• last year
Indian Silverbill Flock Sounds or White-Throated Munia Flock Sounds (Euodice malabarica) are typically soft and high-pitched, often described as twittering or chirping. These birds are social and tend to move in flocks, especially during non-breeding seasons. Their calls serve both communication within the group and as alarm signals when they detect threats.

The Indian Silverbill emits a variety of short, repetitive notes that may sound like "tit" or "tsee-tsee," which they use to maintain contact while foraging or flying. When in a large flock, these sounds can create a lively and continuous chorus as they move together, blending into a pleasant, rhythmic murmur in nature.

If you’re interested in recording or observing these flock sounds, early morning or late afternoon are the best times to experience their vocalizations as they are most active during these periods.

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