• last year
We're playing the most extremes games of hide and seek in this video like camouflage hide and seek, hide and seek in boxes, and hide and seek in the world's largest bounce. Subscribe if you want to be in one of our videos too!



00:00Today we're playing the most extreme games of hide-and-seek like hiding fully camouflaged you see me extreme hide-and-seek in
00:071,000 boxes
00:10But first we're playing extreme camouflage hide-and-seek and to help us blend into our hiding spots
00:15We even hired professional makeup artists, but to make it fair for the seekers. We have to hide in plain sight
00:20We have five minutes starting now
00:27What if I hide right here and get my face painted like a rock like they did in Hunger Games
00:31Wait, I like tight places and it's black. Oh
00:37I think I'm gonna hide right here. Okay, you know what? I think it's too obvious
00:40This is gonna be the first place they look so I'm gonna put a decoy to waste some time
00:43I got to find another hiding spot and Caleb wasn't the only one to come up with this idea in order to distract Alex
00:49We all set up dummies and booby traps to run his time out
00:55That actually looks really good. It almost looks like a real person. We could use a decoy here and waste another 30 seconds perfect
01:04This is definitely gonna look like a real person. Oh, I have an idea. All right, geez if I saw this
01:09I would just scream and quit the challenge
01:12With time running out people even started to fight over the same hiding spot
01:16Come on
01:23Now that we only have two minutes left it was time for us to take our final hiding spots
01:27All right. I'm thinking since there's a bunch of lawn chairs here
01:30I could put one of these out and become a chair and I'll be the other leg like this
01:34Oh, this actually might be a good spot. The last place Alex and Kat would look at the fruit table
01:38This spot actually might be scientifically possible
01:40Maybe the makeup artist can paint me to match this mega wall. They'll still paint me if I'm naked, right?
01:45I'm gonna be a car seat and then I'm gonna use this as a decoy on the other seat
01:50She's gonna think it's just a dummy. If I can get my hands on waterproof paint
01:53I can be perfectly camouflaged and no one's gonna find me
02:02All right, everybody found a spot right good cuz times up and makeup is ready to be applied
02:09After two hours of getting our body painted we were all wondering the same question. I'm catching a cramp, you know much longer
02:16That's fine. I'll just be reading my book on women's suffrage. Oh, I got it memorized in here
02:30If you're a fruit you'd be a fine apple
02:35Guys how do I look perfect?
02:38And with that it was time to hide
02:44If I was walking by I would not be able to see
02:48Laughs because my cheeks are being glued shut
02:51I'm gonna put this decoy mannequin in the pool. So once they find this they won't even bother looking for me
02:56Sometimes my genius is frightening in case you guys are wondering how I'm holding my breath. I have this straw right here
03:13That is literally the perfect hiding spot look at this little trick alone in prison hiding in plain sight
03:23I'm right here
03:28Subscriber you also kind of see
03:34So it's finally time for me and Kat to find everyone but the role is if we find everyone in under 20 minutes we get
03:54I'm really hoping that's not actually somebody's not wearing pants
04:01Oh the car's here, that's nice
04:07The car shots in trouble, I don't think that's anybody well, this is gonna be harder than I thought in the bushes
04:13I would hide in the bushes
04:15Is that my heart is beating so fast? I thought she was gonna sit on me
04:20Is that somebody?
04:22My first person
04:26Oh my god, who's on the roof?
04:28Is that somebody?
04:30Alright Kat, 15 more minutes
04:3215 more minutes? I haven't even found anybody
04:40That's not even anybody
04:42What is this?
04:44Fruits in case I get hungry
04:46Don't have any smart ideas Alex
04:48Stay away from
04:50Well, maybe you need fruits
04:52How does she not see me?
04:54See this is where I would hide
04:56But everyone's just trying
04:58There's not even anyone here
05:00Anybody in here?
05:02Six minutes now
05:04Six minutes and I haven't found anyone? Is there anyone even here?
