• yesterday


00:00:00Ladies and gentlemen, would you all please rise as two-time Grammy Award winner and Broadway
00:00:21star, Ms. Jennifer Holliday, sings America the Beautiful.
00:00:33God bless America, America.
00:00:44Oh, beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain,
00:01:02for purple mountain's majesty, above the fruited plain.
00:01:20America, America, God shed his grace on thee,
00:01:38and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.
00:01:53Oh, beautiful for patriot's dream that's seen beyond the years.
00:02:13Oh, alabaster city's claim, undimmed by human tears.
00:02:28Come on and sing it with me.
00:02:30America, America, God shed his grace on thee.
00:02:45Come on, wave your hands.
00:02:47And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.
00:03:01Come on, let America hear you.
00:03:03Raise your voice high.
00:03:05America, America, God shed his grace on thee.
00:03:22And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.
00:03:40I love America.
00:03:42I love America.
00:03:45Shining sea.
00:03:50Yeah, yeah.
00:03:54Oh, America.
00:04:19Stone Cold can be as dangerous a psychotic as any human being
00:04:24that ever laced his boots.
00:04:26At Unforgiven, Austin, I'm going to show you how Stone Cold I can be.
00:04:31At Unforgiven, it will be The Rock defending the WCW championship
00:04:36against Hooker T and Shane O'Malley.
00:04:41No way can The Rock keep the WCW title.
00:04:49Steve Austin will never reject Kurt Angle for this night.
00:04:54The pride of this night belongs to The Rock.
00:04:59I've been humiliated and embarrassed for the last time by Kurt Angle.
00:05:04What are you doing, Austin?
00:05:05Don't do it.
00:05:06What are you doing?
00:05:07No, no, my God, no.
00:05:09I'm proud of myself for what I did.
00:05:11Shane O'Malley soars through the air.
00:05:13And Shane broke his heart right into the heart of Bruno Bull.
00:05:17At Unforgiven, it's going to be you two who have to forgive The Rock
00:05:20for taking his right knee to the sideways and sticking it straight up his boots
00:05:24and turning the asses.
00:05:26Stone Cold can run at an angle.
00:05:28And Austin knows I will never forgive you for that.
00:05:33Forgiveness for you.
00:05:39And now, Clear As Hell presents WWF Unforgiven.
00:06:10We are live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
00:06:15In the sold-out Mellon Arena.
00:06:18And ladies and gentlemen, this is WWF Unforgiven live on pay-per-view.
00:06:25Where tonight, seven championships will be decided.
00:06:30This is WWF Unforgiven live on pay-per-view.
00:06:35Where tonight, seven championships will be decided.
00:06:39Hello again, everybody.
00:06:40I'm Jim Ross.
00:06:41Alongside Paul Heyman.
00:06:43We are at ringside.
00:06:44And what will no doubt be one of the most emotional nights we have ever experienced.
00:06:49Our fans at WWF New York know all about emotion, Paul.
00:06:52And they are ready as well.
00:06:54Oh, they better be because tonight it kicks off with the Hardy Boys.
00:06:59One of four teams in this big title matchup.
00:07:04The following contest is the four-team elimination match
00:07:09for the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship.
00:07:13Introducing first, at a combined weight of 441 pounds,
00:07:18Matt Jeff, the Hardy Boys.
00:07:21Matt Jeff Hardy.
00:07:23Over four-time WWF Tag Team Champions.
00:07:28Along with three other teams to kick off the birth of seven title defenses
00:07:33here tonight at Unforgiven.
00:07:35Four teams start.
00:07:36Three teams to be eliminated.
00:07:38Stay in the bag.
00:07:39There's a hurricane coming through.
00:07:41The surviving team will be the WWF Tag Team Champions.
00:07:44Stand back, JR.
00:07:45There's a hurricane coming through.
00:07:48At a combined weight of 447 pounds,
00:07:53from the Alliance, Mike Storm,
00:07:55Lance Storm,
00:07:56and the World Wrestling Federation European Champion,
00:07:59The Hurricane.
00:08:00Able to leapfrog tall,
00:08:02cruiserweight to the single pound,
00:08:04more powerful than a local luchador.
00:08:06Look, JR, up in the ring.
00:08:08It's a bird.
00:08:09It's a plane.
00:08:10It's a hurricane.
00:08:12Hurricane Helms, the superhero,
00:08:14along with the Canadian hero, Lance Storm.
00:08:18Two of the four teams that will compete here.
00:08:26At a combined weight of 650 pounds,
00:08:30Spike Dudley from the Big Show.
00:08:34When you say you refer to this dude as the London champ,
00:08:37David and Goliath,
00:08:39as the Big Show 500 pounds,
00:08:41Spike Dudley, a hundred and five and a half,
00:08:44so can weigh.
00:08:46Don't he?
00:08:47The superhero, The Hurricane,
00:08:49is not intimidated.
00:08:52Out of the Big Show,
00:08:53and out of the boogie of Dudleyville,
00:08:55Spike Dudley.
00:08:57Mike Dudley returning about a month or so ago
00:09:00from a broken leg.
00:09:02Delivered by his own brother, Bubba Ray and D-Von.
00:09:06And here's D-Von.
00:09:09Representing the Alliance,
00:09:11at a combined weight of 566 pounds,
00:09:14the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions,
00:09:18D-Von and Bubba Ray,
00:09:20the Dudley Boys.
00:09:22Bubba Ray and D-Von, an awesome combination.
00:09:25Five-time WWF Tag Team Champions.
00:09:28But the championship advantage, Paul,
00:09:31in the structure of this match,
00:09:32is non-existent.
00:09:33And here we go.
00:09:34Championship advantage out the window
00:09:36because the Dudleys actually survived.
00:09:38They don't have to eliminate three other teams,
00:09:41but they have to survive three other teams.
00:09:44By his commissioner, William Regal,
00:09:47he's put the Dudleys in a bad, bad situation.
00:09:50And it's gonna be Matt Hardy and D-Von Dudley
00:09:52starting it out here.
00:09:53Tags can be made at any time.
00:09:55Again, there must be three decisions rendered
00:09:57as D-Von tags in the superhero,
00:10:00Hurricane Helms,
00:10:02and reigning European champion.
