• 2 hours ago
00:00How we parent our children is often a hot topic of debate
00:04People have criticised my parenting style
00:07It's calling me crazy, mad, extreme
00:10I think school's a prison
00:11Especially when parents choose to reject the norm
00:15and opt to parent in unusual ways
00:17I'm pulling my children out of the world as much as possible
00:20These parents have come under harsh scrutiny
00:23because of their choices in how they raise their children
00:26People say I'm raising him as a gangster, a thug
00:29They're not used to seeing a baby with tattoos
00:32What can school give them that I can't?
00:36Is this criticism fair?
00:37Told me that I was ruining my kids' lives
00:41It just hurts that you still can't see my side
00:44It just sucks to not have that friendship that we used to have
00:48Or have they been judged too harshly?
00:50Disturbing and disgusting
00:52I'd be embarrassed if I were those kids
00:54You decide
00:57This is The Smythe Family
00:59Kip and Kari and their seven children
01:01It goes from Caleb to Joshua to Nathan to Esther to Joseph to Naomi then to Abigail
01:09They're all living off-grid in the Ozarks of Missouri
01:14But how did they come to live this way?
01:16If you look at the culture in America and what's happening in America right now
01:21the kind of craziness
01:23It's not getting better, society
01:25It's not that I don't trust people
01:28It's just that I don't trust people
01:30Because people are people
01:31There's no way around it
01:33I'm pulling my children out of the world as much as possible
01:36but that's out of the negative things of the world
01:39About 10 years ago, I got a real desire in my heart
01:43Kip and I both did, to begin homesteading, growing our own food
01:47And that led us on a journey that ended up here
01:51You guys ever eat junk food?
01:53Junk food?
01:56And it's not just their own food they grow
01:58It's their own herbal remedies
02:01We do more of a preventative approach
02:04So we do a lot of herbs, essential oils and good nutrition
02:09None of our children have ever had to take antibiotics, which is a big blessing
02:13We stopped using the drugs
02:16We stopped taking antibiotics, which is a big blessing
02:19We stopped vaccinations after our third child
02:22because he had a very severe reaction
02:26Became very ill
02:27My wife started scratching her head saying,
02:29hey, this seems to be kind of a consistent thing for our children
02:32We didn't feel it was safe any longer to give them the vaccinations
02:36And there's a lot of controversy on that
02:38I understand it was not an easy decision for us to make
02:42but we feel it was right for us
02:44Although Kip and Carrie's decision not to vaccinate their children
02:47is against US government advice
02:49they have been promoting their way of life online
02:52What are you up to in the garden, honey?
02:55We are getting this bed that we just cleared of sweet potatoes
02:58ready for some fall crops
03:00Just under three years ago we started a YouTube channel and showing our journey
03:04Because of living this way of life so different,
03:06maybe we'd be able to encourage others
03:10All of these things make life quite a bit different here
03:13Our kids get up in the morning, they do their morning chores
03:16Good morning, crew
03:18Y'all raring to go?
03:23So then it's off to the schooling, homeschooling
03:27Most of their time is not at the table
03:29and they're learning in lots of different other ways
03:32So they could be sitting down with their buddy
03:34The three older children have the three younger children as their buddies
03:38and so they spend time doing things together
03:41What are the things that you guys feel maybe other kids aren't getting that you guys aren't?
03:47A lot of real life facts and problem solving in the real life world
03:53Instead of just at a desk
03:57Yeah, lots of animal husbandry stuff
04:00Stroke and defensing
04:05I think that in the public school system
04:08I think that in the public school system
04:10there are a lot of facts being fed to the children
04:13A lot of times geared toward testing
04:14There's other things that are more important
04:16Having the wisdom to take what you know and use it in life in a beneficial way
04:22I want to give my children all the tools I can give them to pursue their passions
04:26And public school just doesn't cater to that
04:29But not everyone has the same view as Kip and Carrie
04:31when it comes to schooling and bringing up their children
04:34No matter what lifestyle you live
04:36No matter what beliefs you have
04:39What kind of religion
04:40You're gonna have haters if you put yourself out in the public
04:44No matter what
04:47They ask a lot of questions about homeschooling
04:51And well, how are you socializing your children?
04:53You're so removed from the whole rest of society
04:57When I went to school
04:58I was getting into trouble
05:01Encouraging my friends to get in trouble
05:03So do I want my children being influenced by one of me?
05:06When I was that age
05:07No, I don't
05:09I really don't
05:11You do realize your parents made a decision to live like this
05:15What do you think about their decision?
05:18I think it's a good one
05:19That's also how I want to live when I grow up
05:22Just teaching me how to do that
05:24And it gives me a lot of freedom to do what I love
05:26With their children's passion and freedom
05:28being one of their main drivers for Kip and Carrie's way of parenting and living
05:32How would they react if one or all of them
05:35Wanted to make a more conventional lifestyle for themselves?
