• 2 days ago
01:00Cicero, Cicero, are you there?
01:26Cicero, Cicero
01:37Meow, meow
01:45I'm hungry
01:48Cicero, Cicero
01:58Cicero, Cicero
02:17Cicero, Cicero
02:39Cicero, your father gave you that name, did you know that?
02:44He did? Really?
02:47Oh yes, he was a clever cat. Quite a fancy name he chose for you, huh?
03:14I see you in there
03:44It's softy's turn now
03:55Ring around the rosy, potty around the posy
04:02Ashes, ashes, we all fall down
04:07Are you ready?
04:14Ring around the rosy, potty around the posy
04:19Ashes, ashes, we all fall down
04:24Are you ready?
04:29Ring around the rosy, potty around the posy
04:34Ashes, ashes, we all fall down
04:39Ring around the rosy, potty around the posy
04:44Ashes, ashes, we all fall down
04:49Are you ready?
04:54Ring around the rosy, potty around the posy
04:59Ashes, ashes, we all fall down
05:04Ring around the rosy, potty around the posy
05:09Ashes, ashes, we all fall down
05:14Are you ready?
05:19Ring around the rosy, potty around the posy
05:24Ashes, ashes, we all fall down
05:49Saatchi, Saatchi
06:19Saatchi, Saatchi
06:49Saatchi, Saatchi
06:56Saatchi, Saatchi
07:03Saatchi, Saatchi
07:10Saatchi, Saatchi
07:17Saatchi, Saatchi
07:47Saatchi, Saatchi
07:54Saatchi, Saatchi
08:01Saatchi, Saatchi
08:08Saatchi, Saatchi
08:15Saatchi, Saatchi
08:22Saatchi, Saatchi
08:29Saatchi, Saatchi
08:36Saatchi, Saatchi
08:43Saatchi, Saatchi
08:50Saatchi, Saatchi
08:57Saatchi, Saatchi
09:04Saatchi, Saatchi
09:11Saatchi, Saatchi
09:18Saatchi, Saatchi
09:25Saatchi, Saatchi
09:32Saatchi, Saatchi
09:39Saatchi, Saatchi
09:46Saatchi, Saatchi
09:53Saatchi, Saatchi
10:00Saatchi, Saatchi
10:07Saatchi, Saatchi
10:15Saatchi, Saatchi
14:05Left and right engine thrust normal
14:08oil pressure normal
14:10Perspiration rate rising but steady brainwave activity stable
14:15The magazine I sometimes write for wanted a story on Zach Hugh better known as the god of death
14:21the uncrowned king of arena racing
14:25For nearly ten years. He dominated the action at La Circus few drivers survived more than a year or two on that fast track
14:32To hell Zach you had done more than survive. In fact, he seemed to thrive on defying the odds sooner or later
14:38He outraced or outlived them all he was the best anyone had ever seen his fans called him the man who would not die
14:55Stabilize Zach you're losing your lift pulse rate continuing to rise. We're getting some spiking in the brainwave scan
15:03By the time I saw number 37 race ten years of dancing with death night after night had begun to take its toll on his
15:10nerves and
15:11his mind
21:04My god, huh, what is it?
21:15Number 37 kept going past the finish line around and around the track picking up speed all the time
25:50Zach you was the best anyone had ever seen an
25:54Investigation into his death came up with nothing. It remains a mystery
25:59Soon after his last race they shut down the circus
26:03Nobody seemed to mind. Maybe they'd finally seen what they'd been coming to see all those years
27:01Five days ago rebels in the Republic of Arowana succeeded in overthrowing the government and replacing it with a revolutionary regime
27:08Yes, sir
27:08I'm aware of that
27:09Then I assume you also know that in that country at the headwaters of the Peraru River our project number
27:15444 has recently begun operations. Yes, sir
27:18Of course, this project gives us a toehold in a region
27:21That's a potentially limitless source of untapped natural resources ripe for exploitation
27:28Unfortunately, the public's new revolutionary regime is less sympathetic to our interests than the previous government three days ago
27:34they unilaterally abrogated our contract very
27:38Unfortunate unfortunate. Is that all you can say? They canceled us the entire projects been canceled
28:15Hope no cops run that red light boss
28:21Now listen Sujioka, here's the picture the rebels have ordered us to abandon the project
28:26They say they'll pay the penalty for breach of contract
28:29But only in installments over a period of 20 years 20 years. That's that's criminal, sir
28:35That's what we get for dealing with banana Republic's building project 444 was one of our most difficult
28:41Undertakings the site is a swamp
28:45Malaria doesn't get you the humidity will
28:47The raining season lasts forever it causes massive flooding
28:51When the floods recede the plants come back no matter how much clearing we do within six months. The area is jungle again
28:59Project 444 is operating budget is enormous. We sustain a huge financial loss every day. It remains online
29:05That's why we need someone to shut it down pack up all salvageable supplies and equipment and get the hell out
29:12What about our on-site personnel couldn't they just we've ordered our superintendent there to shut things down. Well, then I guess that's that
29:19Unfortunately the day we sent the order the superintendent disappeared. He hasn't been heard from since vanished problem is he's the only human being there
29:28The site is so remote and inhospitable that we use nothing but robot labor for day-to-day operations
29:33Why the dilemma sir?