00:10:05Three teams to be eliminated
00:10:07by pinfall or submission here.
00:10:09The surviving team,
00:10:11and that's a super pose, I would assume.
00:10:15Been a long time since I've read any comic books.
00:10:17You don't need to read a comic book.
00:10:18Here's the real thing.
00:10:19A superhero, live and in person.
00:10:22Nice arm drag takedown by Matt Hardy
00:10:24who's having a little fun at Hurricane's expense.
00:10:28Takedown by Matt Hardy,
00:10:29and again, a super Hardy pose.
00:10:32Don't mock the superhero.
00:10:36There's the tag.
00:10:37Matt tagging in his younger brother, Jet.
00:10:39The Hardys, the risk-takers, the daredevils.
00:10:43They have taken high-risk offense to yet another level
00:10:46in recent weeks.
00:10:47There's a cover!
00:10:48And again, as one team is eliminated,
00:10:50they must leave and return to the locker room area.
00:10:53And notice it took two WWF superstars
00:10:56to take on one Alliance superhero.
00:10:59And Bubba Ray Dudley
00:11:01trying to get a cheap shot in on Jeff Hardy,
00:11:04and Bubba paid for that.
00:11:05He'll discretion.
00:11:08And a rock kick by Jeff Hardy.
00:11:10And the roll-up, here we go!
00:11:12And referee Teddy Long got a two-count
00:11:15out of that pinning predicament,
00:11:16and Spike Dudley really wants to tag here.
00:11:19Remember, it was Hurricane Helms
00:11:20who last week made Molly, Spike's girlfriend,
00:11:24an offer to be Hurricane's sidekick.
00:11:27Right, sweet Molly Purebred.
00:11:29I don't blame the Hurricane.
00:11:30He shows fine taste in women.
00:11:33The back-breaker by the Canadian hero,
00:11:35Lance Storm, lives in Calgary,
00:11:37trained in Calgary,
00:11:39and makes the tag again
00:11:41to the European champion, Hurricane Helms,
00:11:44who's in there now
00:11:45with a somewhat weakened Spike Dudley.
00:11:48Well, Spike wanted to fight the Hurricane,
00:11:50and here's Spike's chance.
00:11:52Two Alliance teams in this matchup,
00:11:54two WWF teams,
00:11:56as the Battle for Sports Entertainment Superiority
00:12:00continues here tonight.
00:12:02And don't forget,
00:12:03a knockdown by Spike.
00:12:05Spike again, soaking wet.
00:12:08After a big meal of ribs,
00:12:10goes about a buck and a half.
00:12:12Spike is still a bully,
00:12:14but the blind tag
00:12:15and one of the Alliance takes down Spike Dudley.
00:12:19Nice tandem move by Storm and Hurricane.
00:12:22And Lance Storm showing his aggressive streak,
00:12:26running Spike's face in that canvas,
00:12:28as Spike brings up Storm
00:12:31and got a near fall.
00:12:35We gotta have three decisions rendered
00:12:37before we can determine a winner here,
00:12:39and as Paul Heyman pointed out,
00:12:41a beautiful dropkick.
00:12:42The Dudleys have to survive all of those decisions
00:12:46to retain their WWF Tag Team titles
00:12:49that Chronic helped the Dudleys win
00:12:51last Monday night on Raw.
00:12:53What an unfair predicament
00:12:55the commissioner has put the Dudley boys in.
00:12:59But it was all right
00:13:00when the Dudleys were the challengers
00:13:02in this environment.
00:13:03I find your criticism somewhat selective.
00:13:06Thank you very much.
00:13:09Oh, look at that.
00:13:10What elevation that the Dudleys
00:13:13put their half-brother Spike in.
00:13:16He deserves it.
00:13:17He is the bully of the family.
00:13:19Do you know how...
00:13:20Uh-oh, here we go.
00:13:21The cape is coming out.
00:13:22The Hurricane.
00:13:23Not the cape, for goodness sake.
00:13:25Oh, yes, for goodness sake, the cape.
00:13:27It's so early in the evening for the cape.
00:13:29Here it is, second only to the Spinneroonie
00:13:32as the most devastating move in sports entertainment.
00:13:38Crossbody, cape and all by Hurricane Helms.
00:13:41Did you see how the Hurricanes
00:13:42just flew through the air, JR?
00:13:44Yeah, I saw it.
00:13:45You're a big fan of the Hurricanes, aren't you?
00:13:48He's kind of growing on me, quite frankly.
00:13:50He'd be a good WWF competitor, I can tell you that.
00:13:53Wait a minute, he works for the Alliance.
00:13:56And a near fall again.
00:13:58What do you mean he'd be great in the WWF?
00:14:00What does that mean?
00:14:01I think he has a lot of character.
00:14:02I think he is a wonderful young athlete.
00:14:06The WWF has attracted over the years.
00:14:08The WWF didn't appreciate Stone Cold Steve Austin,
00:14:11but now the WWF would appreciate the Hurricane?
00:14:15I don't agree with that analogy whatsoever,
00:14:17but certainly you're right in your opinion.
00:14:22The Dudleys' last Monday night
00:14:23challenging the Undertaker and Kane
00:14:25for the WWF Tag Team titles.
00:14:27And thanks to Cronick, the Dudleys win that match
00:14:30and the Dudley Dog by Spike.
00:14:33But can Spike capitalize?
00:14:35That's the big question.
00:14:36Can Spike capitalize on the advantage?
00:14:39I'll tell you what, Spike can
00:14:41if he tags in that 500 pounder, the Big Show,
00:14:44who's wanting to tag as bad as he wants to,
00:14:47a double cheeseburger.
00:14:49And here comes the big man, right on the top rope,
00:14:527'2", 500 pounds,
00:14:55the biggest man in the history of sports entertainment.
00:15:01And look at the Dudleys ganging up on the Big Show.
00:15:04That might be a good strategy,
00:15:06and this one has broken down in Pittsburgh.
00:15:10And the Hardys on the Big Show.
00:15:12Oh my!
00:15:14The Hardys, those daredevils,
00:15:16take an ever chance in the book
00:15:18and keep your eye on Spike.
00:15:21Look at this unfair advantage!
00:15:24How high up is Spike?
