01不撒 I won't.
00:05:03我不喜欢重复第二遍 I don't like to repeat the second time.
00:05:04我也是 Me neither.
00:05:08你 You...
00:05:11再跑啊 Keep running.
00:05:14你就非得阴魂不散吗 Do you have to keep haunting me?
00:05:19你还没告诉我 You haven't told me
00:05:21那个傻蛋你要了多少钱 how much money that fool asked for.
00:05:25五十万 Five hundred thousand?
00:05:27一百万 One million?
00:05:33你少在这儿胡说八道 Don't talk nonsense here.
00:05:52医生 她怎么样了 Doctor, how is she?
00:05:54苏先生 这件事情我们已经通知警方备案了 Mr. Su, we've notified the police about this case.
00:05:57为什么 Why?
00:05:59患者体内检验出秦华甲的残留成分 The patient's body has been tested for the residue of the Qin Hua Armor.
00:06:02虽然服用的量少 不至于致命 Although the amount is small, it's not fatal.
00:06:05但秦华甲是管制物品 此事必须告知警方 But the Qin Hua Armor is a controlled object. We must inform the police about this.
00:06:10秦华甲 Qin Hua Armor?
00:06:12是 幸亏送来得及时 Yes. Fortunately, it was sent in time.
00:06:15洗为之后已经没有什么大碍了 There's no big problem after washing.
00:06:17好好休息几天就行了 Just rest for a few days.
00:06:20哪里来的秦华甲 Where did the Qin Hua Armor come from?
00:06:22难道是咖啡厅里的咖啡和水有问题 Is there something wrong with the coffee and water in the cafeteria?
00:06:32刚好又瞎折腾什么 What are you doing?
00:06:34你松手 你今天没请假 你得去上班 You let go. I didn't take a day off. I have to go to work.
00:06:38不然会被扣钱的 Otherwise, I'll be fined.
00:06:40你就这么缺钱吗 Are you that poor?
00:06:42对啊 没错 我就是缺钱 Yes, that's right. I'm poor.
00:06:44所以请你不要妨碍我 So please don't hinder me.
00:06:52你这是什么意思啊 What do you mean by this?
00:06:55埋你一小时 I'll bury you for an hour.
00:06:57苏云霄 就算我再缺钱 也不会让你这么羞辱的 Su Yunxiang, no matter how poor I am, I won't let you humiliate me like this.
00:07:10你笑什么 What are you laughing at?
00:07:14当初收我母子两百万的时候 你可没这么有骨气啊 When you took two million from my mother, you weren't so stubborn.
00:07:20够了 Enough!
00:07:23我只是正好需要一个会法文的翻译 I just need a translator who can speak French.
00:07:27工资 我提前给你结清了 I've already paid you.
00:07:57谢谢 Thank you.
00:08:18哦 天哪 Oh my god.
00:08:22你们在哪里啊 你们在哪里啊 Where are you from?
00:08:24你们认识吗 Do you know each other?
00:08:27当然了 以前我一直带小离来这里做义工 小离和这些孩子玩得可好了 Of course. I used to bring Xiao Li here to work as a volunteer. Xiao Li and these kids are great.
00:08:34小离是谁 Who is Xiao Li?
00:08:37一个朋友的孩子 A friend's kid.
00:08:39我还没问你来这儿干什么呢 I haven't asked you why you're here yet.
00:08:41你告诉安娜修女 你告诉安娜修女 皇家集团在泰国开展了天使堂爱心公益计划 考虑到她的年纪 照顾孩子们太吃力了 我们愿意接替她的工作 把这些孩子安排到天使堂继续学习和生活 Really? I've always been worried about Anna's health. It's too hard for her to take care of so many kids on her own.
00:08:50皇家集团在泰国开展了天使堂爱心公益计划 考虑到她的年纪 照顾孩子们太吃力了 我们愿意接替她的工作 把这些孩子安排到天使堂继续学习和生活 Really? I've always been worried about Anna's health. It's too hard for her to take care of so many kids on her own.
00:09:03真的吗 我一直在担心安娜修女的身体状况 她一个人要照顾这么多孩子 实在是太吃力了 Really? I've always been worried about Anna's health. It's too hard for her to take care of so many kids on her own.
00:09:12我苏云霄言出必行 I, Su Yunxiao, keep my word.
00:09:16太好了 谢谢你 That's great. Thank you.
00:09:19有夫之妇 还是矜持点 A married woman should be reserved.
00:09:23不是 我没... No, I didn't...
00:09:24行了 你到底是怎么样的 我不想知道 快去做你翻译该干的事 Enough. I don't want to know what you're like. Go do your job as a translator.
00:09:37天呐 一类天文文章 Oh my god. It's a very difficult language.
00:09:40虽然不是普通 也根本不熟认为呢 I don't know much about it.
00:09:44很不好吧 It's not good, right?
00:09:50别跑 别跑 Don't run. Don't run.
