• 2 minutes ago
00:00So you, in the article, you talked about all these guys that stopped when they were in
00:07their seventies, that guy's nowhere near that.
00:11And you talked about how overwhelming the job is, how draining it is and how stressful
00:17it is.
00:19He was a great teacher as a coach.
00:25There's nothing he can do to impress me with this decision.
00:28I'm sorry.
00:29I'm not going to sit here and agree with any of it.
00:32I think he effed the whole program up nice and juicy.
00:35And what's going to happen in the aftermath of his bloodletting here?
00:40I mean, who's taking over?
00:41Remember, so Scott, if he had left in April, they would have had to go find a whole new
00:46roster because just about everybody that was wearing Virginia colors last year would have
00:52And then they would have had a difficult time assembling another roster.
00:55So that would have really put the problem at that spot.
00:58I think there may be some players who haven't spent a redshirt year who could, if they wished,
01:04decide to just say, OK, I'm not playing this year and I'm going to go somewhere else.
01:09But they may decide that they know Ron Sanchez.
01:13They've been around him now for five, six months.
01:15Maybe they'll decide that, and some for many more than that, but the new ones, the new
01:19players have met Ron and know him and have worked with him.
01:22And maybe they like him enough to stick around.
01:25So I don't think that he gave the program a rough ride.
01:29I do think that the players who had committed for him and who returned for him, I think
01:35that's tough.
01:36But like I said, somebody was going to get a tough deal in this.
01:40I just look at it, the main thing for me, the main takeaway for me is that there are
01:46lots of college coaches who still want to do this.
01:49The fact that Roy retired at 70 and Nick Saban retired, I think, 72 and Mike Krzyzewski
01:55retired at 75, it's not an unusual age to retire.
01:59That's pretty much what most people would have done with that amount of wealth and that
02:04age and experience.
02:06But there are lots of coaches who are in their 70s who are still going.
02:08I mean, Tom Izzo will turn 70 this year.
02:11Jim Laranega is in his 70s.
02:13Leonard Hamilton is 76.
02:15They're still hanging on.
02:16Why are they still doing it if it's so bad?
02:20I know that it's tough.
02:22I know that it's rougher than it's been.
02:24And it was always a difficult job because of the recruiting calendar.
02:28But I just I look at the fact that there's always somebody who wants to do it.
02:33College basketball 50 years ago, nearly 50 years ago, survived the departure of John
02:39And what happened, Scott?
02:40You know, it got way more popular, way more popular.
02:44So I just think that college basketball will survive Tony Bennett as well.
