• 2 days ago
This lecture is about Sub say Barhaa Wazifa.
Kashif Mag.


00:00Audhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
00:06Anahmaduhu wa nasalli ala rasoolihil kareem.
00:10Imtihai qabili ithram saameen wa hazireen.
00:15Mujtse achi logon.
00:17Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
00:22We are going to recite Durood.
00:34Someone asked me,
00:40what is the biggest duty?
00:44I said, there are many duties.
00:50We should do them.
00:52But the biggest duty is Salah.
00:58The reason for that is,
01:03the Prophet of Allah, peace be upon him, said,
01:11the coolness of my eyes.
01:16So the eyes of the Prophet of Allah, peace be upon him, should be cool.
01:26What can be a bigger duty than this?
01:32Now Salah starts with
01:38Allah's praise and glorification.
01:41The greatness of Allah.
01:43Allah is great.
01:45Then we recite Salah.
01:47After that Surah Fatiha.
01:50There is a Hadith about Surah Fatiha.
01:56The Prophet of Allah, peace be upon him, said,
02:02There is no such Surah in the Bible, Zaboor, Torah, or Quran.
02:12This is the first complete Surah,
02:19which was revealed to the Prophet of Allah, peace be upon him, at Qalb-e-Athar.
02:26Before this, there were some verses,
02:28Surah Al-Qasas, Surah Muzammil, Surah Mudassir.
02:32But this is the complete Surah,
02:34from which the Quran was revealed.
02:37Surah Fatiha.
02:39Now this whole Surah is Dua.
02:43Every Muslim should understand its translation.
02:47What is it?
02:49This is Dua.
02:51So Salah starts with Dua.
02:54And ends with Dua.
02:58This is such a great duty.
03:00Then the Prophet of Allah, peace be upon him, said,
03:05Surah Fatiha is Shifa.
03:10Shifa is both spiritual and physical.
03:14So the Salah which starts with Shifa,
03:22is spiritual, physical, and spiritual.
03:27And when it starts, where does it start from?
03:32Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen.
03:35Praise, Glory, and Gratitude
03:41for the One Who nurtures more than two layers of the universe.
03:52There is Allah, and there is the Lord.
03:56There is the Creator, and He is providing sustenance to the creation.
04:02He has not left the creation helpless.
04:06He is providing sustenance.
04:08Some people, like Pharaoh and Nimrod,
04:12will be controlled by that sustenance.
04:15And others will not get it.
04:17But Allah is providing sustenance to everyone.
04:21Now the system, the destruction of the system,
04:25all matters come into this.
04:28Then it is said,
04:30Ar Rahmanir Raheem
04:32Both are equal to one another.
04:34Meaning, the One who is very Merciful.
04:40And then,
04:42He is Merciful and Just.
04:46Qiyamah, the Day of Judgment,
04:52The One who is Just and Merciful,
04:55the One who does justice.
04:57And then,
04:59the One who is Merciful,
05:03that justice will also be just.
05:08Then, a very powerful verse is coming.
05:16Iyyaka Naabidu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen
05:20We worship only You,
05:24and seek help only from You.
05:28Here, the word, He,
05:30is the translation of Iyyaka Naabidu.
05:33The translation of Iyyaka is He.
05:37We worship only You,
05:40and seek help only from You.
05:43The translation of Iyyaka Naabidu is
05:48We worship only You,
05:51and seek help only from You.
05:53The translation of Iyyaka Naabidu is
05:56Iyyaka Naastaeen
05:59We worship only You,
06:02and seek help only from You.
06:08Here, the word, He,
06:11is the translation of Iyyaka Naabidu.
06:18Then, it is said,
06:21Ahdana As Sirata Al Mustaqeem
06:23Allah is telling us to say this.
06:25Ahdana As Sirata Al Mustaqeem
06:29He is telling us to walk on the straight path.
06:35The meaning of Hidayat is
06:38to tell the whereabouts of someone.
06:41This is also Hidayat.
06:43To guide someone.
06:45This is also Hidayat.
06:47Then, to put someone on the straight path.
06:50This is also Hidayat.
06:52And then, to take them to the destination.
06:55This is also Hidayat.
06:57So, all three Hidayat are combined here.