05:06You may have to go through that punishment
05:08Okay, let's look on the other side of the yard
05:10There's a person floating in the pool
05:12Don't creep that in
05:14That's not a person
05:16I'm wasting time
05:20Okay, let's go over here
05:22Oh my god
05:24There's someone
05:30Alan just got out
05:32He's right across from me
05:34I thought I had the best hiding spot
05:36I had to itch myself so bad
05:38And 12 minutes left
05:40That was such a good hiding spot
05:42I'm actually mad
05:44What's the matter?
05:56I just heard Bakio
05:58I think he just got found
06:00I'm running out of time
06:02Can you please help me find somebody?
06:04I can help you find
06:08Stay where you are
06:10Okay, there could be someone right there
06:12I'm looking
06:22They're wasting my time with all these decoys
06:24I don't have a lot of time
06:26We have to keep looking
06:34I'm going to get inside
06:42Damn it
06:44This is so creative
06:46I thought you saw me like 3 times
06:50I thought he had the best spot
06:52There's 3 people left
06:54I'm definitely next
06:56This would be really creepy if somebody was here
06:58But no one is
07:00I'm going to go look over here
07:06You're not tricking me
07:08How many people have I found for you?
07:107 minutes
07:123 more people left
07:14I feel like I've looked everywhere
07:20I'm going to have to double check everything again
07:32Did I hurt you?
07:34Oh my god
07:36She was smacking my pumpkin
07:38I'm so sorry
07:40How did she find him?
07:42I think I got a concussion
07:52Genuinely, I don't know
07:544 minutes
07:56I'm going up on the roof
07:58I don't think it can support you
08:02Just this stupid thing
08:04In plain sight
08:06They could be anywhere
08:10Whoever these 2 people are hiding
08:12Have the best spot
08:14I'm looking everywhere and I can't find them
08:20Oh my god
08:22The last person has to have a better hiding spot than that
08:24I guess
08:26I have the best one
08:28That means I'm the only one left
08:30Sean is honestly
08:32Sean would be the last one
08:34I just have to last 2 more minutes
08:36He has to be somewhere crazy
08:38Like dangling from a tree
08:42Sean I need to find you
08:46How much money is on the line?
08:50Where is Sean?
08:52I don't know
09:00He's hiding somewhere by the land
09:02We don't have a lot of time
09:04One more minute left
09:20I know it's you
09:22You're in there Sean
09:24Please don't be a mannequin
09:28I don't care if I win
09:30I want you to sit on me
09:34It's mine
09:36I don't know about that
09:38I feel like Alex definitely paused the time
09:40That was like 25 minutes
09:44I won it fair and square
09:46Girl power
09:48And with that
09:50It was finally time to move on to the next game
09:52We finally got the pain off of us
09:54And for this game we're going to play
09:56You guys have over 100 boxes
09:58Throughout this house to hide in
10:00Meanwhile I only get 20 attempts to find everyone
10:02You have 5 minutes
10:04Go and hide
10:06Let's go
10:10By the way if I fail
10:12I have to go through an extreme punishment
10:14I'm going to set up a decoy and hopefully
10:16It wastes one of Alex's attempts when I make it super obvious
10:22He never said we couldn't move the boxes
10:24I'm in the bow
10:26I'm in the bow
10:28There's way too many people hiding in the front
10:30So I'm going to hide in the back
10:32I'm going to hide in the purple one but I'm going to put my jacket in the green one
10:34To trick Alan
10:36He's going to think I'm here
10:40Wait where are you hiding
10:42In Tyler's house
10:50I'm trying to get as far away from Alan as possible
10:52So I'm going to the roof
10:54There's so many boxes up here
11:10I'm on the balcony right now and there's a lot of boxes up here
11:12So I think I'm going to hide in here
11:18I was here first
11:20This is my damn box
11:22This is my box
11:24And we're going to have to fight for it
11:26You want this box
11:34I have to find a spot to hide
11:40I'm going in this orange one
11:44We have 30 seconds left
11:50He'll never expect to look in the box closest to where we all started
11:54I'm picking this one and I'm going to put it inside the pool
12:02I can't believe I can breathe under here
12:04It's too cold for Alan to get in the pool
12:06I'm not going to get found
12:08It's been 5 minutes so ready or not here I come
12:14Here I come
12:20Every round I'll get to spin this giant wheel
12:22That will determine which weapon I get to hit the boxes with
12:24Some of these weapons are going to be deadly
12:26So if there's someone inside they better watch out
12:28Now that everyone's in their hiding spots
12:30I'm going to see which weapon I get first
12:34A car
12:36I'm using this car to hit those boxes in front of me
12:38So whoever's hiding in there better come out
12:40Because he's using a car
12:44That was freaking crazy
12:46You could have hit me
12:48I could have been in there
12:50I could have hit you
12:52We already found a person
12:54So let's see what weapon I get next
12:56There's 6 people left now
12:58It's time to find a new weapon
13:00A catapult
13:02They're launching a catapult
13:04So I have the catapult here with me now
13:06And this thing is very unpredictable when it fires
13:08So I'm going to aim for one of these boxes right around here
13:12I think someone fell asleep in here
13:14They're about to wake up with a concussion
13:163, 2, 1
13:22That definitely hit something just now
13:28What is this thing?
