• yesterday
00:00Previously on Shortland Street
00:02Look Ty, I don't have time for dating right now
00:05And what would be wrong with giving him a chance?
00:07It's just that I don't think his job is exactly legal
00:11He is really lovely though
00:12One drink
00:13One drink
00:14I checked the bin
00:15The drugs you said you put in there, they're not there
00:17I didn't take the pills
00:18I promised I was going to be honest with you and I haven't broken that promise
00:21But I need you to hold up your end of this and trust me
00:30I don't really know how to ask about your work
00:37What's your favourite movie?
00:39Did you look up best questions to ask on the first date?
00:43Okay, you want to talk about the hard stuff then?
00:45I can do small talk
00:47I just
00:48I want to know more about you
00:52I've got goals
00:54Oh yeah?
00:55Yeah, yeah, I've got some plans
00:56I want to start a business
00:59What kind of business?
01:00Like a
01:01Like a food truck
01:03I love cooking
01:04I want to be my own boss
01:06And I reckon after a couple of years, you know, establish a loyal customer base
01:10Find a permanent spot
01:12Start a little restaurant
01:13I dream about it actually
01:15So you're just going to, what, quit and become a chef?
01:20When I can
01:23Sounds like a plan
01:25It's really complicated
01:26Tell me
01:29Doctor, you are a gorgeous doctor
01:31Born and bred in Ferndale
01:33I don't think you'd get it
01:35I am a trans Maori doctor
01:37Try me
01:38Oh, I'm sorry
01:39I just assumed your family was one of those like
01:41Kumbaya kind of types
01:42No way
01:44Sounds like it's time for another round
01:48I'm sorry about this morning
01:51What do you mean?
01:52I should have brought it all up again
01:54Not at work
01:57I mean, that's why you're mad, isn't it?
01:58You seemed fine before I said
02:00What else would I possibly have to be upset about?
02:05I just really want to talk about it
02:08I just really want to be home with the kids
02:12All I want is for us to be a family again
02:15So whatever you need to say so we can get past this, I'm here for it
02:20I wish I could just click my fingers and be over it
02:24But I'm not asking you to do that
02:26I can't get past this
02:29And it's for the best, you know
02:31It feels like you've wanted out for a long time
02:33Now you finally get what you want
02:34This is not what I want
02:36Listen, if you want to see the kids, just text
02:38And I'll decide whether or not it suits
02:40Because I'm not having this wreck them
02:45Chicago sounds great
02:46Except for, like, deep dish pizza
02:48What is that?
02:50The pizza I can do is the cheese and caramel popcorn
02:55Speaking of, I could eat
02:57You want to order something?
03:00Oh, I didn't realise how long we'd been talking
03:03No, I see
03:05Yeah, it's been fun
03:08Oh no, I didn't mean it like that
03:10It's okay, it's okay, I can take a hint
03:14Oh, really sorry, I have to go
03:17Oh, really, is everything okay?
03:19If I didn't know better, I'd say you sound a little bit disappointed there
03:23No, I'm just used to what you've got to do
03:26Love to see you again though, soon
03:29Is that right?
03:42I mean, yeah, Esther said he's okay
03:44As well as anyone who's been stabbed, could be
03:48Oh, look who the cat dragged in
03:50Who's that?
03:52Well, pick up, I haven't heard from him since he got to LAX
03:55Shut up, this is for me
03:58Logan, hi!
04:00Hey guys
04:01Are you crying?
04:03Yeah, it's so hard
04:06Wait, are you in trouble?
04:08I crashed the hire car
04:09You okay, bro?
04:10I'm okay, but the car's not
04:12I just can't get it in my head about driving on the right hand side of the road
04:16And, well, Dad always said that Nebraska's the greatest album to drive to
04:20You heard it?
04:21I mean, it's so sad, I can't stop crying
04:23Wait, you're in Nebraska?
04:25No, I'm in California
04:26I'm in Peggy Sue's diner
04:28And the food's too much, it's too big
04:30I can never finish a meal
04:31And the tipping system, I can't understand it
04:33I mean, they get so mad if I don't tip enough
04:35So I'm tipping heaps and I'm running out of money
04:37Okay, hey, hey, it's okay
04:39Just take a couple of deep breaths, yeah?