05:39If they want to pursue the normal American lifestyle
05:42Go into the city, get the job and all that
05:46I wouldn't force them to stay here
05:49I would let them do that
05:51I would be hurt in my heart
05:53But I wouldn't force them
05:56My oldest son, you know, is pursuing web design and things like that
06:02He didn't get that from me, I'll tell you that for sure
06:05But it's something that really interests him
06:08He has this creativeness about him
06:10I'm trying to empower him to do that
06:12To pursue that
06:16Well, everyone has a choice to make
06:18How they're going to live their life
06:20And thankfully, we still have the freedom to make those choices
06:27I wouldn't put my way of life on anyone if it wasn't their choice
06:30But I wouldn't change either
06:37Mother Shamika came under intense criticism
06:40After photos emerged of her and her young son covered in tattoos
06:45Dance machine
06:48What you want to wear?
06:49This is Traylon, but most people know him as Nugget World, 5'6''1''
06:55He's a celebrity on TikTok
06:58He made it to 1.5 million followers, and so we appreciate that
07:03Hey, my name's Shamika, and my son Traylon, he loves temporary tattoos
07:07And I enjoy putting them on him
07:12Traylon is one years old
07:14Traylon has tons of clothes and shoes
07:18He has over, oh, probably like 150 sneakers
07:24He's a sneakerhead
07:26Oh, you fresh
07:30You look good, man
07:35Yes, mama gotta put it on
07:37I put on the jewelry to accessorize the outfit
07:41I think that's perfect for today's outfit
07:45I think Traylon love dressing up
07:48Because when he see himself dressed, he get in the mirror
07:50He be feeling himself, he be bopping, he be dancing
07:53So I really think he enjoys it
07:55Shamika was criticized as a mother before her son was even born
08:00When I was eight months, I did a maternity shoot with my brothers at a tattoo shop
08:05And I got bullied on social media
08:09All the comments were negative
08:10People were saying, oh, my baby is gonna be born with a whole bunch of tattoos
08:15He gonna have skin poison
08:17It was crazy, like I was laughing, but I said, I'm gonna get back at him
08:22Traylon's first tattoo was when he was six months
08:26And just the detail of it, it was just so amazing
08:31Hey, y'all
08:34Come on, look at that
08:42My celebrity nephew
08:45And that's right
08:46We're gonna get Traylon a new tattoo
08:48So I want to do a photo shoot after
08:50You know the negative comments that are gonna come behind this, right?
08:53When I first started tattooing Traylon, my family hated it
08:58Because they don't like that I have tattoos
09:00But now that they seen it could be something positive
09:03They love it because when we out, he get a lot of attention
09:06And kids really love the tattoos
09:09When Shamika came up with the idea, I wasn't down with it
09:13I was totally against it
09:15I did not want her to do that with him
09:18Well, since I seen where it could take her in Traylon
09:23I didn't have no issue with it because it turned out to be a positive thing
09:32Ready to go?
09:33Yeah, he ready to go
09:39Alicia help out with Nugget when I'm at work
09:43And she can't control him
09:45He's so spoiled
09:46Oh, don't be giving my shoes away
09:49The very first time Shamika told me about the tattoos
09:53My first reaction was
09:56They're gonna call DCF on you
09:57The backlash was horrible
10:00It hurt my feelings because I know I'm not a bad mom
10:03And I got called all type of names
10:05Like it was crazy
10:07He gonna be a gangster
10:08He gonna be a gangster
10:09He gonna get shot down and screamed
10:11Screamed like
10:12We're raising him up for prison
10:16It was just bad all around
10:19But we didn't regret it
10:21I'm proud of Shamika of the life that she's making for Traylon
10:25Because she's trying to pass on a legacy
10:27She don't want her childhood to be his childhood
10:32She wants better for her son
10:34So yes, I'm very proud of her
10:37Ready to go to the tattoo shop?
10:38Yeah, let's go
10:39What's going on?
10:40Nugget, this is what I came up with
10:42Look, little uncle's gonna go out for you
10:45Ooh, big boy
10:48You like it?
10:49I've done Shamika tattoo
10:51I've done her stomach, big cover up
10:53And I've also done her legs
10:55She came up with it like about a year ago
10:58And just felt like it would be a good idea for promoting
11:01So I'm excited for her
11:03I'm excited for her
11:03I'm excited for her
11:04I'm excited for her
11:05I'm excited for her
11:06I'm excited for her
11:07I'm excited for her
11:08I'm excited for her
11:09Nugget liked the tattoos too
11:11So it'll be a way for him to look like he's tattooed
11:17Aw, man
11:18Nugget got his first tattoo
11:20Basically, just place this rag against it right now
11:24And as the rag moistens it up, it will stick on the skin
11:28Aw, man
11:32Despite the fact that the tattoos are temporary
11:35People have been quick to jump to the wrong conclusions
11:44My opinion of being a great mom is being their cheerleader
11:49Being their go-to person
11:53Being their best friend
11:55With the temporary tattoos, there are not any risks
11:59If you're judging someone off of 30-second videos on social media
12:02That's your business
12:03But what you say or think about someone
12:07Don't determine where they're going to be in the future
12:12While they might look like a regular family from the outside
12:15Selena and Joseph made a shocking discovery about their family
12:19After 16 years of marriage
12:22Don't break it
12:24Good job
12:27Who is the strict one of the two of you?
