• yesterday
00:00Now that we've covered the visual dictionary, let's take a look at what the full flow that we'll be building throughout this course will look like.
00:07Here's an example of part of the flow that we're going to be creating in this course.
00:12It may look a little complicated at first glance, but it's really just a collection of a handful of steps put in a specific order.
00:20In the beginning, we have our input steps, where we're bringing in data from various data sources and doing some initial cleansing.
00:27After that, we're performing clean steps on our fields and our values coming from our data sources.
00:33We're getting them ready to be joined and unioned for analysis later in the flow.
00:37Note that the bulk of what most people think Dataprep is will take place inside the clean step.
00:43But that's not everything that we're going to be doing inside Tableau Prep.
00:47There's a few other steps that play important roles in getting the data in the right shape for our end users and our analytic dashboards.
00:55These include unions, which will stack our data on top of itself.
00:59Aggregations, which will help us group and aggregate our data up to different levels of granularity.
01:05Joins, which will help us combine our datasets together and append relevant columns for our analysis.
01:12Pivots, which will transform our data from columns to rows or rows to columns, depending how we want to analyze and cut the data once it's outputted.
01:23And finally, our output steps.
01:25We'll want to decide where we want to place our cleaned and prepared datasets.
01:30Do we want them on Tableau's server, a local file, or inside a database?
01:35There's a lot of options for data preparation and cleansing in each of these steps.
01:40But if you think about it fundamentally, we're only looking at seven key steps that we're going to be performing inside our Tableau Prep flow.
01:49If you think about it like that, it makes it a lot easier to break down in your mind what you want to do and how you're going to do it inside Tableau Prep.
01:57Now that we've talked through our example flow diagram, we're going to dive into a pro tip around data design theory.