13:30They even put a shoe on it
13:32That's actually clever
13:34I didn't find anyone that last round
13:36So let's see what weapon I get next
13:38There it is, there it is
13:40He's into the pool
13:42The issue is
13:44I don't know how to do one
13:46I will
13:52Take your time
13:54I'm coming
13:56Whoever's in the box
13:58Last chance to come out
14:10You're eliminated
14:12I spent one hour in these waters for nothing
14:14My balls are cold
14:162 down, 5 more to go
14:18Let's see who else we can get out
14:20A bowling ball
14:22So I made it all the way to the roof
14:24And I'm going to drop this bowling ball on some boxes
14:26If there's someone in any of these boxes
14:283, 2, 1
14:34I think I might have just knocked someone out
14:36I'm going to see if they're okay
14:38I'm scared of heights
14:44That's why it made such a loud sound
14:46Split his body in half
14:48Let's see what weapon I get next
14:50A snake
14:52We have a snake now, a giant 20 foot snake
14:54In case you guys can't hear me
14:56We're going to put it inside one of the boxes
14:58And get someone to jump out
15:00This thing bites too, right?
15:02That's Alex's jacket right there
15:04And I know for a fact
15:06He left it over there as a distraction
15:08Which means he's hiding in one of these boxes nearby
15:10That box is definitely too small for him
15:12But you know what box is it?
15:14That one right there
15:16We're about to find out
15:30That thing was about to bite me too
15:32I was going to die
15:34You're eliminated but
15:36You want to tell me where someone's hiding?
15:38Someone's on the roof
15:40We're going to find someone up there
15:42Next round
15:44A bow and arrow
15:46That's going to pierce someone's heart
15:48I was told someone was hiding up here
15:50And if they don't come out of their box
15:52They're about to become target practice
15:54Bullseye in 3
16:00It went all the way through
16:02We only have one more box to choose from
16:04That yellow box
16:06Someone's in there, it's moving
16:08Hey I would be shaking too
16:14How come I didn't hear a scream?
16:20Are you kidding me?
16:22I should have known that was just a wind
16:24Frisbee of death
16:26I don't think I need to tell you guys how dangerous this thing is
16:28I'm just going to show you
16:34Next round
16:36A smoke grenade
16:38This is definitely going to get someone to run out
16:40So I'm on the balcony now
16:42And I have this smoke grenade here with me
16:44And I'm going to smoke someone out
16:46So there's 5 boxes up here
16:48And if I throw this grenade in the middle
16:50The box is moving
16:52There's someone right there
16:54Alright this is your last chance
16:56Whoever's up here
16:58No please
17:00What was that?
17:02What is that noise?
17:04You see the smoke?
17:06What is this?
17:08It's seeping through my box
17:14I can't
17:16My plan worked perfectly
17:18Can you tell me where everyone else is hiding?
17:20No I don't you're evil
17:22Alright let me get the other smoke grenades
17:24No no please
17:26That was actually really fun
17:28Okay we're down to 3 people now
17:30The God of War axe
17:32I'm going to check the front yard again because there's so many boxes
17:34There has to be someone hiding
17:36Anyone have an axe with me?