00:10:00你看我干嘛 你不是不吃鸡肉的吗 Why are you looking at me? Don't you eat chicken?
00:10:03你怎么知道我不吃的 How do you know I don't eat it?
00:10:05废话 你以前 Nonsense. You used to...
00:10:13但愿不是因为我的钱加深了你对我的印象 I hope it's not because of my money that I've deepened your impression of me.
00:10:18拜托 我那是记忆力惊人好不好 Come on. My memory is amazing.
00:10:25忘了告诉你一件事 I forgot to tell you one thing.
00:10:28什么 What is it?
00:10:29你那杯牛奶好像过期了 Your milk is out of date.
00:10:41你 You...
00:10:48忘了告诉你一件事 I forgot to tell you one thing.
00:11:06天哪 她说谢谢你 She said thank you.
00:11:11她说什么 She said what?
00:11:14她说谢谢你 She said thank you.
00:11:18你又在骗我 You lied to me again.
00:11:21为什么要说又 Why did you say again?
00:11:26你说呢 What did you say?
00:11:33苏先生 你的翻译时间已经到了 Mr. Su, it's time for you to translate.
00:11:35如果没什么事儿 我先走了 If there's nothing else, I'm leaving.
00:11:37拜拜 Bye-bye.
00:11:43安东 你的翻译时间到了 Anton, your translation is done.
00:11:55我没想到会再见到你 I didn't expect to see you again
00:11:57最后的合作之后 after the last collaboration.
00:12:01你的意思是 You mean
00:12:02让我代表你的父亲 Let me represent your child's father?
00:12:05我知道这个要求很不公平 I know this request is very presumptuous.
00:12:10但是我想让你答应 But I want you to say yes.
00:12:13他会愿意见到他的父亲 He would love to see his father.
00:12:16我还想问一个不公平的问题 Well, I also want to ask an impolite question.
00:12:21男孩的父亲在哪儿 Where is the boy's father?
00:12:26我可以拒绝回答这个问题吗 May I refuse to answer the question?
00:12:29当然 Of course.
00:12:31那你怎么回答 So what's your response?
00:12:35是我的愿望 It's my pleasure.
00:12:38谢谢 Thank you.
00:12:39非常感谢 Thank you very much.
00:12:47小离 Xiao Li
00:12:52宝贝 怎么了 Baby, what's wrong?
00:12:53见到爸爸不高兴吗 Aren't you happy to see your father?
00:12:55见到爸爸当然高兴 Of course I'm happy to see him.
00:12:57可你又不是我爸爸 But you're not my father.
00:13:00别胡说 Don't talk nonsense.
00:13:01你不是一直吵着要见爸爸吗 Didn't you always want to see your father?
00:13:03他就是啊 He is.
00:13:04不是 你们骗人 No, you're lying.
00:13:05你们骗我 你们是坏人 You're lying to me. You're bad people.
00:13:08你们是坏人 你们是坏人 You're bad people.
00:13:09小离 你乖 Xiao Li, be good.
00:13:11小离 你别闹 Xiao Li, stop it.
00:13:13小离 你们在干吗呢 Xiao Li, what are you doing?
00:13:15出去 出去 出去 Get out. Get out.
00:13:16我很坏人 I'm a bad person.
00:13:17赶紧出去 Get out.
00:13:19快出去吧 Get out.
00:13:21好了 好了 好了 乖 不哭了啊 All right, all right. Don't cry.
00:13:23说话啊 别哭了啊 Don't cry. Don't cry.
00:13:27对不起 Sorry.
00:13:28I didn't help.
00:13:30No, I troubled you.
00:13:33Tina, you're still so young.
00:13:37And you can have a baby again.
00:13:41I don't want to think about it for the time being.
00:13:44You're so young.
00:13:45Do you want to spend your life like this?
00:13:48He has no medicine to cure.
00:13:50Will die soon.
00:13:53As a friend, I appreciate your help.
00:13:55But please take back the cost of my child.
00:13:58And allow him more than anything else.
00:14:02OK, OK. Anyway, that's the truth.
00:14:07OK, you big head ghost.
00:14:09You want to die. You have no medicine to cure.
00:14:14My Jesus.
00:14:26Come on, come on.
00:14:37Liu Ying, will you really be like that guy?
00:14:41Do you want to hurt yourself like this?
00:14:51It's my treat.
00:15:00Tina, sorry.
00:15:02That's my fault.
00:15:04Forget it.
00:15:06I don't want to mention it.
00:15:08Never mind.
00:15:10Buy you a drink.
00:15:13Sorry, I don't like drinking.
00:15:15Although I hate Frank very much.
00:15:17But there is no reason to hate money.
00:15:19Drink it.
00:15:21My money.
00:15:22Shut up. Get in the car.
00:15:23Get in the car.
00:15:24Where are you going?
00:15:25Shut up.
00:15:42Where is this?
00:15:46I want to go home.
00:15:47I want to go home.
00:15:49Go home?
00:15:51I tell you.
00:15:52Don't throw up.