12:30I would say me
12:31He tries to be more of the friend
12:35And I have to be the parent
12:36Don't get me wrong, he'll help with parenting sometimes
12:40He's more like my fourth child, basically
12:45We met at a Halloween party
12:47We just decided, hey, let's go on a date
12:49And then we went to the bowling alley, right?
12:51I told her if I get one pin on this next throw
12:54You have to give me a kiss
12:56I got my one pin that I wanted
12:58And we kissed
13:01We were like inseparable after that
13:03Some magnets got attached
13:04Yeah, we were like this
13:07This July, it will be 17 years of marriage
13:11And we've been together for 17 years and four months
13:13We had a short courtship
13:15We have three kids, two boys, one girl
13:18Happy marriage is your belly
13:21It's through the belly
13:23You're so horny
13:24You're the sexiest person in the world
13:29The drama began when Selena started to investigate her family history
13:34I started really diving into my DNA
13:37Because I wanted to find out my heritage
13:40My daughter, she's really dark-skinned
13:43And then my son, he has curly hair
13:47My middle child, he's light-skinned
13:49When everyone would ask, like, what are you?
13:51What are you?
13:52I didn't really give an answer besides, hey, I'm Native American
13:56Before the DNA test, we had no suspicion whatsoever
14:01We sent in our swabs
14:02There was a match
14:05There's a database
14:06A whole thing of cousins pull up
14:08And he pulls up
14:10And I go, oh goodness
14:13When I realized that we were cousins
14:16I was a little sick to my stomach
14:19And he goes, no, babe, it's nothing
14:22He was in complete denial
14:24I was like, this is weird
14:26I can't believe we're cousins
14:29And then he started realizing
14:31Little things started coming up
14:32And he's like, okay, maybe we are related
14:36Have you figured out how closely related?
14:39The DNA test has confirmed that we are third-to-fifth cousins
14:46How did you feel, like, after finding all this out
14:48And knowing you had three children?
14:51In my head, I thought we were supposed to get divorced
14:55And then I started more thinking to myself, like, hey
14:59For our children, for our household
15:01We need to keep it together and stay together
15:05It was a pivotal moment for us
15:07Because you're not supposed to look at your cousin
15:09Or be with your cousin
15:10And I didn't mean it, but it happened that way
15:13We've gone this far
15:15And to death it was part of my book
15:17So I wasn't going to leave over something like that
15:21When you first told your children, how did they react?
15:24They didn't ask too many questions
15:26My son, my middle, he goes
15:29Well, does that make us sister and brother and cousins then?
15:35I guess so, yeah
15:38How do you feel about everything?
15:40It's kind of normal
15:41Because since they're my parents
15:42And, like, there's nothing really weird about it
15:44Because they've been married for a long time
15:46Sometimes I feel a little bit weird about it
15:47Because it's not something you want to brag about
15:49Or, like, put out to the world or nothing like that
15:51They found out before they got married
15:53I think there'd be something obviously wrong with that
15:55But since they found out after
15:56There's not one single problem I see wrong
15:59I first heard about it and
16:03It wasn't that special to me
16:05I just kind of forgot about it because I was pretty young
16:07Why did you decide to make it public?
16:11I am related to my husband
16:14I was, like, sitting there one night
16:15And I was like, let's just put this in here
16:18And I did not know it was going to blow up that big
16:22I did not
16:23One person on there said
16:26This is so disturbing
16:28Why would you marry your cousin?
16:30They look so much alike
16:31How did they not know?
16:33I feel bad for the kids
16:34Hopefully people don't bully them
16:36I'd be embarrassed if I were those kids
16:40That's just the sensitive spot on me
16:42When they bring the kids up into it
16:44For their social life
16:45Getting out as much as it did
16:47The bully part of it
16:48That was one of the first things that concerned me
16:50How does that make the two of you feel?
16:53It's irritating
16:54But I stopped taking it
16:55I stopped reading them
16:56I, like I said, you can't get
16:57You can't read into it and take offense to it
17:00Because you get
17:01Take offense to every negative post
17:03You're gonna be mad all the time
17:04We accidentally married each other's cousins
17:06Like, whoop-dee-doo
17:08You know?
17:09And I did get a little backlash from that side
17:12And I'm like, well, you guys don't want us to judge you
17:15So why are you judging us?
17:17Mother of four Chloe switched careers
17:19And now makes a living creating adult content online
17:22With the help of her 14-year-old sister
17:25A decision which ended up losing her friends
17:29I would say that I'm kind of like a strict parent
17:32But also a fun parent
17:34My kids don't really know what exactly I do for a living
17:38They have an idea that I do something in the social media world
17:42But they don't know that it's adult content creating
17:47I try to keep them away from it
17:49I do plan on telling my kids what I do when they're much older
17:53I feel like they're still so young
17:55And they don't understand exactly what I do
17:58You want to do it on the edge of the bed?
17:59Yeah, we're gonna do it right here
18:01My sister Brianna, she helps me shoot my reels, my TikToks
18:06My Instagram pictures, some behind the scenes
18:09So when I'm shooting with photographers
18:11So she's been a lot of help
18:14And it's nice having family here too
18:18Okay, look at this
18:21How did you come up with this idea to have her help you in the first place?
