• 2 days ago
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00:00As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
00:07My name is David Docherty, I'm a professor at Korea University, I teach English there.
00:11I actually, I didn't know I could ask any question, I was going to, I just heard you
00:15saying now, but my question would be first, I believe in God, I'm a Christian.
00:21My question would be like, there's lots of revelation, there's good spirits and bad spirits,
00:26so a good spirit can come to and give revelation, a bad spirit can give revelation.
00:31So in the Christian tradition, we say that if the angel or the spirit bringing the message
00:39doesn't contradict what went before, so God revealed something to Moses, if the angel
00:46bringing the message does not contradict Moses, then it's a good angel.
00:50And so, in the Christian tradition, we can tell a good angel from a bad angel, in that
00:56the revelation it brings, if it contradicts the Old Testament, the Torah, or the Gospel,
01:01the Injil, then it's a bad angel.
01:04My question would be to you, sir, with respect, the Quran contradicts the Torah, and it contradicts
01:10the Injil, so does that make it a bad angel that appeared to Islam's prophet?
01:16The brother asked a very good question.
01:18He said that he's a Christian, and he said according to Christianity, when an angel comes
01:23to differentiate between it's a good or a bad, if it's a good angel, he will not contradict
01:28the previous revelation.
01:30Means if it's in the Injil, if it's in the Gospel, it will not contradict the Torah because
01:34Torah was a revelation given to Moses, peace be upon him.
01:37So if the Quran contradicts the Torah and the Injil, then it's brought by a bad angel,
01:46not a good angel, and that's a very logical question.
01:49Point number one, we believe that all the revelations came from one almighty God, and
01:56we believe that all the messengers, the basic message was the same, to believe in one God
02:03and worship him alone.
02:05Regarding contradiction, what we believe, we believe by name there are four revelations
02:11given in the Quran.
02:13Quran says in Surah Raad, chapter number 13, verse number 38, Quran says that in every
02:19age have we sent a revelation.
02:21By name four are mentioned in the Quran, Torah, Zaboor, Injil, and the Quran.
02:25Torah is the revelation given to Moses, peace be upon him, Zaboor is the revelation given
02:30to David, peace be upon him, Injil is the revelation given to Jesus, peace be upon him,
02:34and Quran is the last and final revelation given to the last and final messenger, Prophet
02:38Muhammad, peace be upon him.
02:40So Quran confirms that Torah is the revelation of God, given to Moses, peace be upon him.
02:46Quran confirms that Zaboor is the revelation given to David, peace be upon him.
02:51Quran confirms that Injil is the revelation given to Jesus, peace be upon him.
02:56Now the point to be noted is I'm a student of comparative religion, you're a professor
02:59of English language, I believe.
03:01I have read the Bible.
03:05The Bible is not the Injil we believe in.
03:09We believe in Injil, the Wahi, which was given to Jesus, peace be upon him.
03:14But we do not believe that the present Bible is the Wahi, the Injil given to Jesus, peace
03:19be upon him.
03:20Even the Christian scholars don't believe.
03:22What the Christian scholars do, they divide the Bible into two parts, the Old Testament
03:26and the New Testament.
03:27The Old Testament contains the 46 books, if it's of the Catholics.
03:31If of the Protestants, it contains 39 books.
03:34The New Testament contains 27 books.
03:37Of the New Testament, the first four books are called as Gospels, Gospel of Mark, Matthew,
03:42Luke, John.
03:43Now these Gospels, what we want, Gospel, if you translate into Arabic, becomes Injil,
03:48not Bible.
03:49Bible comes from the Greek word Biblos, meaning book of books.
03:53Correct me if I'm wrong.
03:56Yeah, it's correct.
03:58Now Gospel means Injil.
04:00In the Bible that I read, it is Gospel according to Matthew, Gospel according to Mark, Gospel
04:07according to John, Gospel according to Luke.
04:09What I want is Gospel according to Jesus Christ, peace be upon him.
04:16Today, no Christian word, the name, has ever got to me, Gospel according to Jesus, peace
04:22be upon him.
04:23The scholars did not know who wrote the Gospels, so it's not Gospel of Matthew, it is Gospel
04:27according to Matthew.
04:28In Arabic we say Injil-e-Matthews, Injil-e-Marcus, Injil-e-Luke, Injil-e-Johanna.
04:37What we want is Injil-e-Isa.
04:40We believe in Prophet Jesus as the messenger of God.
04:45Islam is the only non-Christian faith which makes an article of faith to believe in Jesus
04:50Christ, peace be upon him.
04:51So, if you get the original Injil, it will never contradict what you have today according
04:58to Christian scholars.
04:59It's a mixture of the word of God and the word of the prophets and the word of historians.
05:04I'm sorry to say even pornography is there.
05:08I challenge any Christian to read in the open public if they can read some of the text of
05:15the Bible, which is nothing but pornography.
05:18I cannot read.
05:19Even if you give me a million dollars, I cannot read some passages of the Bible in public.
05:26Because it's pornography.
05:28That cannot be the word of God.
05:30The Bible says that Prophet Lut, he had sex incest with his daughter.
05:36How can I believe?
05:37How can I believe the prophet of God having incest?
05:39So what I say, Quran is the Furqan.
05:42It is the criteria to judge right from wrong.
05:45Whatever matches with the Quran, I've got no objection accepting that portion of the
05:49Bible as the word of God.
05:50What is contradicting with the Quran, I said cannot be the word of God.
05:53I cannot agree that my prophet, Prophet Lut can do zina, can do incest with his daughter.
06:03So what I believe, we don't have the original Injil.
06:07The Quran will not contradict with the Injil given to Jesus Christ.
06:11So that's the reason this is called as the Furqan.
06:14All the earlier revelations that came, brother, were meant only for those people in that time.
06:20The Bible was not meant for all of humanity.
06:22Jesus Christ peace be upon him said, it's mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter
06:25number 10, verse number 5, he told all disciples, go not in the way of the Gentiles, rather
06:31go to the house of the Lordship of Israel.
06:33Don't go to the non-Jews, Gentiles or non-Jews.
06:36Don't go to the Muslims, don't go to the Hindus, only go to Bani Israel, children of Israel.
06:41It's further mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter number 15, verse number 24, I have
06:45not been sent but to the Lordship of the house of Israel.
06:48So Jesus Christ peace be upon him was sent as a messenger only to the Jews.
06:52The Injil was revealed only for those people.