04:41I'm gonna go somewhere private where we can talk
04:48She's a good friend to him
04:49Yeah, yeah, they're super tight, especially for exes
04:53Oh, but it's all good
04:54He's on the other side of the world, so you don't have to worry
04:56I'm not worried, I'm working
05:04Nice one
05:06Hey, I owe you an apology
05:08I'm sure you do, but what for?
05:10I've been distracted with Drew and film
05:12And I've barely checked in with you
05:14So, have you spoken to your oncologist?
05:17I can come with you to do whatever, yeah
05:21How's Phil?
05:22Better, now that Drew's let off
05:24Yeah, I don't know what his problem is
05:26He's probably threatened, cos she has what he doesn't
05:28Youth and a full head of hair
05:31Back to you
05:32When's the PET scan? You haven't had it already, have you?
05:35I got pushed back
05:38Yeah, there's a crazy backlog down there at the moment, apparently
05:41They should be prioritising you
05:43I can talk to them if you want
05:45See if I can get you an earlier slot
05:46How would you like it if someone called ED and told you to work faster?
05:49Yeah, sure, but...
05:50Look, they'll get to me when they get to me
05:52Until then, I've got work to do and so do you
05:57Alright, I'll just get you to lift that left arm for me, Gerald
06:01Any pain when I touch that?
06:03It's a good sign
06:04Sure is, looks like your bowling arm is safe after all
06:08You're in a good mood this morning
06:10Am I?
06:13My God, you've met someone
06:14No, it's H
06:17I will get that x-ray sorted for you
06:19So, a spill?
06:20There was nothing to spill
06:22I know a morning after glow when I see it
06:26It was... it was just a drink
06:29With who?
06:32Oh, not Vili?
06:33No, keep your voice down
06:35It wasn't Vili, it was...
06:37It was no one you'd know
06:38Well, so tell me who it is then, what's his name?
06:40Is he like a business guy?
06:42Is he a party guy?
06:45Oh, give me something
06:47Is he a bad boy?
06:48I could totally see you with a bad boy
06:50Please let it be a bad boy
06:52So just stop saying bad boy
06:54And keep an eye on his heart rate
06:56You keep an eye on your heart rate
06:59So you're really not going to tell me anything?
07:03Okay, he was... funny
07:06Great, love it, and?
07:10I think I might like him
07:12Chia, this is so exciting
07:15It was just one date
07:17And you're smitten
07:18Would we say smitten?
07:19Yeah, I think we would
07:20Are you blushing?
07:22Alright, Kath and Kim, that's enough gas bagging
07:24Sorry, we were just...
07:26Talking about your love life
07:27I know, I've got ears, so has everyone else in the CD department
07:30Including Mr Greg, whose wounds need dressing
07:33I'm sorry, I'm on it, it won't happen again
07:37Hey, I've got that meeting with the co-op tonight, so I might be late
07:42Okay, no worries, I'll sort dinner
07:44Just don't overexert yourself
07:46It's fine
07:50I don't need to be babysat, Az
07:53Yep, I know
07:57You want her help again?
07:58When the morphine tablets went missing, she was here
08:02She has a history of addiction
08:04What happened with Louisa would be enough to make anyone want to use, addict or not
08:08Yeah, I guess so
08:10Unless they have made them
08:11No, no, I just, they've already gone through it a lot
08:14And we don't have proof that Cassie did it, so
08:17Babe, the drugs are gone, what more proof do you need?
08:20They didn't just vanish on their own, and Cassie was the only other adult in the house
08:24Yeah, she was
08:26Oh, come on
08:28You really think if I did this I'd try to pin it on Cassie again?
08:31That was me at my absolute lowest, babe
08:33I'm never going back there
08:34Yeah, I know that
08:35Look, I get that you don't trust me, right?
08:37I'm not saying I don't trust you
08:39Can we talk later? I really have to go
08:46Hey, that's brutal
08:48Yeah, I know, but it's just so frustrating
08:50Talking about yourself there, little bro
08:52No, you're talking about patients who have their heads in the sand
08:56Yeah, patients who let things get so much worse by ignoring the signs and not getting treatment
09:01Like Billy's patient having his foot amputated
09:04Yeah, that's rough
09:05Yeah, but
09:06It's like, change your lifestyle
09:08If you don't, losing your foot is going to mean you have to
09:10Of course
09:11Anyway, sorry
09:13For what?
09:14Just, I know you're waiting, but I don't want to
09:16Freak me out
09:17A couple days wait doesn't mean I'm going to get my foot chopped off, okay?