00:15:55I'll take you to the bathroom.
00:15:59If you throw up on the carpet.
00:16:00You can't afford it.
00:16:01Do you know?
00:16:09You look down on me, don't you?
00:16:13You wait for me.
00:16:17Look down on me?
00:16:18You look down on me?
00:16:21Is it enough?
00:16:23Is it enough?
00:16:25Is it enough?
00:16:27Is it enough?
00:16:33I admire you.
00:16:35Is it enough to buy your broken carpet?
00:16:59This is mine.
00:17:04I have only one thought.
00:17:07Don't force me anymore.
00:17:10Don't grab mine anymore.
00:17:12Can't you?
00:17:14I beg you.
00:17:18I beg you.
00:17:31It's you.
00:17:33It's all your fault.
00:17:40Miao Miao.
00:17:42Do you really love me?
00:17:44Or do you just want to lie to me?
00:17:48I love you.
00:18:19I love you.
00:18:20I love you.
00:19:18I want to say...
00:19:20Where are my clothes?
00:19:25Throw it away.
00:19:27Throw it away?
00:19:29The clothes in the night shop are too dirty.
00:19:33My clothes are dirty.
00:19:34They are all washed, okay?
00:19:37Do you know what I mean?
00:19:41The point is...
00:19:42You threw my clothes away.
00:19:43What should I wear?
00:19:54I'm talking to you.
00:19:55Do you hear me?
00:19:59What are you looking at?
00:20:01I'm looking at what you are wearing now.
00:20:05I'm wearing clothes.
00:20:07What else can it be?
00:20:09That's it.
00:20:10It's not that you didn't wear it.
00:20:12Naughty girl.
00:20:13It's not that you didn't wear it.
00:20:15Naughty girl.
00:20:26But this is your clothes.
00:20:30The last bottle of wine last night...
00:20:32Does it still count as money?
00:20:34Lu Yao Yao.
00:20:35You've fallen into the pit of money, haven't you?
00:20:37How much money did you owe the world in your last life?
00:20:39In your last life,
00:20:40in the rest of your life,
00:20:41you are a fraud, aren't you?
00:20:44It seems that you haven't changed for so many years.
00:20:47It's really for money.
00:20:57Su Yun Xiao.
00:20:59I said it before.
00:21:01Even if someone hits me with money,
00:21:03I will pick up the money...
00:21:05piece by piece.
00:21:14Let's go.
00:21:24I'm leaving.
00:21:26The clothes are clean.
00:21:28I will return it to you.
00:21:29No need.
00:21:30Just throw it away.
00:21:32I don't wear dirty clothes.
00:21:52I have paid the medical expenses I owe.
00:21:55Do you want to take a look?
00:21:56It doesn't matter.
00:21:57Then I'll go first.
00:22:03Hello, handsome.
00:22:04Please take a look.
00:22:06Hello, beautiful.
00:22:07Please take a look.
00:22:10Welcome to the Buru gift house.
00:22:13Please take a look.
00:22:20The weather is so hot.
00:22:21There are so many orders.
00:22:23If I don't hurry up,
00:22:24I won't be able to finish it.
00:22:30Buru gift house.
00:22:31Thank you for your discount.
00:22:32All discounts.
00:22:35Please sign for the delivery.
00:22:4012 minutes.
00:22:42Hurry up.
00:22:43Don't be late.
00:22:44Don't be late.
00:22:48Are you talking about Lu Yao Yao?
00:22:50I want to hire her
00:22:51to be my personal guide for 24 hours.
00:22:54One week.
00:22:55The price is up to you.
00:22:57Since you have said it,
00:22:58of course I know money is not a problem.
00:23:00But Yao Yao's family situation is special.
00:23:03She may not have enough time
00:23:05to serve you for 24 hours.
00:23:08Is she busy?
00:23:10She has a child at home.
00:23:12She is sick.
00:23:13She can't leave
00:23:14if she wants to take care of the child.
00:23:25Before Lu Yao Yao left her job,
00:23:27she did an employee check-up
00:23:28at Sheng Ma Li Hospital.
00:23:30I don't care what method you use.
00:23:31Find me the check-up report.
00:23:39I'm sorry.
00:23:40I'm sorry.
00:24:10I'm sorry.
00:24:11I'm sorry.
00:24:12I'm sorry.
00:24:13I'm sorry.
00:24:14I'm sorry.
00:24:15I'm sorry.
00:24:16I'm sorry.
00:24:17I'm sorry.
00:24:18I'm sorry.
00:24:19I'm sorry.
00:24:20I'm sorry.
00:24:21I'm sorry.
00:24:22I'm sorry.
00:24:23I'm sorry.
00:24:24I'm sorry.
00:24:25I'm sorry.
00:24:26I'm sorry.
00:24:27I'm sorry.
00:24:28I'm sorry.
00:24:29I'm sorry.
00:24:30I'm sorry.
00:24:31I'm sorry.
00:24:32I'm sorry.