06:54So all the messengers that came before were sent only for those people and for that time.
07:00All the revelations that came before were sent for a particular group of people for
07:03a particular time period.
07:04That's the reason Almighty God did not think it fit to preserve it.
07:08He didn't think it fit to preserve it because it was temporary.
07:11But the Quran, because it's the last and final message given to the last and final messenger
07:15Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, it was not sent only for the Muslims or the Arabs,
07:19it was sent for the whole of humanity.
07:20It's mentioned in Surah Ibrahim, chapter 14, verse number 1.
07:23In Surah Ibrahim, chapter 14, verse 52.
07:24It's mentioned in Surah Baqarah, chapter 2, verse number 85.
07:27And Surah Zumur, chapter 13, verse number 41.
07:29That the Quran has been revealed for the whole of humanity.
07:33And Almighty God says in Surah Hijar, chapter 15, verse number 9, we have revealed the Quran
07:38and we shall guard it from corruption.
07:40So Almighty God takes it upon himself that because this is the last and final revelation,
07:45I will protect it.
07:47So that's the reason this is the Furqan, the criteria he asked you to judge which portion
07:52of the other scripture is right or wrong.
07:54So that's the reason this will never contradict with the original Injil.
07:59The present is a mixture.
08:02Can I read something from the Quran?
08:05From Surah chapter 5, and it's verse 68, Surah chapter 5, thank you very much, thank you.
08:13That's the Bible there, thanks a lot, thank you.
08:15So in Surah chapter 5, verse 68, it's Islam's prophet, Muhammad, he says to the Christians
08:25and the Jews, he says, let me just find this.
08:29He says, well it's God, God speaking to Islam's prophet, right?
08:33He says, say, O people of the book, that's talking to the Christians and the Jews, say,
08:41O people of the book, you have no ground to stand upon unless you stand fast by the law
08:47and the gospel and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord.
08:53It is a revelation that cometh to thee from the Lord.
08:57This was spoken by Islam's prophet in 610, 620, between that time, A.D., and it means
09:04that when Prophet Muhammad spoke this, that the Christian scriptures and the Jewish scriptures
09:12were available for them to stand upon, because otherwise, why would Islam's prophet, Muhammad,
09:17say to the Christians and the Jews, O people of the book, you have no ground to stand upon
09:22unless you stand fast by the law, the gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you.
09:29It means that in the prophet Muhammad's time, 610, A.D., the Christian scriptures and the
09:34Jewish scriptures were available to the Jews and the Christians to stand fast upon.
09:40Otherwise, the prophet Muhammad would not have said, go and stand fast upon those scriptures.
09:47So we have Bibles that are extant way before 610, A.D.
09:52I'm aware of that. I'm a student of Christianity also.
09:55And you asked a very good question. I understood your question.
09:59That the Quran says that why don't the Christians stand to the scriptures, correct?
10:03That means your logic says that that means there was the Injil and the Torah at the time
10:09of Prophet Muhammad. Now I'll give the reply to that.
10:14Now you cannot take only one verse of the Quran and say you have to read Quran as a whole, correct?
10:20So if you pick up one verse of the Quran, brother, if you can hear me.
10:24I can hear you. Yes, I can hear you.
10:26If you read and you hear, you cannot concentrate. You're a professor. I'm a medical doctor.
10:31You can read and hear, but you cannot concentrate on my answer.
10:34If you want to read, you read and then I'll tell the answer.
10:36Okay, I'll concentrate.
10:37Concentrate on my answer so you'll understand and you'll appreciate my answer.
10:40Now Quran is also called as the Furqan, which I told you earlier, the criteria to just right from wrong.
10:44Further, if you read the saying of the prophet in Sahih Bukhari,
10:47it says that anything which is there in the Bible and the Torah,
10:51which matches with the Quran, we accept it.
10:53What is against, we reject it.
10:55What does not match and not against, maybe right, maybe wrong.
10:59So that means if I have to tell you, I pick up certain portion of a Bible,
11:03which is matching with the Quran and saying, let us come to common terms.
11:06The Quran further says in Surah Imran, chapter 3, verse 64,
11:10The same Ahlul Kitab.
11:12Say O people of the book,
11:14come to common terms as been us and you.
11:19Which is the first term?
11:20Allah, na'budah illallah, that we worship none but Allah.
11:23That we are associated a part with Him.
11:26That we erect not among ourselves lords and patriots other than Allah.
11:32If then they turn back.
11:34Say ye bear witness, that we are Muslims, bowing our will to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
11:39So here the Quran says, tell to the Jews and Christians,
11:42come to common terms which is between you and me.
11:46That means the prophet knew the book you are carrying is corrupted,
11:50but yet it contains verses of God.
11:54Nowhere does the Quran say the complete text you are carrying is the word of God.
11:57The original Wahi was the word of God.
12:00But the present book that you have,
12:01because if you hear the scholars of Christianity,
12:04they say when Jesus Christ peace be upon him walked on the earth,
12:07not a single word of the Bible was written.
12:10The earliest is 70 years after he died.
12:12And we know this.
12:13So whatever is there,
12:15if it matches with the Quran, we agree to be the word of God.
12:18So if I tell you, you believe Bible is the word of God,
12:21I believe Quran is the word of God,
12:22let us agree to follow what is coming.
12:25If we agree what is coming,
12:27what is different we'll discuss tomorrow, correct?
12:29But what is common in the Bible and the Quran if you follow,
12:32even you will agree to the word of God,
12:34even I will agree to the word of God, right or wrong?
12:36So this is what the Quran says.
12:37Come to common terms, at least what is common,
12:39let us agree to follow.
12:41If you believe in 10 things, I believe in 10 things.
12:43Out of these 10 things, 5 are common and 5 are different.
12:46So let us agree that let us follow those 5 things at least.
12:50So that's what the Quran is saying.
12:51Even those things which are 5 are common, you're not following.
12:55So how can you call yourself a Christian?
12:58Now I want to ask you a question.
13:01Do you believe Jesus is God?
13:04I'll tell you that Islam is the only non-Christian faith
13:09which makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus Christ,
13:12peace be upon him.
13:13No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus Christ,
13:15peace be upon him.
13:16We believe that he was one of the mightiest messengers
13:19of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, of Almighty God.
13:21We believe that he was Messiah, translated Christ.
13:24We believe that he gave life to the dead with God's permission.
13:28We believe that he healed those born blind
13:31and lepers with God's permission.