09:22I'm fine
09:23I'm just busy
09:24And you should be too
09:28Not coping
09:33You alright there?
09:34I think I put too much soap in
09:36Okay, well let me help
09:38Why don't I finish these off for you?
09:40I want to do it
09:41Okay, it's okay
09:42I'll, um, I'll try
09:44You alright?
09:46Do you think Mum would be happier if I do the dishes?
09:48Yeah, of course she will
09:52Okay, buddy, what's up?
09:54Mum's always mad at me
09:57Honey, no she's not
09:59What's making you think that?
10:02Look, I know that things have been tough lately with everything that's happened
10:05But your mum is not mad at you, not even a little bit
10:08What did happen?
10:11Well, you know that there was a horrible accident with Louisa
10:15Why was she here?
10:17Because she, she wasn't well
10:20In her mind
10:21Did she try to hurt Mum?
10:24What did she do?
10:26Um, well, she, she took Nick
10:30Yeah, she, she wanted to get her away from Cassie
10:33And from Knox
10:34Because she wanted Knox
10:37Did she try to kill Mum?
10:39What the hell?
10:41What are you doing?
10:45Well, I'll tell you in a short while, wait
10:47Thank you, Cassie
10:48How's Marty doing?
10:50Yeah, he's recovering alright
10:52When he's actually resting
10:53He's a terrible patient
10:54It was just the two coffees, right?
10:56Yes, thank you
10:57Hey, um, this might be a bit of a weird question
11:00But at my place, did you happen to see anything in the bin?
11:03Oh, sorry, I took the rubbish out
11:05Should I not have? Have you lost something?
11:07No, thank you
11:08Yeah, well, the kids had some snacks and it was kind of full
11:11So I thought, sorry if that was something I should
11:13No, no, it's fine, thank you for helping out
11:18So, Marty has drugs, am I saying?
11:21No, he binned them, she emptied it, it's pretty straightforward
11:26Please don't
11:27I am just as worried as you are
11:28Well, I am not worried because I trust him
11:37Gia, want a break?
11:39Um, I'm okay
11:41Why, because Emma was on your case?
11:45Look at him, he's fine
11:46I've got a break too, come on
11:47You can give me some more details
11:50Emma, could you check on Ron Jacobson for me when you get the chance?
11:53It's a definite concussion but I'm not sure if a scan is required
11:58You take over this for me
12:00AF with a query aortic stenosis
12:02She needs monitoring but nothing much we can do until PET scan
12:05Well, could be waiting for a while
12:07What's that?
12:08For the PET scan, they've got a huge backlog at the moment
12:10Oh, got her booked in this afternoon
12:13That alright with you?
12:15You booked her in easily?
12:17Yeah, not just her face really
12:23So, when's the next one?
12:25I don't know actually
12:27Has he texted?
12:28Uh, not really
12:29Not really, that's not a thing
12:31He either has or he hasn't, have you texted him?
12:32I don't have his number
12:34Oh, just too busy chatting and vibing for the admin, I love it
12:37Just stalk him all my life
12:39He doesn't have one, I don't think
12:41Oh, so you've booked, so she's keen
12:44Wait, so you guys have no way of contacting each other?
12:47Guess not
12:49Wait, how did you meet this guy again?
12:51Uh, here
12:52Oh, he works here?
12:53No, no, no, he was seeing a patient
12:56And what does he do?
12:58You know, he has big plans, options, but he's just figuring it out
13:02So he's unemployed
13:04Go girl, give us nothing
13:06Do you actually know anything about this guy?
13:08Yes, but he's, you know, kind of private I guess
13:11And you're totally sure he's not a serial killer?
13:14Okay, jeez, I'm not saying he is, but a few more details make a little bit less red flaggy
13:19It wasn't right to keep it from him, Nick
13:22That wasn't your choice to make
13:23He knew something was up
13:25Now what am I going to tell him?
13:27The truth
13:28Why would you go behind my back like that?
13:30I wasn't trying to go behind your back
13:32But you did, how can I trust you when you do things like that?
13:35Nick, come on, that's a bit unfair
13:38Is it? I need to be able to trust you
13:41Baby, you know you can
13:44Hey, talk to me
13:46I just really didn't want him to know
13:48I didn't mean to start a fight
13:50It's okay, honey, you didn't
13:52I just want things to be better like they were before Nathalie Anne died
13:57I know, I know, it's just sometimes when bad things like this happen
14:03We need to feel the hard feelings before we can feel better again
14:07Like when Walter died?
