• 18 hours ago
Is your little one struggling to fall asleep? Join Milo the Sleepy Mouse in this calming bedtime story perfect for relaxing and falling asleep!

Tired of his brother's snoring, Milo embarks on a gentle quest to find peaceful slumber. This calming children's story, narrated by Andrew Bond, is designed to help toddlers and preschoolers wind down and prepare for a good night's sleep.

✨ Features:
Relaxing music to create a tranquil atmosphere
Soft narration to ease your child into dreamland
Beautiful animations to capture young imaginations

✏ Credits
Narrated by: Andrew Bond
Written by: Alexandra Turney

Welcome to Snuggle! A calming story-telling channel for kids! Enter a cozy world of imagination perfect for bedtime, quiet time, or any time you want to embark on an enchanting adventure.

Learn more at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠slumberstudios.com/snuggle⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


00:00Milo the Mouse lived with his big brother, Max. They had the coziest mouse hole. It was
00:17small but warm and comfy. And they slept snuggled up in little beds made of the softest, silky
00:30wool. Their mouse hole was tucked away inside a wall. Max had chosen it long ago when they
00:44were looking for somewhere to live. This was perfect, he said.
00:51It was a bedroom wall in a house that belonged to a human family.
01:02So, it was quiet and peaceful, especially at night.
01:11Tucked up in their beds in the mouse hole,
01:15Max and Milo enjoyed long nights of deep, dreamy sleep.
01:24They dreamed of cheese most of the time, especially yummy cheddar cheese, which was Milo's
01:33favorite. Usually, Max and Milo both slept so well. There was only one problem. Max was a snorer.
01:52On some nights, Milo would wake up from a wonderful dream of cheese and hear Max snoring.
02:04Sometimes, it was a snuffling sound. And sometimes, it sounded like he was chuckling to himself.
02:16Max made some very funny noises.
02:23Milo didn't mind it that much when his brother snored.
02:27Except when it woke him up from an especially good dream.
02:38Occasionally, he wished he had his own mouse hole where nothing would ever bother him
02:46and he could enjoy endless dreams of cheddar cheese.
02:50So, one morning, Milo made a decision.
02:58Over a breakfast of toasted breadcrumbs, he told Max what he was going to do.
03:06It's time for me to find my own mouse hole, said Milo.
03:14After all, I'm nearly grown up. Too grown up to share a hole with my brother.
03:25I'm going to look for a new place to sleep at night.
03:30Max smiled. It was so like his little brother.
03:38Always wanting to try things on his own and be more grown up.
03:47He wished Milo good luck.
03:49After breakfast, the two mice hugged goodbye and Milo set off on his adventure.
04:00He found a new place to sleep, said Milo.
04:07It's time for me to find my own mouse hole, said Milo.
04:14He set off on his adventure.
04:18He felt so grown up.
04:23He left the mouse hole and scuttled happily across the bedroom carpet.
04:33The bedroom belonged to a child.
04:36A human of four or five years old, so there were toys all over the floor.
04:48Milo had to find his way through a maze of gigantic, colorful building blocks and shiny toy cars.
05:02What a mess, thought Milo.
05:07Personally, he liked to keep his space nice and clean.
05:15It was something his brother had taught him. Always tidy up.
05:24Well, never mind, thought Milo.
05:29It didn't matter, especially as he was leaving the bedroom anyway.
05:36He scurried through the maze of toys, then continued down the hallway,
05:46down the stairs, all the way to the living room.
05:54This room was bright and clean, with a beautiful wooden floor.
06:01When Milo walked across it, his paws went click, click, click.
06:11And hidden behind the sofa was a spacious mouse hole.
06:19Milo smiled when he saw it.
06:22Yes, he decided, this would be his new home.
06:31He spent the day decorating and making a comfy bed out of feathers,
06:38which he found in the sofa cushion.
06:44Soon, it was night time.
06:47Soon, it was night time.
06:52Milo usually went to bed early, at around seven o'clock.
06:59Like most mice, he needed a lot of sleep.
07:06So, just before seven o'clock, Milo settled down in his soft, feathery bed.
07:17Usually, his brother tucked him in and said, goodnight.
07:25It was a little strange not having Max there.
07:31But Milo reminded himself that he was a big mouse now.
07:38He was almost grown up, so he didn't need his brother to tuck him in.
07:47Anyway, he would go to visit Max tomorrow and tell him all about his new home.
07:59Milo closed his eyes.
08:03He was feeling tired now and looked forward to a good night's sleep.
08:10But just as he was starting to drift off, he heard a strange sound.
08:20Something was making noises outside his mouse hole.
08:27It was like voices and music all mixed together.
08:32Oh no, thought Milo. It was worse than Max's snoring.
08:43He sat up sleepily, rubbing his eyes with his paws.
08:50Then he got out of bed and crept outside to see what was going on.
08:59Milo could hear voices from above him.
09:04The human family were sitting on the sofa, chatting to each other.
09:13And when Milo peeked out from the edge of the sofa, he could see the big TV on the opposite wall.
09:24The screen was full of flashing, moving pictures. And it was making all kinds of sounds.
09:44Milo sighed.
09:46He couldn't sleep here tonight. Not with these noises. He would have to try another room.
10:01So he scurried across the living room floor, all the way to the kitchen.
10:07This room had black and white floor tiles, like a big chessboard.