18:25It actually kind of happened by accident
18:28We were out at the grocery store and she started
18:31I was like, hey, can you take this video of me real quick?
18:33Because normally I would use my tripod
18:35But I didn't bring it with me that day
18:37So she started taking it
18:39And I was like, you know what?
18:40Maybe you should just be my tripod
18:43I really want to do more photography when I grow up
18:47And this is really helping me get closer to that
18:51I'm so proud of her
18:57So my life when I first got divorced
19:00I was working at a dental office
19:02I was a receptionist
19:04So I would rarely see my kids
19:06It was always just like a busy go-go life
19:10Right here
19:11So I'll have you shoot me from here
19:14I started doing adult content creating because of my financial needs
19:20In my first month, I made a little over three grand
19:24And that was a little more than what I was making at my nine to five
19:30That was good
19:33So now I'm making $30,000 a month
19:36So that's amazing
19:38I honestly, my goal was to make like $10,000
19:41And I've like killed it
19:46The difference it's made in my life and my kids' life
19:49Is that I am able to be with them a lot more now
19:53And this year I was able to purchase this home
19:57I used to live in a not good area
19:59Where there was a lot of crime
20:02So I was very happy that I was able to give this nice stable home to my kids
20:08Brianna, what do you think about what your sister does for work?
20:12I think whatever she wants to do is like her choice
20:16And if she's happy, honestly, that's all that matters
20:18Because why would you be at a job that you're not happy in
20:22When you could do something that you love and be happy doing it, you know?
20:26While Chloe's sister is supportive of her lifestyle choice
20:30It was some of her friends who strongly disapproved of her work
20:34So my friend Ziri, we've known each other for like six years now
20:39I am very nervous seeing her today
20:44How are you?
20:45I'm good, how are you?
20:46Good, nice to see you
20:47Nice to see you again
20:48Nice to see you too
20:49You want to sit over here?
20:51Yeah, of course
20:53Once she found out that I was doing adult content creating
20:56She was not happy
20:59She was like, oh my god, I don't want to do this
21:02She was not happy
21:04She was one of the ones that was very judgmental about it
21:07And told me that I was ruining my kids' lives
21:11And mine
21:12So we had a fallout and she distanced herself
21:17Hasn't really spoke to me since I told her
21:21I know you were struggling
21:24I saw your situation
21:26But I know you could have held it out a little bit longer
21:28And probably done a different avenue
21:30Or just asked for help some other ways
21:34Instagram, influencer, YouTube
21:37Like they do nowadays
21:38I feel like the adult industry was where I saw the most income the quickest
21:47I love the freedom it's given me
21:50And the stability it has given me as well
21:53Yeah, how did your sister come about helping you in that?
21:57You're bringing her along into that business and industry as well
22:01Like you just said you want them to have a childhood
22:04Your sister's very young too
22:05Yeah, she shouldn't be exposed to that
22:07She's not though
22:08She just takes pictures of me in outfits, in a bikini
22:13My sister sees me in a bikini whether she's filming for me or not
22:17So I don't feel like I'm exposing her to anything
22:20She's just holding the phone and recording
22:24Whatever her older sister does for money
22:27No, she doesn't see that though
22:28She just sees she's just helping me make TikToks
22:32Has your opinion changed at all or?
22:36Honestly, no
22:37Once she changes what she's doing it might change
22:40But as of right now my opinion hasn't changed
22:46You have, you know, the right to feel that way
22:49It just hurts that you still can't see my side
22:54It just sucks to not have that friendship that we used to have
22:59Over something that does not affect you
23:03But it does affect me in a way
23:05Because you're my friend, I want the best for you
23:10I see you're doing good but I wish it just wasn't this way
23:15Thank you for having this conversation with me
23:18It was not what I would like it to have been, the outcome
23:24But at least, you know
23:26We finally sat down and talked about this
23:27Yeah, at least we had like an actual sit down about it
23:33I've received a lot of judgment online
23:35I get a lot of negative comments about like
23:38Your kids are gonna hate you
23:40You're ruining their lives
23:42What are they gonna think?
23:44Aren't you scared of them seeing like what you put out there?
23:47That sort of stuff
23:48While she might not be able to convince everyone to support her career choices
23:52Chloe is steadfast in her decision to work in the adult content creation industry
23:56I get a lot of positive comments too and that's usually what I focus on
24:00Everybody online knows I'm a mom
24:02They call me like the hottest milf in Arizona
24:04So I kind of like that
24:08I don't feel like it's irresponsible making adult content as a mom
24:12I feel like you should be proud of your body after having kids
24:18So I don't feel like being a mom changes anything
24:22I'm a great mom and I can choose to do what I want to do
24:26in the work field that I want to be in
24:29Okay, I'll say go
24:34I hope to in the future have many businesses
24:39and continue to invest what I make in my kids' future, in my future
24:45I feel very proud of myself that I'm able to give them this life
24:53and not have to worry and stress about how I'm gonna make ends meet next week
25:01So, very proud
25:05Our next mom is also sure that the decision she's made for her two daughters
25:09is the right one despite pushback from family and friends
25:13Bug! Bunny!
