• yesterday
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00:00Your path will soon take you away from the grove I feel your efforts will not be forgotten
00:11Soon first, I must set matters to rights in the grove and you should celebrate your victory
00:17Don't look at me like that
00:27After being dormant for so long your infection is unlikely to produce new symptoms spontaneously tomorrow morning
00:34We shall discuss what is to come. I guess that was weird
00:42What all right, let me put my outfit on
00:47To an illithid power real quick. Yep
01:09My brain is nice and rotten looking
01:13So my armor does nothing it's just 10 armor class it just says
01:20made for life
01:23It doesn't sit. Oh, it does say wait. All right. I have uncommon clothing resistance to cold damage and
01:32Yeah. Yeah, that's why I thought
01:35That's good. Oh, I I think I look good
01:40Dude I can turn you when I press tab
01:46Yeah, I like the way I look now. I look fancy like her
01:53That's pretty sweet
02:13Your unarmored defense is fine. It's not your dexterity works off. It's your Constitution. Okay. All right ready to
02:23It's long rest
02:26In the day
02:34You have your oh it is a party. Yeah, and the starions dead drunk over there
02:51Do you have any exclamation points above anybody?
02:59What yeah
03:03Yep, I
03:06Have seen the Kithraki terrorists screaming Neogi's legs from it
03:12Yeah, they could not match your nerve today it was enough to drive me to madness
03:17Oh, she wants you dude for us both. You've turned your back on me so often
03:23You like to get paid
03:30Perhaps not I will take pleasure when I wish
03:35One day fortune may favor you
03:45Celebrate now
03:54It's a kid I'm gonna see if shadow heart has dialogue, you know
04:02Everyone seems to be in high spirits
04:06Strange you know who I never thought I'd find myself caring for I
04:18Think you'll find I've been showing ample concern for myself since the moment we met I mean
04:26desperate people
04:27like those refugees
04:30Never gave them much thought
04:32Certainly not that bunch in the grove
04:35Yet we came through for them
04:37We saved their lives
04:45That's more easily said by some than others, but nobody's here to debate right from wrong
04:56Shadow heart trails off and glances around at the party
05:00She turns back to you
05:03You're still there. Oh, I thought you might have wanted to mingle with the others
05:19Yeah, but if you go on too strong
05:27True, but I thought you might not want to linger with me. You haven't always seen eye to eye after all
05:34Besides I'm sure there's plenty of people who'll be keen to celebrate most thoroughly with you
05:49Fine maybe you would but I'm not cruel enough to get your hopes up in spite of what some might
06:07Have no idea what you mean, no one you go and happy hunting. I can't see if she gives approval. I hate this
06:24The women suck
06:30Final flash, don't worry. There'll be plenty of fun for you tonight. Just not in my tent
06:45Have fun and don't be a stranger she dies
06:56Maybe the talk to the sparred maybe the dog
07:04Todd no, no, not right now. This might be the wine to you. I'm feeling inspired
07:12He's writing my next song about you, but I need an angle any ideas
07:27Oh God didn't see that yes
07:40Oh, come on there must be something
07:51You're braver than half this camp combined
07:54That deserves to be remembered
07:59All right dog, oh your turn get back here
08:05I like these people. They're joyful. It's contagious. I
08:12Talk to him from way over here, okay
08:17Hope you're enjoying the night hero. I certainly am
08:24What about this might be the wine talking but I'm feeling I need an angle any ideas
08:31You see the you see
08:36One raunchy ballad coming up
08:46You have no idea how good it feels to see these people smiling
08:51The singing we could probably do without but even so
09:02Probably longer than you to
09:07You came through for us what a change from most adults I know his mouth
09:16And that sounds like the wine drowning your wits
09:21Enjoy yourself. I've squirreled away a few extra bottles
09:25When the barrels tapped out, I'll be there to save the night
09:29for a price, of course
09:32It's a way to go
10:03Does she give me the same I should have had wine more often more warming than the fire. Oh
10:10Okay, I need to
10:13Dance please dance. No, I need to like that was lame
10:31Go on now don't waste a night like this talking to me what discuss your problem, I guess. Yeah
10:43Later perhaps
10:45Don't worry about me
10:49Her night under the stars amidst nature's creation is just what I need after being locked up in the goblins dungeon
10:56Go on. Enjoy yourself
10:59Seek out some wine before it runs dry
11:02There are a lot of thirsty people around here, but he doesn't clean the blood off of them
11:13Nothing in these barrels
11:23Wait, the bottle racks are empty
11:35Can I wear that it's just cloth
11:43Oh the one dude, he's at the beach I guess I'm gonna talk to him when I get there
11:52I've seen the outline of somebody. What the heck is that outfit?
