• 2 days ago
Home and Away 8382 21st October 2024


00:07Slept with him. I cannot believe that you would do something so selfish. You know what just go Levi
00:14He's Abby's counselor. What did she read my letter? Mm-hmm and
00:19She was moved. That's it. I
00:21Poured my heart out into that letter. You don't want to see me again. No, I do
00:25Hey, I really like you. I hate to tell you this night, but she likes it. She's not just gonna walk away from
00:32It's your brother hey, I
00:35Definitely do need to talk to you, but not over the phone. I'd like to call Kaia Hayes to the stand
00:41Well, I've waited so long for this moment get the hell away from me
00:46I hope one day you can understand and forgive me you abandoned me. I don't want anything to do with you
00:53I thought I was doing the right thing for you
00:55All I've heard from you is how hard it was for you to leave can promise you that it was much harder
01:02to stay
01:20Wait up you heard him. He doesn't want me here. Come on. It doesn't mean that
01:24Selected the boys been through a lot. Okay, we've been through a lot together. I know him
01:30It's just so hard to accept that you know my son better than I do what doesn't have to be that way
01:36Let me talk to him again. Okay, just don't go anywhere. I'll call you, please
01:47All right, thank you
01:49Promise me you'll come to of course
02:07Do you want me to stay no, that's okay
02:18Is Abby home, nope, look I understand you're concerned
02:27Concern concern doesn't even come close. We're talking about my sister's here
02:37So the rumors are true you decided to stay yeah, what a be worth sticking around
02:45No, you have to do what works best for you
02:48Gonna be bouncing off the walls. Those are all for you. Yeah, the station coffee run is now my responsibility
02:55Well, you better get a move on don't want them to get cold
02:58Yep, sure thing. Yeah, I see
03:08I'm gonna need an explanation because you've had my letter for ages and I'm really offended
03:14So, what'd you think
03:16Well for starters, I had no idea you could use an apostrophe. I'm serious Eden. I've really been stressing out about this
03:23Do you want to grab some lunch and we can talk about it finally? Yes. I thought you'd never ask
03:38She gone yeah
03:40Well, she can go back to New Zealand never come back. Well, actually I asked her to stick around
03:44Why would you do that because I can see she really wants to make this up to you
03:47So you're still on her side, but I care about what's best for you. Yeah, and that is telling her to get stuffed
03:53You know, I saw the look on your face when she said she came to your basketball games
03:56You mean when she came and watched me play basketball, but didn't actually tell me she was alive. Yeah, how weird is that?
04:01Well, she obviously has a lot of regret about what's happened. Good. Come on. Thanks. What I'm the bad guy. No
04:07No, I'm just saying once the shock of this wears off you might make do I still have a job at the gym?
04:12Yes, of course you do. Cool. That's where I'll be
04:26Catch yeah that report for that breaking into yes on that one right now, and I'm sorry
04:32I know it's supposed to be in it's all right since when
04:38Pretty sure you're meant to be taking a break now. No, that's fine. I just want to get this done cash. Just go
04:43Be sure
04:44Yeah, just tell me what you've got and I can finish it off now
04:51Okay, mm-hmm, thank you
05:05Put that on your lip
05:09What you're doing is wrong and you know it Tim
05:12Yeah, it is a gray area I'll give you that it's pretty black and white from where I'm standing Tim
05:19You know what? I'm entitled to a private life. You could have done that with anybody else. That isn't Abby's sister
05:24Look, I understand your concern. Oh, you're only looking out for your family here
05:28But if you want to talk about crossing the line, that is exactly what you're doing right now
05:31So you care about ethics just only when it suits you
05:34I actually came here thinking we could sort this out, but that's not gonna happen
05:53Know that I've made some mistakes and I should have given you more consideration. I didn't write the letter to make you feel bad
06:00Yeah, I know that I know
06:01It's just Tim said that I needed to be more honest with my feelings and I'm so glad that you wrote it
06:07I am I hated it when we were fighting especially when I didn't even know what we're fighting about. Yeah, I hated it, too
06:13So can we forget all about that stuff and just put it behind us because you are really important to me Abby and you always
06:20will be
06:21You're really soppy
06:23Should write you a letter mom
06:27Thank you and
06:30Thank you for lunch
06:33What are you saying, yeah, okay, I'll get us some coffees
06:42Who's that they can wait, okay
06:53Hey, it's me I just dropped by your place
06:57Your brother had a bit to say
06:59Just give me a call when you can. Otherwise, I might just try your work
07:20You have any bit of trouble mate
07:22The battery's been on its last legs for a while. It looks like it's finally died
07:26All right. I think I've got some jumper leads in my car if you want me to give you a hand
07:30Yeah, no, that'd be great cheers no worries
07:39Hi again. So what are we going for round two?