14:11Alright, come here
14:15What do you want to know about Louise and Steve?
14:18I'll leave you to it
14:20No, it's okay, stay, stay, I'm sure Belia wants to hear from both of us
14:30Well, I guess you want to go through the bin to check it
14:32I'm not digging through the rubbish, okay?
14:34I believe her and I believe you
14:37Honestly, I get why you didn't
14:40Yeah, how did we get here?
14:42Well, guess, all the lies that I told you
14:45Well, I'm not pointing any fingers
14:47I know, but I'm the only one to blame here, babe
14:49I just, I want to get back to who we were before this
14:54Yeah, me too
14:56No, no, careful
14:57Come here
14:58Look, I can't promise that I won't mess up again, babe
15:02But I can promise I'll always be honest, okay?
15:05And actually, maybe you could lie to me a few times just to even things up
15:08Okay, I'll see what I can do
15:10But seriously, I don't want us to be one of those couples who can't trust each other
15:13Yeah, me neither
15:15And I've got some making up to do, but I'm here for it, okay?
15:21Yeah, and can you please change Mr Holden's bedding?
15:25Great, he'd thank you if he could
15:28Okay, bye
15:31Hey, I just had a patient who needs a PET scan and it turns out they can get her in this afternoon
15:35Maybe I'll give them a call in my break then
15:38Oh, I'm glad you said that, because I've booked you in
15:40They're pretty free, so you can just head down whenever
15:43That's awesome, but I'm pretty chocka today
15:46I'll have to work overtime
15:48Minga, you never booked in
15:49I did
15:50Why are you lying?
15:51I did book in, but I got caught up in surgery
15:53Or did you just cancel?
15:56You're scared, aren't you?
15:58Well, that's good for you, but I'm scared, okay, that you'll delay this too long
16:02So promise me that you will get it done today
16:05Okay, sure, if it'll make you feel better
16:07It will
16:18Dinner tonight?
16:20I can't, I'll be packing
16:23Oh my god, sorry, it's been such a whirlwind, I can't remember who I have and haven't told
16:27I'm off to the US of A tomorrow
16:31Yeah, Logan's lonely and he needs me
16:34He asked you to go on holiday with him?
16:36Well, no, not in so many words, but I could tell
16:38And what's a road trip without a buddy?
16:39And what about your responsibilities here?
16:41What responsibilities? A chimp could literally answer the phone when I'm gone
16:44You need it here
16:45Oh, really? Esther said it's okay
16:48Yeah, okay, well, what about me?
16:49Yeah, we're fine without me for a few weeks
16:52I don't mean...
16:53Your ex calls you and I'm supposed to be okay with you dropping everything to run to him
16:58It's so not like that
17:00Then what's it like?
17:02It's like, he is one of my best friends and he has been there for me through so much
17:06And I just, I want to repay the favour
17:09You don't see what I'm seeing here
17:11No, I don't
17:12You still have feelings for him?
17:13No, seriously, why would you ask that?
17:15Here's my fanny pack
17:16Thank you
17:17And I've got a travel pillow at home too
17:19You read my mind
17:20And for me, please do not worry about Logan, he's just a freak
17:26Hey, I'm jealous too, I want to go to California
17:28Yeah, I'm not sure Monique would be keen on you crashing her holiday with her ex
17:34Are you okay?
17:39He's a friend, she's helping him out, and that's the kind of person she is
17:42Well, let's just hope they don't stop off in Vegas for a quickie wedding
17:46They were engaged, you do know that, right?
17:49Oh, you don't know that
17:57Hey, thanks for looking after the kids the other day
17:59It's fine, they're going else
18:02Of course
18:03Hey, um, Esther told me about you taking the bins out
18:06If I had known it was going to be a big deal, I wouldn't have
18:08No, no, no, I just, I just wanted to ask if that's really what happened
18:12What do you mean?
18:14There was medication in there, my pain meds
18:18So I threw them out, because I could feel myself slipping into a dangerous place
18:24And with everything you've been through, I'd understand if you attempted to use again too
18:28I didn't take them, I didn't even see them, I didn't, like, look through your rubbish
18:32You're not in any trouble, okay?