12:02Yeah house I was hoping you wouldn't notice I was gone
12:13Oh the blade doesn't sulk I was just reflecting on what has happened and not wanting to be mr. Serious at a celebration
12:26I know how to have fun
12:28I have lots of fun every day saving the people of the Grove was all the satisfaction I could ask
12:33I don't need a party on top of that in truth
12:37I don't feel in a festive mood and I didn't want to cast a gray cloud over the night
12:42These people are still in danger
12:45Carla the creature from hell will still threaten them as well a thousand other perils
12:51They aren't ready to get on the road on their own
13:00You're good at it you've given me some just by being here
13:04But off with you. This is your day. Have a dance. Enjoy the music
13:13You don't want to dance with them no
13:25Who's this whore
13:28Hope you're enjoying the night hero. I certainly am cheers to many more like this
13:36Can I dance with the dancing one was it this bitch
13:40In the white, yeah, will she let me dance I need to know no can't dance
13:51I did give you my share of the gold
14:04I guess you're ready. Yep
14:15Buzz of celebration quiets to a soothing hum as you approach your bunk
14:20You've picked up a few pleasant memories on your journey amongst your struggles
14:26Do you see you or me I see me okay, I go to bed alone
14:31Same you sleep alone uplifted by memories of your recent triumphs
14:49It vamp was alive knew it was coming
14:53It vamp was alive neither of us would go to bed alone
15:08That's the dumbest thing ever
15:23I'm certain a cure for you can be found of moonrise towers, but it's complicated
15:31To get to the towers you'll need to pass through a terrible place a cursed place
15:37This curse shrouds everything in shadow. You will not find life lights or anything natural there any who linger
15:47Twisted by the curse they become shadow beings
15:51Tormented dangerous souls
16:01Nature speaks to me birds report what they've seen and I've overheard goblins speaking of it, too
16:10Moonrise is at the heart of all this. I'm sure of it
16:18You're half right you have to get to moonrise, but you still have a choice of how to get down on me
16:23You could go overland along the risen road or through the mountains
16:29Easier at first, but you'll run into the shadow curse eventually
16:33You could also go under there is a tunnel somewhere in the ruined temple of Saluna
16:39It leads to moonrise towers through the underdark long ago a man called Ketherick Thorne built a secret stronghold
16:47Deep down there before rallying a whole army of dark justicious
16:51Shah worshipers Aroden and his lot were looking for a way down there
16:56They were promised riches if they retrieved a relic called the night song
17:00But I think there's more
17:02from this stronghold
17:04Ketherick's forces could access both the temple of Saluna and moonrise towers
17:10But he was defeated before he could launch an attack if you can find this place
17:15I'll wager it will reveal a more direct path to moonrise towers
17:20And maybe even bypass the worst of the shadow curse that guy's jacked as fuck
17:26He is
17:36If only I'd gone with you instead of Aroden. I would like to join your camp if you'll allow me I
17:43Can offer my skills my counsel. I've long sought to return to moonrise towers
17:49It seems our fates have aligned
17:55Unfinished business and a lifetime of regret to repair
17:59I helped overthrow Ketherick Thorne and his dark justicious years ago, but I failed to prevent him from
18:06Unleashing darkness across the region before he was defeated. I spent years researching the curse trying to put an end to it
18:15Nothing has worked
18:17Yet if I can join you and get close to moonrise
18:21Perhaps I can lift this curse
18:23Same as you may find a cure for your infection
18:27You talk about the parasites
18:32I've chosen a successor as first druid Francesca of the high forest a birds already been dispatched to summon her
18:44I'm glad you approve. I do not truly care
18:50Many flexes on you on the mistakes of the past what it needs is an unknown quantity
18:56An outsider who can enforce the Oak father's teachings without bias. This is why I chose Francesca
19:03She will restore simplicity and purity to the grove in my absence
19:12Indeed we quite the journey ahead of us
19:15Let's not forget the devil Carla the coast is in danger for as long as she's loosed on it
19:21We need to find her and kill her
19:27Dude no what what no what what what what no?
19:35You sizing me up little man
19:39I found it last night at the party
19:44You don't like it
19:47It keeps my head warm
19:49Now here's an option I can get rid of Mazel you can control three characters
19:58Why would I control three
20:03No, I already know it's good enough to use in my playthrough on
20:09He is awesome
20:11Obviously, I'd rather have him over races biatch
20:15Obviously, I'd rather have him over races biatch, but it is your character to choose
20:32A chair