07:00Ahdana As Sirata Al Mustaqeem
07:03To show the path,
07:05and to walk on that path.
07:07Without your permission,
07:09we cannot see the path,
07:11nor can we walk,
07:12nor can we reach the destination.
07:14Ahdana As Sirata Al Mustaqeem
07:17Sirata Al Lazeena An Amta Alaihim
07:20Ghairil Maghdoobi Alaihim Walad Daaleen
07:24Meaning, the path of those people
07:28upon whom you have been blessed,
07:31upon whom you have been blessed.
07:34Meaning, the path of those people,
07:37who were on the straight path.
07:40In Surah Nisa,
07:42Salihin, Shuhda, Nabi and Siddiqin
07:47Those people, who knew the path themselves,
07:50and were on the right path,
07:52we walked on their path.
07:54On the top of the list,
07:56Muhammad Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is mentioned.
08:01An Amta Alaihim
08:03And these are the people,
08:05upon whom we will walk,
08:08we will reach the destination,
08:10which has been mentioned.
08:12Ghairil Maghdoobi Alaihim Walad Daaleen
08:16which I have read.
08:18And we do not need their path.
08:21We are saved from their path, O Allah,
08:24Those who were misguided,
08:26and upon whom You were angry.
08:28So this is the prayer,
08:30in which we pray,
08:32in every Nafl,
08:34in every Sunnah,
08:35in every Fard,
08:37in every funeral,
08:38in every Namaz,
08:39in Surah Fatiha.
08:41This is the prayer we pray.
08:44Then you can add any Surah to it.
08:48But this prayer,
08:50it is necessary to understand it.
08:53Whatever has been said,
08:56O Allah, accept it.
08:58This is the meaning of it.
09:01Now here, it is very necessary to understand
09:05that this prayer started from here,
09:08the prayer started from here,
09:10then we went to Raku,
09:12then after that,
09:17Allah is saying,
09:23I have heard what Allah has said,
09:27which you have praised.
09:30What a quick response!
09:33That is,
09:34after Raku,
09:35standing together,
09:36the response came.
09:38Then after that,
09:41you do Sajdah,
09:43then the second Rakaat,
09:45then the third,
09:46then the fourth,
09:47then the fourth Rakaat,
09:48then the third Rakaat.
09:49At the end,
09:51Atahiyat is recited.
09:53In that,
09:54Durood and Salam is sent to the Prophet.
09:57Now that Namaz,
09:59which starts with Kibriya,
10:02and ends with the Prophet's message,
10:06and Durood is sent to it,
10:09then you should pray for yourself,
10:11what is a bigger duty than this?
10:14And the coolness of the Prophet's eyes,
10:18that Namaz,
10:20and the firmness of the religion,
10:22that Namaz,
10:24as much as the Prophet of this Namaz,
10:28has emphasized,
10:31we should be more heedless of it.
10:34This is a very sad situation.
10:37The Namaz which is the peace of the heart,
10:41the Namaz which Allah likes,
10:44the Namaz which the Prophet likes the most,
10:47we should be more heedless of that Namaz,
10:51more heedless of that Namaz,
10:54someone recites 3,
10:56we should think that we have recited it completely,
10:58someone recites 4,
10:59someone recites 2,
11:00someone does not recite at all,
11:01and then we say that we are Muslims.
11:05This is a very sad situation.
11:08Then we say that we are Muslims.
11:13in Surah Fatihah,
11:15the verse,
11:16Iyyaka na'bidu wa iyyaka nastayn,
11:19I will discuss this in detail in another session,
11:23this is a very big part of Iman.
11:26So the biggest duty,
11:29in my opinion, is Namaz.
11:31And after this,
11:33we should do all the other duties,
11:36and we should not make any objections.
11:40at least,
11:42for this,
11:43we should take out 10 minutes,
11:45which is the biggest duty,
11:46which is the pride of Allah,
11:48which is the expression of His love,
11:52The Prophet of Tauheed and Ishq is in this.
11:55So, pray to Allah,
11:56may Allah enable me and you,
11:58to do what I have said,
12:01Sallallahu ta'ala ala khairi khalqaihi muhammadin wa alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in
12:05bi rahmatika ya rahmatullah