25:15Right, breakfast
25:17They're only 12 months apart but their lunch all can choose
25:20Hi, I'm Cassianne
25:21I work in the health and aesthetic industry and also influencing on social media
25:26So I've got two babies, Bug and Bunny
25:29They're eight and nine
25:30And then I have a new one on the way who is called Johnny Blue
25:35How's an average day for you now compared to when the girls are in school?
25:39So normally we'd get up and it'd be a rush
25:42all morning trying to get them dressed and waking them up, going to school
25:46We don't really have a hectic morning as such
25:50So I pulled the girls out of school about four or five months ago now
25:53I already knew they weren't gonna stay in education after year six
25:56but the way that the schooling system is, I removed them beforehand
26:01The main reasons were I don't like what's being taught in school
26:05I believe a child learns more from freedom on the outside of school
26:10rather than sitting in a classroom for six to eight hours
26:14The girls, they didn't have a say in what I was going to do with their future and their education
26:19If they still want to go to school or university, college, they can
26:22But for now, they go by my rules whilst they live under my house
26:26Is there anything you miss about school?
26:31I miss my friends at school
26:33What do you miss about school?
26:35You don't miss nothing about school?
26:37Nothing at all?
26:37No, because I can text my friends
26:39What's your favourite thing about not going to school?
26:42Can't be just your phone because you're on a phone ban at the minute
26:46On a Monday, the children have tutoring and education
26:50and then every single day is set days that I do things
26:52I work my own hours and they kind of work around me
26:57So when I'm not working, we have education and then playtime
27:02They'll do cooking, they'll do cleaning
27:04and they'll learn about being domestic as well as an education at home
27:09What else do you like about being at home rather than school?
27:12Because we don't have to
27:13Don't have to what?
27:15Do maths or do English or do science
27:18And what do you learn at home that you don't learn there?
27:20Clean up
27:22I do co-parent with the children's dad
27:27The girl's dad is fine with my decision
27:29I think that pulling the girls out, especially their background being travellers
27:34They do come out of education early anyway, so it was gonna happen within time
27:40It was just the fact that I pulled them out earlier
27:45So after chores, the girls come up, they get their outfits
27:49They're always matching, they get their outfits, they do the hair, do the skincare
27:53They know about designer, they've known about it for a very, very long time
27:56This is Chanel, this is Louis Vuitton, Rolex, Tom Ford, Dior
28:03So I like the girls to have nice things purely because
28:06One, I've got it myself and I know what it feels like to have nice things
28:10And then two, if they've got it from young, they can't be
28:14bribed with what they're older or giving gifts and feel like it's everything to them
28:18I'm a millionaire businesswoman and I dropped out of school at 14
28:21I do believe me coming out of school early has had a big influence on the children
28:27Reason being, I've had no GCSEs but yet I've built very, very big successful businesses
28:34Everything that I've ever wanted in life, I've managed to get myself off my own back
28:39Already my girls are quite successful, so my bug has started up Heatless Rollers
28:45As well, Curly
28:47Online she sells them, she does little bits here and there
28:50I'm very strict as a parent, they don't just get a yes mum 24-7
28:55My will, there's stages in my will, so like,
28:58they're not allowed to inherit one house until they're married with a prenup
29:03Right, go on, sit your bum down
29:05Like their mum, the two girls also have regular beauty treatments
29:09I get my lashes done every few weeks
29:12I like getting my lashes done because it gets the vibe
29:16I've always tinted their eyebrows since they were babies and like, I had their ears pierced young
29:23I've got very good, well-mannered, polite children that say please, thank you
29:28that are very grateful and very appreciative
29:30So I do spoil them because they deserve it
29:36For people that judge me on my parenting, I don't really care
29:40So if they've got something to say, I just take it with a pinch of salt
29:44and then it's just a matter of proving them wrong
29:47So the girls do get a lot of comments that are not the best of comments
29:52People, like full-grown adults, comment on their appearance
29:55what they're going to be like when they're older, they call them names
29:58I don't let them see nothing, I put them in a bubble
30:01and I would never let them get affected by it
30:04but like, grown women are commenting on children
30:08I don't understand it personally
30:10Cassianne's mum has been critical about some of her parenting decisions
30:13Hello, hello
30:15How are we?
30:17You all right?
30:17Hey mate, how are we?
30:21Hi girls
30:23Where's mummy?
30:24Go and get Uncle Sashy a drink and Omi and then you can go upstairs and play
30:30She's actually a really soft-hearted bunny, she just puts on a front, doesn't she?
30:33Yeah, I don't know why
30:35Because she thinks she's a big girl now, having those eyelashes
30:40It's got nothing to do with her eyelashes
30:43My mum is anti-taking them out of school, she does not agree with it
30:48but obviously I'm the parent and what I say goes
30:52Life is about learning the negative things
30:57For children it's important these days, I think, to learn certain skills
31:01you cannot give them at home
31:03What can school give them that I can't?
