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00:00You're watching Game Show Network!
00:30Let's all play What's My Line!
00:42And now let's meet this week's What's My Line panel. First, one of showbiz's busiest clowns, Soupy Sales!
00:49Thank you, Johnny Olsen. And here is the brilliant young actress model who has made such a great headway on this show that we've invited her back for the third day, Miss Gail Sheldon.
01:05Thank you. A Russell by any other name wouldn't be as witty as ours. Nipsey Russell.
01:20Robinson Crusoe had his man Friday who could do many things, all of them useful. We have our girl every day who is many things, all of them beautiful, Miss Arlene Francis.
01:40Thank you. And now here he is fresh from spring planting in Washingtonville, an example himself of when knighthood was in flower, Wally Brunner.
02:09Thank you, Arlene. And welcome to What's My Line. During the next 30 minutes, you're going to meet some interesting people engaged in unusual occupations, which we hope will baffle... I don't know if I really should use this panel of experts or not.
02:22Not this week. Not this week. All right. We're going to baffle this panel of...
02:26Dumb-dumbs. Dumb-dumbs. Okay. And then later on, they're going to face a mystery celebrity guest. We'll see if we can't get them stumped that way also. But are you all ready?
02:36Well, we might as well see how poorly you can do today. So will our first challenger enter and sign in, please?
02:42John Pescapone.
02:52Mr. Pescapone, where are you from?
03:03Laconia, New Hampshire.
03:04All right. Panel, I'll tell you that John Pescapone is a world champion. Now, you'll have to figure out at what he is world champion, but first, let's show the audience just what John's title is.
03:15So now we're off to find out just what this championship is, and let's begin with Gail Sheldon.
03:31This thing that you're a world champion of, do you do this indoors?
03:36That's one down. Nipsey Russell.
03:38When you say world champion, were you in any way involved in the recent Olympic Games?
03:45That's two down.
03:47Mr. Pescapone, you come from a country that is a great skiing country. Does your championship have anything whatsoever to do with the great outdoor sport?
03:59Of skiing, you mean?
04:01That's three down. Suvi?
04:03Mr. Pescapone, this championship, do you, in this championship, ever leave the ground?
04:12That's four down.
04:13Gail, hey, you're doing brilliant.
04:18Is there a vehicle involved in what you do?
04:22Whoops, whoops, whoops, whoops.
04:28Thanks a lot.
04:32Is this vehicle electric?
04:35That's five down. Nipsey Russell.
04:37Would this vehicle, which is involved in your sport and your sport itself, assuming that it is a sport, be more in one season of the year than another?
04:49Would that season be the winter season?
04:54Does it have anything to do with a motor-driven ski process?
05:00That's six down. Arlene?
05:04Does it have anything, however, to do with snow and ice and so forth?
05:10Is a vehicle that you work with, is it anything in the sled family or toboggan family?
05:23Are you a toboggan champion?
05:26No, sled champion, of course.
05:27That's seven down. Supi?
05:28Are you a bobsled champion?
05:32That's eight down. Gail?
05:33Snowmobile champion?
05:36That's nine down. Nipsey?
05:38Not snowmobiles. Are you one of those nuts that get naked in the dead of the cold of the winter and go out and call the, what do they call them, the polar bears, naked swimming in the winter champion?
05:50Naked swimming in the winter champion? No. Can anyone mush this one out?
05:56Oh, a dogsled champion!
05:58That's right.
06:09John, I gave them one extra guess, so you have won the game. Don't worry about that. Nipsey was just a little too late.
06:15But isn't, doesn't a dogsled run on a ski or a runner, that's what I meant, but it's not motor driven, I see.
06:21It's not motor driven.
06:22I see.
06:23It's dog driven.
06:25You're the youngest person to ever hold the championship, aren't you?
06:28And may I ask your age?
06:31Well, what did you have to do to win?
06:33It's a three-day race. You race 20 miles each day for three days.
06:38How many dogs do you use?
06:40I had 15.
06:42What kind are they?
06:43They relieve each other? The huskies?
06:45No, you use the same dogs.
06:47Use the same dogs.
06:48How long does the race last?
06:49A little over an hour each day for 20 miles.
06:54So you cover 20 miles each day and 60 miles in the full course?
06:59And how fast does the sled go then? About 20 miles an hour?
07:02Yes, about 18, 20.