07:43Cool, you know, I'll let you beat me, right? Well as much as I'd love to humiliate you again
07:48I can't I'm having lunch with my sister. Yeah, so does that mean you're finally talking about the letter?
07:54It's going really well. All right. Well in that case we could say pool for another time then
07:59Sure, because obviously you like to lose
08:05So now I think you should write me a letter it's your turn to spill all your secrets
08:14Hey, what are you doing here come join us
08:18Whoa, what happened to you? Yeah, it's a long story
08:22We were just catching up having a coffee. We were talking about my letter
08:28Come sit
08:32Yeah, sure, okay just for a sec
08:34So, what are you doing in Summer Bay? I was just in the area and we're gonna grab a coffee. Yeah, it was great coffee
08:42Actually, you know what don't mind me I do have to get back to work but you can shout my counselor coffee
08:46I will get straight on to that
08:53What the hell happened your brother
09:10Is that the list for the next class? Yep, great
09:15Hey, it's like you're stalking me now. What? No, I'm stop. Calm down. Just drink
09:23Here is free man. Yep. Well, you could look a little bit more excited. Did you hear what happened?
09:30Mom showed up to call what you told me your mom died. Yeah, I thought so too
09:34Turns out dad was lying the whole time. Whoa. Hey, hey good. Yeah, I'm all good. Just busy. Oh
09:42I can't believe you did that. Are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay? Yeah. Yeah, it's just I
09:49That's not like Levi
09:51Well, he's made it pretty clear that he's not happy with me or you. Yeah. Well, you can't blame him, right?
09:57I mean, maybe worships the ground that you walk on
10:01If you're here to take another swing don't even don't start
10:06Guys are just gonna have lunch up here. Are you what does that be think about this?
10:10Why just happen to pass downstairs? She thinks that we are having a coffee. She was just here
10:16I'm I was talking to her about the letter nice timing. I made sure that she knows how important she is to me
10:20I did not want her to be blindsided by this later on Levi
10:24We are in a really good place and I don't want to ruin that you're choosing to jeopardize this by having a life
10:29Okay, how about we just take you stay out of this? I'm talking to my sister
10:34Go down there. Tell her
10:37Look at you you scared
10:39Maybe you should ask yourself why?
10:57Catch back from his break it. No, I haven't seen him yet
11:05Don't even imagine how this must have been for Barry he's pretty shaken by the whole thing sees it doesn't want anything to do with car
11:14Supposed to be at the station
11:16Rose hey, I completely lost track of time. I'm on my way now
11:19I'm just gonna head to Beach Road and I'm gonna start setting up. Yeah, Roger that Roger that. Okay
11:27You're in trouble no, which is surprising tell Rose I kept it. Yeah. Okay. Good luck with her
11:50So mom wants to make it up to me, but I don't see how she can
11:53Well, you had a chance to talk to her properly. Yeah, kind of she was just saying how hard it was for her to leave
11:58Me. Yeah, I bet
12:01Look, I know dad was a monster, but that's the exact reason why she shouldn't have left me, right?
12:06This is your mom. We're talking about. It's a pretty big decision to push her away forever
12:12I don't know. I just can't think about it right now. Was there anything you need from me?
12:17No, no, I gotta go to work place that way. I'll be distracted
12:23All right. Well text me later if you want to hang. Thanks
12:33It's uh, Abby still around she's just running the listen list down to Molly. Okay, cool. I'll catch up with her later then
12:42I bet you will
12:51People are just finding out they're gonna have strong opinions. Yeah. Yeah
12:56But as much as I hate to admit, I think Levi's right
13:00We're lying to Abby and to ourselves if we think that we can keep this up without her getting hurt
13:05So, like I said, let's just get on the front foot and be honest with her
13:08Can't really tell you how that's gonna go. I mean you said it yourself
13:11Abby's come a long way. Yeah, but she's still got a long way to go and I don't want to sacrifice the progress I've made
13:23So what we just
13:25We sacrifice each other and said look I don't want to I just I don't think that we have a choice
13:33I need to put Abby's happiness before my own
13:38That line that we were talking about I think we we both know that we're firmly crossed it
13:46Yeah, you're right I wish was different
13:51But when I went we're done
14:04Always looking for a better life
14:13Rose hey, I lost track of time. I know there's no excuse though. Well, you're here now. So that's what counts
14:19What's speaking to Tanya about Perry? Yeah, I heard about the surprise witness. There's no excuse for being late. Yes, it's fine. No, it's not
14:26Saad was here. He'd be ripping my head off. Just make sure it doesn't happen again