00:24:33I'm sorry.
00:24:34I'm sorry.
00:24:35I'm sorry.
00:24:36I'm sorry.
00:24:37I'm sorry.
00:24:38I'm sorry.
00:24:39I'm sorry.
00:24:40I'm sorry.
00:24:41I'm sorry.
00:24:42I'm sorry.
00:24:43I'm sorry.
00:24:44I'm sorry.
00:24:45I'm sorry.
00:24:46I'm sorry.
00:24:47I'm sorry.
00:24:48I'm sorry.
00:24:49I'm sorry.
00:24:50I'm sorry.
00:24:51I'm sorry.
00:24:52I'm sorry.
00:24:53I'm sorry.
00:24:54I'm sorry.
00:24:55I'm sorry.
00:24:56I'm sorry.
00:24:57I'm sorry.
00:24:58I'm sorry.
00:24:59I'm sorry.
00:25:00I'm sorry.
00:25:01I'm sorry.
00:25:02I'm sorry.
00:25:03I'm sorry.
00:25:04I'm sorry.
00:25:05I'm sorry.
00:25:06I'm sorry.
00:25:07I'm sorry.
00:25:08I'm sorry.
00:25:09I'm sorry.
00:25:10I'm sorry.
00:25:11I'm sorry.
00:25:12I'm sorry.
00:25:13I'm sorry.
00:25:14I'm sorry.
00:25:15I'm sorry.
00:25:16I'm sorry.
00:25:17I'm sorry.
00:25:18I'm sorry.
00:25:19I'm sorry.
00:25:20I'm sorry.
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00:26:47I'm sorry.
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00:26:52I'm sorry.
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00:26:55I'm sorry.
00:26:56I'm sorry.
00:26:57I'm sorry.
00:26:58I'm sorry.
00:26:59I'm sorry.
00:27:00I'm sorry.
00:27:01I'm sorry.
00:27:02I'm sorry.
00:27:03I'm sorry.
00:27:04I'm sorry.
00:27:05I'm sorry.
00:27:06I avowed Pronunciation.
00:27:07I'm sorry.
00:27:08I'm sorry.
00:27:09I'm sorry.
00:27:10I'm sorry.
00:27:11I'm sorry.
00:27:12I'm sorry.
00:27:13I'm sorry.
00:27:14I'm so sorry.
00:27:15I'm sorry.
00:27:16I ate that, didn't I?
00:27:21I asked you not to eat that.
00:27:22What's all this nonsense?
00:27:23You told me not leave me.
00:27:24That's my problem.
00:27:25You don't know me.
00:27:26Looks like I did tell you.
00:27:27I swear.
00:27:28It wasn't you.
00:27:29It wasn't me.
00:27:30You didn't believe me?
00:27:31Okay, make it quick.
00:27:32Who said that? I'm a Virgo, and people like me.
00:27:41Come on, your family is full of your subordinates.
00:27:47Even if you are a tyrant, they will like you, okay?
00:27:51You look so much like me. Are you my father?
00:27:55Xiao Li, he is not...
00:28:02I am.
00:28:07Great! I have a father!
00:28:09Can you buy me a plane and a firetruck?
00:28:13I can buy it for you.
00:28:16Okay, Xiao Li, lie down.
00:28:20Don't guess. He is not your father. Don't scream.
00:28:25Be good. It's time for you to take your medicine and go to bed.
00:28:29Nurse! Nurse!
00:28:33Please take care of Xiao Li.
00:28:36Let's go.
00:28:38Let's go.
00:28:39Xiao Li, how do you feel today?
00:28:50I don't want to go shopping. I want to be with my son.
00:28:54Su Yun Xiao, I've seen people robbing people's money and food.
00:28:57But I've never seen someone like you.
00:29:00I'll say it again. He is really not your son.
00:29:03I will decide for myself. You don't need to teach me.
00:29:14What are you looking for?
00:29:15A plane and a firetruck.
00:29:18How can there be a plane and a firetruck in a place like this?
00:29:23And Su Yun Xiao, you're an adult and you're still playing with a plane.
00:29:26Aren't you childish?
00:29:27I promised Xiao Li that I would buy her a plane.
00:29:30This store doesn't have one. Let's go to the one next door.
00:29:40What do you want to say?
00:29:42You are good to Xiao Li. I am very grateful.
00:29:45But I don't want to lie to you.
00:29:48He really has nothing to do with you.
00:29:51Who knows if you're lying to me.
00:29:54No, you...
00:30:22Su Yun Xiao, why did you come here?
00:30:26There are so many places in Southeast Asia where you can do charity.
00:30:33This is where I have the most important memories of my life.
00:30:40I really want to do something good for this city.
00:30:44I really want to do something good for this city.
00:30:47I really want to do something good for this city.
00:30:58I do.
00:31:01I do.
00:31:03I do.
00:31:15Lu Yao Yao.
00:31:17I've always wanted to ask you a question.