00:15:26Big Show, 7'2"!
00:15:29Good grief!
00:15:31You talk about raising the bar.
00:15:36And the Big Show getting caught up in this moment
00:15:40as the only man standing in the ring.
00:15:42Oh no!
00:15:43The others went down like dominoes and...
00:15:46Oh no!
00:15:47Oh, what do you, you don't think?
00:15:50Oh, this is no way!
00:15:52I don't...
00:15:53He's 7'2"! He's 500 pounds!
00:15:57Big Show is not meant for the air!
00:15:59Don't do it!
00:16:00It's gonna vibrate Dudley from behind!
00:16:03The Big Show, I think, is gonna come off the top
00:16:05on the whole tile!
00:16:09No, a close line knockdown.
00:16:12And make it one more time.
00:16:15Here we go! Chokeslam! Chokeslam!
00:16:17I don't think so.
00:16:19Now, listen up.
00:16:20Hurricane's got a winch in his tights.
00:16:22Oh, man!
00:16:23Oh, no!
00:16:24Good grief!
00:16:25That is impact!
00:16:26That is impact!
00:16:27And that is over!
00:16:29Storm and Hurricane have been eliminated.
00:16:32And again, the Dudleys trying to double-team the Big Show.
00:16:35They're a double suplex that pulled the Big Man
00:16:38into the...
00:16:39into the 40-lock tile.
00:16:41That's why the Dudley Boys are the WWF Tag Team Champions.
00:16:44They take advantage of every situation.
00:16:47They get the Big Show out of the game.
00:16:50Line tag made by Matt Hardy on D-Von Dudley.
00:16:54And a knockdown, but couldn't measure it,
00:16:56by Matt.
00:16:57But Matt Hardy is the legal man here.
00:16:59Spike going to wear.
00:17:01Spike almost got pinned.
00:17:04Spike Dudley.
00:17:05Oh, nice victory roll.
00:17:06Spike could have won it,
00:17:08but got a near fall.
00:17:12And Matt Hardy, looking for the twist of fate,
00:17:15with a neck break.
00:17:16Now the line is hooked.
00:17:18Could be a big upset here.
00:17:19Damn, this Spike Dudley can wrestle.
00:17:22Besides being a bully, he's a fantastic athlete.
00:17:25Spike landing on his feet.
00:17:27And there!
00:17:28Oh, man.
00:17:29And there's a twist of fate, emphatically.
00:17:32And now it's down to the Hardys and the Dudleys.
00:17:36And what a storied rivalry
00:17:38between the Hardy Boys and the Dudley Boys.
00:17:41The Dudleys have seen two tag teams eliminated.
00:17:44They need to eliminate the Hardys to survive.
00:17:48All the history of the TLC matches.
00:17:51The ladder matches between these two teams.
00:17:56And now the-
00:17:58Taking down Jeff from the outside.
00:18:00WWF Tag Team titles on the line.
00:18:02The next team to gain a decision
00:18:04will lead with the WWF Tag Team titles.
00:18:08Down to the Dudleys and the Hardys.
00:18:10Notice how the Dudleys
00:18:12have combated this unfair situation.
00:18:15How the Dudleys have survived
00:18:17not one but two tag teams.
00:18:19One tag team to go.
00:18:21But it's perhaps the favorite in this match,
00:18:24the Hardy Boys.
00:18:25Paul, when you're talking about unfair,
00:18:27you gotta talk about how the Dudleys won
00:18:30the WWF Tag Team titles.
00:18:32The blatant outside interference at Hornet,
00:18:34in my books, that was unfair.
00:18:37I wholeheartedly disagree with you.
00:18:39I think what Hornet did was 100% fair.
00:18:42Hornet paid its dues.
00:18:44They got their way into the alliance.
00:18:46You're disagreeing with me?
00:18:48How unusual.
00:18:50And a knockdown by Jeff Hardy,
00:18:52the Devon Dudley,
00:18:53and Bubba Ray now,
00:18:55perhaps trying to isolate Jeff Hardy
00:18:57from his tag team partner and brother Matt.
00:19:01And again, the sudden death here
00:19:03as far as these two teams are concerned.
00:19:05And oh my!
00:19:08Look at that elevation on Jeff Hardy
00:19:10and a cheap shot on Matt by Bubba Ray Dudley
00:19:13and the 300-pounder knocked Matt Hardy
00:19:15right off the apron.
00:19:17And Matt trying to get back into play.
00:19:19And look out here.
00:19:22Devon Dudley executing the what's up.
00:19:27And Jeff Hardy,
00:19:29the worst reward from that high-impact move,
00:19:33gone undetected by the referee
00:19:35who was trying to restrain Matt Hardy.
00:19:38And now Jeff has been grounded.
00:19:40Certainly not bad strategy for the Dudleys here.
00:19:43Not at all.
00:19:44Well, thank you for giving the Devil his due.
00:19:46Not bad strategy.
00:19:48I say brilliant strategy by the Dudley boys.
00:19:51This is why the Dudley boys
00:19:53are multi-time ECW Tag Team Champions.
00:19:56This is why the Dudley boys
00:19:58are multi-time WWF Tag Team Champions.
00:20:01And now Devon wearing Jeff Hardy out.
00:20:05Dudley certainly has one time
00:20:07happily considered the greatest tag team in ECW history.
00:20:11They may be one of the greatest tag teams in WWF history
00:20:14before their career is concluded here.
00:20:17Far power slam by Devon.
00:20:19The leg is hooked.
00:20:20And Ripley found a two-count in that predicament.
00:20:23In my opinion, the Dudley boys were the greatest tag team
00:20:26in ECW history.
00:20:28And in my opinion, the Dudley boys
00:20:30are the greatest tag team in WWF history.
00:20:33Jeff Hardy will point.
00:20:35And now the...
00:20:37Double right now.
00:20:39Jeff Hardy on the outside.
00:20:41Throwing Jeff Hardy's body
00:20:43into those steel steps
00:20:44with a tremendous degree of velocity.
00:20:47And Jeff Hardy indeed has been isolated.
00:20:50Just at 21 at that height.
00:20:52Look at this.
00:20:53Oh, no.
00:20:54Throwing Jeff Hardy right into the window.