31:06I believe taking them out of school because of your beliefs is right
31:11but the timing is wrong
31:13I believe they are too young to be taken out now
31:16For Bunny, for example, Bunny's creative and she's got a good imagination
31:21School would be perfect
31:22No, no, no
31:23School is a box
31:24Yeah, thank you
31:26She's being told you're not good at maths so you need to do more maths
31:30If she's not good at it, okay, she's not good at it
31:32But this day and age, you've got calculators
31:35Best thing I've done was leave school
31:37and the thing I wish I'd done before was leave school earlier
31:40At the time it wasn't out of choice, I wish it was out of choice
31:42I feel like I've got such a head start on everyone
31:45because like you said, being around people outside, like business
31:49You are the five people you surround yourself with the most
31:51Do you remember when you decided, when you personally decided
31:55Enough is enough, I don't want to go to grammar school no more
31:58You got privately educated with beauty and stuff
32:01Everything was privately done but you were in education
32:04The same goes with Johnny, when he's born
32:07He'll go into education until he can read, write, do maths
32:11like basic core things, have a social life
32:15and then he'll be pulled out, exactly the same
32:16He's got to go to school, I can't have a dumb kid
32:18He'll jump on with his dad, he'll go to work, he'll earn money straight away
32:23Do I ever see Johnny going to university? Absolutely not
32:26If he wanted to, he could
32:27But what's wrong with that?
32:28But I'm not saying nothing's wrong with it
32:29But I'd rather him go down his own path
32:33If he wants to, he can
32:34You are a very loving mum, you always put your children first
32:38I don't want that you lose yourself of doing too much
32:43Then I feel like I'm in a different limelight where I can do it
32:50But Cassie M doesn't care what anyone thinks
32:53It's her way or the highway
32:55The children are going to have a lovely life
32:57and do whatever they want, have whatever they want
32:59To trolls that have a lot to say
33:02Stop scrolling through social media and having something to say about a woman
33:06that's pregnant, that's got two children, that is just trying to better their life
33:10It's just pathetic, really
33:12While Cassie Anne and her two daughters live a luxurious lifestyle
33:16mum of two, Lucy, has chosen to live much more simply
33:21So this is where we live
33:23This is our tent home
33:26This is my son Asa
33:28and Asa is five
33:29and my daughter Alana
33:32and Alana is seven
33:33Okay, you guys want to go sit back there then?
33:36Because he's going to ask me a few more questions
33:39Thank you Asa
33:40We've been living in this way for about a year
33:42We first started living in a tent because of the rental crisis
33:46I didn't want a small unit
33:47and that's pretty much all we could afford with the state of the rental market at the moment
33:51I was also working as a marine biologist
33:54and I realised I was not happy
33:55I didn't have the energy that I really wanted
33:59and the capacity to spend with my children
34:05And so we moved into a tent
34:07and I really love this way of life
34:11Group kiss
34:12Group kiss
34:14I love being connected to nature
34:17I love having the trees as my walls
34:20Just be gentle
34:22So this is Asa and Alana's room
34:24They've got all their toys
34:27So my kids sleep in the same room here
34:29and I just sleep right next to them
34:32I think it's really important for good attachment
34:34for us to be together and to feel safe
34:36It's how we've always been living in tribe
34:41I don't have lots and lots of rooms to clean
34:44I used to live in a four-bedroom house with a swimming pool
34:47You know, I spend so much of my time sweeping leaves out of the swimming pool
34:51This is literally all that I own in the world now
34:54and I feel really grateful to have this simple existence
35:00And living in a tent wasn't the only change she made for her children
35:04My two children started the year at the Steiner together
35:07My son started there and hasn't really been enjoying it
35:14You scared me!
35:20And then put it straight onto those firelighters
35:22And so I've taken him out and we're now
35:26I guess you would call it unschooling for the moment
35:29It's nice to be outside a lot, isn't it?
35:31Do you like being outside?
35:33You like collecting bugs?
35:35And so I'm kind of exploring that with Asa at the moment
35:38just following what he wants to do
35:40and it seems like a lot of the time he just really enjoys just chilling out
35:45reading books, listening to music
35:47He just really likes to kind of relax
35:50What do you like the most to do with the family?
35:55What do you like most doing with me and Lani?
35:57Being together
36:00You want to come in?
36:01Do you love living in a tent, Lani?
36:04What do you like about being barefoot, Lani?
36:06So then I can feel the grass
36:09Does it feel nice under your feet?
36:12Me and my kids are usually barefoot all the time
36:15apart from in the wet season when it got really, really muddy
36:18we got a staph infection
36:20so you have to have a respect for nature
36:23So this is my zen meditation medicine plant garden
36:28and the kids love the space too
36:31To be surrounded by nature, in nature, bare feet
36:33is the most important thing for our health and for our happiness
36:37I don't take my children to the doctors for small things
36:41it would have to be something really major
36:43I believe what doctors can do is they can diagnose
36:46from a physical perspective
36:48and that's really helpful some of the time
36:51We've got the lucky bamboo
36:52Lucky bamboo!
36:53To bring us good luck
36:54And then what's this, Lani?
36:56It's wild raspberry
36:58And wild raspberry is...