17:38God of War's axe?
17:40Dang I want to get hit by that
17:44Oh it's stuck in there
17:48I just broke that
17:50Well it's time for a new weapon
17:52Oh oh oh oh
17:54A flamethrower
17:56Someone's about to get burned alive
17:58Guys I have a flamethrower here
18:00Now it's your chance
18:02I'm going to start lighting these boxes on fire
18:04Really? Nobody?
18:06This is how you turn anything to a flamethrower
18:08Oh sh** that sh** is hot
18:14This thing is a flamethrower
18:16This is impossible
18:20Alright someone better not be in there
18:22Put it out right now
18:28There's definitely not anyone in there now
18:34I almost burned my own house down
18:36It's time for a new weapon
18:38Barbed wire bat
18:40I have a barbed wire bat here guys
18:42You can either scream now
18:44Or scream later
18:46I guess it's later then
18:52Did you hear that?
18:54Someone definitely made a noise just now
18:56It came from this direction
18:58I don't remember that box being up there
19:00Which means someone moved the box
19:02Which means someone is definitely playing tricks with me
19:04Or hiding in this box
19:06Last chance to come out
19:10You scared me
19:12Why wouldn't you say anything
19:14I was trying to manifest and become one with the bow
19:18Time for another weapon
19:20A katana
19:22This thing is literally my favorite weapon
19:24I only get three boxes to pick from
19:26So I'm going to pick wisely
19:30Anyone in here?
19:34Alright someone's in there
19:36You better duck
19:38What the hell
19:40I nearly cut the entire box in half
19:42Thank god there was no one in there
19:443, 2, 1
19:52That was a bit excessive
19:54But I had to make sure
20:02Just to make sure
20:04Just to make sure
20:08They got lucky this round
20:10Let's move on to the next one
20:12A chainsaw
20:14This is about to turn into the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
20:16So I'm coming back to the roof
20:18Because Alex told me someone was hiding up here
20:20And I have a chainsaw now
20:24Last chance to come out
20:34Thank god there was nobody under there
20:36I get two more boxes
20:44This would have been a good hiding spot
20:48Hi sisters
20:52I'm choosing this as my last box
20:54I hear someone nearby
21:02That was my last box
21:04If you didn't run out I would have never found you
21:06It sounded like you were hitting my box with it
21:08Well either way you're eliminated Kat
21:10So get out of here
21:12We only have one person left to find
21:14Let's do this
21:18Thor's hammer
21:20This is the actual Thor hammer not the plastic one
21:22I'm in the backyard now behind the pool
21:24Let's see who's hiding back here
21:26If someone's hiding back here this is your last chance
21:34That left a dent
21:36Gosh that's powerful
21:38Alright one more
21:40Hammer does a lot of damage
21:46Let's get another weapon now
21:48I still have six items left
21:50A pressure washer
21:52This can cut through any of the boxes here
21:54In case you can hear me Tanner
21:563, 2, 1
22:04Oh my god for a second there I was like
22:06Oh that's just a mannequin
22:08Wait what if someone's actually hiding in a blue morph suit
22:10If someone's in here
22:12That was your last chance
22:14Tanner if you're in here
22:16Just come on out before you get hurt
22:22Oh my god
22:38Come on
22:40That's what you get for not coming out
22:42Tanner you weren't the last one found surprisingly
22:44But I did have six more attempts left
22:46Oh my god dude so we lost?