00:20:57Jeff Hardy has been broken down piece by piece.
00:21:01The Dudleys are dissecting the opposition.
00:21:04And there's a lateral press by Devon.
00:21:07And Jeff Hardy somehow, someway.
00:21:10These Hardys never cease to surprise me
00:21:12with their tenacity and their resiliency.
00:21:15And the Dudleys making a very timely tag
00:21:17with Jeff Hardy neatly deposited
00:21:20in the Dudleys' corner of the ring.
00:21:23300 pound.
00:21:24Over the ring.
00:21:25And ripped down.
00:21:26Leg is hooked.
00:21:27And again, Jeff Hardy reaching down
00:21:29and that's what he has left to kick out.
00:21:32But notice Bubba Ray right back up to his feet.
00:21:34Right back on the attack.
00:21:36Bubba Ray...
00:21:38Is relentless.
00:21:41Irish whip.
00:21:42Far side.
00:21:43And Jeff Hardy...
00:21:46Man, what a desperation move that was.
00:21:49Jeff Hardy...
00:21:51With that corkscrew maneuver.
00:21:53To put Bubba Ray down.
00:21:55But notice Bubba Ray...
00:21:57Takes down Bubba Ray.
00:21:58But while the Hardys act out of desperation,
00:22:01the Dudleys act out of calculation.
00:22:04That's right.
00:22:05Here comes Matt.
00:22:06Here comes Devon Dudley.
00:22:08Matt Hardy and Devon Dudley
00:22:10with the WWF Tag Team titles at stake here.
00:22:13Something's gotta give.
00:22:15Down goes Bubba Ray Dudley.
00:22:17And the Dudleys...
00:22:19Get it taken to them.
00:22:21Lateral press.
00:22:22And a near fall.
00:22:25The Hardys using their quickness,
00:22:27their resiliency,
00:22:28their speed
00:22:29against the Dudleys.
00:22:31It's gotta take all the Hardys
00:22:33can muster
00:22:34to defeat the Dudleys.
00:22:36The Dudleys are that good here
00:22:39Matt Hardy way up!
00:22:40My God.
00:22:43That was unbelievable.
00:22:46Matt Hardy leaping from the top turnbuckle
00:22:49with a moonsault
00:22:50all the way to the floor.
00:22:52That's an all or nothing maneuver.
00:22:55Matt Hardy needs to pull out all stops
00:22:57against Bubba Ray and Devon
00:22:59if the Hardys want to lead
00:23:00with the WWF Tag Team titles.
00:23:04Matt with a leg drop.
00:23:05That could be all.
00:23:06This could be.
00:23:07It should be.
00:23:09Bubba Dudley
00:23:10pulling Matt Hardy off
00:23:11Bubba's brother, Devon,
00:23:13before the three went down.
00:23:17Matt looking for the twisted face.
00:23:20And the three-league!
00:23:22The Dudleys got the 3-D!
00:23:26Devon trying to make the cover.
00:23:28And Jeff Hardy,
00:23:29my God,
00:23:30with a swan tunnel
00:23:31halfway across the ring
00:23:33to interrupt the count.
00:23:35But Jeff Hardy took himself out,
00:23:37not just Devon.
00:23:38Three men down.
00:23:40Jeff Hardy crashing and burning
00:23:42from that save
00:23:43for his brother.
00:23:45And the Bubba Bomb
00:23:48and Bubba's not the legal man.
00:23:50Referee did not see that interaction.
00:23:53One, two, three!
00:24:00The winners of this match,
00:24:01and still
00:24:02World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions,
00:24:05The Dudley Boys!
00:24:07The Dudley Boys came in
00:24:09the WWF Tag Team Champions.
00:24:11They're going to leave the same way.
00:24:13A very resourceful victory
00:24:16for the Dudleys
00:24:17doing whatever it takes
00:24:18to survive here.
00:24:20And what a chance
00:24:21Jeff Hardy took.
00:24:23Jeff Hardy
00:24:25taking himself out
00:24:26to save his brother.
00:24:27Takes out Devon,
00:24:29takes out himself.
00:24:30But here's Bubba Ray Dudley,
00:24:32the nightmare of Dudleyville.
00:24:34Saved the day,
00:24:35takes out Matt Hardy,
00:24:37the WWF Tag Team Champions,
00:24:39Bubba Ray and Devon,
00:24:41The Dudley Boys.
00:24:43The Dudleys have won it,
00:24:45but they don't look like it.
00:24:48The Dudley Boys
00:24:57Hey, Rob.
00:24:58Hey, Steph.
00:25:01How's it going?
00:25:02Not too bad.
00:25:04Not too bad.
00:25:05Well, listen.
00:25:06I wanted to wish you luck
00:25:07in your match against Jericho tonight.
00:25:09Luck, huh? Thanks.
00:25:10Well, and
00:25:11I wanted to offer my services.
00:25:14Because if I can help in any way,
00:25:16I mean any way,
00:25:18if I could be in your corner
00:25:20or just anything I can do
00:25:22to help you defeat Jericho tonight,
00:25:24you just name it.
00:25:25Help me defeat Jericho?
00:25:26I appreciate it.
00:25:28But RVD's a one-man team.
00:25:30I'm the whole damn show, you know?
00:25:32I got it covered.
00:25:33Okay, I'll bet you will.
00:25:34Appreciate it.
00:25:35Appreciate it.
00:25:38Maybe you could help me out
00:25:39with one thing.
00:25:40I can't seem to find
00:25:41a dressing room big enough
00:25:43to contain my superstar status.
00:25:45You know what I mean?
00:25:46Is there such a thing?
00:25:47Is there?
00:25:48Maybe not.
00:25:49I don't know.
00:25:50But you know what?
00:25:51You are RVD.
00:25:52You can help yourself
00:25:53to any dressing room
00:25:54that we have here.
00:25:57Just take the biggest one?
00:25:58Just go.
00:25:59All right.
00:26:00All right.
00:26:01You did help me.
00:26:03Thanks a lot.
00:26:04I can be useful.
00:26:05Well, I'll go take care
00:26:06of Jericho for you.
00:26:07How's that?
00:26:08All right.
00:26:09Thanks, Steph.
00:26:11Thank you, Rob.