37:00For kindness
37:01It's for kindness and it's also for motherhood
37:05But her parenting style isn't the only alternative lifestyle choice she's made
37:09And I do urine therapy
37:12The whole idea of the urine therapy for me
37:15It's a self-love practice
37:16This is a fresh urine
37:19So I loop my urine
37:20which means whenever I need the toilet
37:22I'll pee into a jar and I'll drink it
37:25There should be no part of us that disgusts us
37:29Mmm, yummy!
37:31I started off just putting it on my face
37:33It's really good for acne and skin conditions
37:35any eczemas or things like that
37:37When I first started doing the urine therapy
37:40my kids found it absolutely hilarious
37:42that mummy was drinking her own urine
37:44that mummy was drinking her own wee
37:46But my kids, you know, they're pretty light
37:49and they're pretty funny
37:50And so now it's become very much more normalized to them
37:54They just see me doing it
37:55and they don't really question it anymore
37:59Okay, so hey guys
38:00It's a really beautiful time of the day
38:02So I've been working on social media
38:05for probably the last five years
38:07TikTok really just kind of took off
38:09When I moved into the tent
38:11I think people were just really interested in living
38:14an alternative lifestyle
38:16Horse, cow, sheep, pig and cockerel
38:21I love a cockerel
38:22I put up a video of us in the tent
38:24Somebody commented
38:26Oh, it looks lovely
38:27but I would be so scared that someone would come
38:29and snatch my children out of the tent
38:31And I literally commented underneath
38:33Wow, that thought never entered my mind
38:36You know, what about the snakes?
38:37Well, I feel blessed if I see a snake
38:40Can you recall some of the negative comments?
38:42I've had lots of people say how disgusting it is
38:45that I'm drinking my own urine
38:46I've just woken up
38:47I collected my first pee
38:49I've had lots of people just calling me crazy, mad
38:52saying that it's really extreme
38:54I can see from the responses and the reactions
38:58how people are feeling this fear within themselves
39:01of choosing another way of being able to live in nature
39:07Well, the day that I met Lucy
39:09and she told me that she had been living in a tent
39:11at a local place here
39:14So my first thought was
39:16Well, if you've got two children
39:17you better come here
39:18because I'll help you and I'll keep you safe
39:21The threat of being kicked out was, you know
39:23hanging over us in quite a few places
39:25So, and it happened three times
39:28So, I'm really grateful
39:29Hooray for me
39:38People say that I'm a bad parent
39:40I think living in a tent
39:42has been quite confronting for a lot of people
39:44who want to project onto me that I'm homeless
39:46who want to project their fear onto me
39:49I don't have children
39:50I don't know what I'd do if I had children
39:52I'd be homeschooling them
39:54I wouldn't have them in the system at all
39:56Well, that's how I feel as well now
39:58but I'm also listening to my children
40:00and following what they want
40:03So they seem happy and they seem a good family
40:06and I applaud Lucy's mothering techniques
40:08feel like for me
40:10because I think I haven't really lived with people
40:12who are so aligned with me
40:14So it's really nice to come here and feel like
40:19like I'm a good mother
40:20Well, I think you are
40:21I kind of knew that I was
40:22but I had all these people telling me that I wasn't
40:24No, you're fine
40:30So, putting it out there
40:31and just being really kind of comfortable
40:33with my own choices
40:34and saying, hey, I'm a single mum living in a tent
40:37you might call me homeless
40:38but I'm at home with them myself
40:42What's Ace's destiny?
40:44Climbing trees
40:46I want to be like a fish
40:49But you're not a fish
40:50I want to
40:51You're a human being
40:54I would love to teach my children
40:57similar values to what I have
40:59and feeling like you are free to
41:02live the life that you choose
41:04If you want to go off and live in the woods
41:06you can go off and live in the woods
41:08There's no limits
41:10So no regrets?
41:14No, I feel I could always go back to living in a house
41:17if I wanted to
41:19Clearly, I don't want to at this time
41:21I'm just really enjoying living in this little
41:23kind of fairyland space that we've created
41:28That's going to make me sound really crazy
41:33Lastly, a mother-daughter duo
41:35who have a very different way of life
41:37to Lucy and her children
41:39but that doesn't mean they're short of criticism
41:43Oh, coffee is what I needed
41:47So, did you work last night?
41:49I did, yeah, I made quite good money
41:52Oh, lovely
41:53Hi, my name's Ellie, aka Mackenzie Blue
41:56I'm 19 years young
41:58I'm self-employed as an adult model
42:01This is my mother
42:03Hi, I'm Gemma, aka Levi
42:06I'm 37 years young
42:09Our relationship as mother and daughter
42:12are more like best friends
42:15Sisters, you name it
42:16And now work colleagues
42:18Yes, and now we're work colleagues
42:20which is interesting
42:22This mother-daughter duo now makes money
42:24making adult content together online
42:27My mum is obviously my best friend
42:30more like my annoying older sister
42:33And also, she's sort of like my manager
42:35A bit like her mentor and her momager now
42:38Momager, do you like that one?
42:41Yes, love it
42:43Unfortunately, we've got about 15 minutes of work today
42:48So, I was one of the first ever girls
42:50to make a profile on OnlyFans
42:52I had no idea it was going to take off how it did
42:55Growing up, how did you feel
42:56about your mum being a glamour model?