14:30Yeah, where are we at with breaks for me to cover you not me too
14:36Sorry Rose, sorry, that's that's your job. I'm sorry. No, you're right. I haven't had lunch so you can handle things from here. Okay. Thanks, Rose
14:48Hey, everything right everything's peachy. Thanks for asking
15:08What happened to the gym? Oh
15:10My head just wasn't in today
15:14Don't blame you for it. I
15:16Was talking to Theo today about mom
15:19He told me to think about it before I push her away for a while. Oh
15:24Pretty good advice
15:26Yeah, I mean she's not gonna stay here forever
15:29If I do push her away
15:32She'll go
15:36I don't know what to do
15:38Hey, that's all good. You know, nobody's forcing you to do anything
15:42Listen, how about I call her and just tell you need more time? Can you yeah
15:54Hey Kai, it's Tony. Yeah. Yeah, he's good. He's still a bit overwhelmed
16:01Listen I think he just needs a bit more time and a bit of space at the moment
16:06No, no, no, it's not goodbye. It's just
16:08Just let the dust settle
16:11Yeah, yeah, okay. Hello. Yeah. Thanks. Bye
16:16Shops out. Yeah, it's a bit disappointed, but she understands my we'll take this as slowly as you need
16:38Hey Abby, so I was thinking
16:43Wish you guys surfing sometime
16:45Okay. Well, the only problem is I don't really know how he's serious. You realize the skill
16:50We're not all born with right you realize you work at a board shop. Okay. Well, maybe Molly hide me for my personality
16:55Oh, yeah. Well, I like you there. Mm-hmm. So we're in agreement. Yeah
17:00Hey, there's Molly. Yeah, he's fine
17:08Kirby do you mind if I bail I know that you're about to close up and I just got a text from my counselor and
17:11He wants to see me. Oh, you're ditching us for someone else. There's a guy who doesn't even work here
17:16Yes, that is totally fine. I will hold the fort until Molly gets back. Thank you so much
17:26You're totally into her what?
17:29Drop you act you used to look at me with those puppy dog eyes. Maybe he's just a friend
17:35But I'm sure you want it to be a whole lot more than that. I
17:38Think someone's had a little bit too much Sun today
17:41Nice try dude, but you are not fooling anyone. Oh, see you later
17:50Hey, I didn't know you're sticking around today. Yeah. No. No, I thought that we could just have a bit of a chat
17:57I'll just you want to bring our next appointment forward because that's totally good with me
18:01I can actually chat about how things went with even today. I'm sorry
18:07Can't work with you anymore. What look I'm making arrangements. I can give you a list of people to replace me
18:13I think it's really important that you keep working. Wait, wait, wait, why can't I keep working with you?
18:17Well, I'm sorry, but it's just not possible. Why what what did I do? No, no, you've you've done absolutely nothing wrong. Trust me
18:26It's just that yeah, I have I have way too many patients on my books
18:30That's all and it's become clear to me that I can't give you the time that you need. Okay, so please get rid of someone else
18:37Unfortunately, you were the last person that I took on someone first to go
18:42I'm sorry, but this it really is for the best. Mm-hmm. I wish you well Abby. I
18:49Really do
19:19I'm an idiot. I should have just hooked up with a random, you know going out and had fun
19:25Well, that's not really your style anymore. Is that no?
19:29No, it's not
19:31You really liked him, huh?
19:34Yeah, I
19:37Think this calls for tequila. Oh, I think a hangover is probably just gonna make things worse
19:41Yes, but it will be fun until we get to that point. Yeah, look
19:44I think I might just chill on my own just instead. Are you sure? Yeah positive. Yeah, okay
19:53Know I'll come in. Hey
19:56Hello, perfect timing. Mm-hmm. You like helping me out with this. Uh, no, I'm on break. Sorry
20:03Actually, I need some advice. Are you okay? No
20:07I'm really struggling at work since when since cash came back
20:16Hey, what's the matter?
20:20Tim said he can't be my counselor anymore. What? Oh
20:25Did he say why mm-hmm just too many clients so last in first out well
20:33Abby I'm sorry. Yeah, so am I um, I was really starting to feel good about things. I don't really understand why this is happening
20:40It's okay. We'll figure it out. Okay, we'll find someone else someone even better. No, I don't want to work with anyone else
20:54I'm worried about you. Oh for God's sake Marilyn. I told you a thousand times. I'm fine. Now just back off
21:01Ruth what the hell are you doing tonight?
21:03If I didn't want you around when I was lying flat out in a bed in hospital
21:08What the hell makes you think I want around now you were in hospital
21:12So enough, I'm a bit of out of the shop at the minute. You've had a big health scare
21:16It can come down to one doctor's bad day, what do you mean one doctor's bad day?