00:31:20These past five years,
00:31:23have you been living well?
00:31:32I'm not living well.
00:31:33You're not living well.
00:31:34I really miss you.
00:31:56I really miss you.
00:32:26I really miss you.
00:32:46What's wrong?
00:32:51My thing is gone.
00:32:52What thing?
00:32:54If it's not very important, then forget it.
00:32:56I'll go back and buy it for you.
00:33:01You really want to...
00:33:04Yao Yao!
00:33:25Are you okay?
00:33:27He took my red rope!
00:33:29Hey, excuse me!
00:33:33What's the matter?
00:33:35You're Chinese, right?
00:33:39I'm sorry.
00:33:41You dropped this, right?
00:33:43I was looking for its owner.
00:33:45So you came.
00:33:48You're welcome. Goodbye.
00:33:55She fell for me.
00:34:12Stay still.
00:34:24Stay still.
00:34:54Stay still.
00:35:08Son, don't be stupid.
00:35:10That woman already took 2 million from me.
00:35:13She won't come back.
00:35:15She will never come back!
00:35:25What's wrong?
00:35:29Get some rest.
00:35:36I was hoping you wouldn't come back.
00:35:38I was hoping you wouldn't leave.
00:35:40Lu Yao Yao,
00:35:41can I still trust you?
00:35:54Send me a sample.
00:35:56The hair is the child's.
00:35:58The gauze is Lu Yao Yao's.
00:36:00Actually, I already thought
00:36:01this child must be mine.
00:36:03I did this test
00:36:04to give my mom an explanation.
00:36:25Lu Yao Yao,
00:36:36You're always unhappy with me.
00:36:38Even your dreams are at odds with me.
00:37:24Why are you in such a rush? You're not even wearing your shoes!
00:37:51Xiaoli! Xiaoli!
00:37:56Put on your shoes. I'll get someone to prepare the car.
00:38:01Xiaoli! Xiaoli!
00:38:09Master, are you feeling better?
00:38:13Where's Yunxiao?
00:38:15Yunxiao went abroad to take care of some business.
00:38:19To take care of business or to go out and have fun?
00:38:28This child has been spoiled by you since he was a child.
00:38:32He doesn't do his job properly.
00:38:35Just like back then, when he was bewitched by a woman,
00:38:39he went to study to become a pilot.
00:38:42What a good Su Group.
00:38:45I think sooner or later he'll destroy it.
00:38:48In my opinion, it's better to leave him to Yunfei.
00:38:52How can that be?
00:38:55Yunxiao is your biological son.
00:38:59All right, I'm tired.
00:39:02Let's talk about this later.
00:39:19I'm telling you, it's only the third time.
00:39:22This is your last chance. Hurry up.
00:39:33He was fine a few days ago.
00:39:36Why did he suddenly get worse? Why?
00:39:39Calm down.
00:39:41How can I calm down? He's my child. He's my life.
00:39:47We have to find the right bone marrow to do the transplant as soon as possible.
00:39:51So Xiaoli can survive.
00:39:54I've been looking for it for so long. How can I find it?
00:39:59Sir, you are...
00:40:02He can't do it.
00:40:04I'm the child's father. Why can't I do it?
00:40:09Even if the bone marrow is straight, it may fail.
00:40:14But one more try, one more chance.
00:40:17Let's keep trying.
00:40:20I'll go with you to do the checkup.
00:40:22Okay, I'll arrange it.
00:40:28Don't worry, he'll be fine.
00:40:52Xiaoli, my child.
00:40:55Don't leave me.
00:40:57Don't leave me.
00:41:00Don't leave me.
00:41:09The test results came out so fast.
00:41:11Shouldn't it be at least a month?
00:41:13No, your colleague entrusted us to do the paternity test.
00:41:17The report has come out.
00:41:19Now I'm here to give you the report.
00:41:24But Mr. Su, I have to tell you regretfully.
00:41:28You are not Xiaoli's biological father.
00:41:32What did you say?
00:41:34The paternity test shows that you have nothing to do with Xiaoli.
00:41:40You are not her biological father.
00:41:46Lu Youyou
00:41:59Lu Youyou
00:42:17Brother Xue, Xinxin.
00:42:20Don't worry.
00:42:22I won't let anything happen to Xiaoli.
00:42:25No matter what the price is.
00:42:28I will cure her.
00:42:31Even if that person knows the truth.
00:42:34Will hate me for a lifetime.
00:42:52This soup is to replenish qi.
00:42:54If you donate bone marrow, it will hurt a lot of qi.
00:42:58So you have to replenish your body.
00:43:00Come on.
00:43:06Why don't you drink?
00:43:09Look at my brain.
00:43:11I should have let it cool down before I drank it for you.
00:43:13Do you have anything else you want to eat?
00:43:16Fruit, apple or banana?
00:43:19I don't want to eat anything.
00:43:20I want to eat.
00:43:23But there is something I want to share with you.
00:43:33A son fell from the sky.