13:33The Muslims and the Christians are going together.
13:35But some may ask, where is the parting of ways?
13:37The parting of ways is that most of the Christians,
13:39including yourself, believe that Jesus Christ,
13:42peace be upon him, claimed divinity.
13:44I'm telling you, there is not a single unequivocal statement
13:49in the complete Bible where Jesus Christ,
13:52peace be upon him, himself says that I am God,
13:55always worship me.
13:56I challenge any Christian, if any Christian can point out
14:00any unequivocal statement, any unambiguous statement
14:04from anywhere in the Bible where Jesus Christ,
14:06peace be upon him, himself says that I am God
14:09or he says, worship me.
14:10I, Dr. Zakir Naik, am ready to accept Christianity now.
14:19Okay, can I read a book?
14:20I'm not speaking on behalf of my other Muslim brothers
14:24and sisters.
14:25Okay, can I read it?
14:26Okay, please let me, just let me complete.
14:31I'm not speaking on behalf of my other brothers and sisters.
14:34I'm putting my head on the guillotine.
14:36Please note my challenge before posing.
14:38Your verse, point out a single unequivocal statement.
14:44And your prophets of English and English is better than mine.
14:46Point out a single unambiguous statement from anywhere
14:50in the Bible where Jesus Christ, peace be upon him,
14:53himself says that I am God, always worship me.
14:56In fact, if you read the Bible, Jesus Christ,
14:58peace be upon him, says, it's mentioned in the Gospel of John,
15:01chapter number 14, verse number 28.
15:03Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, said,
15:04my father is greater than I.
15:05Gospel of John, chapter number 10, verse number 29.
15:08He said that my father is greater than all.
15:10Gospel of Matthew, chapter number 12, verse number 28.
15:12I cast out devil with the spirit of God.
15:14Gospel of Luke, chapter number 11, verse number 20.
15:17I with the finger of God cast out devil.
15:20Gospel of John, chapter number five, verse number 30.
15:23I can of my own self do nothing.
15:24As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just.
15:27For I seek not my will, but the will of my father.
15:29Anyone who says, I seek not my will, but the will of God,
15:32is a Muslim.
15:33Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, is a Muslim.
15:34It's clearly mentioned in the book of Acts,
15:36chapter number two, verse number 22.
15:38Ye men of Israel, listen to this.
15:40Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God from amongst you
15:43by wonders and miracles and signs,
15:45which God did by him, and you are witness to it.
15:47A man approved of God amongst you
15:50by wonders and signs and miracles,
15:52which God did by him, and you are witness to it.
15:54So there is not a single unequivocal statement
15:58in the complete Bible where Jesus Christ,
16:00peace be upon him, says that I am God,
16:02or he says, worship me.
16:03And you're most welcome to point out,
16:05and if you point out, I'll accept Christianity.
16:08And if you don't, if you don't,
16:10then you'll have to accept that Jesus is not God.
16:13Do you agree with the challenge?
16:17Thank you, brother.
16:19All right.
16:20So we believe that, Christians believe that Jesus
16:23is the son of God and God, the Trinity.
16:26Okay, okay.
16:28So, okay.
16:29So in John chapter 10, and beginning at verse,
16:33can I just hold that for a second?
16:35Yeah, I guess 30, maybe 31.
16:40Maybe 31.
16:46So, John chapter number 10, verse number 30,
16:48I am my father, I am one.
16:49That's, that's, that's a good one.
16:51But I'm, I'm really, I'm reading from John chapter,
16:53that's good.
16:55You have the Bible, I'm reading from my head.
16:57Yes, that actually, thank you very much.
17:01I'm helping you, brother.
17:02Thank you very much.
17:04I'm reading from John chapter 10, verse 34.
17:09And it says that Jesus, so first of all,
17:11well, verse 33, the Jews want to stone Jesus, right?
17:13Here's what it says in verse 33.
17:15The Jews say, okay, first, 31, Jesus says,
17:20and again, the Jews picked up stones to stone him.
17:22The Jews picked up stones to stone Jesus.
17:24Verse 31, and again, the Jews picked up stones to stone him.
17:27But Jesus said to them,
17:29I have shown you many great miracles from the father.
17:32For which of these do you stone me?
17:35The Jews said, we are not stoning you
17:38for any of these, replied the Jews.
17:40But for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.
17:45Jesus answered them, is it not written in your law?
17:49I have said, you are gods.
17:51If he called them gods to whom the word of God came,
17:54and the scripture cannot be broken,
17:56what about the one whom the father set apart
17:59as his very own and sent into the world?
18:02Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy?
18:05Because I said, I am God's son.
18:08What does it mean?
18:09Tell me.
18:09So Jesus said, I am God's son.
18:11You have quoted very well.
18:12It proves my point very well.
18:14Do not believe me unless I do what my father does.
18:19But if I do it, even though you do not believe me,
18:22believe the miracles that you may know and understand
18:26that the father is in me and I in the father.
18:30So there, Jesus says, I am the son of God.
18:33And the Jews, they understood from him
18:35that he's claiming to be God.
18:37So that's one text that shows to me
18:39that Jesus plainly claimed divinity.
18:41Point number one.
18:42This is no unequivocal statement.
18:45It's not an ambiguous statement at all.
18:47But he said, I am God's son.
18:50God's son doesn't mean God.
18:51You know, God has got sons by the tons in the Bible.
18:53Adam is son of God.
18:55David is son of God.
18:56Ephraim is son of God.
18:57According to Romans chapter number eight,
18:59all those who are led by the spirit of God are sons of God.
19:02If you follow the commandment of God, you are a son of God.
19:04If I follow the commandment of God, I'm son of God.
19:06This is idiom used.
19:08We say in Hindi, beta, son.
19:10Suppose if I tell, there is a young child.
19:12He goes, okay, son, come on top.
19:14It means son.
19:16That doesn't mean begotten son.
19:18It means son.
19:20So God has got sons by the tons.
19:23Romans chapter number eight says, verse number 14.
19:26All those that led by the spirit of God are sons of God.
19:29If you are led by the spirit of God,
19:31if you follow the commandment of God,
19:33according to the Bible, you are a son of God.
19:34If I follow the commandment of God, I'm son of God.
19:37I know very well that Jesus Christ, peace be upon him,
19:39was a messenger of God.
19:40He surely should be called the son of God.
19:43Son, in the terminology of the Bible, there are many.
19:47So do you mean David is also God?