42:58At first, sometimes it did sort of get to me
43:00and it did make me have an opinion on my mum's job
43:03So, growing up, I was always like
43:05I'm never going to be like my mum
43:06Oh, did you?
43:08And obviously, lockdown happened
43:11and yeah, I was like, I'm doing this job
43:14I am excited for today
43:16because we get to have a laugh
43:18but I'm excited for the 15 minute of work
43:21that we've got to do
43:22Do you know, it's quite satisfying
43:23when you finish though
43:24We're always like, oh, we've got to do this work
43:27and then when it's done, you're like, great
43:30I was quite surprised when Ellie joined my industry
43:33because she grew up wanting to work in an office
43:36and she had no interest in this line of work
43:38whereas I wanted to do this from a very young age
43:41Now, it's become a bit more of a lifestyle for you, hasn't it?
43:44I see how much fun she has and good money
43:47There will definitely be a guy out there somewhere
43:49who would want to pay to watch us
43:52Dip and eat
43:55Ellie has been the driving force between us joining forces
43:59and we've literally just launched our first joint page together
44:04Go to my laptop
44:07Let's see how everything's going, shall we?
44:11So the sort of content we make can be quite unusual, isn't it?
44:15Very out of the odd
44:16Obviously, a lot of men like to watch us eat dessert
44:22Sweets, you don't really like
44:24because you haven't really got a sweet tooth
44:26You find it sickly
44:27Me, on the other hand, I do it all day, all night long
44:30Give me a dessert, pay me to eat it
44:33Lots of stuff that people might not generally be able to tell their girlfriend they like
44:38You know, and that's why they come to a girl on OnlyFans or webcam
44:43Yeah, definitely
44:44They can ask for whatever they want with us and we're not going to judge
44:48I think guys like to see that we're just having a bit of a giggle and a bit of a laugh
44:51There's other stuff that I won't do like baked beans
44:55A lot of guys like, you know, you're in a bath with baked beans and stuff
44:58Well, I'm not filling my bathtub up with baked beans
45:01I don't care how much you pay me
45:03How am I going to get the beans out of the bath?
45:04You must have to like bucket them out
45:07because they're not going to go down the plug
45:10Beans aside, once these two began making content together
45:13they faced a lot of judgment for joining forces
45:17A lot of people do find what we do is wrong
45:19because obviously we're mother and daughter
45:21but my answer to that is it's not wrong at all
45:24Fair enough, if we was doing anything totally illegal or weird
45:30Yeah, then that is wrong
45:32but the things we do, it's not wrong at all
45:35We're literally having fun and getting paid for it
45:37Some of the worst stuff that I have heard or seen
45:41people talking about us is how we can be trashy
45:45or how can you do that with your mum?
45:47I could never do that with my mum
45:49It might be out of the norm for a normal household
45:53but we're not a typical mother and daughter anyway
45:55Now we just get paid to have a laugh on camera
45:59Well, as I said, people's opinions can't pay my bills
46:03so we don't really care what people think of us
46:07So this one's £100 a minute, he wants seven minutes
46:10We need to go to the shop and get some desserts
46:12Chocolate mousse again?
46:14I make around £10,000 a month
46:18I used to be like Ellie when I was younger
46:22I'd really spend a lot of time getting the new customers in
46:27but now I'm a bit more chilled out with it
46:30I feel like I'm retired at the moment
46:32because I am just sort of just pottering around in the garden
46:35not doing much, doing my 10 minutes work every now and again
46:39but I can work hard if I want to
46:42And of course, the mousse
46:45You know I love mousse
46:46You do, you do
46:48It almost doesn't get in mummy's hair
46:50Yeah, on my hair
46:52Right, shall we go get ready?
46:55Let's go, let's start
46:56And get this filmed
47:09Time to work
47:11Time to work
47:13Come here
47:15Teaspoon in each, yeah?
47:26We love you
47:29See you soon
47:31Right, that was good
47:32Great stuff
47:33So we're going live, yeah?
47:34So we're gonna go live and people have to tip
47:38So we've got some whipped cream
47:41Some trifle
47:43Who's gonna tip first?
47:45Beam me with my lollipop
47:48Oh my god
47:50Trifle is good
47:54Guys, it's all on my nose
47:57We're ending this right here, okay?
48:00Ciao for now
48:07I think that scene went quite well, what do you think?
48:09Well, pretty messy as you can see
48:12I feel like my life has drastically changed since I've been doing this job
48:16And I think it's made you more confident as well, you know?
48:19I can see the confidence in you's grown massively
48:22If people think that this is an inappropriate job for mother and daughter to do
48:28they've got the right to their opinion but...
48:30We care about your opinion
48:33Right now, I don't see myself stopping this job for any reasons
48:38I couldn't see myself getting a 9 to 5
48:41No way
48:42I can see why others might find our family a bit extraordinary
48:47But to us, it's just normal and it's a bit of harmless fun, we're happy
48:54So there you have it
48:55Seven very different parents
48:57who've all been criticised for the way they choose to live as a family
49:01But what do you think?
49:02Let us know in the comments
49:04And please like and subscribe for more videos like this