00:43:36I should always confirm if it is me or not.
00:43:46But I said Xiaoli is not your son.
00:43:50You don't believe me.
00:43:53In fact, Xiaoli is not my child.
00:43:56But she is also a small life.
00:43:58I should save or save.
00:44:01But Lu Yaoyao.
00:44:03I have a question to ask you.
00:44:08I also entrusted the doctor to take your sample for identification.
00:44:11Xiaoli has nothing to do with me and you.
00:44:16Where did she come from?
00:44:18If you don't say it, I will ask someone to send her away.
00:44:29I was in a bad mood that year.
00:44:33I almost had a car accident.
00:44:36Xiaoli's parents died in an accident to save me.
00:44:44I promised them to take good care of Xiaoli.
00:44:49Are you crazy?
00:44:51If you want to repay me, I can send the child back to China.
00:44:56But you can't keep her around anymore.
00:45:00No, Xiaoli can't leave me.
00:45:03Su Yunxiang, you have a pet for two or three years.
00:45:06You will still have feelings and will not give up.
00:45:08Xiaoli is a living person.
00:45:11She has been with me for five years.
00:45:13I can't give up.
00:45:15What about me?
00:45:17She has been with you for five years.
00:45:19Can she replace me in your heart?
00:45:23Su Yunxiang, there is no feeling that can replace love.
00:45:29I admit that I love you.
00:45:31But I can't give up Xiaoli.
00:45:35Have you ever thought about it?
00:45:37You are an unmarried woman with a half-grown child.
00:45:40What will others think of you?
00:45:41What will they think of me?
00:45:43I am the president of the Song family.
00:45:46Do I have to explain to my relatives and friends
00:45:48the origin of this child when I get married?
00:45:53I never thought I could be with you again.
00:45:58It's enough for me to have Xiaoli in this life.
00:46:02Say it again.
00:46:03Say it again.
00:46:09Anyway, I won't send Xiaoli away.
00:46:25This story is really fun.
00:46:28You can upload your photos and make it into a story.
00:46:32Did you quarrel?
00:46:35No, don't talk nonsense.
00:46:37I am five years old.
00:46:39Do you think I am a two-year-old child?
00:46:42Xiaoli, do you want to go back to China?
00:46:44Yes, of course.
00:46:46Xiaoli, you are not well.
00:46:48You can't go anywhere.
00:46:54She is right.
00:46:57As long as you want, I can arrange it for you.
00:47:01Su Yunxiao, don't be too much.
00:47:04Too much?
00:47:06I can be more excessive.
00:47:08Xiaoli, close your eyes.
00:47:32The manager told me.
00:47:34You set a high price for me for a week.
00:47:38I will go with you wherever you want to go.
00:47:41But after this time,
00:47:43we will never see each other again.
00:47:47Never see you again?
00:47:52Lu Yaoyao, don't forget.
00:47:54The rules of this game are not up to you.
00:47:56Be careful.
00:48:28Yuan Fei, it's me.
00:48:30You finally show up.
00:48:32I can't get through to you.
00:48:34Aunt is in a hurry.
00:48:36I am fine.
00:48:38It's good that you are fine.
00:48:40You should let uncle and aunt worry less in the future.
00:48:44The matter of the Angel Hall
00:48:46is not a big deal.
00:48:48I will take care of it.
00:48:50Don't worry.
00:48:52I will take care of it.
00:48:55The matter of the Angel Hall
00:48:57is almost done.
00:48:59These two days,
00:49:01I will go to the resort.
00:49:03About the company,
00:49:05I will leave it to you.
00:49:08Don't worry.
00:49:09I am here.
00:49:22There is always a way out.
00:49:25The hell gate is coming.
00:49:31My good brother.
00:49:34Since you are here,
00:49:37don't blame me for being rude.
00:49:52They are going to the villa now.
00:50:13Why do I have to share a room with you?
00:50:17Since you have the money to run away,
00:50:20I have spent so much money.
00:50:22Shouldn't I watch you for 24 hours
00:50:25so that you won't run away again?
00:50:28What kind of tour guide do I need to live in a resort?
00:50:33I am willing to.
00:50:34Maybe I still need a translator at any time.
00:50:39You have a lot of bad habits.
00:50:42I think you should be glad that I chose you.
00:50:46I am a picky person.
00:50:51You are so picky
00:50:52that you want to eat other people's cakes.
00:51:00How to read this?
00:51:05The last one.
00:51:07This one.
00:51:09I forgot.
00:51:10I just taught it the day before yesterday.
00:51:13The day before yesterday is the day before yesterday.
00:51:14I forgot it now.
00:51:18Lu Yunxiao.
00:51:20You are the most stupid student I have ever taught.
00:51:23It's so hard to learn a little voice.
00:51:27And I have to starve with you.
00:51:37Fortunately, I am smart.
00:51:39I have such a big appetite.
00:51:42I can eat anything when I am hungry.
00:51:46Lu Yaoyao.
00:51:48How can you eat alone behind me?
