• 14 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Condivido il richiamo del presidente di Assolombarda Alessandro Spada alla politica, affinché si renda la vita delle imprese un po’ più semplice in termini di quadro normativo. C’è stata una sovrapproduzione di norme in questi anni in Italia e in Europa”. È quanto affermato da Giorgio Gori, europarlamentare, in occasione dell’Assemblea 2024 di Assolombarda intitolata “L’Impresa che è in noi”.


00:00What is the role of the European Commission in the implementation of the European standards?
00:04I have shared a lot the call of President Espada,
00:10the call to politics, to make the life of companies a little easier,
00:15in terms of simplification of the standard framework.
00:18There has been a huge overproduction of standards in these years,
00:21European and Italian, and I understand the effort of the companies.
00:25The other important step is the interpretation of the Green Transition,
00:31which I consider to be an obligatory choice,
00:36and that companies ask to be accompanied by what is needed,
00:41as it has been done both in China and in the United States,
00:45to make the transformation less expensive for companies,
00:50more sustainable also from an economic and social point of view.
00:53I believe that this is a great responsibility that we have,
00:56especially in Europe, in keeping the bar straight on the goal of decarbonization,
01:03but also in implementing the elements of support for companies.
01:09This is also true for Automotive.
01:11I am not sure that it is a good idea to slow down the process of transition to electric,
01:18since we are already delaying it.
01:20I think it is important, as I did in the seat of the Plenary Hall in Strasbourg,
01:26to ask the European Commission that in the new Automotive Action Plan
01:30there are all the elements of support that the European automotive industry needs
01:35to make this transformation and recover the land it has lost.