07:04Is this over rough country?
07:05Yes, through roads and lakes, woods.
07:10How much of that time are you running on your own foot power?
07:15Not too much. On the hills and where it's hotter going.
07:22But dog sledding really started in Alaska during the gold rush days.
07:25I mean, Jack London really told us about it back then.
07:28Yes, yes.
07:29Well, John has brought some film along with him showing dog sled teams in action.
07:34And I think we'd all be interested in seeing it.
07:36And John, perhaps you can watch and explain.
07:38Well, this is in Laconia at the world's championship start, the main street.
07:44They have the main street all closed off for this.
07:47They put snow down on the roads.
07:49This is just part of the trail on some of the roads.
07:54Are the dogs hard to handle?
07:56No, they're trained and they know what to do.
08:01Is the lead dog really the boss?
08:04He's the one that, you know, tells them what direction you're going.
08:09You tell him.
08:10I mean, does he sort of keep the rest of the line?
08:12Yes, yes. This is part of the woods trail.
08:19How many compete in this as a rule?
08:21Oh, it was around 40 in this race.
08:24Are you racing against other teams or against the clock?
08:27Against the clock, the best time.
08:31And they're Huskies, aren't they?
08:34Do you have to carry your food along for the dogs?
08:36I mean, sort of like the fuel?
08:39No, you come in every night and take care of them.
08:43It's like cross racing or something like that.
08:45Boy, they're beautiful in the countryside up there.
08:48It's great, too.
08:49Be a good place to race.
08:50And what did you win by winning, becoming the world champion?
08:53This particular race, it was $1,400.
08:57And they give you trophies, the governor's trophy.
09:03This is the finish in Maconia.
09:05Is this your team here?
09:07I can't tell, no.
09:17Well, John, let's go up to the panel and run the game,
09:19and the delightful Gaston wants my word.
09:21Thank you very much.
09:34We'll be back to meet another challenger
09:36as What's My Line continues.
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11:53man and woman against the inflatable circus clowns.
11:56The action never ends on the Game Show Network Action Hour.
11:59Stay at four on Game Show Network.
12:01Wilson, well, here we go again.
12:03Are you ready?
12:04Let's meet our next challenger.
12:06Oh, we're going to send up rockets, you know, if you finally come through.
12:09Meet our next challenger.
12:10Would you enter and sign in, please?
12:36And, Miss Gorino, where are you from?
12:37Los Angeles, California.
12:39All right.
12:40Panel, may I tell you that Barbara Gorino performs a service.
12:43Let's show the audience just what her line is.
12:47And I'll tell you that Miss Gorino is salaried, deals in a service,
12:51and let's begin with Soupy.
12:54Um, Barbara, this service that you do,
12:57is it, uh, is it a service that I would come to you for?
13:03Would, uh, Gayle, could she come to you for a service?
13:07Would, uh, Gayle, could she come to you for a service?
13:11Would, uh, Gayle, could she come to you for a service?
13:15Would, uh, Gayle, could she come to you for this service?
13:18When I come to you for this service, uh, do you touch me any time?
13:25Um, sometimes.
13:27Well, when you...
13:28She could.
13:30I would love that.
13:31Um, when, when you, uh, the service that you do when you touch me,
13:37uh, all right, let's drop that.
13:41Oh, second thought, let's don't.
13:43Uh, when you touch me, is it, uh, is it beneficial to me in your service?
13:52Oh, I guess it could be.
13:55I don't think it's really important to decide whether or not it's beneficial or not.
13:59I don't think it would help you.
14:00I can't get my arm down.
14:02Uh, okay.
14:03Barbara, this service, uh, is it always performed on the inside?
14:08That's one down.
14:09Gayle Sheldon.
14:10Barbara, do you perform this service before, uh, more than one person at the same time?
14:16I mean, could you perform it for a group of people?
14:19Gayle, I don't think that would really be pertinent.
14:21Okay, fine.
14:23All right, um, would I feel better after you'd perform this service?
14:31But I would say in the classic sense, probably not.
14:34Wouldn't you, Barbara?
14:41Um, there might be times when you'd enjoy it, and there might be times when you would not.
14:45That's not good.
14:47I think that's about the most honest way we can put it, isn't it?
14:50Would you give me any type of advice?
14:56Would you teach me how to do anything?
15:00No. That's two down. Nipsey.