19:49Do you mean Ephraim is also God?
19:50Do you mean you're God?
19:51Do you mean I'm God?
19:53But the Jews, they knew that, right?
19:54Son of God is not God.
19:56If I say this is my son, does it make me him?
19:59But from Jesus' teaching,
20:00the Jews understood his claiming divinity.
20:02Very good.
20:03Very good.
20:05You know, in India, when I quote the Hindu scriptures,
20:08the Hindus come and touch my feet and call me God.
20:11So the Hindus call me God.
20:12Do I become God?
20:14I am telling, oh, this is wrong.
20:15It is shirk.
20:16No, you are quoting like that, like that, Veda.
20:19You have to be avatar of God.
20:21They touch my feet and they call me God.
20:23Just because they call me God, can you say Zakir called God?
20:26Does it fulfill the statement,
20:28point out a single unequivocal statement
20:30where Zakir said he's God?
20:31Somebody else is calling me God.
20:33Similarly here,
20:34if you read the context from Gospel of John,
20:36chapter number 31 onward,
20:38they say he, Jesus Christ, asked them
20:41in verse number 31, Gospel of John,
20:43that why do you stone me?
20:45They say, we stone you not for your works
20:47because you blaspheme.
20:48Then Jesus Christ clarifying to them,
20:50he's not blaspheming.
20:52Or Jesus says, okay, I'm God, stone me.
20:54He did not.
20:55He said that for which of the good works do you stone me?
20:58Then you go to verse number 32.
20:59We don't stone you for good work because you blaspheme.
21:02Then he says, is it not sent in your scripture
21:05that if you call God,
21:07to whom the word of God has come?
21:09The word of God comes to the messenger.
21:10Word of God came to Moses.
21:12So Moses becomes God.
21:15Word of God came to Jesus.
21:16He doesn't become God.
21:17Word of God came to Muhammad, peace be upon him.
21:19He doesn't become God.
21:20So to whom the word of God has come?
21:23If you say God, you have not broken the law.
21:25Cross-reference, go to Psalms, chapter number 82.
21:30There it says that you call those who are God,
21:32verse number six.
21:33The law is not broken.
21:34So here, brother, so here Jesus is telling them,
21:37peace be upon him,
21:38that if you call a person a God,
21:40to whom the word of God has been sent,
21:42the scripture is not broken
21:44because this God is with a small g.
21:48That doesn't mean he's God.
21:51So this verse nowhere does it say,
21:53regarding your statement,
21:54that I in you and you in me, we are one.
21:58It is one in purpose.
21:59If you go back to cross-reference.
22:03It is one in purpose.
22:04Like my father is a doctor.
22:05I'm a medical doctor.
22:07I and my father are one.
22:08We are one in purpose.
22:09That doesn't mean we are one in sausage.
22:11It doesn't mean we are one as human beings.
22:13Nowhere does it say,
22:14in fact, Jesus Christ, peace be upon him,
22:16if they thought he was God,
22:17he should say, yes, I'm God, stone me.
22:19Because a God cannot be heard by stoning, correct?
22:21That's correct.
22:22So if the Jews tell him,
22:24very good, you taught me correctly.
22:26I am God.
22:27He says, no.
22:28For which of the good works do you stone me?
22:30They say, we don't stone you for good work.
22:32We stone you because you blaspheme.
22:34Then he says, I don't blaspheme.
22:36Because if to whom the word of God has come,
22:39if you call him God,
22:39that means he's trying to prove to them
22:41he's not God.
22:42He's a messenger of God.
22:43What your scripture is saying,
22:45same thing what I'm saying.
22:47All right.
22:48About, about.
22:49Second try.
22:50Second try.
22:51No problem.
22:52Second try.
22:53Would you.
22:53So first try.
22:54Prove that Jesus is the messenger of God.
22:57All right.
22:59When the Hindus.
23:02When the Hindus came and kissed your feet
23:04and said you're God.
23:05What did you say?
23:06I said it is shirk.
23:09Because you're good.
23:09Because you're a good man.
23:10You don't want to lead them astray.
23:11Jesus is better than me.
23:13Jesus is better than me.
23:14And Jesus Christ, peace be upon him,
23:16said in the gospel of Matthew,
23:17chapter number 19,
23:18verse number 16, 17.
23:20When a man comes and says to Jesus Christ,
23:21peace be upon him.
23:23If you listen.
23:24When a man comes and says to Jesus Christ,
23:26peace be upon him,
23:27good master.
23:28What good thing should I do
23:29so that I enter eternal life?
23:31Jesus Christ, peace be upon him,
23:32don't call me good.
23:33Leave aside God.
23:34Jesus Christ is better than me.
23:36A million times.
23:38Million, million times.
23:39So Jesus Christ says,
23:40peace be upon him,
23:41why thou callest me good?
23:43Leave aside God.
23:45With single O.
23:46Why thou callest me good?
23:47There's only one good,
23:48that is father in heaven.
23:49And if thou want to enter eternal life,
23:52you keep the commandments.
23:55You understand?
23:56This is what Jesus Christ said.
23:57He never said you call me God.
24:00So when you...
24:01Next slide.
24:01So when he rose from the dead, right?
24:05Rose from the dead,
24:06I mean, God died.
24:07Do you believe God can die?
24:10That's what I told you.
24:11People believe that there's no God.
24:13How can a God who can die?
24:16What is the difference between him and me then?
24:18But wait, wait, wait, wait.
24:20Wait, wait a minute.
24:21Wait a minute.
24:23Death is not the cessation of being.
24:25Death is not stopping to exist.
24:27Death is just passing from one dimension to another dimension.
24:32Death is stopping of that particular cessation.
24:34That period is finished.
24:35But when you die...
24:36That's the end of your faith in this world.
24:38That is death.
24:39So when you die,
24:40you pass from this state to another state.
24:42So yes, God, Jesus, when he died on the cross,
24:44he passed from this dimension to another dimension.
24:48God did.
24:49God can pass dimensions.
24:52God is ultimate.
24:53I told you.
24:54Say he's Allah one and only.
24:56Allah is somebody.
24:57Begets not, nor is he begotten.
24:59Jesus Christ was begotten?
25:01So he cannot be God.
25:03But God...
25:04But that word means...
25:06When we take that word begotten, sir,
25:08it means...
25:09It actually can also be translated the unique son of God.
25:13Different to...
25:14Very unique son.
25:15Very unique.