29:35While we're sitting here a bunch of unsupervised robots are probably driving all of our equipment into the swamp
29:41That's why we're sending you to our awana
29:43Your job is to get up river and find that supervisor shut the project down and salvage as much of it as you can
29:50Don't disappoint us Suji. Okay. Yes, sir. I mean
30:23You the new superintendent
30:28This is a disaster just awful
30:34I am required to ask for your name and employee identification number
30:41Wait, where are you going?
30:49Really have to go so soon fellas. Hey, wait, don't leave
30:58Hey, why the rush fellas, come on come back
31:02I've never had to deal with such an unprofessional pair of barbarians. Look what they've done to my things
31:07Well, they're gonna pay for it if they've broken anything. I made it over their names and the license number of that boat
31:12I'm not a tourist they can take advantage
31:15Sir, not me. I am required to verify your name and employee identification number before allowing you to proceed
31:21Tell me your superintendent. Oh, what was his name? The one who disappeared? Do you have any idea what might have happened to him?
31:28Your reluctance to provide identification indicates that you are an unauthorized
31:34unauthorized personnel
31:38To be
31:39Authorized personnel are to be denied access to this facility the operational efficiency of this project must not be
31:46Show me to the residential quarters and we'll start sorting. I
31:49Prevent any interference with the operational efficiency of this plant
31:53I cannot allow you to proceed without verifying your name and employee identification number
32:00Employee number cx-86
32:04Identification verified
32:08Welcome superintendent. I am number four four four dash one. I am the project manager here good
32:14I'm going to be needing your help. You have had a long journey. I trust it was a pleasant one
32:22All directives from corporate headquarters are relayed by me to the superintendent the superintendents replies are in turn
32:29Relayed by me to corporate headquarters. I am responsible for all communications
32:39It is one of my prime functions to control all communications any attempt to circumvent that function could interrupt the operational efficiency of this project
32:48Here's something for you to communicate pass the word among all the worker units on this site. All operations are to stop immediately
32:56We're shutting down
32:58What where the hell you going?
33:00What are you doing? Come back here over this door
33:08Superintendent must be very tired after his long journey for now. He should rest. We will continue. Hurry orientation when he feels better
33:15I feel fine. What do you mean by locking me in here?
33:18Huh is full of creatures dangerous to human life for now. Wait, we may not until I return for you
33:34Has been posted on the wall, please study it carefully
33:40These robots are gone man, they're trying to kill me
34:03Have 30 minutes for breakfast this morning on-site inspection will begin at 1030 followed by a progress briefing in the data room at
34:111235 lunch will be at 135
34:48Am sorry to report that section 8 has fallen behind schedule
35:11Over there is section 8. I am sorry to report that section 8 has fallen behind schedule
35:38That's just great we've got a unit down there starting to fry
35:42The intensity of the work schedule has caused some overheating and so it
35:47It's insane
35:48Have you the slightest idea what one of those units is worth you stupid thing?
35:53Twice the gross national product to this whole country as project falls behind schedule
35:58We must press workforce to full limits of their capacities
36:01It is my directive to see that work is completed within the established time frame failure to stay on schedule
36:09Nobody cares about the stinking schedule is that clear so you could just stop running this equipment into the ground this project
36:16Being met that is my primary responsibility
36:19Any attempt to interfere with the operational efficiency of this project will be resisted
36:26I'm sorry
36:34This way superintendent if you will follow me we will now inspect section 14
36:43Hey, okay. Okay wait for me. I'm coming
36:53Have 30 minutes for breakfast this morning on-site inspection will begin at 1030 followed by a progress briefing in the data room at
37:001235 lunch will be at 135 at 215
37:03We will commence systems check today concentrating on hydraulic systems of engineering section 1 at 345
37:10You will be free to review any status reports not reviewed yesterday
37:46If you have finished your breakfast superintendent we can begin our inspection of section 17
38:14Hold it right there
38:18That's it I can't take any more of this I consider myself a calm and rational person, but this it's too much
38:26Stages one and two must be completed before onset of rainy season therefore work schedule for all units has been accelerated
38:35Accelerated are you mad who gave that order?
38:37I certainly didn't the assumption was that this decision would please you despite the fact that our
38:42Intensified efforts have led to loss of personnel due to abnormal wear and tear work will be finished on schedule
38:48So we lost a few huh?
38:50How many in all 20 robots as of today my best estimate is that we will have lost 24 by this time
38:57Supervisors gonna kill me listen. I'm the boss
39:01See and I order this project immediately terminated
39:11Superintendent your verbal outburst indicates to me that your presence here could prove detrimental to the operational efficiency of this facility
39:18If you continue to maintain this counterproductive attitude steps will be taken to it doesn't you honk a chunk?
39:24You're talking to me
39:30A threat to this project must be eliminated
39:33Eliminated wait a sec all further on-site inspections by superintendents have been canceled
39:51Good morning, and there will be no inspection today the superintendent may take as much time as he likes for breakfast
41:55Have brought superintendents his evening meal
42:01Super intend
42:22Like number four four four will be completed within established time frame there is nothing you can do to stop it
42:29My primary function has been fulfilled
42:52He's right still working I can't stop him wait
42:58I'll shut it down at the source. I'll terminate this project even if I have to destroy
43:10This cable will lead me right to it