22:48Yup you did do better than everyone else
22:50We need more subscribers to compete in an extreme game of hide and seek
22:52For $50,000
22:54When a contestant is found they must also be tagged
22:56In order to be eliminated
22:58You guys have 60 seconds to hide starting now
23:12My technique is I'm going to hide into this trash bag
23:14In the trash can it's going to look like I'm not even in here
23:16You know I'm trying to have a good time
23:18This place looks pretty good
23:2030 seconds guys
23:22I'm behind the door
23:24I want to try and get up there
23:26I'm buried in here
23:28I'm going to hide underneath the trampoline
23:30This looks like a trampoline
23:32I'm hiding in the bathroom I need this money
23:34What are you going to do down there Sean
23:36I'll have fun with the darkness
23:38It's been a minute let's go hunt everyone down
23:40I'm so excited
23:44Someone has to be in there
23:46Someone has to be in here
23:48No one's in here
23:50Right on top of me
23:52Where's everyone at
23:54Alright if anyone's in here we're jumping in
23:56Where's everyone at
24:00I'm actually stuck help me Caleb
24:04I'm too sick
24:06Uh oh I have a good feeling about this mom
24:08I don't want to jump back in one of these
24:12I think I hear breathing
24:14Is anyone here
24:16Hey guys a really fat person is about to dive in
24:18So you guys better clear out right now
24:20While you still have the chance
24:22I'm so nervous
24:24Mom someone's moving
24:26Get him
24:28Get him
24:30Alan go that side
24:32Get him Alan
24:34I'm stuck I'm stuck
24:36Get him
24:38Get him
24:40I'm stuck
24:42I'm stuck
24:44I'm stuck
24:46I'm stuck in here
24:48Alan get out right now
24:50I'm freezing
24:52Where is he
24:54Behind there
25:06How did he get away
25:08There were two of us chasing him and he got away
25:12Maybe the tag wasn't a good idea
25:24This is definitely the wrong way
25:36He's down
25:38Get him
25:44He's out
25:46We got nine more people to go
25:48I can't even breathe
25:50Because you were the first one out
25:52Here is one thousand dollars
25:56The cardio wasn't for nothing
26:18I honestly feel bad for some of these people
26:20Because they are cooped up hiding for hours
26:24What was that
26:26Someone passed it back there
26:30Oh my god
26:32I thought someone was going to be back here
26:36Oh wait
26:38Oh my god
26:40Get her
26:42Get her
26:48Go Gracie
26:50Get up guys
26:52I'm recording
26:54Get the hell out of my way
26:58I'm freezing
27:02Watch out
27:14Oh my god
27:16You guys are so fast
27:18How long have you been a subscriber
27:20Since 2017
27:22I've had a fan account since 2019
27:24Four years
27:26So because of that we wanted to give you four thousand dollars
27:28You can keep all of this
27:30Shut up
27:32Oh my gosh it's real
27:38Can I actually keep it
27:44We saw two people back there
27:46So we're going to go back and see who that last person actually was
27:48I think they're still going to be back there
27:50Oh they're coming
27:52There's someone in there
27:54Look at this
27:58Get up
28:00How did that just happen
28:02How is that possible
28:10Oh I'm trapped
28:22Okay this looks wrong
28:24I think someone got up
28:26Oh my god that was so crazy
28:28Let's go
28:30Easiest money in my life
28:32Before we look for the next person
28:34We're giving away ten thousand dollars to someone random
28:36Who subscribes in the next two weeks
28:38So subscribe
28:44Who was that
29:06Oh my god it's my camera
29:16I'm too out of shape for this
29:18I was closer but this is a much better hiding spot
29:20I think I'm safe
29:22There's someone back here
29:24I can hear them
29:32It's been three hours now
29:34And we've only found three people
29:36Which means we need to find two more
29:38Before we can move on to the next location
29:40First person to come out of your hiding spot
29:42Gets one thousand dollars
29:44They said something about a thousand dollars
29:46I'm going for that prize
29:48I'm so tempted to get out of here but I think I'm going for the win
29:54They already caught me once but I'm not taking any chances
29:56I'll take the money
29:58Because you were the first one to reveal yourself
30:00You get one thousand dollars
30:02Thank you for being a subscriber
30:04And playing hide and seek with us
30:06Subscriber? I'm not a subscriber
30:08You're not? No
30:10How did you get in here
30:14F**ked up
30:16Get the f**k out of here
30:20One place we haven't looked at
30:22Is the restroom
30:24The ladies restroom or
30:26We might find Sean in there
30:30Is anyone in here
30:42Get the f**k out
30:44Get the f**k out
30:46Get the f**k out
30:48Oh my god
30:50Get the f**k out of here
30:52Get out
31:10I literally saw you
31:12Over the bathroom sock
31:14It was mid wipe
31:16Well guess what
31:18You have money to wipe because you're rich now
31:20And that's what you get for being a subscriber
31:22You better subscribe
31:26The final five
31:28Come out of your hiding spots for the big announcement
31:30All that sushi no-no
31:32Didn't go to waste
31:34It's kind of sticky down there
31:36We're in baby
31:38All five of you guys
31:40Have made it to round two
31:42Which is going to be at the world's largest inflatable
31:44With literally hundreds of places to hide
31:52I'm not worried about Alex chasing me
31:54I'm worried about the fast twin
31:56Not the fat one
31:58I think I found the perfect spot
32:00It's going to be all the way in the corner
32:02I spoke out on the twins video
32:04They could not get up there
32:06So I'm going to try my best to run up there and hide for them
32:08Help please help
32:12You can't see it at all Sean
32:14I'm hiding in a basketball hoop
32:16It's this, I'm hopping already
32:24I'm hiding in the maze
32:26If I see one of them coming in I'll just hop over
32:30Alright we're coming for you guys
32:32It begins
32:34Let's do this
32:36I'm going to just dive right in and see if I catch anyone
32:38Is anyone in here?
