Baldur's Gate 3(Good)-Fever Dream

  • last week
Dreams and death. Also checkout and and and and and
00:00Oh, woe is me. Where is my vampire love?
00:30Can you feel it crawling through you?
00:33tendrils squirming in your chest
00:36Gripping your heart piercing your belly your bones popping your flesh swelling
00:42I can I see it in you. I feel it in me
00:49We are lost. I
00:51Will be quick with my blade
00:54Just you jeez
01:00Your minds intertwine you sense a touch of uncertainty a touch of disgust
01:23Oh, I don't get to see the roll
01:30I rolled a 15 in the one
01:35I needed a 15
01:38I cannot trust my own mind
01:40So it seems I must trust yours. I will wait
01:44But know this I am watching
01:48If the sickness does not pass come dawn, I will end us all
01:59Don't show me sleeping. So it just made us
02:03Am I dreaming? I'm dreaming. What is it our guardian?
02:12That's a good dust, bro, I came just in time wait
02:27Your salvation and not for the first time yours and sublime. Yeah, I saved you before
02:41Oh, he saved us as we fell I'm here to save you again
02:52You will not become a mind flayer
02:59I'll protect you
03:07He's my bro
03:11He's so short
03:15Mine's a dwarf
03:20Mine's in heavy armor
03:23Minus two
03:26Your instinct is to resist the power it gives but you must accept it
03:30Nurture it. I
03:33Will keep it from consuming you
03:35But for the sake of both of us, we'll what you must learn to wield it
03:43The parasite
03:46We wait, so who is this guy is he a
04:04Fight for the fate of Faerun
04:08Fight we are losing
04:10for now
04:12You can change that
04:14But only if you embrace your potential what?
04:24I have to go the enemy is closing in. I will be back
04:42Well, he just wait now
04:44You'll feel better. I promise
04:53Why are you glowing you you were going for me? Oh
05:08Still in his underwear. I
05:11I see that. What are you doing?
05:25You didn't talk to scratch
05:27Obviously, I got a pet my dog. Hey get back here. You son of a
05:31Hope you're keeping well friend. Yes, I am keeping well
05:35obviously pet
05:38I'm not skipping this
05:57Talking to Gail my apologies, huh? Hey, not quite myself just yet. Not quite gay enough
06:06Strangest dream last night
06:09Visitor came to me
06:11Vision of a parallel beauty in power. She told me he's a vampire. We know what she that's who came to visit him protecting
06:20And that our tadpoles could prove beneficial if we embrace what powers they have to offer
06:28Uncanny apparition not entirely sure what to make of it
06:37very curious
06:39In all my readings on the effects of a lithid parasites. I've never come across any accounts of
06:45correlating dreams between infected parties another unique quality of our predicament perhaps
06:52Are you inclined to take these visitors at their word?
07:00Think wrong with maintaining a healthy suspicion in such matters
07:04Still it might be wiser to keep an open mind on the matter
07:08Visitors promises of aid might yet their valuable fruit
07:18I question the wisdom of that decision, but so be it silence more
07:23I'll be here in the meantime idling away the hours
07:38All right ready for this boy, yeah nothing go ahead cuz I'm sure there's dialogue have any strange dreams of late
07:47vivid ones
07:54Oh, right, maybe I did yet
07:58Damn I was hoping my imagination had gotten the better of me
08:04This must be something more this dream companion
08:09Wanted me to use the tadpole use its power
08:13whoever it was claimed to be an ally, but I
08:17Don't know
08:18It seems like we can't escape this mess in the waking world or otherwise
08:28Wow now it's all the normal shit
08:36Was he have to say let's see his dialogue come on
08:57Suppose you had a similar dream
09:07No need to hide it this is a good thing now we can see what these tadpoles can do for us
09:22Waste not want not even when it comes to mind flare parasites now was there anything else? Yeah was there?
09:35What's your beef with him
09:40What are you doing? Oh you're really doing it
09:55Wait no wait. I'm too. I can't jump there
10:05Shadow hearts cutter Turner I
10:12Just wanted to jump, but I can't
10:19It wouldn't let me know
10:37Are you really dead set on this, but we're good guys
10:55Okay, I see it did three I see you cannot stop me
11:15You don't think I can stop you
11:41It says I can do it
11:43Oh 58% you'll kill me
11:58He's down
12:13I was just gonna drink his healing potions. Oh
12:18He can be brought back at any time right withers, that's why you thought
12:27Aren't you gonna miss your conversations with them though? No
12:47Party number be in dialogue
12:54Glick I
12:55Had a dream as we all did I suspect
13:00Someone came to me and promised to protect me while claiming that the parasite could empower me
13:06The parasite has taken root it would seem
13:10Every word every promise it is cake deception
13:21A wise choice these parasites are a threat to be destroyed not an opportunity to be exploited
13:33It is done
13:42Don't like her she's gotta die
13:46We have yet to find sorrow
13:48He has seen my people and where we find get Yankee. We will find their crash
13:54Yeah, we already seen them