00:26:12Here at Pittsburgh,
00:26:13Kurt Angle's hometown,
00:26:14his entire family
00:26:15is lining up here
00:26:16in the front row.
00:26:17We have Kurt Angle's mom here,
00:26:18and I know you guys
00:26:19are proud of your son's
00:26:21but what would winning
00:26:22the WWF title
00:26:23mean to Kurt Angle
00:26:24and your family
00:26:25if he does it here tonight
00:26:26in his hometown of Pittsburgh?
00:26:27Oh, we'd be ecstatic.
00:26:28I think he's going to win it
00:26:29because he puts his whole
00:26:30heart and soul in everything,
00:26:31and especially in front
00:26:32of the Pittsburgh people.
00:26:33And he'll go after
00:26:34that WWF belt
00:26:35like he went after
00:26:36the Olympic gold medal
00:26:37in 1998,
00:26:38and he'll win it
00:26:39and he'll win it
00:26:40and he'll win it
00:26:41and he'll win it
00:26:42and he'll win it
00:26:43and he'll win it
00:26:44and he'll win it
00:26:45and he'll win it
00:26:46and he'll win it
00:26:47and he'll win it
00:26:48and he'll win it
00:26:49and he'll win it
00:26:50and he'll win it
00:26:51and he'll win it
00:26:52and he'll win it
00:26:53and he'll win it
00:26:54and he'll win it
00:26:55and he'll win it
00:26:56and he'll win it
00:26:57and he'll win it
00:26:58and he'll win it
00:26:59and he'll win it
00:27:00and he'll win it
00:27:01and he'll win it
00:27:02and he'll win it
00:27:03and he'll win it
00:27:04and he'll win it
00:27:05and he'll win it
00:27:06and he'll win it
00:27:07and he'll win it
00:27:08and he'll win it
00:27:09and he'll win it
00:27:10and he'll win it
00:27:11and he'll win it
00:27:12and he'll win it
00:27:13and he'll win it
00:27:14and he'll win it
00:27:15and he'll win it
00:27:16and he'll win it
00:27:17and he'll win it
00:27:18and he'll win it
00:27:19and he'll win it
00:27:20and he'll win it
00:27:21and he'll win it
00:27:22and he'll win it
00:27:23and he'll win it
00:27:24and he'll win it
00:27:25and he'll win it
00:27:26and he'll win it
00:27:27and he'll win it
00:27:28and he'll win it
00:27:29and he'll win it
00:27:30and he'll win it
00:27:31and he'll win it
00:27:32and he'll win it
00:27:33and he'll win it
00:27:34and he'll win it
00:27:35and he'll win it
00:27:36and he'll win it
00:27:37and he'll win it
00:27:38and he'll win it
00:27:39and he'll win it
00:27:40and he'll win it
00:27:41and he'll win it
00:27:42and he'll win it
00:27:43and he'll win it
00:27:44and he'll win it
00:27:45and he'll win it
00:27:46and he'll win it
00:27:47and he'll win it
00:27:48and he'll win it
00:27:49and he'll win it
00:27:50and he'll win it
00:27:51and he'll win it
00:27:52and he'll win it
00:27:53and he'll win it
00:27:54and he'll win it
00:27:55and he'll win it
00:27:56and he'll win it
00:27:57and he'll win it
00:27:58and he'll win it
00:27:59and he'll win it
00:28:00and he'll win it
00:28:01and he'll win it
00:28:02and he'll win it
00:28:03and he'll win it
00:28:04and he'll win it
00:28:05and he'll win it
00:28:06and he'll win it
00:28:07and he'll win it
00:28:08and he'll win it
00:28:09and he'll win it
00:28:10and he'll win it
00:28:11and he'll win it
00:28:12and he'll win it
00:28:13and he'll win it
00:28:14and he'll win it
00:28:15and he'll win it
00:28:16and he'll win it
00:28:17and he'll win it
00:28:18and he'll win it
00:28:19and he'll win it
00:28:20and he'll win it
00:28:21and he'll win it
00:28:22and he'll win it
00:28:23and he'll win it
00:28:24and he'll win it
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00:29:45and he'll win it
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00:29:47and he'll win it
00:29:48and he'll win it
00:29:49and he'll win it
00:29:50and he'll win it
00:29:51and he'll win it
00:29:52and he'll win it
00:29:53and he'll win it
00:29:54and he'll win it
00:29:55and he'll win it
00:29:56and he'll win it
00:29:57and he'll win it
00:29:58and he'll win it
00:29:59and he'll win it
00:30:00and he'll win it
00:30:01and he'll win it
00:30:02and he'll win it
00:30:03and he'll win it
00:30:04and he'll win it
00:30:05and he'll win it
00:30:06Well, Terry made Perry make a decision.
00:30:08It was her or The Mutt.
00:30:11And we know the results.
00:30:13The Mutt wins.
00:30:15And now Raven starts to take down Perry Saturn.
00:30:19Notice how Raven picks his spots.
00:30:20Raven dictates the pace.
00:30:21Raven had a group in WCW years ago.
00:30:27And that's dropped a hold.
00:30:28Saturn's head bouncing off the steel steps
00:30:30of all the flock and Raven and Saturn involved in that organization.