32:40I'm coming in
32:44Who's in here?
32:46This is so confusing
32:54You know what? There's no one in here
33:00Have you found anyone yet?
33:04Is that a radio?
33:06No it's a walkie talkie
33:08Oh well I got something for you
33:10I just love to play hide and seek
33:14Because radio or not, here I come
33:16Hey Alan, I'm going to need you to find me a new camera man
33:18Who's there?
33:28I'm not even going to try that
33:30Someone's out there and I'm not going to be able to catch them
33:40This is the best place to hide
33:44There's someone up there
33:46I see you
33:50They found me
33:52Oh no
33:54Oh here they come
33:56They're everywhere
34:02Oh god
34:04Oh god
34:22I just popped a wall
34:26Oh my god he's still here
34:30I got away
34:32That was close but I tripped
34:34I thought for sure I was done for
34:46Oh my god
34:48Let's go look
34:58Come here
35:10Come here
35:20Unfortunately you are out but if it makes you feel any better
35:22Here's a thousand dollars
35:24Do you have anything you want to say after Alan found you?
35:26For everybody watching
35:28I want you to find that like button and like this video
35:32Everyone let's try to get this video to 500,000 likes
35:36What they don't know is there's actually a plot twist
35:38The last two people remaining
35:40Alright let's do this
36:06What were you even doing hiding underneath that big ball
36:08I got bored so I was trying to play with some balls
36:10Oh my god
36:12Unfortunately Sean we're going to have to take you to jail now
36:14No I'm not ready to see mama
36:16Well you have to go through a punishment instead
36:26I might need a massage
36:28Did you see where anyone else was hiding when you launched up in the air that high
36:30No but I can sniff them out
36:40So it's been five hours now
36:42The sun's setting and we can't seem to find anyone
36:44Just like how you guys can't seem to find that subscribe button
36:48Did you guys hear that
36:50It came from there
36:52What is that
36:54Hi sisters
36:56What if someone went to that hiding spot
36:58After Sean
37:00Oh my god dude
37:04Oh it would have been such a good spot
37:06We only need to get one more person out
37:08Before the final two contestants have to go through a special challenge
37:10So we resorted to using our drone
37:12To find that last person
37:14What the hell
37:16What is going on
37:18What is going on
37:22He was shaking the drink off
37:24But why was he sticking his leg out
37:26Let's go
37:38There he is
37:50What the
38:00What was that
38:02I ran into a train
38:04Where did he go
38:36I tagged him
38:38You caught him
38:40Since you guys are the last two contestants
38:42You guys are going to be finding Alan instead
38:44He's hidden somewhere inside this inflatable
38:46The first person to find Alan wins some money
39:18Go go go
39:25I told you guys I was gonna win and I did it
39:29Congratulations, the money is all yours
39:33You guys don't know how much it's gonna help me and my family I appreciate you guys so much or miserable amazing. Thank you so much
39:42Click here to watch this bus 200 minutes and 50 hours and click here to watch your last video