18:34And I'm not going to run to Maeve or Esther or anyone
18:36Well, you can talk to them, because I haven't done anything
18:39Look, all I did was take your bins out, and now I'm being accused of
18:42No, I'm not accusing you of anything
18:44I'm sorry, I'm just reaching out to let you know that I'm here
18:46If you want to talk
18:48There's not many people around here that know what it's like
18:51This stuff with Louisa has been crazy
18:54Yeah, I know, I'm sorry you've had to deal with that
18:57But I am not on drugs, okay?
19:04Maeve, you sure you're up for it?
19:06Yeah, I'm ready to come back, get back into my life
19:09Well, I gotta say, it'd be great to have you, but
19:12I don't want you pushing yourself if you're not ready
19:14I will be fine
19:18Hey, I gotta go, but welcome back
19:20Yeah, hey
19:22Um, I'm sorry for going off at you before
19:26Um, that stuff you were saying about trust
19:29I was upset
19:31You know you can trust me with anything, right?
19:35Of course
19:37Cassie's really trying, you know
19:39Nick, think about what she's been through
19:42She's just a kid
19:43She's not a kid
19:44Okay, cut her some slack
19:46If anyone understands what it's like
19:48Being targeted by Louisa, it's her
19:51You and her in this together
19:53I just don't want to give Louisa any more time or energy
19:56What do you mean?
19:58Now Belia knows we're all on the same page
20:01We can just move on
20:04Okay, yeah, but
20:06It's not going to happen straight away
20:08Why not? We'll just put it all behind us
20:11No, we just need to look forward
20:13Okay, we're all safe now, including Knox
20:16Soon it'll be like the whole thing never happened
20:23Okay, I've pulled up a lot of serial killers
20:25Is there any of these guys?
20:27Leave it, Sam
20:28Just like, nod if he comes up
20:31This guy can help you forget about your mystery man
20:34Oh, hi
20:35Hey, um, I was thinking about you this morning
20:38I realised I didn't get a number
20:39Oh yeah, I guess you didn't
20:41Yeah, so I thought I'd drop by
20:43Hi, I'm Sage
20:45Hey Sage, hi
20:47Um, had fun last night
20:48Me too
20:49Wow, sounds like the two of you should do it again sometime
20:52Oh, I like you Sage
20:54Got five minutes?
20:57Oh, go on
20:59I guess I could, uh, deal with a coffee
21:02Yeah, I was thinking more along the lines of fresher
21:07Hey, you didn't tell me he was drop-dead gorgeous
21:10Just keep it up
21:18You okay?
21:20It's go time
21:22Hey, it'll, you know, before you know
21:24I know how it works, okay, don't patronise me
21:27Um, no, I'll just shut up
21:29And I will be there waiting when you're done
21:32Drink some me, eh?
21:33Might make you regret that
21:39Ah, there's an emergency in geriatrics
21:41They've got a bunch of great nurses up there
21:43They need me
21:44They'll manage
21:45They won't
21:46I'll do the scan after
21:47No you won't, you need to get the scan today
21:49Billy, you're not the boss of me
21:51Is this just one big joke to you?
21:53Yeah, it's a laugh a minute
21:55Tumours don't just disappear if you ignore them
21:57They get bigger and they spread
21:58I can't believe I even have to say this
22:00I don't want to be told that I've got weeks or even days to live, alright?
22:05You need to know
22:07Your family needs to know
22:08And what about Junior?
22:10Don't play the Junior card
22:12Do you realise what you're pushing me into?
22:14What's waiting for me out there?
22:16Yeah, it could be fine
22:18But it could be the worst news of my life, Billy
22:20You want me to get a scan
22:22And then wait for someone to tell me whether or not I'm going to die
22:28Was everything okay last night?
22:30Sorry, what's that?
22:31Oh, when you left
22:33Yeah, yeah, no, it was all good
22:36So we're just walking around the car park or what?
22:39Oh no, I want to show you something
22:41Okay, I just can't be long
22:43Yeah, yeah, I'll just
22:49Oh my god
22:50He's been shot
22:52We've got to get him to where he did, drag him around the front
22:55He needs help
22:56We've got to get him inside
22:58No, no, you help him here
23:01If you don't help me, I will find someone else
23:04I'll drive off
23:06Yeah, if you go, I'm leaving, I'm taking him with me
23:09He will die if you do
23:11Okay, well you help him here, but don't help him at all