00:30:36that if you will you know who screwed up the flock and who screwed up the whole concept
00:30:43i know you never watched nitro you can't comment on it i was busy on monday as a raven taking down
00:30:51saturn this matchup as crazy as it sounds and that's bull by raven and raven looking
00:30:57at this thing quickly and get out of here and saturn shooting that shoulder up before the three
00:31:03now referee charles robinson of the wcw assigned this contest
00:31:13shades of sergeant slaughter as raven in that submission maneuver the cobra clutch
00:31:19applied on perry saturn sergeant slaughter must be running over in his grave
00:31:25don't steal my line he's alive and well
00:31:30and uh he's much better right now than i would say saturn is saturn looking to be fading away
00:31:35but saturn with his unorthodox approach to the game in style able to counter but certainly did
00:31:43not have the advantage long and ameleth knocks perry saturn out of the ring
00:31:49it's all kinds of folks to make the world go around and that includes folks like perry saturn who's
00:31:54saturn who's he needs a he needs an order of price to complete that happy meal there's no
00:31:59doubt about that and perry likes what she's seeing i like what i'm seeing every time the camera's on
00:32:07raven up on that bottom rope to gain some leverage but that didn't work as saturn hanging
00:32:12in there saturday former army ranger he's tough he's disciplined in some areas in some areas he's
00:32:20goofy as a template and saturn i'm being barely able to kick out well that would have been a raven
00:32:28victory saturn sauntering across the ring i think when the possum there that could do it there nice
00:32:39straight kick by perry saturn taking down raven but raven maintains the advantage
00:32:46saturn going to what he may be best at that's so dry
00:32:51a brickle roman throw the waist off into the throw by saturn
00:32:55a modified suplex another beautiful belly overhead suplex by saturn
00:33:03saturn building some momentum spring with the impact and raven glad of his back will this be
00:33:11enough here and not this time it's amazing the motivation a mop will give a man that is strange
00:33:19isn't it very saturn's eye is busted here like that right hand by raven the roll-up
00:33:31you don't think this is going to be a very physically intense night from our next match
00:33:37every match a championship will be decided here tonight live in pittsburgh at the sold-out melon
00:33:43arena and this could be bad for raven but it was a nice counter by raven
00:33:49and raven taking down saturn high impact stuff here rolling off his back
00:33:57reversing by saturn and raven with a sunset flip in another near fall
00:34:07raven's shoulders on the canvas not really a pitting predicament here
00:34:11remember raven needs to be very careful because maybe he can count it out and not even realize it
00:34:18catapulted to the top turnbuckle by saturn
00:34:25that twisting fisherman suplex
00:34:39except for one thing
00:35:01he was humbled at an early age with the tragic death of his father 11 years later america
00:35:07embraced a new champion from steel town usa and his incredible life story continued with the
00:35:13fastest rise to superstardom in wwf history it's a real american story kurt angle it's true it's
00:35:21true available wherever books are sold or log on to www.shopzone.com indeed we're at kurt angle's
00:35:29hometown of pittsburgh the melon arena sold out here tonight and will this be kurt angle's night
00:35:34to bring the wwf title back to the world wrestling federation i say yes paul i say no jr
00:35:42well i'm putting my money where my mouth is i believe it's gonna happen it's gotta happen here
00:35:48tonight christian tonight you're not only facing the intercontinental champion but you're facing
00:35:55your flesh and blood and your brother edge now yes you have a shot at the title but after seeing
00:36:01the relationship between the two of you disintegrate the way it has the question is was it worth it
00:36:07you know lillian i was thinking i was thinking that there's so many people in this world that
00:36:14come so close to fulfilling their hopes and dreams only to fail miserably you take a step out there
00:36:22tonight and you'll see an arena full of people that fit that description to a t but you know
00:36:30but you know tonight i have a chance to fulfill my dreams to prove something to the world
00:36:36that i've known my entire life and that's that i am superior to my brother edge but you know
00:36:43tonight everyone's making such a big deal about will kurt angle win the wwf title
00:36:49well i say who cares because when unforgiven is written into the history books it's gonna
00:36:56remember that it was the night that christian walked away with the intercontinental title
00:37:01so you're asking me to question was it worth ending my relationship with my brother
00:37:09you're damn right it was
00:37:14well we are just moments away from the intercontinental championship matchup
00:37:18it should be awesome there'll be no brotherly love in this intercontinental contest that has
00:37:24deep roots in jealousy my brother edge has been jealous edge is the 2001 king of the ring bitter
00:37:38christian seems more obsessed with the king of the ring trophy than his brother edge who wanted
00:37:42and resentful of me and there you see the new wwf intercontinental champion my whole life
00:37:51it's always been edge and christian oh my god christian just cracked the skull of his own
00:38:00brother of his own flesh and blood i don't need you edge you have nothing that i need
00:38:15but you do have something that i want i'm gonna take your intercontinental title the same way
00:38:22you always took the spotlight from me hey wait there's edge christian's brother edge
00:38:27edge is getting the hell out of his brother the jealous christian what kind of brotherly love
00:38:32is that showing for christian the same kind of brotherly love that christian showed his brother
00:38:37when he tried to crack his skull brother versus brother and edge's intercontinental championship
00:38:43will be at stake
00:39:27yes sir he's a big christian fan
00:39:32i'll tell you what christian has the opportunity here to walk away the intercontinental title
00:39:37about a whole heck of a lot more folks than just an intercontinental title as
00:39:42confident as it is this is personal between brothers so you don't like it to read this
00:39:48unforgiving is being brought to you live from the melon arena from right here in pittsburgh pa
00:39:53by clear so acne defense cleanser clear so clearly looking better just like christian
00:40:01it's clearly looking better just breaking away from his jealous envious brother edge
00:40:31with rob i know this song this sinister son comes out november 13th right
00:40:37yes how did edge get this as his entrance music two months in a day i think that
00:40:44rob zombie big fan of edge and that can't be what it won't the alliance has been courting
00:40:50rob zombie for months now why would rob zombie want to hang out with edge when he can hang out
00:40:54with a guy like me answer your questions uh later by looking in the mirror but that's another issue
00:41:01and this issue here again is about more than the coded intercontinental title this is brother
00:41:07versus brother this whole thing steeped in jealousy and look at the intensity here
00:41:15christian trying to distance himself from edge in this matchup
00:41:18these two young men certainly came unraveled on september the third in toronto their hometown
00:41:24in front of their family when christian turned his back on his brother edge and he got a wonder
00:41:29paul when this whole jealous thing began was it when edge became the the 2001 king of the ring or