25:16But can you point out one place in the Bible
25:18which says that Jesus is begotten son?
25:21I think it's John chapter one verse.
25:23No, John chapter three, verse number 16.
25:29It's also John chapter one, right?
25:30It is not.
25:31John chapter one doesn't talk about...
25:33I challenge you.
25:34John chapter one doesn't talk about his son.
25:36John chapter one says that in the beginning was the word.
25:39The word was his God and the word was God.
25:41That's not begotten son.
25:42If you read gospel of John,
25:43chapter number three, verse number 16,
25:45for God's whole of the world,
25:47that he gave his only begotten son,
25:49whosoever believeth in him shall not die,
25:50but have everlasting life.
25:52Wait, wait, wait.
25:53Yeah, I'm not competent.
25:54This, brother, is from the King James version.
25:57For God's whole of the world,
25:59that he gave his only begotten son,
26:01whosoever believeth in him shall not die,
26:03but have everlasting life.
26:04Now, if you read the Revised Standard Version,
26:06revised by Thaidu scholars of the highest eminence,
26:09backed by 50 different corporeal denominations,
26:11they say this word begotten is interpolation,
26:14is a fabrication, is a concoction,
26:16and they're throwing it out of the Bible.
26:17Okay, okay, sir.
26:18This word begotten,
26:19which is only there once in the Bible,
26:21talking about Jesus Christ, peace be upon him,
26:23has been thrown out of the Bible
26:25as interpolation, as a fabrication,
26:28as a concoction, coming closer to the Quran.
26:30Okay, so let me go to your point
26:32where the Hindus came and kissed your feet, right?
26:35And they said, you're God.
26:36And you said, no, that's rubbish, right?
26:38That's blasphemy, not rubbish, blasphemy.
26:40Okay, so then the disciple Thomas came to Jesus, right?
26:45Oh my God.
26:46So this is John chapter 20 and it's verse,
26:50it starts with verse 24, but the, and 28 actually,
26:53but Thomas said to Jesus, my Lord and my God.
26:59And Jesus said, because you have seen me,
27:01you have believed, believed what?
27:04My Lord and my God.
27:05Jesus didn't say, Thomas, that's rubbish.
27:08Don't call me God.
27:09But Thomas says to Jesus, right?
27:11Thomas says, my Lord and my God.
27:14Then Jesus told him, because you have seen me,
27:17you have believed, blessed are those who have not seen
27:20and yet have believed.
27:21So there again, Jesus accepts divinity.
27:25Read the context, you are quoting out of context.
27:28Gospel of John chapter 20.
27:30You start from verse number 25.
27:31It says that I want to touch.
27:34I want to touch and see whether the imprint
27:36of the nails are there or not.
27:38So he said, blessed are those who believe in me
27:40without seeing, come and touch me.
27:42Then he says, oh my God, what does it mean?
27:44For example, if I say, oh my God, it is five o'clock.
27:48You'll not say, don't call me God.
27:49It's exclamation.
27:51I'm talking to God.
27:52Oh my God, it is five o'clock.
27:54So you'll not say, don't call me God.
27:57When I say, oh my God, it is five o'clock.
27:59Will you say, brother Zakir, why are you calling me God?
28:01You know, I'm not calling you God.
28:02It's exclamation.
28:03So when he touches Jesus Christ, peace be upon him,
28:06and he sees the imprint of the nails, oh my God,
28:09he's not calling Jesus God.
28:11He's calling to his God.
28:12This is exclamation.
28:14It's an English language.
28:16And you are a professor of English.
28:18If I say, oh my God, it doesn't mean I'm calling you God.
28:20But that's blasphemy.
28:21That's taking God's name in vain, right?
28:23No, not in vain.
28:24When you say it like that, oh my, gee.
28:26No, suppose if I say, oh my God, it is five o'clock.
28:28Is it blasphemy?
28:28Well, because you've just said God's name there
28:31without, kind of like a swear word.
28:33We can use God's name for good things.
28:36Oh my God, I have to go.
28:37What's the problem?
28:38It's not allowed.
28:39That's not good.
28:40Why does it say it's not good?
28:41Tell me.
28:42Well, okay, okay, okay.
28:43Which verse says?
28:44Okay, the Jews, the Jews.
28:46When they come to God's name in the Bible,
28:47they won't say it, right?
28:48They'll say Hashem, the name.
28:50Well, they won't say.
28:51They believe that is the name,
28:52Jehovah, Jehovah, Elohim.
28:54But when they come to that name,
28:56the tetragrammaton that some scholars translate Yahweh,
28:59they're very Yahweh.
28:59They're very conscious about God's name.
29:01So when Thomas said, my Lord and my God,
29:05it's not like, oh my, gee, it's late.
29:08It is.
29:09When he touches, he comes to know.
29:10Okay, but another thing, sir.
29:12When anyway, does it fulfill my requirement?
29:14What I challenge you,
29:16point out a single unequivocal statement.
29:19It is not unequivocal statement.
29:20From anywhere in the Bible,
29:22where Jesus Christ himself says, I am God.
29:24It is other people are saying he's God.
29:26That doesn't fulfill my challenge at all.
29:29And if you don't fulfill my challenge,
29:31you'll have to believe Jesus is not God.
29:32Okay, one more point then.
29:33What was Jesus' favorite term for himself
29:36when he walked the earth?
29:36What was his favorite term?
29:39He was also called a son of man.
29:41Son of man.
29:41Now, here I'm going to come to your point.
29:44The son of man in Jewish literature
29:45is a divine figure.
29:47If you go to...
29:47I'm also son of man.
29:49But look, but...
29:50Forget about Jewish scripture and divine figure.
29:52But if you go...
29:53It is, you have to point out
29:55a single unequivocal statement.
29:57I call myself a son of man.
29:59Do you mean I'm calling myself to be a God?
30:00Brother, are you son of man or not?
30:03Are you a son of man and a woman, correct?
30:05Do you mean you're a God?
30:06Oh, you're blaspheming.
30:07Allow them to stone you.
30:08Yes, but when Jesus was in front of the high priest
30:11and he said, I'm the son of man,
30:13they said, okay, he's spoken blasphemy.
30:14So they understood something very unique
30:16about the term son of man.
30:17Son of man has various different meanings.
30:20I told you unequivocal.
30:22Okay, so...
30:23You understand English?
30:24Unequivocal statement.
30:26Unambiguous statement.
30:28You are being ambiguous.