15:03Uh, this service which you perform says it's done for a salary.
15:06I assume you work for a company.
15:08Could that company be some form of government, city, state, or federal?
15:13It is.
15:14Um, do you wear clothing other than what you're wearing now when you're in the performance of this service?
15:23Yes. Uh, sometimes.
15:27Does it have anything to do with, uh, administration of some kind of therapy?
15:37No. Three down. Arlene.
15:40Does it have anything to do with policing anything?
15:45Are you, uh, a policewoman? Would that be your title? You are a policewoman that does something special?
15:54I think we have to give it to you. Meet Sergeant Barbara Torino.
15:58Oh, Sergeant.
16:12You see, I thought that a sergeant would normally wear a uniform of some kind, a police sergeant.
16:18She says she wears one sometimes.
16:20You know, I might say that she's a slick chick dick.
16:27But how long have you been with the L.A. Police Department?
16:30About five years.
16:31You know, we always see the television series, you know, uh, where they always have the rough and tough police sergeants
16:37sitting up behind the desk pounding the table and so forth.
16:41Uh, Barbara, you don't fit, you know, you don't fit the script.
16:44That's my job.
16:46What kind of reaction?
16:47Well, I'm a detective desk sergeant and we work playing clothes and we handle investigations of crimes that occur in the division.
16:55Are people surprised when you tell them, when you finally identify yourself?
17:00A lot of guys run around saying, pinch me, pinch me.
17:05Well, what's your future as a policewoman?
17:08Well, presently, uh, the highest rank we can achieve is sergeant.
17:13But I hope in the near future we'll be allowed to become lieutenants in higher ranks.
17:18I'd like to work other areas of the department.
17:21There are a number of areas.
17:22Soupy, would you like you to work in his area? I know that.
17:25Well, Barbara, you didn't stump the panel and I, we should send up rockets today because they, they guessed your occupation.
17:32But you're a delightful guest and thank you so much for joining us on What's My Line.
17:50We'll be back to meet our mystery guest as What's My Line continues.
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19:24And now it's time to Increase Your Word Power with Game Show Network.
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19:39Or a member of the aristocracy.
19:41See Pat Sajak.
19:42You can, in fact, see Sajak every weekday on Game Show Network.
19:46Watch Wheel of Fortune 1045-ish AM Eastern Time.
19:49Increase Your Word Power is a public service brought to you by Game Show Network.
19:55And now we've reached that very special part of What's My Line?
19:57The time we meet our mystery guest, panel of the blindfolds securely in place.
20:02All right, mystery challenger, would you enter and sign in, please?
20:07Our mystery guest has arrived, panel, as you can well tell.
20:31I'll remind you that it's one question at a time.
20:33I'll give you three minutes to try and establish our mystery guest's identity.
20:36And let's begin with Arlene.
20:38Thank you, Wally.
20:40Would your name be found in the entertainment pages of the newspaper?
20:44Das ist right.
20:46Das ist right.
20:48Are you well known because you're seen frequently on television?
20:54It's possible.
20:57I would say that certainly there's a degree of renown through appearances on television.
21:03Do you also work in motion pictures?
21:09You don't work in motion pictures, and I can see you're not much on TV from the way you answer.
21:13So maybe it's music or standing up, talking or dancing.
21:18Are you a variety performer?
21:20Why don't you break it down?
21:21All right.
21:22You ask about four questions there in one.
21:25You play or sing music?
21:27Yes, I do.
21:29Make records.
21:30Arlene, one question at a time.
21:33Are you appearing in a hotel in New York?
21:41No, thank heaven.
21:45And it's on Jimmy Rogers.
21:47Are you a recording artist?
21:51Das ist also right.
21:55Are you a pop singer?
22:01It's a no.
22:03Well, I asked if he sang or played music.
22:05If he's not a singer, then I guess he must be a musician.
22:09Is that your question?
22:11Are you a musician?
22:13You play an instrumental musician?
22:15Yes, I am.
22:19Is your...
22:23Is it the piano?
22:29Are you the great piano player Peter Nero?
22:32Yes, indeed.
22:47I just...
22:49It was really funny.
22:50Coming down the studio, I heard your record of...
22:55From your album, a new one.
22:58I've got to be me.
23:00I've got to be me.
23:01That's it.
23:02Are they playing that now?