00:41:35or was it when edge became the intercontinental champion
00:41:38oh yes sir i do who told you that oh one of their cousins there's a knockdown by edge
00:42:09what a shot that was did you hear the thud of christian's head off that
00:42:13that staging yes sir i did metal staging yes sir i did and i'll tell you something else i think it's
00:42:19very poor officiating i think that should be challenged disqualified look at this look at
00:42:24the brutality by his own brother in front of his mom and dad who are watching on tv in canada
00:42:30but paul it was christian who was trying to escape edge is just bringing his brother back
00:42:35into the ring so they can settle this match i think christian just bailed out of bounds so
00:42:39that cooler heads could prevail so this could be a great athletic contest between two brothers
00:42:45for the intercontinental title well it will be a great athletic contest and we're seeing great
00:42:49intensity by by both these young men who were seventh time i think
00:42:57and what a what a run they had as as partners in the tag team division here in the wwf those days
00:43:05and may never ever be regenerated again oh no way i mean these two brothers are without question
00:43:13as the title says unforgiven what a christian begging his brother and that may have just been
00:43:20a a little bit of a trap to lure edge closer to that ring post these kids grew up together
00:43:25and i didn't know that that would be one of his brothers
00:43:44another shot to the lower back again in those steel steps and talk about unforgiving those
00:43:49steps are unforgiving what do you think grandma edna is rooting for tonight
00:43:56well by the sound of things in the past i would tend to think maybe
00:44:10look at what that family has driven christian to do just to get a little bit of attention
00:44:15that he so rightfully deserves i just think christian's got an ego problem
00:44:20and right now he's there
00:44:25and there's a cover to be all here
00:44:29he's kicking those legs trying to get some uh lower body so he could kick out he did
00:44:34and what a shot to the kidneys
00:44:43intercontinental championship at stake again every match from this point forward will be
00:44:50a championship contest you know christian did not want to come to his feet you have to i mean
00:44:58here you are with a big wwf announcer you should tell the truth
00:45:07well i'd like to agree with you but i don't feel that way i think this whole thing was a
00:45:13a result of a christian's jealousy and his and his bruised ego
00:45:17let's go nice power slam by christian look at the freak
00:45:23and uh referee chad pan found two on it a hard shot to the face by christian
00:45:31is sitting at home rooting on edge mom and dad are rooting on edge all the cousins and the
00:45:36uncles and he's rooting on edge doesn't anybody care about christian doesn't anybody love this
00:45:42of course they do the family and i'm sure the whole family is is concerned and upset but
00:45:49this is happening but i mean christian can be a real pain in the keystone
00:46:01it's kind of hard to turn the other cheek when when one christian
00:46:04trying to take his his own brother's head off with a chair as edge fights back
00:46:12and christian reading there momentarily i mean christian oh my side wasn't leg sweep
00:46:18both men are down i think christian took it way too far in toronto september the third
00:46:24with that that one man concerto that that gave his brother a minor concussion can you believe
00:46:31that after all these years we are witnessing edge versus christian quite frankly i can't
00:46:38i mean these guys were as good as any tag team combination i've ever seen in my tenure here
00:46:44in the wwf and edge drove his own brother to these lengths i understand your passion for your point
00:46:53but i don't think a lot of folks are going to buy into that call i just don't believe it's true i
00:46:57think a lot of folks would agree and christian now catching his brother in a very compromising
00:47:03position on the top turnbuckle and this is one of those high-risk moves that could change the
00:47:08entire complexion of this intercontinental top match but it's not going to be a superplex
00:47:15edge having a hard time capitalizing here in the predicament that he's in
00:47:19and the look on his face tells that story high risk here for edge the intercontinental champion
00:47:25well at least he landed on his feet
00:47:29german suplex
00:47:32how close can you get i mean man that was so close and now it looks to me
00:47:37like that just busted open edge has got a a cut under his eye from that one of those right hands
00:47:46and now edge right into that top middle turnbuckle the drop kick by christian
00:47:51christian capitalizing christian with a cover the leg is hooked in and so rough before the
00:47:55three cushion pressing the advantage here and now the right hand right in that
00:48:18thank you very much sir top of your game tonight buddy you know i am
00:48:24and sometimes a side of your your own uh little strange things to get christian
00:48:29doing a little showboating and i don't think now's the time to have a parade
00:48:34hard right hand by edge it's fighting for his intercontinental title fighting to put his brother
00:48:41in a more harmonious place and maybe these two guys get this out of their system
00:48:46in this match tonight and maybe they would get back together never gonna happen christian will
00:49:04edge is a left eye there's a cut under that left eye
00:49:10if i may be swell shut before this one goes all said and done
00:49:13for that hard right hand earlier by by christian a very physically intense night we said coming
00:49:19on the air here tonight that the emotion in the locker room area was at a fever pitch we have said
00:49:24that before but i don't think i've ever felt it or seen it as we have seen already like we were
00:49:30sitting here tonight two straight right hands by christian on his own brother edge but edge is
00:49:36having a hard time capitalizing hard knockdown by edge you see guys leaving it out here now
00:49:42is this trying to build some offense and momentum
00:49:47high back body drop by edge and christian finds himself in more trouble
00:49:52than edge with a double handful of hair and it's like a maneuver taking down the challenger
00:49:58for the intercontinental title edge is being driven out to these lengths because he's so jealous
00:50:03so envious of his brother christian christian again trying to score the high impact offense
00:50:11that's countered by edge christian again we let us counter each other's moves unbelievably
00:50:22and the referee got a long time to count on that exchange edge and christian know each other so
00:50:28well they can predict the other man's moves that's what made them such a great tag team
00:50:32what makes them such great opponents edge over the top rope but he landed on his feet there
00:50:38and edge where's he going what you're looking for edge on the rink
00:50:48and christian down on a knee there getting a little opportunity to wait a minute how can you
00:50:57trick your own brother this way how can you beat your own brother with a chair that's what christian
00:51:03did and that was really really close maybe a half a count away
00:51:16and christian knows it christian knows it better than anyone else here tonight
00:51:23it's getting christian coming in hard kick to the face
00:51:27and the spear right out of edge's playbook the cover should be over him and that left shoulder
00:51:33came off the canvas and christian showing the the frustration of being a second or less away
00:51:40from winning the intercontinental championship christian needs to keep his focus if he loses