30:29Oh my God, somebody else is saying.
30:31It's unequivocal.
30:32And when Jesus Christ, peace be upon him,
30:35says that I am God.
30:36I say I'm son of man.
30:38You said you're son of man.
30:39Do you mean to say you're saying you're God?
30:40All right.
30:41In the Old Testament, okay,
30:43God calls himself the beginning and the end, right?
30:46The beginning, Isaiah, right?
30:48The Alpha and Omega in Greek, right?
30:50And Jesus Christ in Revelations,
30:51he claims that exactly.
30:53He says in Revelations 1 verse 8,
30:54I am the Alpha and the Omega,
30:57says the Lord God, who was and is.
30:59No way.
31:00So that's in the book of Revelation.
31:03Alpha and Omega means he's the beginning and he's the end.
31:05He had a beginning in the stable.
31:07If he's the beginning, he was born in a stable.
31:10He's not the beginning of the world.
31:12It means in the law at the time of Moses.
31:16For the law at that time,
31:17what Moses taught was Alpha and Omega.
31:20At the time of Jesus, peace be upon him.
31:22In the law, he was Alpha and Omega.
31:24At the time of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
31:26Prophet Muhammad is Alpha and Omega
31:28as far as the law is concerned
31:29because they are the messengers of God.
31:31That does not mean that he's the beginning and the end.
31:34He was born in a stable.
31:35How can he be the beginning?
31:37Anyone who knows a little bit knowledge about the Bible
31:40will agree that he was not the beginning.
31:42There were many people before him.
31:43He was not the beginning.
31:44But in terms of law,
31:46because he was a messenger of God,
31:48whatever he taught in terms of law of Christianity
31:51was Alpha and Omega, I agree.
31:53At the time of Moses, he was Alpha and Omega.
31:56At the time of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
31:58he's Alpha and Omega.
31:59It's a statement saying that he is the final authority.
32:02All right, all right, sir.
32:04Would you believe that a prophet's words
32:05and his actions, they're both...
32:07If a prophet's got bad actions, like immoral actions,
32:09then that's not a good sign, right?
32:11A prophet's actions, his teaching, his life
32:14must back up his words, right?
32:17So when Jesus, when Matthew,
32:19when Thomas came and said to Jesus,
32:22my Lord and my God,
32:23if Jesus wasn't God
32:25and he wanted not the people to go into error,
32:27because Jesus would know,
32:29people are going to hear Matthew said,
32:30my Lord and my God.
32:32Then Jesus would have said,
32:33Thomas, don't call me my God.
32:35What are you doing?
32:36Because Jesus would have known,
32:37simple people will see that
32:39and they'll realize, oh,
32:41Jesus didn't rebuke him for calling him my God,
32:43my Lord and my God.
32:44Jesus is a good prophet.
32:45If he wasn't God, he would have said,
32:46Thomas, don't say that.
32:48I'm not God.
32:48What are you talking rubbish like this?
32:49You already said that earlier.
32:51When the man said, good master,
32:52why call me good?
32:53Because there's a special context for that.
32:55I'll tell you.
32:56Now, good, my God,
32:58he understood like you and me.
32:59When I tell you, oh my God,
33:01you will not say, why are you calling me God?
33:02You told that.
33:03So do you think that
33:04Jesus is less intelligent than you?
33:06Jesus is more intelligent than you
33:07and peace be upon him.
33:08So when you will not object to me,
33:10why should he object?
33:11He understood very clearly.
33:12You are misunderstanding him.
33:14When the person said, good master,
33:16you objected, why thou callest me good?
33:18And the prophet cannot contradict you yourself,
33:21said, that is very clear
33:22in the Gospel of Matthew,
33:24chapter number 19,
33:24verse number 16, 17.
33:26Why thou callest me good?
33:27There's only one good,
33:28that is the father in heaven.
33:29It's very clear.
33:30But when Thomas says, oh my God,
33:32it's an exclamation
33:33that he's praying to God,
33:34not to Jesus.
33:36When anyone can understand.
33:37So if that was the case,
33:39why did you object to that man,
33:40good master?
33:41Yes, I am God.
33:43Do you mean to say
33:44Jesus is contradicting to one man?
33:46He says, God, one man doesn't say.
33:48Oh, your prophet is my prophet.
33:50I love Jesus.
33:51If you speak wrong about Jesus,
33:52peace be upon him,
33:53I'll get angry.
33:54I don't believe Jesus,
33:55peace be upon him,
33:56is telling one person he's God
33:57and one is not God.
33:58You're trying to defame Jesus,
33:59peace be upon him.
34:00I get angry with that.
34:03Because I love Jesus,
34:03peace be upon him.
34:04I follow Jesus more than you.
34:06Do you know that?
34:08If Christian means a person
34:10who follows the teachings
34:11of Jesus, peace be upon him,
34:13we Muslims are more Christian
34:15than the Christians themselves.
34:15Brother, do you have alcohol?
34:16Do I drink alcohol?
34:18A little bit, yes.
34:18A little bit.
34:19You know, it's mentioned in the Bible,
34:20in the book of Ephesians,
34:21chapter number five,
34:22verse number 18,
34:23do not be drunk with wine.
34:24It's mentioned in Proverbs,
34:25chapter number 20,
34:26verse number one,
34:27that wine is a mocker.
34:28And Jesus, peace be upon him,
34:29said in the gospel of Matthew,
34:31chapter number five,
34:32verse number seven to 18,
34:33if you break one law
34:34or title of the law,
34:35you shall not enter paradise.
34:39You are, I don't have alcohol.
34:42I'm following more Jesus than you.
34:44But do you have coke?
34:46A little bit.
34:47A lot of coke.
34:48It's mentioned in the book
34:50of Leviticus,
34:51chapter number 11,
34:51verse number seven and eight.
34:53In the book of Deuteronomy,
34:54chapter number 14,
34:55verse number eight.
34:55In the book of Isaiah,
34:56chapter number 65,
34:57verse number two to five,
34:58you don't have coke.
34:59I don't have coke, you have coke.
35:01So if Christian means
35:03a person who follows
35:04the teachings of Jesus,
35:05cast peace be upon him,
35:06we Muslim.
35:07The more Christian,
35:07the Christian themselves.
35:09But are you circumcised?
35:11Jesus cast peace be upon him,
35:13the gospel of Luke,
35:14circumcised on that day.
35:15So you're saying no, no,
35:16and I'm following more Jesus than you.