00:51:49I want to eat, too.
00:51:50You are so hard to learn a little voice.
00:51:52How can you blame me?
00:51:58I am done.
00:51:59I have no more.
00:52:01You still have some.
00:52:34I am a little hungry.
00:52:36Let's go down and eat something.
00:52:40Is there a cake in the restaurant?
00:52:44There should be a cake.
00:52:47Let's go.
00:53:06Let's go.
00:53:27Say it.
00:53:29I want to tell you something.
00:53:31I feel strange when I come here.
00:53:35There is always someone staring at us.
00:53:37I don't know what's going on.
00:53:45I am so scared.
00:53:46Don't read horror novels.
00:53:50I mean it.
00:53:52Don't you feel it?
00:53:54That kind of hairy eyes.
00:54:02Where are you going?
00:54:04You are too free.
00:54:06Find something to do.
00:54:09I really feel...
00:54:32One day, the queen stood in front of the mirror and asked,
00:54:36Who is the most beautiful person in the world?
00:54:40The mirror replied,
00:54:42My dear queen.
00:54:48Go back to work.
00:54:51I also have a professional dignity, okay?
00:54:55Isn't the tour guide always telling tourists some strange stories?
00:54:59But no tour guide will tell tourists any horror stories.
00:55:04The book came from Lin.
00:55:07Su Yunxiang.
00:55:08You are so childish.
00:55:13I like it.
00:55:15Do you have any opinion?
00:55:34What are you thinking about?
00:55:41I am thinking about Lin.
00:55:43I tell you.
00:55:45Don't think about her.
00:55:46I won't send her away.
00:55:48Lu Yaoyao.
00:55:49I like Lin very much.
00:55:52I also want to live with her.
00:55:55But I want to have a child of my own.
00:55:59When we have our own child,
00:56:00I can't guarantee that I will treat her so well like now.
00:56:05I don't want her to feel any difference at that time.
00:56:09Although it's a bit selfish.
00:56:13Do you understand?
00:56:16Our own child.
00:56:20Our own child.
00:56:30I'll go out for some fresh air.
00:57:01I love you.
00:57:05I love you.
00:57:06I love you.
00:57:07I love you.
00:57:31You are so obsessed with that child.
00:57:34You would rather give me up
00:57:36than leave him.
00:57:48You have been doing this for so long.
00:57:50It's time to do it.
00:58:00I love you.
00:58:01I love you.
00:58:32Behave yourself.
00:58:34What time is it now?
00:58:35Why are you still so calm?
00:58:36Don't move.
00:58:37Behave yourself.
00:58:38Even a killer is so unprofessional.
00:58:40Don't move.
00:58:41Behave yourself.
00:58:43Lu Yaoyao.
00:58:44What's going on?
00:58:45We caught two idiots.
00:58:47Don't move.
00:58:49Don't move.
00:58:51Don't move.
00:58:52Don't move.
00:58:53Don't move.
00:58:54Don't move.
00:58:55Don't move.
00:58:56Don't move.
00:58:57Don't move.
00:58:58Don't move.
00:58:59Don't move.
00:59:05Don't move.
00:59:07Be careful.
00:59:08Be careful.
00:59:13Don't move.
00:59:19Don't move.
00:59:21Don't move.
00:59:23Tie her up.
00:59:27Don't move.
00:59:29Don't move.
00:59:30Don't move.
00:59:50I want to hear mommy's voice.
00:59:53Li, be good.
00:59:54Mommy will be back soon.
00:59:56Listen to the nurse first, okay?
01:00:16Sorry, President.
01:00:17It's all our fault.
01:00:18Miss Lu was injured.
01:00:27Forget it.
01:00:28This is the end.
01:00:30Take those people back to the country first.
01:00:33Don't make it public.
01:00:36I'll talk to the old man.
01:00:40There's one more thing, President.
01:00:42Say it.
01:00:43Madam asked me to bring you a message.
01:00:45She said that Miss Lu's identity
01:00:46can't be added to the Su family no matter what.
01:00:49It was the same five years ago and five years later.
01:00:52Madam also said
01:00:53that she didn't mind giving another two million.
01:00:56Get out.
01:00:59Don't let me hear that again.
01:01:17Where is this girl?
01:01:18She left.
01:01:22What else?
01:01:23You three bully her so much.
01:01:24She didn't leave.
01:01:25Is she stupid?
01:01:26Rich people are great.
01:01:28Two million.
01:01:29That's a lot of money.
01:01:53Who are you looking for?
01:01:54Hello, is Lu Yao Yao here?
01:01:56She resigned.
01:01:57She hasn't been here for a long time.
01:01:58Do you know where she went?
01:01:59I don't know.
01:02:10Does Lu Yao Yao work here?
01:02:18Where is the child?
01:02:21I don't know either.
01:02:24What about Yao Yao?
01:02:26I don't know either.
01:02:31Yao Yao, where are you going?
01:02:53I don't know either.