10:18Milo's paws went tap, tap, tap as he scuttled across the floor, until he reached another mouse hole.
10:29There was a gap in the wall, just behind the fridge.
10:40Milo settled happily into the new mouse hole. It was nice and quiet here.
10:51He could smell all the lovely cooking smells.
10:56His whiskers twitched as he sniffed the air, with its cheesy aroma.
11:06Mmm, he thought. Delicious.
11:12He would be quite happy here, surrounded by yummy smells.
11:18After making himself a bed out of kitchen towel, Milo curled up, ready to sleep.
11:31He let out a big, squeaky yawn, and closed his eyes.
11:40But just as he could feel himself nodding off, he opened his eyes.
11:48He heard another noise.
11:52It sounded like clinking and clanking, mixed with a great gush of water.
12:04What on Earth could it be?
12:08Milo got up and went to find out.
12:12When he took a peek outside, he saw what was making all the noise.
12:21The man who lived in the house was standing by the kitchen sink.
12:28He was wearing yellow gloves, and washing all the pots and pans.
12:35Oh dear, thought Milo.
12:40How could he sleep with all this clinking and clanging?
12:46Not to mention the gushing water.
12:52He would have to keep looking.
12:56There had to be a quieter room somewhere.
13:00There had to be a quieter room somewhere.
13:07Then Milo had an idea.
13:11It was the humans who were making all the noise.
13:16At the moment, they all seemed to be downstairs,
13:21watching TV in the living room, and washing up in the kitchen.
13:30If the humans were downstairs, then Milo should go upstairs.
13:38There, at last, he would surely find some peace and quiet.
13:47So Milo sleepily climbed the stairs, yawning with each step.
13:55The carpet felt so soft under his paws.
14:01It would be nice, thought Milo, to curl up and go to sleep right there.
14:11But he kept going, all the way upstairs and down the hall, until he got to the bathroom.
14:21It was dark, cozy, and completely silent.
14:29He couldn't hear a single noise.
14:35Thank goodness, thought Milo.
14:40He began to look around the bathroom, searching for a mousehole.
14:47Luckily, he soon found the perfect spot in the wall.
14:54It was hidden behind a basket full of clothes.
15:01And the hole was so small that Milo could only just squeeze in.
15:10But he was right.
15:12This would do for tonight, he decided.
15:22He didn't need a lot of room, just a quiet place to sleep.
15:31So once again, Milo made himself a bed.
15:37This time, it was a soft nest of cotton balls.
15:43It wasn't quite as soft as his old bed, but it was comfy enough.
15:53And Milo was so sleepy, he knew he would drift off in no time.
16:03Yawning, he curled up in his cottony bed.
16:08Then he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then opened his eyes.
16:19What was that noise?
16:24It sounded like gushing water again.
16:29But it was louder than before, like a rain shower or a waterfall.
16:38Milo huffed and got out of bed.
16:44And once again, he popped his head out of the hole to see what was going on.
16:55He discovered that in the bathroom, someone was using the shower.
17:00The glass was all steamed up, and the water was gushing down.
17:12Milo stood there for a moment, listening to the shower.
17:19This was a nice sound, at least.
17:23The flowing water was loud, but it was relaxing, too.
17:31Perhaps if he stayed here a little longer, he would get used to it and fall asleep anyway.
17:42Then he shook his head.
17:46No, he didn't want to stay here.
17:51Not when there was another, much quieter room just down the hall.
18:01Soon, Milo was back where he started, in the bedroom.
18:09But this time, to his surprise, the floor was clean.
18:17The toys had all been tidied away.
18:23Milo was very pleased about this.
18:27Now, it was much easier for him to move around the room.
18:34Instead of weaving between the toy blocks and cars,
18:39he would walk straight across the open space of the carpet.
18:47And although it was dark now, he had no problems finding his way.
18:54He knew exactly where he was going.
19:00When he reached the mouse hole, he looked around.
19:06There was Max, curled up in his bed.
19:12And there was Milo's own bed, looking so warm and soft.
19:19Milo let out a big, happy sigh.
19:25It felt so good to be home.
19:31Just then, Max woke up.
19:36He smiled, delighted to see his little brother.
19:41Then, he got out of bed and prepared a simple meal for Milo.
19:48A delicious cheese sandwich.
19:54As Milo ate, he told Max all about his adventures.
20:03It had been fun, but Max was still hungry.
20:08It had been fun, he said.
20:14The house was so big, and there was still so much to explore.
20:23But exploring was for the daytime.
20:28At night, he would much rather be here at home with his brother.
20:38Once Milo had finished his midnight snack, he got into his cozy woollen bed.
20:49Max tucked him in and said goodnight.
20:55Then he went back to his own bed.
21:01Milo snuggled down happily.
21:04He'd tried so many different beds today, but this was the comfiest of them all.
21:15And it had that lovely, familiar smell.
21:20The smell of home.
21:24Then he heard a familiar sound.
21:28Max snoring quietly.
21:31Milo had heard so many sounds today.
21:36The TV, the pots and pans, the shower.
21:45In comparison, Max's snoring was like a soothing lullaby.
21:54Milo was feeling sleepy.
21:57Milo was feeling sleepier and sleepier.
22:04He was sure he would sleep well tonight and enjoy some wonderful dreams of cheddar cheese.
22:16He closed his eyes and let out another contented sigh.
22:22And soon, he too was fast asleep.