35:19So if Christian means
35:20a person who follows
35:21the teachings of Jesus,
35:22cast peace be upon him,
35:24we Muslim, the more Christian
35:25and the Christian themselves.
35:26But Jesus cast peace be upon,
35:27also said in the gospel of John,
35:29Chapter number 16 verse number 12 to 14. I have many things to send to you
35:33But he cannot bear them now for he when the spirit of truth shall come. He shall guide you unto all truth
35:37He shall not speak of himself. All that here shall he speak. He shall glorify me here
35:42Jesus Christ peace be upon him is talking about Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Do you believe Prophet Muhammad is a messenger of God?
35:48No, sir. I don't I believe
35:50So I'm more following the teachings of Jesus Christ peace be upon him than you
35:55Because I love Jesus Christ peace be upon him
35:58You don't love him you want to go against him
36:01He's telling you even if you break one jot or tittle you shall not enter paradise. Do you want to go to paradise?
36:07Yes, I do. So why are you breaking the law of Jesus Christ?
36:10So that's I'm telling you forget what is different in Quran and the Bible
36:14At least let us follow what is coming. The Bible says don't have coke Quran says don't have
36:19Bible says not to have alcohol Quran says not to have alcohol
36:22Bible says you get circumcised our Hadith says circumcision
36:25So let us at least agree what is coming you're talking about scripture you're talking about Bible
36:30So why don't you follow you point out one verse in the Quran, which I don't follow and I will start following one verse
36:36one verse you take out chapter number so-and-so verse number so-and-so I
36:43Believe I follow the Quran there may be I have I may be doing something wrong you point out one verse
36:48Dr. Zakir Quran says in chapter number so-and-so verse number so-and-so if you're doing it stop, I will stop it
36:55You're not doing it good. I will do it because I believe Quran is the word of God. I
37:00Implement on it
37:01You are not following so much of the Bible
37:04You don't believe in Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. You don't believe that there is one God you want to have coke
37:09You want to have alcohol that means your love for Jesus is not so much that you can give up alcoholism
37:15You don't love Jesus so much. Please be aware that you cannot give up coke
37:18What kind of love you point out anything what my beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam said?
37:24I hear
37:29Well, I see I do believe in one God just one God it's only existing in three people
37:36In three separate persons opportunity. Yes. Let me let me read this
37:41Yes, that's right
37:46That's right
37:49That's true
37:53Yes, I know it's it says in the Quran do not say the word trinity
37:59Chapter 4 was 171. Well, I took a loose Alasa don't say Trinity in the local this has copied better for you
38:08So the world unity doesn't exist in the Bible
38:11But let you see let me let me read this to you said about I mean
38:15This is the Old Testament, right? And this is well, this is where Christians get Trinity from and other places, but here's one
38:20It's Isaiah chapter 9 and it's verse 6 will give you chance. Okay first, you know
38:27We are yes
38:29Right. You have not yet proven a single unequivocal statement from the complete Bible where Jesus can't be upon him
38:36He says say that he's God or I say worship me. I read to accept that Jesus is not God but messenger of God
38:43Could I read one verse to you one verse this one after that was will you accept that Jesus is not God? No
38:51You don't want to follow him
38:53What kind of a Christian are you but but look let this no, no, I want to know you say Jesus is God
38:59Yes, I'm saying he's not God right yet. You don't the foolish teaching. I want to follow his teaching, right?
39:14Let's be honest who's following Jesus
39:17Be upon him
39:18Well, I believe he's God. I believe he taught he was God. Okay, so when he didn't say he's God
39:23He said don't call me good and yet to believe in God. So someone believe I'm God doesn't mean that he loves me
39:29But so betraying me that Hindus calling me God, but so Jesus said there's no one good but God, right?
39:35But father in heaven, right? Right. So was Abraham good
39:41As this context there is only one good according to Jesus Christ, please be upon him, right?
39:46So this master ultimate good is only God, right?
39:50So that there's a big context to that verse that it's it's a lot there's a lot there
39:54But this person I'm asking you the question whether you believe him to be God a messenger. Why don't you follow him?
39:59Well, I believe he's the Prophet and God but why don't you follow him? Well, I'm trying to I'm trying to I'm trying to follow
40:23Maybe you are that could be true. Yes, so then I go to Jannah you will not go and I love you
40:30Well, sir, let me ask you a question, um, how do you know how do you know you'll go to heaven
40:36How do you know because if I follow the scriptures if I follow the word of God
40:42If you die today, sir, God forbid, but if you die today, will you go to heaven? Right?
40:47You don't know
40:49You don't know. I know if I die today. I know I'll go to heaven
40:53I know I know I'll go why why because I
40:56Know I'll go to heaven because all my sin was taken by Jesus on the cross so I can say to God God your son
41:03Took all my punishment and I can have a son
41:07You're belittling God by saying God has a son, but my God doesn't have a son. He doesn't get my God is superior
41:15He doesn't require son and your God and my God is the same
41:19You're belittling God and why should God kill his son for you and me because because he loves you
41:25He loves you imagine there's a owner of a company and he tells the employee
41:30Okay, now I'm killing my son for all the employees you believe I killed my son for you and you go to heaven foolish
41:37Have you seen any owner saying that what is that foolish? Are you making God a fool?
41:43No, but foolish foolish that he is slaughtering his son and telling you believe that my son died
41:50Why should God slaughter his son? First of all, God doesn't have a son
41:54And why should he slaughter his son Quran says in Surah Nisa chapter 4 verse 40
41:58God is never unjust in the least degree such an unjust God. He's slaughtering his innocent son
42:05Well, sir, do you believe God is angry with sin God? I am telling you. God is not unjust don't go to second
42:11I'm angry angry first. You don't keep on jumping to second and third question brother. We'll keep on running for the full night
42:17What's the you you have not yet proved that Jesus is God and you told me if you cannot prove you will believe
42:22Can I read the first Old Testament then this this will prove Jesus is God if I can read this one verse
42:47This is
42:49One verse one verse just one verse and if it doesn't prove Jesus God, then I won't be I won't believe he's God. Okay, okay
42:55So it's Isaiah chapter 6 the chapter 9 as I chapter 9 in this verse 6, right? It says this
43:03Okay, this is Isaiah the Prophet
43:06But it's a prophet Isaiah. He says for to us a child is born
43:11To us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders and he will be called
43:18wonderful counselor
43:20mighty God
43:22Everlasting Father Prince of Peace this child. This son will be called mighty God as I is saying
43:28Where does it say that is Jesus? Where does it say?