01:03:09Lin Xiao Hui.
01:03:10I don't care what you did in Thailand.
01:03:12Next week is the 50th anniversary of the group.
01:03:14You have to come back immediately.
01:03:43Hello, everyone.
01:03:45Today is the 50th anniversary of our Su Group.
01:03:49Today is the 50th anniversary of our Su Group.
01:03:52It is also the time for me to officially hand over the relay stick.
01:03:56Please be a witness.
01:04:00From today on,
01:04:02the management rights of the Su Group
01:04:05will be officially handed over to
01:04:13my son,
01:04:15Su Yun Xiao.
01:04:22Didn't you say that I...
01:04:29Although Yun Xiao is naughty,
01:04:33he is kind at heart.
01:04:37Unlike some people,
01:04:40he is a wolf with a human skin.
01:04:43He is a wolf.
01:04:47He can kill his own people.
01:05:01Dear cousin,
01:05:03are you surprised?
01:05:06If it is the poisoned lemon water,
01:05:09I can still be unaware of it.
01:05:11But the flying car in the woods,
01:05:14I knew it was not an accident.
01:05:17I deliberately told you that I was going to the resort.
01:05:21I didn't expect you to send a killer.
01:05:26Su Yun Fei.
01:05:29Is inheritance so important?
01:05:35I'm right.
01:05:40Su Yun Xiao.
01:05:42You are a loser.
01:05:44What right do you have to inherit the Su Group's business?
01:05:48Why should you inherit this family?
01:05:55I have been working so hard for the Su Group for so many years.
01:06:03Why did you come back and take everything from me?
01:06:08Until now,
01:06:10you are still stubborn.
01:06:17I'm not wrong.
01:06:19I'm not wrong.
01:06:22You are the talent.
01:06:24Su Yun Xiao.
01:06:25You wait for me.
01:06:38She told me to bring them.
01:06:40But somehow,
01:06:41I always thought someone would be take them back.
01:07:07Su Yun Xiao.
01:07:33January 14th.
01:07:34We got married.
01:07:35I'm really happy.
01:07:37Being with him,
01:07:39I can give up everything.
01:07:45February 8th.
01:07:46Yun Xiao was injured in the parachute training accident.
01:07:49Yun Xiao's mother found me.
01:07:51She blamed me for dragging her down.
01:07:53She said it was me who dragged Yun Xiao down the mud.
01:07:57Let me give Yun Xiao back to the Su family.
01:07:59I'm sorry for my child.
01:08:01I let him have no father before he was born.
01:08:06I donated the money Yun Xiao's mother gave me.
01:08:09I came to Thailand.
01:08:11This country has the most beautiful memories of us.
01:08:14I decided to stay.
01:08:21Because of my melancholy,
01:08:23I caused the death of Brother Xue and his wife.
01:08:26I also caused the death of my child.
01:08:28Xiao Li was so young.
01:08:30I lost my parents.
01:08:32I'm sorry.
01:08:33I'm sorry.
01:08:34I'm sorry.
01:08:36I decided to atone for my sins with my life.
01:08:56Lu Yao Yao.
01:08:58Where should I look for you this time?
01:09:03Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:34Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:35Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:36Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:37Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:38Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:39Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:40Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:41Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:42Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:43Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:44Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:45Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:46Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:47Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:48Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:49Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:50Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:51Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:52Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:53Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:54Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:55Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:56Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:57Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:58Lu Yao Yao.
01:09:59Lu Yao Yao.
01:10:00Lu Yao Yao.
01:10:01Lu Yao Yao.
01:10:07I'm not doing well.
01:10:08I'm not doing well.
01:10:09I'm enjoying myself.
01:10:10I'm enjoying myself.
01:10:17As expected, once the red thread is broken,
01:10:20even if I tie it again,
01:10:22it's still a waste.
01:10:26Lu Yao Yao.
01:10:33Lu Yao Yao.
01:10:35Lu Yao Yao.
01:10:41Lu Yao Yao.
01:10:47That candlelight is mine
01:10:54I have always forgotten to tell you that
01:10:55I have helped you fulfill your dream
01:10:58The way I look in my flying suit, do I look handsome?
01:11:14Does our love still have a chance to last a lifetime?
01:11:28I only realized how important it is to have you by my side
01:11:37I don't want to miss you, I want us to be together
01:11:44The beautiful words, the so-called emotions
01:11:48After 5 months, it's still the same
01:11:51I don't want to miss you, I want us to be together
01:11:58Traveling thousands of miles, just to meet you
01:12:02Holding hands with you, never leaving
01:12:05Accompanying you as we slowly go back
01:12:21That light is only for me
01:12:26The end of a person, no one is there
01:12:31Screaming and celebrating together
01:12:35What kind of beauty will belong to me?
01:12:40The warmth of two people
01:12:44Will there be different fireworks?
01:12:50Loneliness used to be a pride
01:12:54As time goes by, it's hard to forget
01:12:57Oh, time goes by, finally
01:13:01I don't want to miss you, I want us to be together