00:51:45his temper during this contest edge will pick christian apart the two oh here we go wait a
00:51:52minute christian with two chairs if he really wants to win the intercontinental title he won't
00:51:58get disqualified because you can't win by disqualification i mean christian i know he's
00:52:03seemingly a little bit unbalanced in this jealous rage oh come on we have seen this we saw this in
00:52:11toronto earlier this month this is hitting one man concerto coming up but christian's gonna get
00:52:19on the takedown by edge i say look they're just going to put on this match because
00:52:24you gotta believe the referee would certainly disqualify christian if he had
00:52:29connected with that with that one man concerto now wait a minute wait a minute you don't think
00:52:39it's cannot lose the championship on a disqualification so yes he might don't do it
00:52:56the referee didn't see it that's a low blow
00:53:15all you want christian breaks two chairs in the ring and uses one of them for the low blow
00:53:22and you gotta admit paul that's exactly how christian just beat his brother edge to win
00:53:27the intercontinental title i'm sorry i don't have to admit that here's what i have to admit
00:53:31two brothers fought for the intercontinental championship one brother left as the champion
00:53:37and that brother the better brother the more talented brother was christian
00:53:55we are proud of the fact that we are are in over 15 countries watching us tonight worldwide
00:54:01throughout the uk australia germany northern ireland and every single person from those
00:54:07countries that are watching this pay-per-view just saw christian beat his own brother edge
00:54:12for the wwf intercontinental title the next time we are on pay-per-view ladies and gentlemen
00:54:19will be next month we will be in st louis missouri it's called no mercies tickets in
00:54:24st louis are on sale now st louis one of the great sports entertainment cities of all time
00:54:30and sam musk would have loved to have seen christian defeat his own brother edge for
00:54:35the intercontinental
00:54:38i doubt it he would not have liked it ladies and gentlemen coming up next the wcw tag team titles
00:54:45will be decided the undertaker king got screwed out of the wwf tag titles earlier in the week
00:54:52by chronic tonight there is retribution on the mind of the brother brothers of destruction let's
00:54:59take you back when steven richards had this to say well guys for the past three weeks steven
00:55:05richard has been hell-bent on making your lives a living hell destroying the both of you and
00:55:09tonight steven richards and chronic have a chance to pull off the ultimate revenge costing you those
00:55:14wcw tag team titles you see what you know that's fine revenge that's great you see i'm hot and i'm
00:55:20not hot because we've got jumped and got beat up for the last three weeks hey i can deal with that
00:55:24i'm gonna settle that score tonight what i'm hot about is that steven richards seems like he is
00:55:30obsessed with reminding everybody that i got rid of the rtc
00:55:35the people don't want to be reminded about that they're trying to forget the rtc
00:55:40but okay that's fine so he brings in adams and clark chronic hell-bent on revenge so he's got
00:55:47these two muscled up statues we've seen what they can do when they jump us from behind now let's see
00:55:52what happens when they got a look in the eye of the dragon all those muscles are fine but we'll
00:55:58take a muscle-bound man and drop his face in the sand and that you can count on coach let's roll
00:56:36well chronic former two-time wcw tag team champions
00:56:41as we have documented last week on raw chronic certainly cost the undertaker candy wwf tag team
00:56:49titles big favorite for the dummies now there's a back time chronic is intimidating aren't they
00:56:59well they're big impressive athletes no doubt about it
00:57:03but this is the epitome of intimidation and destruction
00:57:26chronic in the undertaker king's yard and that's when i was steven richards
00:57:31that is as bad as unbalanced anybody you ever see on the outside and chronic
00:57:36so they're credit rolling to the outside that could put the undertaker in pain
00:57:41when was the last time you ever saw anyone take the fight to the undertaker
00:57:50that was a car too big powerful men they're hungry they want to make an impact in sports
00:57:56entertainment they want to regain the wcw tag team titles they're the newest members of the alliance
00:58:03and there's no doubt you want to put a smile on shano mac's face you bring home wcw tag team gold
00:58:12undertaker and adams brian adams there's a cover by the undertaker and adams too strong too early
00:58:20able to kick out i cannot believe that someone is actually taking the fight
00:58:25to the brothers of destruction i'm so used to everyone running away from the undertaker
00:58:31take chronic stands tall and fight
00:58:35that was a card vote six six maybe six seven but close to the 300 pound mark
00:58:41nice drop toe hold by the undertaker taking down adams and the undertaker dropping that 300 pound
00:58:46elbow right in the spine of adams looking for the cover is the undertaker and adams again
00:58:52able to kick out and there's a tag to the big red machine his left elbow as you can see clearly
00:59:01he says it's close to 100 percent as a pain injury at somerset
00:59:08he says it's close to 100 percent and you believe the man
00:59:11absolutely i believe he wears a mask for crying out loud
00:59:16you were a cow so you were a cowboy hat what the hell does that mean
00:59:21good slam nothing good slam by kane taking down adams as kane again boy adams being pressured
00:59:29here and another near fall the third one of the matchup
00:59:35steven richards literally a tired and black
00:59:40and brian adams on the back breaker on kane is probably about 15 or 20 pounds over the 300 pound
00:59:51mark that was his leg and now adams brings kane to the corner
01:00:11by brian clark undertaker and kane's wcw tag team championship
01:00:16let's take it and kick back into the corner not not bad but getting back to the corner
01:00:24a great flexibility by this huge man brian clark taking down kane the kick to the solar
01:00:30plexus and the cover got a two count i notice how brian clark sticks his elbow right into
01:00:37the jawline of kane everything these guys do is malicious i love that
01:00:42oh i have heard that
01:00:47taking down clark and clark gets his way back up i'm not sure clark knows where he is but he's
01:00:53back up on the bike irish up to the far side but came a little overzealous there make some
01:00:58shootouts but look at the power kane okay that shoulder breaker
01:01:04you're now clark in trouble and in a real rough part of town
01:01:10well here comes the big dog in the yard
01:01:15he may pretend the undertaker that adams and clark are fire hydrants that could be ugly here
01:01:21in the figurative sense
01:01:25taker using that power that mass to focus on that shoulder of brian clark
01:01:31you're not implying that the undertaker needs a diaper are you no sir a little old school
01:01:37for the undertaker walking that top rope and hammering clark aggressively down into the canvas
01:01:45and now working on an arm a cross arm breaker by the undertaker looking for the submission
01:01:51and brian adams knew that move very well they were interrupted and tasteful and down goes the
01:01:57undertaker now once again staying on top of the problems of destruction two big bad malicious
01:02:07individuals are crying
01:02:12undertaker has been grounded in the chronic corner
01:02:16yes mark will leave eventually adams in legally
01:02:24and wait a minute a little double team here by these these two big men