43:32the son that was born I told you an
43:35Unequivocal statement from the complete Bible where Jesus Christ himself says no, that is not Jesus in the world
43:43I die. I know Jesus in the world. You don't even know your Bible
43:46Well, either I cannot be the words of Jesus Christ. Please be upon him. He's a prophet though
43:50But is it the word of Jesus? It's a word of God and
43:55As I say in a song will be born with the whole Bible Jesus Christ
43:59Please be upon him hardly spoke a few pages. There's something like that little Bible. Do you know that?
44:04Yes, red letter Bible the red letter if you put it won't even hardly one or two pages of the newspaper, correct? I
44:11Wanted to quote from there because that is the word of Jesus didn't I tell you I believe in in Jesus
44:17I don't believe in in Jesus. I
44:20believe in in Jesus
44:24But now we have again failed sorry, sorry, I'm sorry
44:31Pray to God
44:33To give you guidance and remove the blind faith that you have
44:37I pray to God the same for you. Yes, pray to God the real God not Jesus in Jesus name
44:43Not Jesus Jesus is a mean he never said he's God. So you're praying to the false. God don't pray to false
44:49God for me pray to the true God
44:55You are not living a poor cannot living alcohol you're not being circumcised and Jesus said he's not God yet to believe in God
45:02So many things are going against the order. They don't pray to God if you go again, what will God listen to you?
45:09So therefore at least how God will listen to me and I pray that he gives you guidance
45:14So that you believe in the true God and you come to the true part brother
45:17I thought that you are a professor of English and you'd keep your word. I'm sorry
45:22You could not prove Jesus is God and you could not keep your word also
45:26But I pray that my luck gives you courage
45:28May Almighty God give you courage to accept the truth
45:31Yes, welcome friends. I hope you have seen the full video and you must have liked it
45:38Mashallah, Dr. Zakir Naik's videos when you watch then you will have an idea that Islam
45:44To invite Islam and spread Islam
45:48In foreign countries or in foreign countries
45:52How much knowledge is required for it and how much effort is necessary for it
45:58So Mashallah, Dr. Zakir Naik sometimes in India
46:02Sometimes in foreign countries and sometimes in the whole world
46:05Now he has reached France. This video that you are watching is from France
46:09And I think there are different kinds of people there who are answering questions and answers
46:17The video is very long
46:19And if you look at the video, then a long topic has been raised between Dr. Zakir Naik and this man
46:26And the subject of this topic is the angel who brings the revelation
46:32Actually, the thing is that if you have a lack of knowledge here and you have a lack of knowledge
46:39Then you will raise such questions and I am talking about this man
46:44Because he is not familiar with Islam, he has heard a little about Islam
46:49And according to his religion, he has heard some wrong statements
46:53For this reason, he wants to ask some reverse questions to Dr. Zakir Naik
46:59Brothers and friends, the real thing is that Allah has created humans
47:06And for the guidance of humans, Allah sent prophets and messengers from time to time
47:12Now Allah does not talk directly to his prophet
47:16That's why Allah talks to his chosen one through his prophet
47:23For example, if Allah sends a prophet, then his own angel who is Hazrat Jibrail
47:30Allah has created millions of angels who are in charge of different things in the world
47:39If you look, then Allah has appointed angels for the protection of humans
47:45Allah has appointed angels for the protection of this body
47:53Angels are also appointed on the rivers
47:56Angels are also appointed for the protection of your body
47:59When the sun rises, the sun sets, the stars and the moon
48:03Allah is running the system of the whole world through the angels
48:09We cannot see the angels, so you must have heard very little
48:14But the reality is that the whole world's affairs, mountains, clouds and rain
48:22All these arrangements are done by angels
48:25Now among the angels, four angels are the greatest and the most famous
48:29Hazrat Jibrail, Hazrat Israel, Mikail and Israfil
48:36The greatest angel and the most respected angel among the angels is Hazrat Jibrail
48:43What is the work of Hazrat Jibrail?
48:46The work of Hazrat Jibrail was to bring Allah's message to his prophet
48:52Now that the messengers have stopped, the work of Hazrat Jibrail has also been completed
48:59From Adam to Muhammad, more than 124,000 prophets came
49:10It was the responsibility of Hazrat Jibrail to bring the revelation of Allah to all these prophets
49:19Hazrat Jibrail is the only angel of Allah who does not disobey the command of Allah
49:31The human being has a soul, so he does not disobey or thank Allah
49:37But the angel does not have a soul, so he does not disobey Allah even for a second
49:45Allah has revealed verses in the Qur'an about Hazrat Jibrail's honesty and trustworthiness
49:54Allah says in the Qur'an
50:04Allah has revealed the truthfulness of Hazrat Jibrail in three verses
50:08That Hazrat Jibrail is not an ordinary angel, but he has been sent by Allah
50:14So the angel who brings the revelation and contradicts it is not a good angel
50:25He is a bad angel and he is sent by Satan
50:27This is the psychology of the Jews and their own teaching
50:35We Muslims believe that the angels were created by Allah
50:41And through the angels, Allah is spreading the good news of the world
50:45So if the Qur'an contradicts the previous books, then it is not a good angel
50:55The Qur'an is the only book in the world that gives you the teachings of the previous books
51:02All the commandments in the Qur'an, whether it is prayer, fasting or anything else, are in the Qur'an
51:12All these commandments were revealed in the previous books
51:25All these commandments were given in the previous books
51:29But the difference is that Allah has taken the responsibility of the Qur'an and its protection
51:35Therefore, there will be no shortage of its protection until the Day of Judgment
51:40If you take the second book, the Torah, Zaboor and Injil
51:45They were also revealed by Allah
51:47But at that time people changed them
51:53That's why you see this contradiction
51:57If you read all the books in the Qur'an, you will find that the Qur'an is based on the teachings of Allah and his angels
52:10All these teachings were given to all the people
52:14So it is wrong to say that bad angels are good and bad angels are not good
52:20All the angels are good because they are the creation of Allah
52:24And they do what Allah commands
52:29Angels run the affairs of the world
52:31Angels will also help in the affairs of the hereafter
52:34Angels in heaven and angels in hell
52:37So this is the reason
52:39I hope you liked the video
52:41If you like the video, please subscribe to the channel
52:43Thank you very much