23:03I'm glad to hear that.
23:05I'm glad to hear it.
23:06You are fantastic.
23:07Thank you very much.
23:08They're even selling quite a few of Peter's.
23:10It just came out yesterday.
23:12It was on...
23:13It worked.
23:14The record stores?
23:16Well, on the way back today, I was walking up Broadway with Supi.
23:17And Supi said, I have to stop in the record store.
23:20And he did.
23:21So I...
23:22And they were playing Peter's album there.
23:24Well, I heard it on the radio today coming in.
23:27But this is a new label for you, isn't it, Peter?
23:30It's a long association for me, I hope.
23:32I've done 25 albums.
23:33This is my 26th now for a new company.
23:36You know what?
23:37I saw Thanksgiving.
23:39I was in Las Vegas.
23:40And I saw Peter at the Riviera.
23:42And in a nightclub, he's...
23:44Well, in concert.
23:46He is just brilliant.
23:49He's exciting.
23:51And he plays good piano, too.
23:55I heard Supi's new record.
23:57And I got to tell you, it's the funniest thing I've ever heard, Supi.
24:00That was a mutual admiration.
24:01I hope you meant it to be so.
24:02Well, what is this?
24:03A mutual thing you two have going here?
24:05No, he doesn't know that I heard it.
24:06He doesn't know.
24:07Yeah, I don't know he heard it.
24:08But your new album is on Columbia, right?
24:10That's right.
24:11And I'm sure, Peter, it'll go, go right on up.
24:15And something I want to ask.
24:17You're probably...
24:18Well, you're undoubtedly one of the greatest jazz pianists of all time.
24:21Who is your...
24:22Who are you a fan of?
24:25Thanks for what you say.
24:26I do...
24:27I play other things besides jazz.
24:29I don't consider myself solely a jazz pianist.
24:31So I thank you for what you say.
24:32Well, I think I compliment you with my...
24:35With what I like best about what you do.
24:37But who is your...
24:39I think any pianist will tell you that Art Tatum, the late Art Tatum, is still the lord.
24:45The great Art Tatum.
24:47Well, it's...
24:48I don't...
24:49I've heard...
24:50As an old disc jockey, I've heard Art Tatum many times.
24:52I don't think Art Tatum had anything on Peter Nero.
24:53Are you an old disc jockey?
24:54I'm an old disc jockey.
24:55You don't look like an old disc jockey.
24:56I'm a pretty old disc jockey, but we won't get into that.
24:58Peter, thank you for joining us.
25:01Peter Nero!
25:16Watch my line.
25:17We'll continue right after this word.
25:19It's about love.
25:20These are my measurements.
25:21Don't freak out.
25:22You get smaller as you go down.
25:24It's about marriage.
25:26How many times will your wife say the two of you made love on your honeymoon?
25:30It's about laughter.
25:32Join Jim Lang for love.
25:34It's really, really groovy.
25:35And Bob Eubanks for marriage.
25:37Side by side.
25:38The dating game and the newlywed game.
25:40I've just given you bachelor number two.
25:42What are you going to do with it?
25:44Go dancing.
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27:50You're watching Game Show Network,
27:52where What's My Line continues with Larry Blyden,
27:54followed by Password and Card Shark.
28:00Now, panel, the audience demands honest answers
28:02to questions that they have submitted.
28:04The first one from Janie Leakowitz to Arlene Francis.
28:07Do you like the new trends in movie and plays
28:10with all the nudity, and would you appear nude in a movie or play?
28:19I don't like either the trends or the bends
28:22in nude pictures or nude theater.
28:25No, I do not, and it's not because I'm old-fashioned in my ideas.
28:30It's because I think if that's all they have to show us,
28:33anybody can do it.
28:43I think one or two people in our audience agree with you.
28:46One or two people in the audience are nude.
28:50But thank you, panel. That was a great honest answer.
28:59Well, I think you're all to be congratulated.
29:02Not only did you guess the mystery guest,
29:04but also the police sergeant today,
29:06and for the first time this week, I can say
29:08that means you're qualified to try again tomorrow.
29:11Why don't you join us, too, for What's My Line?
29:18This is Donnie Olson speaking for What's My Line,
29:21a Mark Goodson, Bill Todman production.
29:48Same show, different time.
29:50What's My Line continues now with Larry Blyden
29:53here on Game Show Network.
